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Mumtaz Qadri Hanged in Adiyala Jail

Your statement is a sweeping one. Why we would hang mullahs? Every Mullah is not a criminal. Let us stop generalization.

Let the judicial process take place have fair trial and punish anyone who is guilty

It's not sweeping, i just asked for wishlist of 10. Mullah Burkha of Laal Masjid is mandatory, remaining 9 are of choice.
Ok the first step is taken, agreed now in second step hang that aasia bibi, hasn't she been awarded death sentence and then it is suspended uptill today?? Why? Where is the law? Where is the state?

Did she kill anyone? she is NOT even a Muslim. So why would you impose your Islamic Sharia over a non-Muslim?

Your judicial system is far stronger than ours. We are trying to catch up. Hope if we do it even by 50%
:) I am working on something at the moment and I was penning the same thing that use of force in our part of the world is most favourit form of solution by our governments

Laaton k Bhoot baatoon se nahi mantay proverb exist only in our part of world for some reason.
It's not sweeping, i just asked for wishlist of 10. Mullah Burkha of Laal Masjid is mandatory, remaining 9 are of choice.

:) I would say the law would decide that. We may express our emotions but it is all about judicial process.
Did she kill anyone? she is NOT even a Muslim. So why would you impose your Islamic Sharia over a non-Muslim?
Well i want the justice, as u said earlier people are happy because justice is served in Qadri's case,untill the blasphemy law is abolished or reformed before that its part of Pakistan's Law and currently asiaa is on death row, so y don't u support that justice?? Law should be equal doesnt matter u r male female minority majority etc etc
Laaton k Bhoot baatoon se nahi mantay proverb exist only in our part of world for some reason.

mera to sar dukhnay laga ha kuch ,logon ko smjha smjha k, k bhai facts dekho pehlay phir andha protest karo.
:) I would say the law would decide that. We may express our emotions but it is all about judicial process.

So, Let the people express their emotions with wishlist. We don't have any jalaad available on PDF to hang people.
Well done. This is actually perfect punishment for any extremist who is using religion as a tool for taking laws in his hand or to justify their violence/killing after hiding behind extremist interpretation of religion. These people are giving bad name to religion of peace and humanity because central ethos of Islam is mercy and Kindness

Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) was the complete example of forgiveness and kindness as mentioned in the following verse of the Qur'an: "Keep to forgiveness (O Muhammad), and enjoin kindness, and turn away from the ignorant." (Al-A`raf: 199) . He(PBUH) believed and practised the precept that love could foil hatred and aggression could be won over by forgiveness. He overcame the ignorance of the people with the knowledge of Islam and the folly and evil of the people with his kind and forgiving treatment. With his forgiveness, he freed people from the bondage of sin and crime, and also made them great friends of Islam.
Well i wont the justice, as u said earlier people are happy because justice is served in Qadri's case,untill the blasphemy law is abolished or reformed before that its part of Pakistan's Law and currently asiaa is on death row, so y don't u support that justice??

We have no issue with blasphemy law as long as the trial is fair. The question here is has this law been used fairly or unfairly or misused? How can you say that she is guilty of blasphemy?
Let us have a fair trial for her.

There is no death punishment in Quran for blasphemy. If you have studied Quran with translation then you would be knowing that Allah says to the Prophet that many would mock him or many who are mocking him do not know what they are doing and their action should not grieved the beloved Prophet (PBUH) since he (the Prophet) is on right path.

#SalmanTaseer's Real Killers

Salmaan Taseer was a good Pakistani, a self-made businessman who did not use his politics to create illegal wealth or stash it abroad like most other politicians. He revolutionised telecommunications, introducing wireless telephony, Internet and cable television to Pakistan. In college in Britain, as Ambassador Zafar Hilaly recalled on this page, Mr Taseer read the Quran.

A week before his murder, he accused India of involvement in terrorism in Balochistan and defended Pakistan’s moral support to Kashmiris. The day he died, he was wearing a chain around his neck with Ayat-ul Kursi, one of the most inspirational verses from the Holy Quran. Despite being a liberal, he was not a ‘westernised extremist’ and never indulged in attacks against religious Pakistanis throughout his political career. He criticised a law written by legislators and lawyers, but did not question Islam’s death penalty for proven blasphemy. Showing support to a poor Pakistani Christian woman with young children who was not an intentional blasphemer was a humanitarian act, and very Islamic. He certainly was not a blasphemer.

