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Mumbai Attacks

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No they said that because killers were from Pakistan,we don't need barbaric incidents to unite us that will be superficial.

Not people linked with Pakistan but Pakistani "non state actors" did it.

The incident itself was not to unite you.

But BJP wanted to come into power and they wanted to improve their image.
and at the same time they wanted to remove congress from the government.

So that is the reason they did an attack on Mumbai.

So if congress had to stay in government, they needed support from the people. and while knowing that BJP had an important role in the attacks, they blamed Pakistan just so they could stay in goverment.
hmm they should release the evidence in public to see if its worst than "kasab's letter"
Pakistan Agencies Aided Mumbai Attack, Singh Says

Jan. 6 (Bloomberg) -- “Official agencies” in Pakistan supported the militants who attacked Mumbai in November, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said, making India’s sharpest accusation yet that Pakistan’s government was involved.

“There is enough evidence to show that, given the sophistication and military precision of the attack it must have had the support of some official agencies in Pakistan,” Singh told chief ministers of India’s states today at a meeting on counter-terrorism.

India yesterday gave Pakistan and other governments what it said was evidence linking Pakistani “elements” to the Nov. 26- 29 attack on Mumbai, increasing pressure on its neighbor to act against the militant group India has blamed for the assault. It is unclear how long Pakistan will need to judge the evidence and decide on any action, Farhatullah Babar, a spokesman for Pakistan’s president, told India’s NDTV television today.

The comments by Singh “are the most explicit accusation so far” of a role by Pakistani official agencies, said Ajai Sahni, executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management, a New Delhi-based research group. They come as India appealed this week to foreign governments, including Pakistani allies such as the U.S. and China, to press Pakistan to help bring the plotters behind the attacks to justice.


The Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba carried out the attacks in India’s financial hub that killed 164 people, Singh said. Pakistan has been using terrorism as an “instrument of state policy,” he said.

In the six-decade Indian-Pakistani dispute over Kashmir, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate gave arms and logistical help to Lashkar-e-Taiba for attacks on India in the 1990s, Indian and U.S. officials and independent Pakistani analysts say. While Pakistan formally banned Lashkar and several other jihadist groups in 2002, it never prosecuted their leaders, who remained active, according to Hassan Abbas, a former senior Pakistani police official who is now a researcher on Pakistani affairs at Harvard University.

India has demanded that Pakistan dismantle Lashkar and other militant networks on its territory whose attacks have increased tensions between the neighbors, and interrupted a five-year-old peace process.

Indian Politics

Singh’s government will seek re-election in May amid public demands for improved security. At least 1,500 people were killed in attacks last year. India has been combating rebels in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and Maoist guerrillas in the southern and eastern regions.

“Today, even as Pakistan engages in whipping up war hysteria, our nation remains steadfastly united,” Singh said. “If anything, the process of national consolidation is becoming stronger.”

Singh said Pakistanis have infiltrated terrorists into India through Nepal and Bangladesh as well as the India-Pakistan cease-fire line in Kashmir, which forms the de-facto border between the nuclear-armed neighbors.

“During the past year, we faced a severe challenge from terrorist groups operating from outside the country,” Singh said. “Many of them act in association with hostile intelligence agencies in these countries,” he said without identifying them.

War Unaffordable

Singh repeated his government’s commitment to confront Pakistan through diplomacy rather than armed force. With the global economic crisis slowing growth in both India and Pakistan, neither can afford a military clash, officials say.

The U.S. fears a conflict would scuttle Pakistan’s attempts to contain the Taliban insurgency along its border with Afghanistan and has urged restraint on both India and Pakistan.

“We must convince the world community that states that use terrorism as an instrument of foreign policy must be isolated and compelled to abandon such tactics,” Singh said.

Terrorism, political extremism and insurgency are major challenges to India’s internal security.

“Leftwing extremism is primarily indigenous and home grown,” Singh said. “Terrorism, on the other hand, is largely sponsored from outside the country, mainly Pakistan.”

