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Mumbai Attacks

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1971 was mainly the culmination of a civil war between Pakistanis themselves. Now if Bharat had occupied East Pakistan and annexed it, the story would have been different. Instead, Bharat has created a new headache for themselves, as border clashes between Bengladesh and Bharat show.

You haven't been following the news lately I guess. the new Bangladeshi government has given up its mistrust of India and is looking to build a new relationship.
And guess what, the overwhelming majority of Bangladeshis support them.
WEll, to be fair, Pakistan has never used the sort of jingoistic rhetoric that Bharat usualy does.

In terms of war, the only warning we've given is that we have a first nuclear strike policy, that is, we won't wait for an Indian nuke, we'll set one off first.

Apart from this, I don't recall any rhetoric in my lifetime. Bharat on the other hand, is constantly expounding its might on its media and in political statements.

The cheek of the ROI govt. to pin the blame of the Mumbai attacks on Pakistan, while the perpetrators were Bharatis is astonishing.
I know of the new Bengladeshi govt. But the fact is, this change will not stop the hysterics of the Bharatia media concerning Bengladeshi infiltrators and so forth.
there is no proof that the mumbai attackers were Pakistanis. As for this Kasab guy (i've never heard this surname in Pakistan before) there are various reports of him being captured months before the mumbai attacks, and teh doctors reports saying that he had no gunshot wounds when he was brought to hospital.

The story that we have been spoon fed by the Bharati establishment is at times ludicrous and others comic.

In sympathy to the victims of the attack, it would be better that the investigators tried to find out who the real culprits are, rather than pointing the finger at Pakistan to protect communal harmony in Bharat.
darkstar.. kindly follow the news and comment. Your comments are contradiciting the facts..!!!!
Some terrorists attacked Mumbai and they may have been trained in Pakistan.
Pakistan has already taken action against the accused organisation.
What is your point?
Why haven't you posted the media headlines saying Pakistan has taken action against the organisation? That proves you are biased and will always be blind to the full story - you only see and believe your Indian anti-Pakistan side, nothing more.
there is no proof that the mumbai attackers were Pakistanis. As for this Kasab guy (i've never heard this surname in Pakistan before) there are various reports of him being captured months before the mumbai attacks, and teh doctors reports saying that he had no gunshot wounds when he was brought to hospital.

The story that we have been spoon fed by the Bharati establishment is at times ludicrous and others comic.

In sympathy to the victims of the attack, it would be better that the investigators tried to find out who the real culprits are, rather than pointing the finger at Pakistan to protect communal harmony in Bharat.

You are the most benighted person I have meet in this forum.
Pakistan government has accept kasab is Pakistan and attackers are from Pakistan.

Do not derail this tread.
You are the most benighted person I have meet in this forum.
Pakistan government has accept kasab is Pakistan and attackers are from Pakistan.

Do not derail this tread.

Source of this particular claim please? Kasab, OK! but the nationality of the rest of the criminals who raped Mumbai is still not confirmed by Pakistan!
Had the west not been won by India, Pakistan would'nt have been taking action. It is not India today that has toned down its rhetoric.Infact it is Pakistan that has come along way from denying Kasab's nationalty to accepting it..to eventually saying the evidence is credible.It was not a coincidence that US secretaryof State Condeleeza Rice visited India before Pakistan right after 26/11.

Great Tactical Assessment you have made there! Thanks to the Mumbai Mow Down, Indian Politicians Stupidity to outright blame Pakistan, the shoddy dossier provided as evidence etc etc......KASHMIR is back on the burner. As David Miliband pointed out during his last visit to India, Kashmir is now the No.1 issue for the Americans and the rest of the west! Maybe something GOOD will eventually come out of this Mumbai Mow Down after all as Kashmir may very well be resolved in the Obama administration! Richard Holbroke will ensure that! My favorite expression is from the Times of London (I think) which says that KASHMIR IS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM WHICH INDIA CANNOT IGNORE!

So once again, great Job done India! Your politicians stupidity is good for our foreign policy! Keep it up! :cheers:
WEll, to be fair, Pakistan has never used the sort of jingoistic rhetoric that Bharat usualy does.

In terms of war, the only warning we've given is that we have a first nuclear strike policy, that is, we won't wait for an Indian nuke, we'll set one off first.

Apart from this, I don't recall any rhetoric in my lifetime. Bharat on the other hand, is constantly expounding its might on its media and in political statements.

The cheek of the ROI govt. to pin the blame of the Mumbai attacks on Pakistan, while the perpetrators were Bharatis is astonishing.

Welcome back DS!

What was that in your highlighted comment! Did you see something in the Belgian media that the rest of us missed? Didn't they tell you that the GOP has accepted that the terrorists were Pakistanis, that your government ministers agreed that the proofs presented were good enough for Pakistan to start her own investigation, that they will be completing their investigation in 10 days and will share the results!

You missed all of that or are we missing something?
Welcome back DS!