Pakistan must prevent three different parties from hijacking the debate over the anti-blasphemy law and over Mr Taseer’s murder. One is our own religious extremists. Two is our own westernised liberal extremists. And the third party is foreign governments and media whose statements complicate the internal debate instead of resolving it.

Unfortunately, there is no credible face in the Pakistani government that could step forward and put the issue in perspective. The anti-blasphemy law is not directed at Pakistani Christians. The anti-blasphemy law traps more Muslims in its net than Christians, as the recent case of a conviction of a mosque imam and his son indicates. This does not mean the law should not be amended or repealed. It must be either amended or repealed because it is being abused. For example, the 45-year-old mosque imam and his 20-year-old son were convicted for life this month because they dared remove a poster on their shop window advertising a religious event that contained Quranic verses. It is ridiculous. What mosque imam would commit blasphemy?

The real problem over the law is between an extremist westernised minority of Pakistanis, who ridicule religion, and between another extremist religious minority, that takes religion to extreme. The extremist westernised minority wants no religion at all and keeps talking about European secularism, which is misplaced in Pakistan. This provokes the religious extremist minority into paranoia and pushes them to extremes, as in the case of the 26-year-old bodyguard who murdered Governor Taseer. Caught between the two extremes are the majority of moderate, peaceful Pakistanis.

The US and other western governments make matters worse by openly siding with the extremist westernised minority in Pakistan, provoking reaction. Also, some of the foreign support is self-interested. Some of the foreign governments are using Mr Taseer’s murder and the impassioned debate over the law to revive the falling legitimacy of the war in Afghanistan. Linking our internal debate with a disastrous foreign war is dangerous. Our debate over the law is similar to the US debate over abortion at one time that sharply divided the American public opinion and led to some violence. Outsiders must not be allowed to interfere in this debate.

The impression that foreign support is behind Sherry Rehman’s motion against the anti-blasphemy law provoked the other extreme. And her move to remove capital punishment for blasphemy is inconsistent with Islamic injunctions. It is an extremist position that does not appreciate and understand the religious sympathies of most Pakistanis which are legitimate and require no apologies.

On the other hand, Islam has blossomed for fifteen centuries without our made-in-Pakistan anti-blasphemy law, which contains procedures for trial, witnesses and conviction that are man-made and have nothing to do with religion. No one in Pakistan dares to commit blasphemy and this law creates the false impression of prevalence of blasphemy cases in our country. Most Arab and Muslim countries specify death penalty for proven blasphemy but do not have a law like ours. Leaders of religious political parties know these facts but chose to play politics and mislead gullible Pakistanis because they used this debate for popularity and recruitment.

Our overriding concern in this debate is to unite Pakistanis and stop a situation where Pakistanis go to war with each other because of two extremist minorities. We must stop anyone fanning this divide and try to bridge it with reason. Incitement to kill or to ridicule religion from either side must be sternly dealt with. We need to remind our people that a bigger travesty of our religion is to find a minister of Hajj, himself a clergyman, stealing pilgrims’ money. This debate can be redirected.

(Published in The News International on January 17, 2011, and available at this link Taseer’s real killers | Opinion | thenews.com.pk
We have no issue with blasphemy law as long as the trial is fair. The question here is has this law been used fairly or unfairly or misused? How can you say that she is guilty of blasphemy?
Let us have a fair trial for her.
If u trust Supreme court in qadri's case u must trust her also on aasia bibi case, y dual standards? This verdict is from top notch supreme court judges not from a lay man, here y u change colors?
If u trust Supreme court in qadri's case u must trust her also on aasia bibi case, y dual standards? This verdict is from top notch supreme court judges not from a lay man, here y u change colors?

IN qadri's case it was clod blooded murder everyone had seen that even before the trial it was evident to everyone. qadri even confessed to his crime while in Asia Bibi case i seriously do not know personally if the trial had been a fair one or not neither i closely followed it so if you are looking for my personal opinion over it sorry i cannot agree with your demand for her hanging since I do not know on basis of what she had been awarded capital punishment.

And if you believe in Supreme Court then why you are not agreeing with delay as per SC order in her hanging.
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