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Mumbai Attacks

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Well, sarcastically suggesting that all Indians think that all Indian Muslims are LeT members is pretty offensive too.

Anyway, never mind. As you said, emotions are high.

Prove me wrong! Just check some other less moderated fora and see the attemts made by hindus to generalise all muslims as terrorists.
nothing like waking up to THIS on my radio alarm in the morning. godspeed to the indian commandos!
Cowards. The swamp producing these cowardly insects needs to be cleaned up, no use killing just the individual coward insects.

They will just keep on breeding unless the dirty marsh where they mushroom is cleaned and dried up.

I disagree with the term cowards. I hope you can imagine how it feels to dump everything you have and go there to shoot others you not even know. They might be cowards for side A but hero's for side B. Maybe one even needs either no brains or super intellectual capcity to push itself beyond sacrifice...

Sofar we do not know the cause we should refrain for terms like cowards. The real cowards are actually those that call themself a leader and let other die like flies... Often it is a democractic principle... But I can add it is the stupidity of masses to select them and accept their fate.

That doesn't mean I hate this crime... I do not want to use wrong terms and neither am I predicting that the terrorist are foreigners... Even the Indian president (which I more see as a p ussy then a real president) should understand that there is a fair trail and if he tells me that bad people are usual non Indian then he is not even worth to be called a P... It sounded like the usual crap you hear from pater de familias.. It is not in our family.. It should be a stranger... Crap. Otherwise the Indian state had no criminals or politicians (either the definition of the same).

Do remind that your president is occupying and terrorizing millions of Kashmiri... You might call that freedom or democracy,I call that hypocracy.

It is good to see so many Indians in this forum. It surely raises the level we used to communicate, but it surely will lead to some tough parts for my Indian friends that are not used to members that can hit you with every statement you make.

India is either a failed nation (it has many problematic regions) or is the next victim of world terrorism... It might have pointed at Pakistan as breeding ground for WOT but it surely should remember that it will die at the same way as its neighbour.

I puke at posters and journalism that point already on Muslims... Whether it is a term that is same. I think Hindu's are not an inch better. In Gujarat they showed that they are even more stupid. And we should remind that it was orchestrated by elected hindu fanatics. Yet we do not link that to terrorism? Or do we still agree with Stupid Indian Tamils that terrorize Sri Lanka? It surely shows world terrorism exported by India...
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it is realy stupid to think that, pak army is behind all this terrorists acts in mumbai, why should they would be doing that, to make situation more worse?

or to give more excuse to allied forces to attack pakistan?

i fully understand the feelings , of our indian friends but plz logicly think it by yourself , this is not in pakistan's intersts to act like a wild cowboy!

indian media , cant find anything more than pakistan to sell, but even they know it , its not pakistan?:tsk::disagree:
I disagree with the term cowards. I hope you can imagine how it feels to dump everything you have and go there to shoot others you not even know. They might be cowards for side A but hero's for side B. Maybe one even needs either no brains or super intellectual capcity to push itself beyond sacrifice...

Sofar we do not know the cause we should refrain for terms like cowards. The real cowards are actually those that call themself a leader and let other die like flies... Often it is a democractic principle... But I can add it is the stupidity of masses to select them and accept their fate.

That doesn't mean I hate this crime... I do not want to use wrong terms and neither am I predicting the terrorist ar saying openly that it should be foreigners... Even the Indian president (which I more see as a p ussy then a real president) should understand that there is a fair trail and if he tells me that bad people are usual non Indian then he is not even worth to be called a P...

Terrorist are cowards period. The only shoot and kill innocent and unarmed people including women and kids.
But it could be anyone. I strongly disbelieve WE are behind it. We have a democratic government in place. Can you tell from all the condolences, all the pledges of support here that Pakistanis really want to see chaos and carnage in India? The democratic government can't go against the wishes of Pakistanis.

The Army general is a passive one. He has already bowed down to the will of the civilian government. At their request the ISI's wings have been clipped. There is almost a close to nothing chance that Pakistan is behind this. But the Indian's lack of faith, the insistence to blame Pakistan, is quite frustrating. It feels like they just need an enemy or else they would implode.

I would hope all of what you say is true.

But perhaps the Pakistani establishment is capable of worse things than you would like to believe. One could cite lots of instances - but I wonder if any amount of evidence will ever suffice.
Why speculate ? Earlier you and Asim speculated about Malegaon accused.
Investigations are ON this attack is unprecedented.

Pointing fingers at ISI, LeT or Huji is not speculation? :what:
How come SIMI is always overlooked??
it is realy stupid to think that, pak army is behind all this terrorists acts in mumbai, why should they would be doing that, to make situation more worse?

or to give more excuse to allied forces to attack pakistan?

i fully understand the feelings , of our indian friends but plz logicly think it by yourself , this is not in pakistan's intersts to act like a wild cowboy!

indian media , cant find anything more than pakistan to sell, but even they know it , its not pakistan?:tsk::disagree:

you are naive if you just believe the media is selling such crap.
the top leadership of the regime of India is pushing for this.

have a read about what Singh said just hours ago.
it is realy stupid to think that, pak army is behind all this terrorists acts in mumbai, why should they would be doing that, to make situation more worse?

or to give more excuse to allied forces to attack pakistan?

i fully understand the feelings , of our indian friends but plz logicly think it by yourself , this is not in pakistan's intersts to act like a wild cowboy!

indian media , cant find anything more than pakistan to sell, but even they know it , its not pakistan?:tsk::disagree:

Why would PA do that where did you read in Indian media ? Do you have links?
Why would PA do that where did you read in Indian media ? Do you have links?

how about crap like this:

We will take up strongly with our neighbours that the use of their territory for launching attacks on us will not be tolerated, and that there would be a cost if suitable measures are not taken by them.