Singh called for a strengthening of intelligence and more training and equipment for security forces. “Both the center and the state governments must attend to this national task with speed, efficiency and utmost dedication.”

Bloomberg.com: Asia
Pak to carry out detailed probe on Mumbai evidence

Updated at: 1542 PST, Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Pak to carry out detailed probe on Mumbai evidence ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani called on President Asif Ali Zardari here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr on Tuesday.

President Zardari and Premier Gilani discussed Indo-Pak tension and steps taken by Pakistan to de-escalate the situation. According to sources, Zardari and Gilani agreed to carry out a credible investigation of the evidence provided by India on Mumbai attacks. The two leaders said that strict action would be taken against any group found involved in Mumbai carnage.

The president said that Pakistan condemned state sponsored terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. He said Pakistan’s armed forces were ready to foil any attempt of misadventure. President Zardari termed statement of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ‘baseless’ and 'unfortunate' saying India wanted to gain some other motives from such propaganda.

The two leaders exchanged views on the existing law and order situation in the country, political situation and other national matte
Well I dont't see any hope, Pakistan will just say the evidence are not sufficient, FINISHED.

Why is Pakistan going to agree to evidence that is not conclusive?

Would you arrest someone without evidence, and convict them?

If the evidence is so strong, India could share it with Interpol who could then announce to the WORLD that the evidence is strong enough.

Or just share it with some non aligned players.
@ Dabloo,

Yes indeed Pakistan will say no if the evidence provided doesn't satisfy us.
writing a love letter, then call it an evidence.

conceived by ISI
poetry by State terror policy
poet Pakistan

evidence enough, hang them

this is not a jungle law Indians, wake up, stop hiding ur weaknesses by shifitng blame onto others.

ISLAMABAD (updated on: January 06, 2009, 17:25 PST): Pakistan on Tuesday rejected Indian claims that 'official agencies' here backed the Mumbai attacks, saying the accusations were irresponsible and a sure way to raise tensions between the neighbours.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh earlier said "some official agencies" in Pakistan had supported the gunmen who laid siege to Mumbai in November, and accused Islamabad of using terrorism as an "instrument of state policy."

Pakistan's foreign ministry issued a strong statement in response, accusing India of embarking on an unacceptable "propaganda offensive" and calling such an approach "fraught with grave risks."

"The government of Pakistan emphatically rejects the unfortunate allegations levelled against Pakistan by the prime minister of India in New Delhi today," the statement said.

"Instead of responding positively to Pakistan's offer of cooperation and constructive proposals, India has chosen to embark on a propaganda offensive.

"It will not only ratchet up tensions but occlude facts and destroy all prospects of serious and objective investigations into the Mumbai attacks."

Singh said the attacks were "clearly carried out" by Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

The Indian premier said that given the level of sophistication and planning involved in staging the attacks, the gunmen must have had "the support of some official agencies in Pakistan."

But Islamabad strongly rejected that claim.

"Vilifying Pakistan or for that matter any of its state institutions on this score is unwarranted and unacceptable. This is a sure way to close avenues of cooperation in combating this menace," the foreign ministry said.

"Pakistan is a victim of terrorism.... Pakistan is not a state sponsor of terrorism," it added.

"Pakistan would not allow its soil to be used for acts of terrorism at home and abroad."
i wanna ask a question from pakistanis
what evidence do you think is good enough for proving something eg kasab is Pakistani,how should it be proven by Indians? what kind of evidence will be called "full proof"?
i wanna ask a question from pakistanis
what evidence do you think is good enough for proving something eg kasab is Pakistani,how should it be proven by Indians? what kind of evidence will be called "full proof"?

The FBI has already concluded that Kasab was not Pakistani, is that evidence enough for you. That was just Indian propaganda that Kasab was Pakistani as usual. I dont know if my Indian friends realize what evidence really is, if they want to prove that Kasab is Pakistani than show some sort of identification. His Shanakthi card, his passport or even a driving license would do just fine :D. This is called evidence; not the Indian definition of evidence(We Indian authorities are saying that Kasab is Pakistani so this is evidence) :D.
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