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Mumbai Attacks

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"India's commitment to an open democratic and secular polity will not be shaken by such assaults on our way of life," he said.
I second that and i think indian govt. have done diplomatically well to pressurize pakistan to control its notorious intel agency and some officials:meeting::meeting:
One,for those blaming indian army or RAW for mumbai massacre ,should know they bear no close associations with each other .Unlike ISI,RAW is fully under civilian control though some staffs are of military backgrounds.

Two,Hemant Karkare had worked for RAW for several years before joining his state cadre as the ATS chief of Maharastra state.

If its actually true that RAW engages in hindu terrorism ,then he would've known better and choose not investigate the role of hinud orgs in Malegoan blast,a site that witnesses regular communal riots.
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Actually Shiv Sena is basically a regional organisation in state of Maharashtra and has no much hold on national level.
In reality RSS or Sangh Parivar is the real culprit. They have infiltrated everywhere whether it's military, police force, intelligence or even Congress Party. Narasimha Rao was a staunch RSS cadre. There menifesto is like fascist Hitler. If one reads it he comes to know the real face of fascist among Hindus.
Hemant Karkare's killing is a big conspiracy in Indian history. He was the person who first open the real face of Hindu terrorism in India but killed before completing his mission.
Mumbai suspect's lawyer is sacked

The trial court in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) has removed the main lawyer for the leading suspect in last November's deadly attacks in the city.

The judge said Abbas Kazmi was "not co-operating" and delaying proceedings.

Advocate KP Pawar will now defend Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab, a Pakistani, who faces 86 charges, including waging war on India and murder.

The attacks, which began on 26 November 2008 and lasted nearly three days, left 174 people dead, including nine gunmen.

'Wrong signal'

The major disagreement appears to be over the fact that the court wants Mr Kazmi to choose 71 of the total 340 witnesses for cross-examination.

But the defence lawyer had insisted on talking to all 340 witnesses, a court statement said.

"Kazmi is not co-operating with the court in the interest of justice. He is trying to drag the trial and is unnecessarily consuming the time of the court," the Press Trust of India (PTI) quoted Judge ML Tahilyani as saying.

"It appears that Kazmi has developed a feeling that he has become indispensable and without him the trial cannot go on. He has developed a feeling that because of his appointment as Qasab's lawyer, the court is helpless without him," he added.

"This gives out a wrong signal to everyone and it is high time that either Kazmi withdraws from the case himself or the court terminates his appointment."

Judge Tahilyani also ordered Mr Kazmi to hand over all the documents of the case to advocate KP Pawar, who was assisting him in the case and now replaces him.

The court has asked Mr Pawar to choose a lawyer to assist him.

Mr Kazmi, a top criminal lawyer from Mumbai, was appointed in April to represent Mr Qasab after the first lawyer was abruptly sacked.

He replaced Anjali Waghmare, who was dismissed for "professional misconduct".

She was alleged to have also agreed to represent an attack victim.

Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab was arrested on the first day of the attacks and has been in Indian custody ever since.

He originally denied the charges against him but in July, in a dramatic outburst in court, he admitted his role and to be hanged.

Last Thursday, ceremonies were held in Mumbai to mark the first anniversary of the devastating attacks.

On Wednesday, a court in Pakistan charged seven people in connection with the attacks, including the suspected mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, who is alleged to head the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

After initial denials, Pakistan acknowledged that Mr Qasab was one of its citizens and that the attacks had been partially planned on its territory.

The attacks soured relations between India and Pakistan and Delhi suspended peace talks with Islamabad.
# Waging war on India
# Murder
# Conspiracy to murder
# Destabilising the government
# Kidnap
# Robbery
# Smuggling and possessing illegal arms and explosives

Reminds me of the "free and fair" trial Saddam Hussain received. It would be admirable if the Indians provided Qasab with all his rights, but then again, he was involved in the killing of 174 people. It's difficult to argue for or against, really. Do you stick with your morals or do you give the guy what he deserves? The Indians are clearly doing the latter.
And oh it is not some small case where police or Indian set up lost the bullet proof jacket.

It simply shows that Karkare was killed according to the plan.

Well what I've been saying all along has been confirmed. The loss of the bulletproof jacket occurred while Karkare's body was sent to the hospital.