Prime Minister's Office

by your war lover PM

I would also be happy to know the real meaning of what does the word "cost" mean. another war with Pakistan? or maybe India is asking to have some DF-15 field tests on its land?

keep my worlds in your mind: India is NOT US, India is NOT NATO.You are NOT in the position to threat any military conflict with anyone that share border with you.
Pointing fingers at ISI, LeT or Huji is not speculation? :what:
How come SIMI is always overlooked??

Nope if you are asking me then I did not point at IM or Huji I said IM is extension of Huji.
This seems to be well coordinated and sophisticated attacks, Even the most famed Mumbai police officers were killed when they went to confront.
Exclusive: LeT terrorist Ismail arrested in Mumbai

smail alias Zakiruallah, a Punjabi from Faridkot in Pakistan who was arrested by the Mumbai police on Wednesday night during the terror attacks, is giving interrogators the complete story of how the sensational terror operation was planned and executed.

He has told the Mumbai police that he has been trained by the Lashkar e Tayiba, said police sources while giving chilling details of the most daring terror attack in India that has so far killed 101 people -- and the horror story is not over, yet.

rediff.com, with help of political and governmental sources in New Delhi [Images] and Mumbai, including from intelligence, has pieced together the government's thinking on the matter.

First and foremost, Indian intelligence is more or less conceding that the shocking attacks in Mumbai represent a major success for the Lashkar.

Second, the operation is not solely directed against foreign nationals in Mumbai, as some reports have claimed. The large number of deaths of Mumbaikars suggests that they have fired indiscriminately, and revenge was on their mind.

The terrorist arrested by the Mumbai police is vehemently opposed to Isreal's action in the Middle-East and is upset about the "treatment" of Muslims in India in general According to sources, the ethnic, Punjabi-speaking Ismail has told the Mumbai police that the issue of "injustice" to Muslims in India by Hindus and the Indian establishment inspired him to pick up arms.

So far, one Greek, one German couple, two American intelligence officials, and a French man are dead, it is confirmed.

Intelligence sources also claimed to redif.com that it is likely that the Pakistani national terrorist wanted to remind Indians that their hotels can also face a similar fate as Hotel Marriott, Islamabad [Images]. In a terror attack in September, a suicide bomber rammed his truck into the Marriott, killing more than 60 people.

It is clear from the selection of the spots attacked that the terrorists wanted to show India in as bad a light as Pakistan. The entire show was to prove that India is facing no less of anarchy than its western neighbour. The Indian system is making its people feel as insecure as Pakistanis feel due to their weak systems, was the message the masterminds of the terror attack wanted to convey.

The high-level sources also say that Al Qaeda's [Images] ideology has been imbibed by innumerable small and regional outfits, but only the LeT can manage a Mumbai kind of operation, so there are more chances of the LeT's hand and brain being behind this operation.

As it has happened many times before, according to sources in the home ministry, in the third week of September India had received information from American sources that there could be a large-scale operation within India by the Lashkar e Tayiba. A source in the home ministry also claimed that the Research and Analysis Wing had passed on this information to the Intelligence Bureau and in turn they had sent this information to the Maharashtra police.

Again, some six days later, the information was circulated from New Delhi to Mumbai police that hotels in Mumbai will be targeted by the Lashkar. The police source claims that the name of Taj Mahal Hotel [Images] was specifically mentioned. Accordingly, the hotel's security had been increased but in two months time that have fallen into a routine, it seems.

Also, on the basis of vague information the local police has no time to build up the entire case of a possible terror act, says the same source. Since information like this is vague, the police now claims that it is very difficult to act upon it.

A senior officer of the ministry told rediff.com that one of the top Lashkar operatives, Yousuf Muzamil, has most probably directed the entire terror attack. The Lashkar has changed its name to Jamaat ud Dawa and is headed by Hafeez Mohammed Saeed and is headquartered in Muzaffarabad, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

According to information collected by the police, on Wednesday evening, around 10 Pakistanis came by speed boats to the coast near Colaba in South Mumbai from Karachi. From fishing trawls they shifted to dinghies to reach Mumbai, and the transfer took place somewhere near Gujarat. Alert and smart fisherfolk could notice that some unknown characters in casual clothes had alighted. They were surprised to see unknown faces and the unusually large bags they were carrying.

Immediately they drew the attention of the local policemen from the nearby police post at Budhwar Park, Colaba. Within two hours of the fishermen's complaint to the police the terrorists had struck at Taj Mahal Hotel and at Trident hotel, Nariman House owned by Jews, and in Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus [Images] and a few other places. It was a meticulous and well-planned operation which has given the perpetrators of the horrific act a tremendous boost.

While in Trident hotel between four and seven terrorists were involved, while in Taj Mahal hotel three to four terrorists created havoc. According to Ismail, there no Arabs in their group.

The Mumbai police has got information that some six-seven days back terrorists had made a dry run also. This act leads to them believe that some local people could be involved in the terror attack, too.

At this point in time the police believes that at least one terrorists has managed to escape.
Typically Indian - Ignore your home-grown terrorists and just pretend that they do not exist.

Typically Indian - Blame everything on 'external' hands! Call all terrorists within 'foreigners' in order to pass the blame.

Typically Indian - Shout 'Jai Hind', 'Incredible India' etc etc and live in a self-induced hypnotic illusion that all is well in the Bharat Mata!

Typically Indian - Forget it after a few days of hoopla!

Sorry but I do not buy what Manmohan Singh has said about the element for foreign elements involved in this sad incident. This is an INDIAN HOME-GROWN problem and not something cooked elsewhere in the neighborhood to which the Indian PM has refered so fluently and by force of habit!

Condolences on the loss of life, where ever it may be!
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