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Mumbai Attacks

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Some Indian media news flashes indicating the FBI may be interrogating him for the first time (or maybe they just took them into the same building, and knowing the Indian media recently, the whole thing got blown out of proportion :D).

Given the inconsistencies in the Indian media during this period, we'll just have to wait for official confirmation.

Any news on India's response to the joint investigation offer?

That would allow our guys access to the captured terrorist and start verifying some claims - the alleged Faridkot link so far seems to be false.
Some Indian media news flashes indicating the FBI may be interrogating him for the first time (or maybe they just took them into the same building, and knowing the Indian media recently, the whole thing got blown out of proportion :D).

Given the inconsistencies in the Indian media during this period, we'll just have to wait for official confirmation.

Any news on India's response to the joint investigation offer?

That would allow our guys access to the captured terrorist and start verifying some claims - the alleged Faridkot link so far seems to be false.

Captured live terrorist is far better than dead terrorist. FBI team is already in Mumbai with Scotland yard and MOSSAD, As far as their interrogation goes only selective information may be shared with media rest is upto speculation.
Some Indian media news flashes indicating the FBI may be interrogating him for the first time (or maybe they just took them into the same building, and knowing the Indian media recently, the whole thing got blown out of proportion :D).

Given the inconsistencies in the Indian media during this period, we'll just have to wait for official confirmation.

Any news on India's response to the joint investigation offer?

That would allow our guys access to the captured terrorist and start verifying some claims - the alleged Faridkot link so far seems to be false.

I think the offer was snubbed. It was the feeling that Joint Anti-Terrorism efforts has nothing to show but squat, same would happen with Joint-investigation.
See Captured Terrorist thread I have posted a video link regarding "FBI, Scotland Yard and Israeli intelligence agencies questioning the captured terrorist "
Yeah but they should SHOW the guy in captivity.

The FBI is giving vague statements that he might be what the Indians are saying he is. Even they are not sure.

Today Condi took a very neutral stand and urged people not to jump the gun. Everyone's minds are slowly changing about the whole fiasco. Now all western papers are categorically pointing out that all Indian leads are from this ONE guy only.

So how much of a trump card is this guy? India should be confidently showing him off, not just making claims about him.
While stock-taking has only just begun, it already appears as if some things are being covered up. Some things deserve an immediate answer – how many terrorists were there actually; how did they reach their respective destinations inland; and is it possible that “super-terrorists” simply walked out with the real survivors after having utilised the “mercenaries” to the hilt, just as they had murdered the navigators of the boats that brought them to Mumbai?

Current media reports and government sources say that the terrorists came by sea, landing near the Gateway of India or Colaba. This certainly explains the attacks on the sea front hotels like Taj, Oberoi and the Nariman House. But the question remains – how did they get to the CST station, Cama Hospital, and other places inland? Someone must have provided transport and back-up.

By no logic can anyone believe that nine separate sites in a city could be held to ransom by just 10 men. It is particularly difficult to believe that gigantic hotels like the Taj could be ruined and scores of guests killed or injured by just two men (sometimes the figure goes to six). Even two men per floor could not have caused the kind of death and destruction that did happen. A small place like Nariman House, yes, but Taj and Oberoi – I don’t believe it. And if there were six persons at Taj and at least two at Nariman House, that means only two persons destroyed the Oberoi?

Rediff.com has interviewed the doctors who conducted the post-mortems on the dead hostages and terrorists, and it is their expert opinion that a battle of attrition took place over three days at the Oberoi and Taj hotels. The mutilation of the bodies was unlike anything they had seen in their careers in forensics.

For one, the bodies of the victims bore horrible signs of torture. Now this is understandable if the victims are being tormented by half-human beasts, but it seems strange that two terrorists could simultaneously fight and keep Indian commandos at bay for 62 hours, and also have the time to torture their victims. Yet the doctors were emphatic that:
“It was apparent that most of the dead were tortured. What shocked me were the telltale signs showing clearly how the hostages were executed in cold blood.”

To my mind, it seems apparent that the terrorists who kept the NSG commandos engaged and those who tortured and killed the hotel staff and guests were two separate groups.

This suspicion is intensified by the startling revelation that the terrorists also did not meet a clean death. Doctors who conducted the post-mortem said the bodies of the terrorists – especially their faces - were beyond recognition. The security forces identified the bodies as those of terrorists [on TV they said it was because of the presence of weaponry near the bodies].

One terrorist was shot through either eye (i.e., both eyes!!!). As the NSG commandos never got to such close range with the terrorists, and nobody commits suicide by shooting both his own eyes, it follows that the killers were somebody else. Since none of the hotel guests could have the kind of weaponry used in the conflict, this suggests the presence of a mysterious third party, making the terrorists the victims of a classic double-cross – the stuff of spy thrillers. Actually, it reminds one of the convenient murder of the alleged killer of President John F. Kennedy.

