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Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

As far for those wondering whether Army was involved in the Proliferation network or not.....this is how mushy accounted himself on this topic:

The COAS was unable to give a satisfactory answer to Kroft’s probing question as to how 18 tonnes of nuclear material could have been smuggled out of the country without the Army’s knowledge.

The president accused nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan: “He gave them centrifuge designs. He gave them centrifuge parts. And he gave them centrifuges.” Kroft then confronted General Musharraf: “By your own account in the book, Dr AQ Khan shipped two dozen centrifuges to North Korea and 18 tonnes of material and centrifuges to Libya and Iran. How was all of this material moved without someone in the government or the Army finding out about it?”

General Musharraf tried to make the task seem easy: “First of all, bringing these centrifuges or their parts, these are not huge elements. They can be put into your car and moved.” Kroft asked: “You think he moved 18 tonnes of material in his car?” He said the material was moved over a long period of time.

For the people of Pakistan, Kroft made a startling disclosure when he said, “But we’ve been to your nuclear facilities enough to know that they’re very heavily guarded and the military is all around them”. An American television crew inside Pakistan’s “nuclear facilities”!

Dr IH Usmani the then chairman of Pakistani Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) and the founder of Pakistan’s nuclear establishment, was never allowed inside Kahuta. Top physicists working under Dr AQ Khan were not allowed inside Kahuta. Israel has not allowed Jewish US senators inside its “nuclear facilities”. But the CBS crew went inside Pakistan’s “nuclear facilities” simply to promote a book!


note mushy opening nuclear installations to promote his book! any denial from the Pak Government as yet.
What else can be expected from the TRAITER who has sold pakistan for his personal gains..... Time to get rid of this filth.
Mushy is proving to be a snake with a forked tongue......here are extracts of his speech in honor of Dr Qadeer;

“Now, when we are here to shower the encomium upon the father of the Pakistan nuclear programme, the most reverend and the senior most of our scientists, I have become reminiscent of that important day of May 1974 on which India did its first atomic explosion and put South Asian security at stake and pushed Pakistan into a quagmire. It was a fatal blow to our injured pride after the cessation of our eastern wing and the nation felt itself caught in the vortex of insecurity and imbalance of power. A token reaction, no doubt, came from international community and after that a complete hush.
Pakistan was left alone to face Indian threats and black mailing while having no recourse to such weaponry. We did not loose heart and were looking towards skies for heavenly help. Nor we floundered for a while. God listened to our humble prays and send to us a man of an extra ordinary calibre who retrieved a nation, who had become so enamoured with false promises, from a dismal state of affairs and gifted the nation with atomic power that gave a new lease of life to a withered nation.
Ladies and gentlemen! Dr Abdul Qadeer’s indelible achievements will ever be remembered in the history of Pakistan.

He established the Kahota Research Laboratories which later on was named Khan Research Laboratories with his indefatigable spirit, in midst of the most difficult and untoward situation when international sanctions and operations were the order of the day. The nation become indebted to him forever as he and his companions had enriched the uranium to the level of an atomic fissure that scored an equaliser with India. This is the story of a unique achievement as the nation had been successful in reaching is goal.

No nation before it had ever been indebted to such an individual achievement.
Dear Dr Sahib! Let me bring the historical fact on record, whatever you had gifted to this country would hold the nation always indebted to you and all generations to come will also be grateful you as you have become an acclaimed hero of the present as well as the future generations of this country. No one can snatch this honour and greatness from you as your heroic work has raised our heads with pride. We salute you from unfathomable depths of our hearts.

It was a story of sacrifice, manifestation of passion to live and die for country, scientific research and capabilities, and above all a sense of patriotism. These scientists are genuine freedom fighters as they have liberated Pakistan from fear of national insecurity, brought the country on equal footing with other atomic powers of the world and won honour and dignity for the Muslim Ummah.
You are a true representative of the people of Pakistan and you have proved with your determination that you can shake even the mountains from their place and it was the result of the power of faith”.