No record of Karkare jacket being stolen’
Mani D’Mello I TNN

Mumbai: There is no specific information in the police records to indicate that slain anti-terrorism squad chief Hemant Karkare’s bulletproof jacket was stolen.
Metropolitan magistrate of Mazgaon court, R K Malabade, said this while directing complainant Santosh Daundkar to approach the Esplande Court at Azad Maidan for a probe into the matter. Malabade turned down Daundkar’s plea to direct the JJ Marg police to register an FIR on the alleged theft of the jacket. Daundkar had also filed a PIL in the Bombay high court, saying it was of inferior quality.
IPS officer Karkare, along with additional commissioner Ashok Kamte, senior inspector Vijay Salaskar and three other policemen, was shot dead in the lane adjoining Cama Hospital on 26/11.
Malabade said that going by the reply which Karkare’s wife received following an RTI query, it appears that the panchnama on Karkare’s body was prepared by the Azad Maidan police, who could not trace the bulletproof jacket. The panchnama was made at JJ Hospital where the ATS chief’s body was shifted. ‘‘As they could not find the jacket, they could neither take photographs of it nor include it in the panchnama. His other clothes — trousers, shirt and innerwear — were noted.’’
The magistrate further said, ‘‘The Azad Maidan police team had then said that while shifting Karkare’s body, the bulletproof jacket was on the body. However, during examination by the doctor, it was taken off. An extensive search could not yield any result. According to the reply to the RTI query, it is clear that Azad Maidan police did conduct the preliminary investigation and an extensive search was done.’’
Daundkar had approached the Azad Maidan police on Saturday, asking them to register an FIR against unknown persons for the alleged theft of the jacket.

Times of India
WHY IS THIS GUY getting a trial he had a freaking gun in his hand :sniper: and there is video survelence camera on view , hang the SOB ...

I mean , these idiots , killed 80-90 ppl and honestly what is the debate about

The only pending issue is how/who sponsored these guy as no one in Pakistan would do that , and likely these are rouge elements - :coffee:

One could argues that Srilankan cricket team attack was rouge commandos from India , etc but again there is no substantial proof

The only proof is these guys killed people and they should be hanged and there shoudl have been a joint investigation long time ago , unless it was a self afflicted wound by indian army to shift attention from its scandal in train blasts
No he should not be hanged he should be kept in Zoo Like other animals.
If you lost a family member in those attacks would you not want him dead?

Not all, Atleast you can hit stones if he is in Zoo and get some satisfaction. But you cannot personally harm the person if he is dead.
Not all, Atleast you can hit stones if he is in Zoo and get some satisfaction. But you cannot personally harm the person if he is dead.

He won't be getting any stones thrown at him, high security prison.
[B said:

Reminds me of the "free and fair" trial Saddam Hussain received. It would be admirable if the Indians provided Qasab with all his rights, but then again, he was involved in the killing of 174 people. It's difficult to argue for or against, really. Do you stick with your morals or do you give the guy what he deserves? The Indians are clearly doing the latter.


There is little to compare between Kasab & Saddam.
I was called terrorist lawyer in court: Kasab's ex-lawyer

MUMBAI: Abbas Kazmi, who was sacked as the lawyer of Pakistani gunman Ajmal Kasab by a special trial court, on Tuesday alleged that he had to face humiliation at the hands of prosecution during the trial.
"I was called a terrorist lawyer in the court. I was called Abu Abbas and it was said that Pakistan was going to reward me. Finally I was called a liar," Kazmi told reporters a day after his removal.

He alleged that on one occasion when the court was recording the testimony of FBI official, prosecutor Nikam said, "Now the terrorist lawyer will cross-examine you."

Kazmi, however, refused to comment on the court's decision.

"I do not want to create any obstructions for the trial. I do not want to say anything that will obstruct the trial. The matter is sub judice. I have a great respect for the court," Kazmi said.

When asked whether he was going to take any legal step against his removal from the trial, he said, "I don't want to pursue this issue further."

When asked whether prosecution was trying to drag the trial, Kazmi said, "People were told that trial will be over by November 26. It was called an open and shut case. Why prosecution did not tell people it was going to bring around 700 witnesses?"

Kazmi also said that the kind of humiliation the lawyers suffered during the trial was unprecedented.

"Initially we had to remove our cell phones (when entering court), we had to remove even our shoes. I was not allowed to take my briefcase inside. We were frisked thrice every time," he said.

He said once he saw prosecutor Nikam using phone in court and requested the court that he too be allowed to bring cell phone in.

"The judge allowed it, but next day when I tried to carry cell phone inside, security misbehaved with me," he said.

"When I took up this case, I faced hostility of the entire world. And now this is the reward," he rued. Kazmi said he told Nikam that he didn't mind apologising to court, but the "liar" remark must be removed.