Hence it would be entirely in order to closely interrogate each and every guest, especially the foreign guests, before allowing them to leave the country. Without false emotionalism, we should also fingerprint them for the future; who knows what Interpol cooperation may throw up.

Top Russian counter-terrorism expert, Vladimir Klyukin, an Afghan war veteran, opines that the Mumbai attackers were not “ordinary terrorists” and were probably trained by the special operations forces set up in Pakistan by US intelligence prior to the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. In his view, the nature of the Mumbai events suggests the signature of the ‘Green Flag’ special operations forces created by the Americans in Pakistan, just a year before the Soviet withdrawal.

Guerrilla operations of the Mumbai kind require at least two-three years of preparatory work with experienced instructors. Raw trainees cannot hold four huge complexes in a city to ransom for so long. The Russian Interfax news agency reported the former KGB veteran as surmising the involvement of at least 50 terrorists, given the geography and sheer scale of the attacks. This seems like a legitimate estimation.

What is more, the only way 9 coordinated attacks can occur simultaneously is by using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) or live maps for communication and control. These are not normally owned by private parties. Initial investigations also suggested that as many as seven terrorists included mostly British-born Pakistanis, and one does hope that these leads are not covered up. The reports also suggested some gunmen were captured, but later media reports highlighted that only one terrorists was caught alive at the railway station. So there is a lot of confusion here that needs to be cleared up.

Certainly the hints about British involvement, openly asserted by the outspoken Lyndon LaRouche, need investigation.

Media has been heavily criticized in some quarters for airing visuals of NSG commandos dropping on the hotel roofs from helicopters, and thus giving operational secrets away to the militants watching TV inside. If the criticism is to be valid, however, we will have to accept that the terrorists had more men inside who could be deployed to watch TV and give information which would enable them to react and rebuff the aerial assault. There is no way 2 to 6 terrorists could torture victims sadistically and kill them brutally, watch TV, fight and keep the security forces at bay for 62 hours, and then kill themselves or each other in impossible ways.

The death of terrorists points to a clear double-cross and also the possibility of the involvement of more than one religious denomination. That the terrorists did not prepare for death by carrying potassium cyanide is well known; nor did they simply intend to blow themselves up like the usual suicide bombers. The surviving terrorist has revealed that they were told of an escape plan – and no doubt that plan was used by those who killed their fellow terrorists and walked out free!

This writer has consistently stated that modern, late 20th-21st century jihad is qualitatively different from the medieval jihad in which Muslim armies led by generals or kings ran over much of the world in Europe, North Africa, and Asia. Contemporary jihad is a mercenary tool of Western colonialism, serving a colonial intent with devout slavishness, and this seems borne out by the events of Mumbai.

What remains to be seen, however, is whether or not the Islamic world wakes up to the reality of its own self-enslavement. India on its part has demonstrated that no matter how long it takes to get operational, no matter the cost in terms of live and property, the territory of Bharat Mata will be protected.

It is more than likely that Pakistan was rebuked by its British and American ‘friends’ (read Masters) for agreeing to send the ISI chief to assist in the investigations, and forced to backtrack on a solemn assurance. The teams from Scotland Yard and America, ostensibly coming to assist India in the probe, are more likely trying to ascertain the extent of evidence with India.

It is pertinent that the recovery of a satellite phone from the trawler abandoned with the body of the Gujarati captain revealed that the trawler had been hijacked to Karachi Port, and while there, calls were made even to Australia (where the CIA has a famous outpost!)

Interestingly, General Leonid Ivashov, who was Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces when the Twin Towers tragedy happened on 11 September 2001, insists that there is no such thing as international terrorism and that “the September 11 attacks were the result of a set-up. What we are seeing is a manipulation by the big powers; this terrorism would not exist without them.” Instead of faking a “world war on terror”, the best way to reduce such attacks is through respect for international law and peaceful cooperation among countries and their citizens [http://www.voltairenet.org/article133909.html]

Globalization creates the conditions for the emergence of this terror. It seeks to design a new world geo-strategic map; appropriate the resources of the planet; erase cultural identities; and subjugate States before a global oligarchy. Thus, terrorism, according to Gen. Ivashov, is an instrument of world politics, “a means to install a unipolar world with a sole world headquarters, a pretext to erase national borders and to establish the rule of a new world elite. It is precisely this elite that constitutes the key element of world terrorism, its ideologist and its “godfather”.