The only answer is that AQ Khan walked out with it. There are security measures but not against the man incharge of it all.
The only answer is that AQ Khan walked out with it. There are security measures but not against the man incharge of it all.
Asim, how do you really expect a man(one single man) to transfer 18 odd tonnes of nuclear centrefuges to countries thousands of miles away.

For god's sake it has been well documented that the centrefuges were sent to North Korea on PAF's C-130 crafts. And this happened after 9/11.

Nobody with half a brain would believe A.Q. did it alone theory.
For whom's pleasure has Mushy abused Dr A Khan for.....that is the underlying question for all pakistanis.

A true Giant of our history and age.....has been abused...i wish i had never lived to seen this day.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
What else can be expected from the TRAITER who has sold pakistan for his personal gains..... Time to get rid of this filth.

This same traitor quit his western job (big pay!) and came to Pakistan to give muslim's a nuclear bomb, Right now you would have been living under US occupation... If it wasnt for the bomb.
For god's sake it has been well documented that the centrefuges were sent to North Korea on PAF's C-130 crafts. And this happened after 9/11.

He hijacked the plane and flew it to North korea, The army knew nothing about it!!!

He hijacked the plane and flew it to North korea, The army knew nothing about it!!!


ofcourse bro, not only that he somehow managed to smuggle into the country the whole Ghauri missile technology ( out of personal greed ) and which was pride of the nation till Samar bhai fixed his jinks in the Shaheen technology from china.

Even in Kargil only thing that worked to detail was Anza......which brought down two indian aircraft......which was developed under the guidance of Dr A Q Khan at KRL.
In Book, Musharraf Expands on North Korean Nuclear Link

WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 — President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan wrote in a memoir published Monday that he now believes that the equipment sent to North Korea several years ago by Pakistan’s nuclear chief included some of Pakistan’s most technologically advanced nuclear centrifuges.

The assertion deepened the mystery about how much progress North Korea has made in what is often called its second, and very secret, nuclear program.

Mr. Musharraf has been promoting the new book, “In the Line of Fire” (Free Press), everywhere from the East Room of the White House to appearances on the morning talk shows.

In it, he says for the first time that his suspicions about the activities of Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani nuclear engineer who build an illicit nuclear network that also supplied Iran and Libya, dated from 1999.

“I received a report suggesting that some North Korean nuclear experts, under the guise of missile engineers, had arrived” at Pakistan’s nuclear laboratories “and were being given secret briefings,” the book says.

The timing is significant, because it was not until more than three years later, in 2002, that the United States gathered solid evidence that North Korea was trying to enrich uranium, a step toward producing nuclear fuel for weapons that requires centrifuge technology. But Mr. Musharraf, who took over as president in 1999 in a coup, apparently never shared his suspicions with the United States.

“It’s a significant admission,” one senior American intelligence official said, “since the Pakistanis spent years denying that there was any evidence of dealings with North Korea and telling us, ‘No problem here.’ ’’ The official would not agree to let his name be used and said he had not had time to read the book closely.

North Korea has openly boasted of producing plutonium, a different approach to getting fuel for nuclear weapons, at its main nuclear facility at Yongbyon since it forced international inspectors to leave the country three and a half years ago.

But through much of the 1990’s, the plutonium program was frozen under an agreement reached with the Clinton administration. Mr. Musharraf’s account — which seems to be based on his own recollections and on Pakistani interrogations of Dr. Khan, who is under house arrest and undergoing treatment for cancer — supports other intelligence reports that North Korea began searching in the 1990’s for an alternative way to a bomb.

It settled on the same approach Iran is using: enriching uranium, with prototypes and designs provided by Dr. Khan and his network for tens of millions of dollars. Iran says its enrichment is solely for peaceful purposes.

But American intelligence officials say it is still unclear where in North Korea this uranium enrichment may be under way, or how much progress may have been made.

