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Mumbai Attacks

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Geo TV Pakistan - Breaking News, World, Business, Sports, Entertainment, & Video News
NEW DELHI: British foreign secretary David Miliband Thursday said there is no evidence indicating involvement of ISI in the Mumbaid attacks.

In an interview given to an Indian TV, David Miliband said President Zardari wants to bring reforms in his country, therefore, the world community should come forward and support the democratic government in Pakistan.

He said Pakistan is ready to initiate a legal action against the accused of Mumbai attacks and the world should believe in what Pakistan says.

“Pakistan government should be extended help towards strengthening its institutions.”

He said punishing Pakistani people will not help things improve instead it will be counter-productive. Terrorism is a threat not only for India but also for Pakistan itself.
Somebody was saying that the entire world is with india on its stance against Pakistan...
Woman witness claims she was questioned in US
Friday, January 16, 2009

NEW DELHI: Anita Uddaiya, who had seen six terrorists involved in the Nov 26 terror attacks arriving in Mumbai, said she was taken to the US by investigating agencies for questioning.

“I was informed that the (US) officers, who had questioned me about the Mumbai attacks here earlier, would take me to America. They came on Sunday morning and took me to America in a flight,” she said in an interview to the PTI in Mumbai.

Anita Uddaiya, who was also an eyewitness to the Mumbai terror attack, disappeared on Sunday morning and nobody knew about her whereabouts. “I had lied to the police when I returned home stating that I went to Satara district as the officers told me not to disclose anything about my visit to America,” she said.

She said on Saturday at around 10 pm, the investigating officers were supposed to come to her home.

“Since we were informed about Uddiaya’s America visit, we sat with her throughout the night waiting for the American investigators. Nobody turned up till 5 am. At that time, Uddaiya went to toilet from where she was whisked away by the investigators,” said Madhusudhan Nair, president of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Nagar slum area, where Uddaiya resides.

Uddaiya said four officers were inside the posh vehicle and one of them knew Hindi. “First, I was taken to St George Hospital to see my husband Rajendra. I told him that I would return home in a couple of days,” Uddaiya said.

“From the hospital I was taken to airport,” Uddaiya said, adding, “I was sitting at the airport while they (officers) were showing all the documents to officials at the airport. I had no luggage with me. After some time, I boarded the flight but I was feeling uncomfortable,” Uddaiya recalled.

Uddaiya, who spent 17-18 hours in her flight to the US, said she could not eat in the flight properly as they were serving chocolates, sandwiches and some other stuff. “I don’t know how I managed to eat that food. I was taken to a posh hotel in a car soon after I landed in America. After a couple of hours, we all went to a building where I was asked several questions about the terrorists and the Mumbai attacks,” she said.

She said she was asked about the terrorists whom she had seen landing at Mumbai. “The questions were translated in Hindi by one of them and whatever answers I had given were also explained to them in English. Everything was over in two to three hours. I even called Hamid Qureshi (a scrap dealer where she works in Mumbai), telling him that I am safe,” she said, adding she was taken to the hotel subsequently and then to the airport to board a flight back to Mumbai.

On returning home in a taxi from the Mumbai airport, Uddaiya said she was confused and surprised at what was happening around her. “I told the police that I had been to Satara as investigators (American officers) told me not to reveal anything about the American visit,” she said.

Uddaiya said on return from the US, she was taken to Cuffe Parade police station for recording her statement. After the Mumbai attacks, Uddaiya had also been shown pictures of 10 terrorists but she was not taken to the JJ Hospital to identify the bodies of the terrorists, she said. “Since I was unwilling to do so, the Mumbai police did not take me to JJ hospital,” she said. Uddaiya, who deals in scrap, has been living with her husband, daughter and son in the colony of Cuffe Parade in south Mumbai.