Contemporary international terrorism combines the use of terror by State and non-State political structures to attain political objectives through intimidation of people, psychological and social destabilization, elimination of resistance inside power organizations, and the creation of appropriate conditions for the manipulation of the countries’ policies and the behaviour of people. Media complicity helps. But terrorism is not possible without the support of political and business circles that wield the funds to finance it – and Pakistan is notoriously bankrupt.

More pertinently, only secret services and their current or retired chiefs have the ability to plan and execute an operation of such complexity and scale. It is secret services that create, finance and control extremist organizations.
I'll bite.

Now I'm doubting the whole Indian story. If they really had a smoking gun with this kid, they would've put him on Star News and blasted Pakistan away. Why aren't they even SHOWING this guy on TV? Why hasn't a camera gone close to the holding cell? No interview, no nothing.

They were beating him in public, but can't show him to us in a controlled environment?

In Unite States, The Oklahoma city bombing where Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols where convicted, and since there arrest, there has been no interviews or showing them on TV. Infact Timothy McVeigh was executed in 4 years by leathel injection. Which in United States average death penalties are minimum 10 years before the person is executed.

So your argument based on why they are not pandering this guy front of TV seems little odd. This people who commit haines crimes are not ment for showbizz or fame, they are criminal of the highest kind, and should be treated accordingly. The athorities are doing the right things here, where they are letting the States, the brits and Isarel to interrogate this person.
Can I request you to post the link for this article sir?? ..If this is an article written by you, then, its ok.

Lets now see, 10 terrorists leave Karach, first by a Pakistani merchant vessel, at sea they were looking for a suitable trawler which they could hijack to force them to take these terrorists to Mumbai.They found the Indian fishing trawler 'Kuber' . They hijacked the fishing trawler, be-headed 4 fishermen and took the Captain hostage at gun point.The Pakistani M.V had stored fuel onboard in containers to be transferred into the hijacked Indian trawller. Set sail towards Mumbai.Armed to the teath, and aided by GPS system and satellite phones ,Managed to evade the coast guard and reached rear the Mumbai coast and waited for darkness to fall.In the cover of darkness, kill the captain of the trawller,then inflate the motor powerd water rafts and come towards a sleepy small fishing harbour. Alight there and split into groups of 3-3-2-2 each and head into different directions. Local people who see these suspicious men report to a local police constible who does not pay heed. 3 people go towards the Taj, all the security was present at the front door, and the terrorists entered to the rear entrance and created havoc inside. 3 terrorists left for Oberoy-trident , 2 towards Nariman point, and the other 2 struck at cts terminal,leopord hotel,regal cinema,cama hospital,were later intercepted by the police,one killed and the other caught alive.

How they managed to create havoc inside the Taj and oberoy, the mumbai police underestimated the gravity of the stuation. They thought they could handle the situation. Most of the conistables entered the Taj and oberoy with vintage .303 rifles. They were utterly underequipped and precious time was consumed to call in the NSG commandos. The commandos arrived only in the early hours of the morning and the terrorists had one full night to create havoc inside the hotels.

The targets were clear, strike where it hurts the most, at the "gateway to India." What was baffeling was the pinpoint accurate planning by these people,it was an excellent plan, nobody would have known all this if it wasent for the arrested militant Kasab.
I dont think the planners in their wildest dreams would have thought this would have happened. He spilled the beans. The trawller recovered, the gps systems were recovered, the data had waypoints from Karachi to Mumbai and back fed in the system.The Gps call analogs obtained, all the messeges sent using the set have been intercepted.

Now, what ever is there it is there for the world to see. The Fbi chef is here , the Israeli chief is here, and so was your IsI chief invited, but what was he scared of?? He would have got all the proof!! ??He could have come here took a first hand view of the situation and collect all the proof, dismiss the claims and got back. The Pakistani point of view would have been much more credable to the world.Even we Indians would have thought that there is something worth to think about the Pakistan's point of view. Now, no wonder nobody is buying your point of view.
simple logic ...

After Mumbai Attacks = US said "Pakistan not involve"
Molen met with Kayan Todayi = Rice met with Indian ministry => Now Final statement from US is [Pakistan involve]

simple meaning

Molen deal with kayani that Pakistan army continue operation in WAR ON TERROR n army not change there location (northern side) so US satisfy, another side Rice change her statement after molen met with kayani is.. now (Pakistan involve in mumbai attacks)

nice theory LOL
Hunting Mumbai militant's roots
The one known surviving militant behind last week's terrible attacks in Mumbai is reported to have come from the Pakistani village of Faridkot. The BBC's Syed Shoaib Hasan travelled there to speak to some of the villagers.


