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Multiple blasts in Parachinar kill 39, injure 122

Excuse me? Are you suggesting that Pakistan Army "arrest and kill the families" of TTP? That is WRONG and a CRIMINAL ACT.

Not if they are enemy combatants and aiding and abetting terrorists, then it is fair game.
it's ramzan and many poor brainwashed souls are made to believe that this is a month of blessed for such acts. If I had authority I would have huge operation on radical mullahs rather these actual fighters.
Well, in this situation . When Pakistan army stretched too thin , US should deploy more drones on border region. Otherwise after 2014 , what these animals will do.
Is it really just the Taliban behind these attacks? What is it that's making me suspicious? It's an odd situation. Rest in peace to those who died, were killed yesterday and will die tomorrow.
Pakistan! Heed the Christian Bible, Galatians 6:7-8,

"7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life."

The word of God......
Excuse me? Are you suggesting that Pakistan Army "arrest and kill the families" of TTP? That is WRONG and a CRIMINAL ACT.

And than you accuse me of being delusional.....just look at this friend and what he is suggesting...:D
Pashtuns killing Pashtuns, and some fools were criticizing me after I proposed PA go after TTP family members including children and wives. PA needs to target and destroy the families of TTP, either arrest or kill them. Only way to really demoralize the TTP besides bombing their tiny holds and positions. TTP is a classic gorilla insurgency, so conventional military strength won't win it alone. Better COIN is needed, as always.

Hazoor this has already been done and buried in the past. It will not demoralize them but act as fodder to recruit new breed of terrorists......all we need right now is a freaking commitment in the highest echleons of the country incl military and civilian leadership.....
I believe he was definately not in his senses....how did he make Jr.Tt with such views :blink:

I was very much in my senses, you're just too weak and soft, you don't understand what has to be done. You're also a sympthatizer for these TTP if you're not willing to support actions against their families who are aiding and abetting terrorists.

Hazoor this has already been done and buried in the past. It will not demoralize them but act as fodder to recruit new breed of terrorists......all we need right now is a freaking commitment in the highest echleons of the country incl military and civilian leadership.....

When has it been done? When have PA been actively going after the families of TTP? You either take down the whole network otherwise the TTP virus will continue into the next generation. It won't act as a recruitment tool because there will be no terrorist supporting families to recruit from. You understand PA has to get tough, TTP do not mind targeting innocent civilians, message should be clear TTP's families will also be targeted under the aforementioned conditions I stated.
I was very much in my senses, you're just too weak and soft, you don't understand what has to be done. You're also a sympthatizer for these TTP if you're not willing to support actions against their families who are aiding and abetting terrorists.
Call me everything but sympathizer...because am not.

When has it been done? When have PA been actively going after the families of TTP? You either take down the whole network otherwise the TTP virus will continue into the next generation. It won't act as a recruitment tool because there will be no terrorist supporting families to recruit from. You understand PA has to get tough, TTP do not mind targeting innocent civilians, message should be clear TTP's families will also be targeted under the aforementioned conditions I stated.
Sir, please tell me how and where does ttp recruit its terrorists?....this is not afghanistan where local tribesmen will pick arms, join hands and fight the infedel army.
Ttp has been actively recruiting from your local madrasas in big cities. I can tell you Soan ada in Rwp as has been a hot spot for recruiting terrorists.
Kids from far flang villages have been recruited for the cause, even the senior militants have roots in villages in punjab and sindh.
In many cases parents or families have little to do with them so are you suggesting we kill them?.....

On the other hand killing the families of hardcore militants will be used to recruit more......

What we need is the will to crush the heads of senior militants and rest will follow. No need to kill the families.....that will be counter productive.
It was done in swat where families of known terrorists were tortured...it didnt do.good
Pathetic . Where is the Outrage of Pakistanis on such callous acts ??

Where is the political will ??

How many dead Pakistanis will it take to wake up Judiciary+Government+Security Apparatus+Media+Common people .

India is Not Land of Sunshine and Roses but things are better . At least during time of similar tragedy/atrocity we as a Nation come together .

I will repeat my old statement @Hyperion

How long till the Pakistanis learn to see what is staring at their face ??
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