Woman witness claims she was questioned in US
In seems from the report that US has more freedom to operate in India than in Pakistan. They came, took her to USA for questioning and then returned without Indians knowing. In Pakistan they atleast can't do that.
well said yara they can say whatever they want.. may be kasab is a pakistani but how did he the only one got captured and how did there top police official died with a (bullet in the back mind you that) when they were to bring Major Phuriot to justice for shamjuta express there are many thing i can go on and on.. But india is more responsible of these attack than pakistan.. if any pakistan non sate actor was also involved which i doubt it. :pakistan:

Also they traveled (if they really) 600 nautical miles from karachi to mumbai and World's third largest NAVY (with all the latest radars, ships and boats along with the confirmed intelligence report) were unable to stop them............what a joke. but i think indians should be ashamed of blaming Pakistan, they should blame their security forces and intelligence for not taking any action.
Also they traveled (if they really) 600 nautical miles from karachi to mumbai and World's third largest NAVY (with all the latest radars, ships and boats along with the confirmed intelligence report) were unable to stop them............what a joke. but i think indians should be ashamed of blaming Pakistan, they should blame their security forces and intelligence for not taking any action.

The fact that we couldn't prevent it doesn't mean that the attact should have taken place in the first place. :angry:
You cannot go around killing innocent people and then say that it is their fault, they should have defended themselves. :angry:
Mumbai terror attacks witness goes missing

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

News Desk

MUMBAI: The investigations into the Mumbai terror attacks have suffered a setback after a key eyewitness became untraceable. The Mumbai Police said on Tuesday that Anita Uddaiya, the woman who had identified the bodies of nine killed Mumbai terrorists, had been missing since January 11. The police have swung into action and are searching for Anita, whose daughter Seema Ketan Joshi has filed a complaint. The Crimes Branch of the city police, which is the investigating agency in the attacks, has also launched a probe into the incident.
26//11 witness says she was taken to US for probe

Press Trust of India

Thursday, January 15, 2009 7:42 PM (Mumbai)
Anita Uddaiya, the woman who saw the six terrorists involved in the November 26 terror attacks arrive in the city, claims she was taken to the US and questioned by investigating agencies there.

"I was informed that the (US) officers who questioned me about the Mumbai attacks here earlier would take me to America. They came on Sunday morning and had taken me to America in a flight," Uddaiya said.

"I had lied to the police when I returned home stating that I went to Satara district as the officers told me not to disclose anything about my visit to America," Uddaiya said. Uddaiya went missing on Sunday morning and returned to Mumbai on Wednesday at around 1.30 AM to her home.

She had seen the terrorists land in a rubber dinghy on the beach at the colony. But when she asked them where they had come from, she was told to mind her own business. Giving details, she said on Saturday at around 10.00 PM, the investigating officers were supposed to come to her home.

"Since we were informed about Uddiaya's America visit, we sat with her throughout the night waiting for the American investigators. Nobody turned up till morning 5 AM. At that time, Uddaiya went to toilet from where she was whisked away by the investigators," said Madhusudhan Nair, president of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Nagar slum area where Uddaiya resides.

Uddaiya said four officers were inside the posh vehicle and one of them knew Hindi. "First, I was taken to St George Hospital to see my husband Rajendra. I told him that I would return home in a couple of days," Uddaiya said.

"From the hospital I was taken to airport", Uddaiya said adding "I was sitting in the airport while they (officers) were showing all the documents to the officials at the airport. I had no luggage with me. After sometime, I boarded the flight but I was feeling uncomfortable," Uddaiya recalled.

Uddaiya, who spent 17-18 hours in her flight to the US, said she was told "we were heading to America. I could not eat in the flight properly as they were serving chocolates, sandwiches and some other stuff. I don't know how I managed to eat that food."

"I was taken to a posh hotel in a car soon after I landed in America. After a couple of hours, we all went to a building where I was asked several questions about the terrorists and Mumbai attacks," she said. She said she was asked about the terrorists whom she had seen landing at Mumbai.

"The questions were translated in Hindi by one of them and whatever answers I had given were also explained to them in English. Everything was over in two to three hours."

"I even called Hamid Qureshi (a scrap dealer where she works in Mumbai) telling him that I am safe," she said adding she was taken to the hotel subsequently and then to the airport to board a flight back to Mumbai.

