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Dr Abdul Qadir Khan, merges his party with PTI.

what benifit PTI shall gain be merging with a dissolved party?
Kis baat ka kaptaan yaar - he is doing same kind of politics which other metric pass politicians do.
sometimes you have to get you hands dirty for the greater good

Actually no.

namak haraam AQ Khan the hog of advertisement has ZERO political clout

Dunno Why PTI keeps on sucking up to the term TTP.

PTI had a chance to become a great national level party

if Only IK and his team had some aql in their heads

Supporting dimwit bad characters and thieves is never a good move.
that's your opinion, some people may not agree to it, but he is also the reason why our enemies have to think twice before making any move
but he is also the reason why our enemies have to think twice before making any move

If you think he got the bumb made all by himself.

In his right mind he can't even claim that he had done even 10% of the work

you then know nothing about the program.

and just relying on Akhbari stuff
Actually no.

namak haraam AQ Khan the hog of advertisement has ZERO political clout

Dunno Why PTI keeps on sucking up to the term TTP.

PTI had a chance to become a great national level party

if Only IK and his team had some aql in their heads

Supporting dimwit bad characters and thieves is never a good move.

PTI is not sucking up to the term TTP. Actually PTI invited AQ Khan into party even when he didn't form his own party (his TTP). Even PMLN tried their arse off to bring AQ Khan into their party at that time. So you are the one who needs to suck up to it
Kis baat ka kaptaan yaar - he is doing same kind of politics which other metric pass politicians do.

Why so serious Love Paa G? C'mon, you gotta do popular politics sometimes, there are times when you got to switch modes. This is Pakistan where still more than half of the population is under metric, what IK gained by doing different politics before elections? They call us burger or facebook party for some reason, no?
@Pakistani Exile

Are you really that stupid, or need better specs?

TTP is Dr Abdul Qadir Khan's party...

Aero, just think for a moment..please think deeply..

This retard "actually" thought that TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban, Pakistan) has announced to merge itself with PTI!!!

Holy cow...how utterly stupid one can be?! :woot:
Why so serious Love Paa G? C'mon, you gotta do popular politics sometimes, there are times when you got to switch modes. This is Pakistan where still more than half of the population is under metric, what IK gained by doing different politics before elections? They call us burger or facebook party for some reason, no?

Well, my exception from PTI was to end this traditional popular politics, that's why first time i forced my family members to go for vote and vote for PTI. I criticize IK more because i expected him to be different than NS & Zardari, In current situation when country's survival is at stake, i expect him to play positive role to get out of crises rather than "Na khaidaan gay na kahidan dian gay"
Well, my exception from PTI was to end this traditional popular politics, that's why first time i forced my family members to go for vote and vote for PTI. I criticize IK more because i expected him to be different than NS & Zardari, In current situation when country's survival is at stake, i expect him to play positive role to get out of crises rather than "Na khaidaan gay na kahidan dian gay"

Had NS done this during past 5 years, we wouldn't be in such mess today. I would be glad if IK manages to do this to NS Govt, don't forget PMLN and PPP are two sides of same coin. Here's a hint: Pak Government decides to end cheap railway facility
I don't know with this new set up, do Dr Abdul Qadeer khan is going to work in PTI. In any case he won't be able to work with Imran khan very closely. Both of different set of minds and both have different characteristics. Imran khan can't take anyone too long especially people like AQ Khan. People like Imran Khan can go only with two type of people , one who are not dependant on him like Shah Mehmood Qureshi and other who could just act like puppets. He can't take anyone on his shoulder.
So if AQ Khan thinks Imran khan will work with him thats is his fault. I think from the very beginning AQ khan had to make some philanthropic and scholarly society like hamdard made by Hakim Saeed, instead of making a political party. Politics is game of nerves, which everyone can't play. Even now what ever gone is gone. If AQ khan thinks he has energy and he can work , he should make some philanthropic society, work on education, healthcare, agriculture and gender imbalance. People will give him lot of donations. He can work good in this field.
I don't know with this new set up, do Dr Abdul Qadeer khan is going to work in PTI. In any case he won't be able to work with Imran khan very closely. Both of different set of minds and both have different characteristics. Imran khan can't take anyone too long especially people like AQ Khan. People like Imran Khan can go only with two type of people , one who are not dependant on him like Shah Mehmood Qureshi and other who could just act like puppets. He can't take anyone on his shoulder.
So if AQ Khan thinks Imran khan will work with him thats is his fault. I think from the very beginning AQ khan had to make some philanthropic and scholarly society like hamdard made by Hakim Saeed, instead of making a political party. Politics is game of nerves, which everyone can't play. Even now what ever gone is gone. If AQ khan thinks he has energy and he can work , he should make some philanthropic society, work on education, healthcare, agriculture and gender imbalance. People will give him lot of donations. He can work good in this field.

1) Welcome to the forum.

2) People buy big names, yes they still do. Personally I believe AQ Khan is worth nothing for PTI, but the man has got a fan following in general public so its not bad to have a name like AQ Khan under PTI banner. Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, most of people like me wouldn't like if AQ Khan joined parties like PPP or PMLN where only servants can prevail.
What i am trying to say is that, imran Khan doesn't let someone use his shoulders. So it won't be good for Dr AQ Khan. What i proposed in my last post was that Dr AQ khan should make some philanthropic society like Hakim Saeed's Hamdard. which did both social work and scholarly work.
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