Faridkot villagers do not want to be linked to the Mumbai attacks

"We're tired of being hounded by people from the media," says Bilal, a Faridkot villager. "They have been coming here every day since the news broke."

He is referring to reports in the international media, following the terror attacks in Mumbai, which said the only surviving militant comes from Faridkot in the province of Punjab.

The reports, which have led to an outcry in India, said the gunman is a Pakistani national variously named as Ajmal Amir Qasab or Kasav.

The information came from interrogation of the gunman, the reports added.

Fertile recruiting ground

They also said that Qasab is a 21-year-old and a fluent English speaker.

That description seems to be at odds with the general population in the village he is said to hail from.

Confusingly, there are three villages by the name of Faridkot in this part of southern Punjab. A BBC Urdu service colleague visited two of them and found no one who knew of the man currently in Indian detention.

I visited a third Faridkot, about 50km (31 miles) from Multan on the road to Khanewal.

It is an archetypal Punjabi village - a dusty enclave of mud and stone buildings of about 4,000 people.

We are all hardworking, honest people here

Farmer Mohammad Ilyas Khan

Almost all of the villagers are semi-literate farmers and labourers. They are surrounded by green fields and brimming canals.

Nearby Multan - known as city of the saints - is one of the oldest cities in the world and the hometown of Pakistan's current prime minister and foreign minister.

Located close to the Indian border, the city also houses the headquarters of the Wifaq-ul-Madaris (association of religious schools), which operates establishments throughout Pakistan.

Khanewal is another, smaller city in southern Punjab, an area which since the partition of India has long been known for its strong religious sentiments and staunchly anti-Indian views.

It is also one of Pakistan's most under-developed and poverty stricken areas.

Multan and its adjoining districts have served as a fertile recruitment ground for militant organisations fighting in Kashmir and Afghanistan.


In particular, hundreds of young men joined the Lashkar-e-Toiba and the Jaish-e-Mohammad groups to fight Indian forces in Kashmir.

'Indian propaganda'

But just a week ago, this Faridkot was just another obscure village in Pakistan's rural landscape. Now, question marks over the identity of Mumbai's attackers has shaken it out of its rustic existence.


Suspect named as Azam Amir Qasab
21 years old, fluent English speaker
Told police he is from Faridkot village, in Pakistan's Punjab province
Said the attackers took orders from handlers in Pakistan

Muslims refuse to bury militants
Pakistanis wary of Mumbai claims
In pictures: Mumbai aftermath

School is out, and dozens of girls and boys line the broken streets as we venture deep into the village.

A local and his friends are willing to talk, although they are a little jaded by the questions.

"We are all hardworking, honest people here," says Mohammad Ilyas Khan, a local farmer.

"People in the village rarely leave and that is only for occasional work or business trips."

Ilyas Khan adds that no-one from the village has been to India, and he does not know of anyone who has been a member of a militant organisation.

"There were three Ajmals in the village, and none of them fits the description of the man the media has named," he explains.

"One Ajmal worked in Faisalabad (another city in the Punjab) and was killed in an accident. The other two are young men who live in the village. One works as a waiter and the other is employed in a factory."

Qamar-uz-Zaman, another villager, says the men have been recently questioned by Pakistani security agencies.

Faridkot residents fear for the future if war with India breaks out
"Obviously, it was a serious accusation and the officials came here to check things out," he said. "They checked the ID cards of both the men and their activities."

Evidently, the security personnel were satisfied by the answers they received as no arrests or detentions have taken place so far.

But the villagers are quite perturbed by this recent turn of events, and vehemently denounce what they call "Indian propaganda".

"No man from our village has ever been involved in any such activity," one says. "It is not fair that so many people have been disturbed by these false accusations."

Another says: "We are worried now because India is turning belligerent and is threatening to attack. We are scared of what can happen if war breaks out.

"The loss will not be just of Faridkot, or Khanewal. It will be for all of Pakistan."
I think the offer was snubbed. It was the feeling that Joint Anti-Terrorism efforts has nothing to show but squat, same would happen with Joint-investigation.

Before you merely dismiss out of hand the 'joint investgation', when were these 'Joint Anti-Terrorism efforts' initiated, and what tangible 'effort' was made in this respect, what goals were set?

We cannot make a comparison or use one to invalidate the other unless we know what the JAT efforts were comprise of.

Secondly, an investigation into the Mumbai attacks would for obvious reasons be different than the more general and vague JAT.
The athorities are doing the right things here, where they are letting the States, the brits and Isarel to interrogate this person.

So says the media, which has been shown to be ridiculously wrong and all over the place with its 'fact's so far.

Pardon me for being skeptical of this particular claim.
in small image its looks young but here litlle big then that why ???????? may be he is beaten by pablic that why .
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