On returning home in a taxi from Mumbai airport, she said she was confused and surprised at what was happening around her. "I told the police that I had been to Satara as investigators (American officers) told me not to reveal anything about the American visit," she said.

On her return, Uddaiya said she was taken to Cuffe Parade police station for recording her statement.

After the Mumbai attacks, Uddaiya had also been shown pictures of ten terrorists but she was not taken to J J Hospital to identify the bodies of the terrorists, she said. "Since I was unwilling to do so, the Mumbai police did not take me to J J hospital," she said.

Uddaiya, who deals in scrap, had been living with her husband, daughter and son in the colony of Cuffe Parade in south Mumbai.

NDTV.com: 26//11 witness says she was taken to US for probe
26/11-eye witness returns home: Police

Mumbai, Wednesday 14 Jan 2009: Anita Uddaiya, a witness to the landing of terrorists involved in the Mumbai terror attacks, who was missing since the last three days, returns to her home in the metropolis, says police.

Police yesterday had Uddaiya has been missing since January 11.

Anita, 47, had seen the terrorists get off from their boat and land in Mumbai on November 26. She had identified the terrorists’ bodies at the city’s JJ Hospital.

The police have swung into action after Anita’s daughter Seema Ketan Joshi filed a complaint after her mother went missing from her house in the Cuffe Parade’s Fisherman’s Colony.

Anita was on a boat near her house at Badhwar Park in Cuffe Parade when she saw 10 men leaving an airboat.

She is however, not a key witness in the trial of arrested terrorist Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab.

Plz plz tell us atleast a day before the next drama (like happend in mumbai) taking place in india....:guns:

have you seen how many ppl were killed? how many were maimed?
it seems a drama to you?

this report merely points out that the indian agencies were not completely efficient, that doesnt make them perpetrators.
are you not able to differentiate between a murderer and a cop who didnt do his duty properly?

bro, you are feeding a troll.......
Yes In Pakistan they cannot kidnap any body,But kill hundreds with drone attacks!!! That was funny...
You cannot go around killing innocent people and then say that it is their fault, they should have defended themselves. :angry:
WHERE did you seen written that ---it was the fault of victims?
For those victims we feel grief and sorrow too.......Also there were 39 Muslims killed in these attacks. How can we say that?????


The whole story is about the negligency of Indian Intelligence Agencies, and Security Forces.

So the Point is How many responsible from Intelligence Agencies, Cost Guard and Navy are arrested??
So instead of finding them you all started howling against Pakistan. Clean your home first.....
My indian friends have successfully polluted and corrupted the thread.Well done!
You people are lamer then i thought.
we wouldnt have been seein all this if RAW would have been more careful and done something before hand to stop this from happenin. if they were to busy in balochistan and FATA, they should have atleast informed our agencies to stop this from happenin.
WHERE did you seen written that ---it was the fault of victims?
For those victims we feel grief and sorrow too.......Also there were 39 Muslims killed in these attacks. How can we say that?????


The whole story is about the negligency of Indian Intelligence Agencies, and Security Forces.

So the Point is How many responsible from Intelligence Agencies, Cost Guard and Navy are arrested??
So instead of finding them you all started howling against Pakistan. Clean your home first.....

Of course yes Muslims, died and that probaly is the only thing that matters to you.

In which world have you heard that any defence / intelligence official is arrested for not failing to act on tips.

And mind you they did, but it was a decoy alarm by Let, as IN and Coast guard searched and called it off months before they even started sailing from Karachi. IN and Coast Guard considered the inteligence tip as a fasle alarm but it wasnt suppose to be.

The third largest navy wasnt prepared to scan and monitor the zillions of fishing boats that leaves Indian ports for fishing and hence these guys got through.

Please read through the newspaper you will find these written all over them including Paksitani ones. And yes the fact that Kasab is a pakistani doesnt mean others are not. Others are dead and hence Kasab is highlighted.

There are civilian TV and photo recording of how Kasab was killed in the Gurgaon chowpathy, just search.
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