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Mumbai Attacks

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And to kill him 125 more people were killed in the plan..........
Just to kill Mr. Kakre 125 more people were killed, wow wow wowwww....

Terrorists have no conscience, only agenda. It only shows their determination to reach their objectives. :coffee:
Where in the world have "Hindu" terrorists attacked?

In Spain, Britain, USA, Saudi, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan. Algeris, Egypt, Jordan, Israel....

The word is an oxymoron. But it does give comfort to some here that they can try to tar others with the same brush with which they are tarred by so many in the world.

Except that no one is fooled. NOT ONE!

and Bali, Indonesia, Sudan, India etc
no tarerrst ceare abut lives they will kill 1000 if there target is behaind 1000 lives
There were no Hindu terrorist its only investigations by ATS and police against Hindu persons including a lady whose motorcycles was used in Malegaon blast, Police have not proven anything.

ATS chief Kakhkre was killed in the encounter with terrorist who also killed 124 innocent people including women and kids.

ATS arrested Lieutenant Colonel Srikant Purohit. He is now said to have led the terrorist cell that carried out the Malegaon bombing. He is alleged to have given military training to the other suspects and, even more importantly, to have provided them with the military-grade explosive RDX.

Purohit and retired army Major Samir Kulkarniand, who also helped train the alleged bombers, are reputed to be the co-founders of Abhinav Bharat (AB, Young India Society)—a fanatical Hindu-supremacist organisation established in 2006 ostensibly to defend Hindus and fight against their “oppression.”

RDX was used in the Malegaon bombings and several other recent terrorist atrocities in India. Since RDX is very difficult to obtain, its use has been cited by Indian authorities, until now, as proof that those perpetrating the bombings must be from Islamicist organisations with ties to Pakistani or Bangladeshi military-intelligence agencies.

RDX has been used in the mumbai attack.
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From the interview of the terrorist it is clear that 'He is Muslim', so where does Hindu terrorism comes from.
This is interesting - Indians never refer to their Hyderabad as "Hyderabad Dekan". They just simply call it Hyderabad. As far as Hyderabad Sindh is concerned, Indians hardly ever talk about it at all. But typically Pakistanis say Hyderabad Dekan when talking about the Indian Hyderabad. Seems to indicate this individual was a Pakistani.

As far as Pakistan is concerned, they hardly talk about Indian Hyderabad. So seems this individual was an Indian.

LOL ^ What planet are you from ?
Dammit............ I wish whoever responsible is fed himself with his cut b*lls.......

I mean whoever responsible.........

But alas!!!! i just dont c that happening!!!! and our impotent politicians will also let slip this opportunity to wipe out our enemies........
I've had enough of this crap. You can spin whatever yarns you want to.


Agreed. The behavior of many has been most strange. This suggests that there is still the concept of good terrorist bad terrorist among many.

One thought that the lessons had been learned in the last few years and both countries thought it was a common scourge.

It seems it was a mirage. Too many still have sympathies for the terrorists and hide them with the useless conspiracy theories.
Where in the world have "Hindu" terrorists attacked?

In Spain, Britain, USA, Saudi, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan. Algeris, Egypt, Jordan, Israel....

The word is an oxymoron. But it does give comfort to some here that they can try to tar others with the same brush with which they are tarred by so many in the world.

Except that no one is fooled. NOT ONE!

Their stage is India and India only, not the rest of the world. Keep ignoring them and blame Pakistan, good going! :tup:
From the interview of the terrorist it is clear that 'He is Muslim', so where does Hindu terrorism comes from.

But that part can be always ignored by those who are lapping up other BS from that bast***.
From the interview of the terrorist it is clear that 'He is Muslim', so where does Hindu terrorism comes from.

NEW DELHI: Investigators hunting for the suspects in the firebombing of the Samjhauta Express believe that Lahore resident Sattar Khan may have been linked to Shahid Bilal, said to be having close connections with cadre of the Harkat ul-Jihad Islami (HuJI), a Bangladesh-based terrorist group.

Among other operations, Bilal is alleged to have had overall command of an October 12, 2005 HuJI suicide bombing of the counter-terrorism Special Task Force headquarters in Hyderabad. He is also believed to have had close links with Rasool Khan `Party,' a Gujarat resident, who allegedly played a key role in sending local Lashkar recruits for training in Pakistan through Dhaka.

Evidence that both the Lashkar and the Harkat have developed joint terror rings has been growing. For example, Hyderabad resident Mohammad Ibrahim, who was arrested in December 2006, told his interrogators that several Bangladeshis and Indians had been trained in terror camps southern Balochistan for attacks against India. Similar joint networks played a role in the Varanasi and Mumbai serial bombings.

Indian where so sure about Samjhauta Express .....you gave names,address,age's.heights and even where the terrorist had birthmarks.
You where totally wrong
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