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Mullah Omar orders Taliban to attack civilians, Afghan women

Well thats no surprise, the taliban are barbarians

It is a surprise........
Why it took so long for Mulah Umar to issue this statement?
Why now when US is leaving any way?
Taliban have carried out selective targeting of civilians, but they would have to be really stupid to kill their own people indiscriminately. I would think that after waging a guerrilla war for almost a decade,
Interesting comment. But once again arent you contradicting yourself?

Waging a guerilla war for more than a decade doesnt teach one squat, when one is taliban. The only thing they learn is to do that again and again. Thats what they have been doing and thats what they will keep on doing till they are banished to the netherworld!

Almost all the daily reports of taliban attacks indicate that victims are innocent civilians and those people who the taliban apparently considers "sympathizers" or "informants" of either NATO or the Pak army.

"Mullah Omar and team would know a thing or two about Insurgency 101 and how you do not cripple the hand that sustains you. No?"

What exactly are you implying here? "the hand that sustains you"? Another interesting statement, Blain2. DO you mean to implicate that civilians are supporting the Taliban or are you implying that the Govt or some institutions are implicit in their support for the taliban?

This is like saying that Americans have decided to launch attacks on all Pashtuns because they could be hiding Taliban or be Taliban themselves...reality is that no side would want to commit such a suicide when both are trying to win hearts and minds (either through a show of force, or maintaining presence or by doing public welfare work).

What a way the taliban have chosen to win hearts and minds of people by selective targeting civilians!! Is that what is defined as "public welfare work"? Awesome!


As to the source, I am not sure about the credibility, I found it and so posted it for y'alls perusal. Btw, I wouldnt be surprised at the idiocy of taliban "supreme council" by issuing such a statement.
Our army has captured and killed more terrorists than any other army of the world.

To clear accounts claims; We only charge to US, 2% of standard tax and transit fees.
We provide US security escort of more than 1000 km. for free.
US also directed us to give similar aid to india hence we can count value of that multi billion dollar aid in US account.
In the end US had enjoyed about 5 trillion USD tax and transit exemptions collectively.
As a matter of fact Pakistan parliament also suggested not to receive this 2% due to improper understanding of the whole deal by bhartis.

One thing is also sure that US and indians need to hurry up with their operations as next President will not be mr. kickback and US and indians may endup with cancelation of this transit and tax aid.

what are you talking about man. the post before me and my reply to that post is completely different to what you say here. they are not on the same page.
Our army has captured and killed more terrorists than any other army of the world.

To clear accounts claims; We only charge to US, 2% of standard tax and transit fees.
We provide US security escort of more than 1000 km. for free.
US also directed us to give similar aid to india hence we can count value of that multi billion dollar aid in US account.
In the end US had enjoyed about 5 trillion USD tax and transit exemptions collectively.
As a matter of fact Pakistan parliament also suggested not to receive this 2% due to improper understanding of the whole deal by bhartis.

One thing is also sure that US and indians need to hurry up with their operations as next President will not be mr. kickback and US and indians may endup with cancelation of this transit and tax aid.

Not true the Israeli's have killed and captured more, as well as the U.S.
Our army has captured and killed more terrorists than any other army of the world.

To clear accounts claims; We only charge to US, 2% of standard tax and transit fees.
We provide US security escort of more than 1000 km. for free.
US also directed us to give similar aid to india hence we can count value of that multi billion dollar aid in US account.
In the end US had enjoyed about 5 trillion USD tax and transit exemptions collectively.
As a matter of fact Pakistan parliament also suggested not to receive this 2% due to improper understanding of the whole deal by bhartis.

One thing is also sure that US and indians need to hurry up with their operations as next President will not be mr. kickback and US and indians may endup with cancelation of this transit and tax aid.

If you are trying to tell by your statement in bold that Pakistan & your President to be elected will be non-cooperative to Coalition forces, dude, start counting your days. Pakistan will sink without any trace.
Interesting comment. But once again arent you contradicting yourself?

Waging a guerilla war for more than a decade doesnt teach one squat, when one is taliban. The only thing they learn is to do that again and again. Thats what they have been doing and thats what they will keep on doing till they are banished to the netherworld!

Almost all the daily reports of taliban attacks indicate that victims are innocent civilians and those people who the taliban apparently considers "sympathizers" or "informants" of either NATO or the Pak army.

What exactly are you implying here? "the hand that sustains you"? Another interesting statement, Blain2. DO you mean to implicate that civilians are supporting the Taliban or are you implying that the Govt or some institutions are implicit in their support for the taliban?

What a way the taliban have chosen to win hearts and minds of people by selective targeting civilians!! Is that what is defined as "public welfare work"? Awesome!


As to the source, I am not sure about the credibility, I found it and so posted it for y'alls perusal. Btw, I wouldnt be surprised at the idiocy of taliban "supreme council" by issuing such a statement.

^^who is this clown?:rolleyes:
AHA! Came to their original self, the "brave warriors fighting Western imperialism" huh? Bloody cowards.

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