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Musharraf a traitor in the words of Hamid Gul RA

During Musharaf The proxy game was a start. Openly supporting American leadership while keeping the Taliban leaders secure. In this war, there was only one rule: If you get caught in American eyes, you are dead. There was no help to america but america twist the arms and bowed to their will.
In spite of everything we said to Musharaf, his policy saved the Pakistan and Taliban leaders.
It is only their policymaking that is beyond our comprehension at the time but as time progresses we only say he saved Pakistan again. This type of quality we don't see in our politicians and civil servants. Look this video on YouTube and comment from one person who responded on this video.

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I always thought Musharraf was a traitor and coward, especially after that video of him begging before American lawmakers to 'support' him back to power. Here it is from the mouth of Hamid Gul himself, born in Pakistan, reitred and lived in Pakistan, died in Pakistan, love of the patriots, rehmatullah alai:

For those who have Imaan in their hearts will see who was the traitor and who was loyal to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. May Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah grant General Hameed Gul, Jannah and may Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah save General Hameed Gul from Azaab-e-Qabr. The man was a stalwart, an icon in modern Muslim history. The apologists can rant all they want, I know now that General Hameed Gul was one fighting for Islam, not himself, not his family, not his creed, not his biraderee.

May Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah grant Pakistan more Muslims like General Hameed Gul and General Muzaffar Hussain Usmani, particularly within the Pakistani population, not just the military.
Bhaia phr USA abhi ja kr North Korea par hamla kyu ni karta? Itni hawa kyu tight hoei jesei hi NK threatened them with nukes.
Why USA does not attack Cuba for instance?

Watch this video:

Listen to what he said:

"The United States has great strength and patience. But if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, WE will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea."

This warning was issued to DPRK in 2017 after it tested a hydrogen bomb and an ICBM. China, South Korea and Singapore brought both USA and DPRK to the negotiation table afterwards.

Every war can be fought in a different manner - USA have no shortage of weapons, options and choices in this respect. People looking at Afghanistan have no idea.

USA did not attack Venezuela and Haiti either. Haiti requested American intervention but was refused not long ago. There is no incentive for USA to attack every country upon selective disagreements.

The Global Order of United Nations (UN) have its norms and rules which are to be respected.
DNA habits of Pakistanis trying to twist words and things sadly never dies. You twisting the words of Gul, He never said Musharraf was a traitor.
Hamid Gul's words: "... Musharaf was a bloody American serviet (servant) ..." you can petition the mod @The Eagle @LeGenD if you think I have misrepresented.
Hamid Gul's words: "... Musharaf was a bloody American serviet (servant) ..." you can petition the mod @The Eagle @LeGenD if you think I have misrepresented.
Yes, these are his words. Gen. Hamid Gul spoke some more about him in the same interview. It looks like Gen. Hamid Gul was most displeased with him.
I do not know why we delve into the past.

Those who forget history ... ... :D
After the 2008 financial crisis in the UNITED states, there were 100s of 1000s financial gurus that saw the crisis coming even though most lost their shirts, Musharaf had to make a decision within hours to a superpower backed by the United Nations as opposed to the keyboard Generals that are judging his decisions from the comfort of their homes 20 years after with nothing to lose.

What If he had said no to the world, what would have been the consequences, Sanctions Militarily and economically, which would have brought misery to 220 million-plus Pakistanis in heartbeat, but the Keyboard generals living in the west themselves would have been spared all that, therefore, it's ok to say no...

The Hamid Gul who didn't care what was happening to Pakistan under his watch and allowed religious terrorists to roam free in Pakistan is "Rahmatullah" And Musharaf is a bad guy because he took action against the red mosque terrorist. yeah, it all makes sense where these keyboard warriors are coming from.
Looks like all the momineens are out to get Hamid after his death.
Looks like all the momineens are out to get Hamid after his death.
Sir I think the religous crowd is firmly behind Gul and anti Mush
Sir I think the religous crowd is firmly behind Gul and anti Mush

All that glitter is not gold.
Those who forget history ... ... :D
Oh Shush you naughty boy!!!:D You know what I mean. On a serious or not so serious note:
Those who forget history______ live a blissful life
-------------------------------------------- Do Geography instead.
------------------------------------------- Make US presidents.
Pakistan was already under economic and military sanctions. What was anyone going to do? He was a coward, afraid to act if he couldn't see any personal glory. What national benefit was there to his Kargil foolishness? The man started a war without informing the govt or even the Airforce. Where did the threat of sanctions go then? Where the was the planned out end game there?
ok, So you want to destruction of Pakistan and want to Kill million of Pakistanis, what he want to be have personal glory
Bhaia phr USA abhi ja kr North Korea par hamla kyu ni karta? Itni hawa kyu tight hoei jesei hi NK threatened them with nukes.
Because of NK backed by Russia/China, understand or not ???
Sir I think the religous crowd is firmly behind Gul and anti Mush
And all the Islam hating desi tharki degenerates are backing Mushi the coward and anti-Hamid Gul, despite the latter being one of the architects of defeating a superpower and correctly reading the US war of terror right down to the T.
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