Judge M L Tahaliyani had Kazmi a "liar", but the remark was later expunged, following Nikam's intervention and his (Kazmi) apology.

It had seemed that after Kazmi's apology on Saturday, he would carry on as Kasab's lawyer. However, the judge sacked him yesterday for "non-cooperation".

Tahaliyani ordered Kazmi's termination after he refused to consider the court's suggestion to pick out 71 formal witnesses out of the total 340 who had filed affidavits.

Advocate K P Pawar, who was assisting Kazmi in the case, has now replaced the latter as Kasab's lawyer.

I was called terrorist lawyer in court: Kasab's ex-lawyer - India - The Times of India
"Disrupting trade & disturbing normal life"... are these the charges !!

... and ppl are accused of arranging money & obtaining SIM cards & satellite phones for this !!!

BBC News - BBC obtains Pakistan's charges against Mumbai accused

The BBC has obtained details of charges that Pakistan has filed against the alleged mastermind of last year's attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai.

The charges, filed in a Rawalpindi court, accuse Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and six others of disrupting "normal civil life" in India and Pakistan.

The men, who have already pleaded not guilty, are also accused of "disrupting trade" between the neighbours.

The charges were laid on 25 November, but full details were not provided.

The trial is being held behind closed doors in an anti-terrorism court set up inside a high-security prison.

A total of 174 people, including nine gunmen, were killed in the attacks in November 2008.

The attacks led India to suspend peace talks with Pakistan. In July, Indian PM Manmohan Singh said talks would not restart until the Mumbai attacks suspects were brought to justice.

The only surviving attacker, Muhammed Ajmal Qasab, is currently facing trial in India.

After initially denying it, Islamabad acknowledged that Mr Qasab was a Pakistani national.

Pakistani security forces say they are still searching for more suspects, but India has previously blamed the Pakistani authorities themselves for aiding the Mumbai attackers.


The 10-page charging document obtained by the BBC lists the case as State versus Hammad Amin Sadiq etc.

"By your aforesaid acts of terrorism, you disrupted the trade between two neighbouring countries, that is Pakistan, India and also disrupted normal civil life of people of the two countries..." the document says.

Mr Sadiq, Mr Lakhvi and the other five accused are described as "active members of defunct proscribed organisation Lashkar-e-Taiba", who set up militant training camps in Yousaf Goth, Karachi and Mirpur Sakroo in Sindh to train the Mumbai attackers under the operational command of Mr Lakhvi.

Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi is accused of being the head of the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba and, according to the prosecution, the mastermind of the Mumbai attacks.

Hamid Amin Sadiq is alleged to be one of the main handlers of the attackers and the operational head, according to Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik.

The other accused named in the document are Mazhar Iqbal alias Abu Al-Qama, Abdul Wajid alias Zarar Shah, Shahid Jamil Riaz, Jamil Ahmed and Muhammad Younas Anjum.

They are accused of arranging money "for preparation and carrying out of Mumbai attacks" and satellite phone sim cards for Mr Qasab and the other nine gunmen.

The seven accused trained, instructed, provided funds and hideouts, rented houses in Karachi and finally launched the 10 men used in the Mumbai attacks, the document said.

These are the first people the Pakistani courts have indicted in connection with the Mumbai attacks.

The indictments came amid renewed pressure from India for Pakistan to do more to speed up the legal process, and convict those responsible for planning the attacks.

It is one year since the incident, and the strain in diplomatic relations is still, very much, being felt, correspondents say.
"Regarding Mumbai attacks, he stated that seven accused of Mumbai attacks are being prosecuted in Pakistan, therefore, India should wait for decisions of their cases."
Pak rules out Mullah Omer presence in Karachi : Business Recorder | LATEST NEWS

Hopefully now AM, you see my point.

All this is just an eye wash to begin with, fortunately, no one in India is buying Pakistan's BS.

There will no be dialogue until Pakistan takes serious, credible measures against the LeT and other India-specific terrorist networks in Pakistan.

I'm glad this report has come out in the open for the world to see, hopefully we can expect more pressure and support from the world community should push come to shove, because Pakistan is clearly not taking any of this seriously.

Disrupting trade? WTF!! These bastards should be charged with waging war against India, terrorism and murder!!! :hitwall::hitwall:

Pakistan will dilly dally on the issue till the end of time. India really needs to start weighing its options militarily and economically after this slap in the face, coercive diplomacy only works if you have some real leverage, we must be prepared to take on the terrorists should they strike again, no matter what that means.
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