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Mumbai Attacks

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I have always stated the Mr. Karkare was killed by the Indian govt because he was investigating the Samjotha Express blast very honestly.

Hindu extremists within the Indian secret service and the Indian army were not happy with Mr. Karkare so they decided to use the 26/11 incident. Mr. Karkare caused the arrest of Col. Proshit and that cost Mr. Karkare his life.

Salute to Mr. Karkare for honesty.

It is high time that world and Indians look at the Hindu fundamentalists & extremists in the Indian armed forces and in RAW. These Hindu fundamentalists are the biggest threat to peace and stability in the SE Asia.
Sena is only one of many and my concern is the Hindu extremists in the Indian security organizations.
I have always stated the Mr. Karkare was killed by the Indian govt because he was investigating the Samjotha Express blast very honestly.

Hindu extremists within the Indian secret service and the Indian army were not happy with Mr. Karkare so they decided to use the 26/11 incident. Mr. Karkare caused the arrest of Col. Proshit and that cost Mr. Karkare his life.

Salute to Mr. Karkare for honesty.

It is high time that world and Indians look at the Hindu fundamentalists & extremists in the Indian armed forces and in RAW. These Hindu fundamentalists are the biggest threat to peace and stability in the SE Asia.

You Know The Gov you r talking abt is that of Congress.
Congress is Anti BJP
The RAW is Under Goi=Congress and NOT BJP.

Do u think Congress will do what BJP Might Like?

And a Single Tranfer can do the Job. Why will any Agency have their hands Red ?

IAS Federation is very Strong in India. They can really shake the Govt.

Recently One Air India Pilot was removed and Pilots federation revolted UNITED do u think IAS/IPS Guys will remain Quiet ?

Besides Mrs. Karkare is ONLY questioning the Consequences Like Quality of Jacket etc. NO where She has CLAIMED ONCE that Saffron Brigade is behind this.
Please keep your ignorance to yourself. She is demanding an inquiry not because she believes in insipid conspiracy theories but because there are questions about the bullet proof jackets that were purchased by the Mumbai police. The relatives of the victims have the right to know the details of the bungled up operation by the Mumbai police. There was a lot confusion during the first 10 hours, and until we find out exactly what happened, we won't be able to rectify the situation during expected future attacks.

I have always stated the Mr. Karkare was killed by the Indian govt because he was investigating the Samjotha Express blast very honestly.

For the last time, Hindu extremists were responsible for the Malgaon blasts and not the samjotha express blasts.
Sena is only one of many and my concern is the Hindu extremists in the Indian security organizations.

what you meant by that??when did Sena become India's security organisation??

@ nemesis

i will also bet against it and i am sure that the same thing will be repeated in the same thread itself
For the last time, Hindu extremists were responsible for the Malgaon blasts and not the samjotha express blasts.

NEW DELHI: Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad in India has claimed that Lt Col Shrikant Purohit, who was arrested in connection with the Malegaon blast, was also involved with 2007 Samjhauta blast.ATS said to the Nashik court that the accused had used RDX to carry out the blast in which 68 people were killed, Zeenews reported Saturday.

Putting an end to all speculation, the anti-terror branch of Mumbai Police said that Army RDX was used and not sourced from across the border.

Purohit procured 60 kg of RDX from Jammu and Kashmir in the year 2006, a part of which is suspected to have been used in Samjautha Express train explosion and Malegaon blasts, Maharashtra police told the court on Saturday.

But what is intriguing is that the investigation agency has no clue about the remaining RDX.

This theory came in sharp contrast with the earlier investigation of Samjhauta blast, in which, it was concluded that not RDX, instead, IED and some liquid chemicals were used.

Seeking extension of police custody of Purohit, special prosecutor for Maharashtra ATS Ajay Misar told the court that Purohit had beleived to have 60 kgs of RDX in his possession which he had got from Jammu and Kashmir.

Purohit gave a portion of the RDX to one Bhagwan who is suspected to have used in Samjhauta Express blast, Misar said.

The RDX is also suspected to have been used in Malegaon bomb explosion on September 29 this year, due to which Purohit’s interrogation is necessary, Misar told the court.

Purohit, arrested in connection with Malegaon blast, was on Saturday produced before a Nashik court, where ATS sought his further police custody in order to interrogate him thoroughly and the court granted it till November 18.

Earlier, the Lt Colonel had said to the court that he was not ill treated by ATS personnel as claimed by his family.

how exactly did a group of people cross the indian ocean in a little dinghy boat unnoticed and cause all that damage.

its beggars belief.

the victims deserve proper answers, so many holes in the indian story
You Know The Gov you r talking abt is that of Congress.
Congress is Anti BJP
The RAW is Under Goi=Congress and NOT BJP.

Do u think Congress will do what BJP Might Like?

And a Single Tranfer can do the Job. Why will any Agency have their hands Red ?

IAS Federation is very Strong in India. They can really shake the Govt.

Recently One Air India Pilot was removed and Pilots federation revolted UNITED do u think IAS/IPS Guys will remain Quiet ?