What was that in your highlighted comment! Did you see something in the Belgian media that the rest of us missed? Didn't they tell you that the GOP has accepted that the terrorists were Pakistanis, that your government ministers agreed that the proofs presented were good enough for Pakistan to start her own investigation, that they will be completing their investigation in 10 days and will share the results!

You missed all of that or are we missing something?

Thanks Vinod.

Listen, we shouldn't be slaves to the latest media soundbites. I'm sure there is a lot of analysis going on which is not neccessarily reported by the media.

I have no proof that the perpetrators were Bharatis, but the story that the ROI is giving has many discrepancies in it, at least for the likes of me.

On another level, I understand what Manmohan Singh did, blaming Pakistan even before the attacks had stopped, let alone waiting for an investigation. He had to do this to avert the expected communal violence and rioting that would have followed if people believed that the perpetrators were local muslims.
"India likely to face more Mumbai-style attacks"

May be you were right as two terrorists,one of them belonging to kasab's district, were killed by UP ATS before striking in DELHI.

Pak just dont learn lesson or govt dont seem to have control over terrorists anymore.
No only India Entire world is likely to face this type of attacks.
Spain has attested 9 Pakistani terrorists recently which proves this.

US says it is likely to face this type of attacks next>
judge it for ur self do they look foriegn.
they look indians 1000%.

I am sure That the GoV of pakistan has more sensible people.
Your Govt has Admitted that Kasab is a Pakistani.. Still This Argument ?

More over suppose an Indian who looks 99.99% like a pakistani or bangladeshi , makes a lookup of the traditional wear of ur country and does something wrong , is it even 1% sensible to judge the nationality of a person by clothes ?

Come to India , you see Germans , Americans dressed as Indians.. This doesnt mean what u stressed on..

Ask This to Mr. Nawaz Shareef who Claimed it to be True on TV Live !

Even if its a Conspiracy , I dont Think pakistan is a fool to accept it. They accepted it coz its True.


Your source of the Claim ??

Then Your Govt is a Group of Mindless people to admit them as Pakistani.. Come on How many times will u repeat this Fiction ?

AND finally

Firstly , all the statements include a "Indian" hand ..
So All your Points are Thrashed by a single statement of Mine that When Pak GoV has admitted Kasab to be Pakistani then it menas the terrosrists were from pak ( I dont say its common people , i know that even they hate terrorism ) .

Secondly , I agree that radical Hindu elemets exist and thay are to be blamed for their activites , but They are NOt Capable of Such a strike , Infact Even ULFA or similar organistations cant Do It.

I have friends who know more than an average Pakistani about pakistan.. ( Reading hobby and Google earth Surfers ) , Does that imply they are pakistani ?

The Terrorists Didnt make a TV show to Claim their identity !
We Dont make Conclusions before investigating it.

Childish , are Hollywood Movies banned in PAK ?

You make this statement in 21st Century ?

Does Every man in Pak have a Beard ?

Whats Wrong in It ?

Source ?

In case of Crisis Even India Gave Blankets to Pak and Pak did the same in Gujrat Earth Quake .. Any Coonection ?
Its called "Human Response" if u understand it.
And if u understand it more .. Its Publicity Stunt as well..

What do u mean ??

He Has Enough Money . He is from a State with 11% GDP rate.
and whats wrong to Give Money ?
Is it Crime in PAK to help ?

Karkare Got their Himself and Terrorists Didnt came to Kill Him.
Pal, if there was even a slight hand of BJP or VHP u think Congress will let it away ?

They Lost..
The Home Minister
The CM
The Deputy CM
NSA Resigned
Nas it hasnet Stopped.

In None of the States terrorism was NOT an issue. It was development.

Indians and Pakistani are sensible People they Judge the facts.
You are an exception to see and Judge ?

Do they Give Death Sentense all the "Gun" holders in Pak Movies ?

LOL @ INDIA nice Story for Bollywood not for Reality base lollll

Indians Make Realistic Movies that win Golden Globes NOT one But 4 !
We Know HOW to do it..[/QUOTE]

With all due respect it takes 168 hours to take a boat from Karachi to Mumbai... so what your saying is thay the Indian Navy can catch 1,000's of Pakistan'i fishermen a year and cant catch some boat's with terrorists on em? ive seen Indian Navy react within minutes... once GeoTv (of Pakistan) was doing a live tv on sea near the Indian border and it took Indian Navy 5-10 minutes to come to the Indian sea border...

I am all against Terrorism and what happened in your country... but they were not Pakistani's our govt has been a puppet of the US and the pressure put on us was far to great... LOL @ us. But the point is... they were not Pakistani's.... for God sake the milk they were carrying way labled "PAK" they is the brand name of a Iranin milk... lol .... also the hand grenades are not Pakistani made do a search and you'll find that out + the AK47's are not the one's made in Pakistan.... do a google and compare your self... also look into the evedince provided by the Indian Govt... and google it... youll laugh your self out when yo seen what true.... Your going to have elevtions soon right ;) ?
^^^ Still america is searching for OSAMA BIN LADEN....!!! I guess they have never heard about google.!!!:lol:
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