Indeed, American assessments of North Korea’s nuclear programs have been largely guesswork. In late 2002, the Central Intelligence Agency estimated that North Korea could produced a uranium-based atomic weapon by 2004 or 2005. But the widespread assumption now among North Korea experts is that the country is still some time away from that achievement.

A year ago, Christopher R. Hill, the assistant secretary of state for Asian affairs, said that “where there is not a consensus, is how far they have gone with this.”

Part of the mystery surrounds what kind of technology North Korea received. At first it was assumed that it bought Pakistan’s cast-offs, like a first-generation centrifuge, the P-1, identical to the kind that Iran is now trying to get running at its main nuclear fuel plant. But Mr. Musharraf’s account suggests that North Korea might have leapt ahead to the next generation, the P-2, which can enrich more uranium, and faster.

The Bush administration has said it had no hard evidence of any enrichment effort until 2002, when its negotiators confronted North Korea with evidence they had been cheating on a nuclear-freeze agreement reached with the Clinton administration. The North Koreans seemed to confirm the existence of a secret program to enrich uranium at that time, but since then have said they were misunderstood and have denied any such effort.

Mr. Musharraf’s account is important because it suggests that North Korea and Iran are working with the same advanced equipment, at secret locations.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran boasted earlier this year that his engineers are also working on the P-2, in what he termed a “research program.” But inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations nuclear monitoring agency, have never been shown the advanced machines in either country.

Mr. Musharraf denies in the book that any senior Pakistani officials, himself included, knew about Dr. Khan’s illicit activities. He never explains how Dr. Khan was able to fly his goods to North Korea and Iran on Pakistani military aircraft. He describes the engineer as “such a self-centered and abrasive man that he could not be a team player.”

“He had a huge ego,” Mr. Musharraf writes, adding that, “he had managed to build himself up into Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer rolled into one.”
Musharraf and his bedfellows have not only betrayed Pakistan, but also friendly Afghanistan, bartering Pakistan’s own security for an unstable and unfriendly regime in Kabul. Today, Musharraf’s mercenaries, in obedience to his white master in Washington, are not only alienating history’s bravest people in a strategic area that is essential to Pakistan’s very existence, but are also hunting and gunning down stateless Arab and Muslim refugees from the Afghan jihad days, men the US once supported and armed. What a contortion of Pakistan’s raison d’etre! What a shame on Musharraf and his gang!
Asim how much ever you try to justify the shoddy treatment given to A Q Khan, you are always short on reason and justice. Siding with Musharraf with no reason and all the reasons to contrary is what you are doing. I still repeat my words 'The treatment that A Q Khan got is nothing but Ehsan-Framoshi from Musharraf'. It is like 'See you made Pakistan a potent enemy for USA, now face the music'! This is really very very bad on the part of Musharraf. He is proving to be a snake with forked tongue, as one group member suggested in this thread.
Asim how much ever you try to justify the shoddy treatment given to A Q Khan, you are always short on reason and justice. Siding with Musharraf with no reason and all the reasons to contrary is what you are doing. I still repeat my words 'The treatment that A Q Khan got is nothing but Ehsan-Framoshi from Musharraf'. It is like 'See you made Pakistan a potent enemy for USA, now face the music'! This is really very very bad on the part of Musharraf. He is proving to be a snake with forked tongue, as one group member suggested in this thread.
Aren't you from India? Why should you bother how A.Q. Khan is treated or not treated. And we in this side of the border already knew what Musharraf was like all throughout.
Asim, how do you really expect a man(one single man) to transfer 18 odd tonnes of nuclear centrefuges to countries thousands of miles away.

For god's sake it has been well documented that the centrefuges were sent to North Korea on PAF's C-130 crafts. And this happened after 9/11.

Nobody with half a brain would believe A.Q. did it alone theory.
One man, from whom the entire facility takes orders from. No one is saying he carried them on his shoulders.
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