Besides Mrs. Karkare is ONLY questioning the Consequences Like Quality of Jacket etc. NO where She has CLAIMED ONCE that Saffron Brigade is behind this.

Intelligence is a dirty business and there are always people who act according to their own agendas. The majority of IPS/IAS guys are quiet because if they speak up then the GoP will question the entire evidence provided in regards to the 26/11 incident.
For the last time, Hindu extremists were responsible for the Malgaon blasts and not the samjotha express blasts.

Read the post by dez and think twice before betting :)
I support her because I feel we should try to fix responsibilities for inefficient behaviour of police.
Conspiracy Theroy :

Well my conspiracy theory is that the Anti Terrorism Officer was blaming the army for their role in blast

So the Army panicked, they wanted to create a sense of being needed and to remind every one look , we are still needed to protect you from the BIG BAD Pakistan

So this Operation Mumbai was launched, mysteriously all of the
Indian defences , were by passed by 5 guys on a simple boat - out of no where , and all of sudden Mumbai incident happend

May be their families were kidnapped , and they were made into doing what they did
may be , they were locals -

Now, while the Army's reputation got enhanced, mysteriously also the Anti Terrorim officer was convinently killed which pretty much ended the inquiry into the train blasts

And The Army got approval for budgetary increase

With out wars who needs a big army ??? and weapons - ??

But to me to assume some ppl were on fishing boat and went undetected all the way into India

Again its all very shadowy business - if you ask me

No one in Pakistan knew what just happened all we thought were like
damn who the heck are these guys ? running around in Mumbai ?

The biggest ... indication of some Indian Army's involvement is Pakistan and Indian were on their way to resolve Kashmir issue , and perhaps the Army did not appreciate the Civilian gov , resolving the long standing Kashmir Issue on Indian side as they wanted to stay at the current borders ??

So this 'self inflicted' wound was created - so that the peace process could be derailed for another 10-20 years.

But - again ... to me the biggest flaw in story is that some how these 5 guys on boat managed to by pass all coast guard, survelance, and patrol boats and managed to sneak into India

And second of course is the on going investigation of involvement of Indian Army Top Rank officers in local train blasts -

But , my personal opinion is that, if both india and Pakistan were sincere they shoudl have formed a joint investigation unit , and Indian police officers should have came to Pakistan and worked with local Anti Terrorism units to investigate , matters instead of

Becasue , if you think about it when the Indian Army started to threaten Pakistan , obviously we were like why are you not interested in solving the problem instead of escalating it to war when clearly both Pakistan and India were caught of guard -
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Singh: India Will Not Let Hatched in Pakistan Mumbai Terror Attacks Happen Again
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says he welcomes Pakistani steps to rein in extremists. But he says Pakistan must do everything it can to punish those who planned and carried out the Mumbai attacks last year.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says he welcomes Pakistani steps to rein in extremists. But he says Pakistan must do everything it can to punish those who planned and carried out the Mumbai attacks last year.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says his government will do everything possible to prevent another terrorist attack like the one last year in Mumbai.

Mr. Singh spoke to reporters Wednesday, a day after President Obama honored him at an elaborate state visit.

"India's commitment to an open democratic and secular polity will not be shaken by such assaults on our way of life," he said.

Pakistani prosecutors have charged seven men with planning and helping to carry out last year's Mumbai terror attacks that killed more than 160 people.

"Our position is very clear since the conspiracy was hatched basically in Pakistan, it is the obligation of the government of Pakistan to do everything in their power to bring these perpetrators to justice," said the Indian prime minister.

Mr. Singh said the Mumbai attacks figured prominently in his talks with President Obama and other administration officials.

"I have discussed this matter with the president and also with Secretary of State. I have been assured that the U.S. influence [on Pakistan] will work," he said.

Islamic extremism in Pakistan is a major concern for India and the United States. India and Pakistan have fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947, and ties between them are sensitive.

Washington has pressed Pakistan not to feel threatened by India and focus more on its fight against extremists operating along the Afghan-Pakistani border.

That effort recently has shown progress as Pakistan's army wages a major offensive against Islamic militants on its northwestern frontier with Afghanistan.

Mr. Singh also raised Indian fears about Pakistani Taliban forces moving away from their traditional bases.

"We are worried about the activities of the Taliban now covering the mainland cities and towns of Pakistan, particularly of Punjab. That is a threat to security not only for Pakistan, but also for the security of our country," he said.

Mr. Singh sought to ease worries in Pakistan about possible Indian aggression. He said India believes a strong and peaceful Pakistan is in its national interests. "Pakistan faces no threat whatsoever from our country," he said.

Mr. Singh said he is leaving Washington with confidence that his talks have deepened understanding with the U.S. and given a new direction to the strategic partnership so that it would serve the national interests of both countries.

---------- Post added at 05:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 AM ----------

Singh: India Will Not Let Hatched in Pakistan Mumbai Terror Attacks Happen Again | Asia | English
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