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Mush solution for Baloch separatists

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To hell with Kashmir.We should solve our internal issues instead of worrying about kashmir kashmir kashmir..Just my personal view.I am sick en-tired of Pakistanis crying for Kashmir while doing nothing about internal issues.
Dont hold your breath, I have waiting for few weeks now to see some sort of links or genuin logical proofs.:coffee:

I know Gabbarji , i thought at least senior members like her would have refrained from such baseless emotional arguments ! :)
Did you eat s**t again for breakfast??

Balochistan and Kashmir are two different situations. Balochistan is a globally accepted part of Pakistan and Kashmir is a disputed territory.

There is no comparison between the two scenarios so stop eating s**t and start thinking right.

Why personal attacks? He has to right to express his opinion, in civil manner which he did. I didn't see him attacking you personaly. :disagree::disagree::disagree:
I know Gabbarji , i thought at least senior members like her would have refrained from such baseless emotional arguments ! :)

Dont confuse your self with number of posts. ;)
Dont hold your breath, I have waiting for few weeks now to see some sort of links or genuin logical proofs.:coffee:

Gabar you do not accept our accusations as authentic and we do not accept yours, its the norm. But it does not mean that the two countries are all that oblivouse of the facts and troubles being spread by them in each others' areas.

even the US deny drone attacks, and even our government say we will not allow US drone attacks at any cost. i hope you got my point.

Indian is no doubt party to this all terrorism going on in Balochistan province of Pakistan.

Althoigh earlier big players like Russia and US were involved in starting this **** in Balochistan but later India joined it. (and that is the best which India always can do when a lion succeed in getting its prey India jumps in to eat some flesh).

Independently India had never been that skillful to carry on its subversive activities against Pakistan.
Gabar you do not accept our accusations as authentic and we do not accept yours, its the norm. But it does not mean that the two countries are all that oblivouse of the facts and troubles being spread by them in each others' areas.

even the US deny drone attacks, and even our government say we will not allow US drone attacks at any cost. i hope you got my point.

Indian is no doubt party to this all terrorism going on in Balochistan province of Pakistan.

Althoigh earlier big players like Russia and US were involved in starting this **** in Balochistan but later India joined it. (and that is the best which India always can do when a lion succeed in getting its prey India jumps in to eat some flesh).

Independently India had never been that skillful to carry on its subversive activities against Pakistan.

Then why ask us, Indian members for proof, when there is news that Pakistan or Pakistani establishment were involved in something? Latest rocket attacks, mumbai attacks etc.

I am not against asking some sort of links or proofs because you will see, and we are, wild and baseless acusitions which leads to no where. How pathetic, childish and groundless this forum will become if everybody just start posting with backing up thier words? How you are supose to discuss somthing that is someone's imagination? That's why you see lots of threads go offtopic in seconds.
Gabar you do not accept our accusations as authentic and we do not accept yours, its the norm. But it does not mean that the two countries are all that oblivouse of the facts and troubles being spread by them in each others' areas.

even the US deny drone attacks, and even our government say we will not allow US drone attacks at any cost. i hope you got my point.

Indian is no doubt party to this all terrorism going on in Balochistan province of Pakistan.

Althoigh earlier big players like Russia and US were involved in starting this **** in Balochistan but later India joined it. (and that is the best which India always can do when a lion succeed in getting its prey India jumps in to eat some flesh).

Independently India had never been that skillful to carry on its subversive activities against Pakistan.

Here is my source ,

'No evidence that India aiding Pak Baloch rebels'
Then why ask us, Indian members for proof, when there is news that Pakistan or Pakistani establishment were involved in something? Latest rocket attacks, mumbai attacks etc.

I am not against asking some sort of links or proofs because you will see, and we are, wild and baseless acusitions which leads to no where. How pathetic, childish and groundless this forum will become if everybody just start posting with backing up thier words? How you are supose to discuss somthing that is someone's imagination? That's why you see lots of threads go offtopic in seconds.

The problem is not lack of or absence of URLs/Links, the problem is who will decide which is authentic evidence yours or mine??

Just like the backham has posted a link from Indian express quoting some US think tank now for Indians this will be authentic and final proof for us this will not be same is otherway round.

I think we all are edcuated people we should accept that our countries do have some stalks in each others' problems.

Neither is Mumabi imagination nor is Balochistan.
The problem is not lack of or absence of URLs/Links, the problem is who will decide which is authentic evidence yours or mine??

Just like the backham has posted a link from Indian express quoting some US think tank now for Indians this will be authentic and final proof for us this will not be same is otherway round.

I think we all are edcuated people we should accept that our countries do have some stalks in each others' problems.

Neither is Mumabi imagination nor is Balochistan.

Madame.. I seriously don't think our intelligence agencies like RAW and DIA are capable of doing all these activities in your nation so efficiently for all these years ! As you said we all are edcuated people we should accept the truth than ...... !
indians are quick at underestimating their capabilities.
Sawal Yeh Hai – 11th September 2009

Danish: Should the solution for Balochistan be political or military?

Mush: Both, it should be combination of force and politics. Listen, if there are some people who are saying that they do not want to live with Pakistan and want to get separated and do not believe in Pakistan, then what should be done with those people. Do you want to hug them? It is obvious we will have to fight such people and we will have to defeat them, whatever it takes. Nobody should have the nerves to say that they are not on Pakistan's side. If they are not on Pakistan's side, they can leave Pakistan and live elsewhere. We can not show any leniency for such people.

I like this solution. I wonder if Mush will mind, if India applies the same solution on Kashmir separatists.

Sir i think mush bit dont care type person. He said pakistan was not involve in war in kargil when india told mush to pick up dead soldiers. He said its taliban and kashmir jihadis. Later on he admitted it was pakistan who attacked india. When asked what he gained? He said we shown india we can war with them. Sir he the one seen defeats in 1971 too. it seems he enjoys defeats. Sir only one man knows him better and that's nawaz sharif. He tells everyone how mushraf acts when he in panic. Nawaz sharif has proof of it which he said he will show in court and to the world. Mr mushraf the one who braught america in pakistan. Now see america not ready to leave pakistan. i even heard america started playing games just like britishers played in india 280 years ago. America wants mush to return so america would get more tight grip on pakistan. Mush the one who would help america sis.
To hell with Kashmir.We should solve our internal issues instead of worrying about kashmir kashmir kashmir..Just my personal view.I am sick en-tired of Pakistanis crying for Kashmir while doing nothing about internal issues.

Sir today for first time i felt proud on one pakistani and thats you sir. Atlast sir someone had spoken what's right. Whole world does think when pakistan has so many internal problems and threats why he kept saying kashmir. Sir you have spoken truth. If pakistan concentrate on internal problems and solve them then am sure pakistan would be major power in coming years. If pakistan keeps chanting word kashmir than i doubt pakistan would progress sir. These been proved by looking at situation in pakistan right now sir.
Sir today for first time i felt proud on one pakistani and thats you sir. Atlast sir someone had spoken what's right. Whole world does think when pakistan has so many internal problems and threats why he kept saying kashmir.

Actually, Pakistan does have many problems indeed but that doesn't mean Kashmir is not one of those problems. Kashmir is a bleeding frontier in our region that agitates the sentiments of the Muslim population in both our countries. So just because we have issues, doesn't mean that Kashmir can be shoved under the carpet either. No reason why Pakistan can campaign for the Kashmiri people on the international stage while sorting out issues at home at the same time. So the Indian argument that 'Pakistan has problems at home so they have no right to talk about Kashmir' isn't much of an argument given that India has some serious problems at home too but that doesn't stop her from illegally annexing Kashmir, aspiring for a UNSC permanent seat and what not.

This is not a Kashmir thread ofcourse. And it would be a mistake to link Kashmir to the Baloch issue because they're not even remotely relevant to another.
Actually, Pakistan does have many problems indeed but that doesn't mean Kashmir is not one of those problems. Kashmir is a bleeding frontier in our region that agitates the sentiments of the Muslim population in both our countries. So just because we have issues, doesn't mean that Kashmir can be shoved under the carpet either. No reason why Pakistan can campaign for the Kashmiri people on the international stage while sorting out issues at home at the same time. So the Indian argument that 'Pakistan has problems at home so they have no right to talk about Kashmir' isn't much of an argument given that India has some serious problems at home too but that doesn't stop her from illegally annexing Kashmir, aspiring for a UNSC permanent seat and what not.

This is not a Kashmir thread ofcourse. And it would be a mistake to link Kashmir to the Baloch issue because they're not even remotely relevant to another.

This will go offtopic in a second, if you keep saying things like this. We can make the same argument that you sent forced illegaly to Kashmir and took half of Kashmir from India when Hari Singh signed with India. Apology from going off topic but sometime we needs tobring MODS to the topic as well. :whistle:
What you've highlighted isn't something that I've made up, neither is it something that has been (or can be) successfully denied by Indians in the Kashmir threads of this and other forums. BTW Pakistan does not claim Kashmir to be its own, unlike India I'm afraid, so your tit for tat accusation wont work. Now do carry on with the Balochistan issue please, which like I said has NO relevance to Kashmir.

Kashmir is NOT Indian territory as per international law and protocol. While Balochistan is very much Pakistani territory through widely recognized and accepted democratic choice. Therefore the argument Musharraf made against Baloch warlords fighting the Pakistani state inside Pakistan does not apply to Kashmir and militias fighting Indian forces there, which is Disputed Territory yet to be settled as per the wishes of the Kashmiri people, anymore than it does to Palestinian territories in Gaza and the West Bank.
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