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Mukti Bahini must be given due credit for liberating Bangladesh: Gen Jacob

Stop yapping Bangladeshi, it's not racist to show you your own place when you pretend to be e-timurid warrior when in real life you cowed down pretty easily and probably the most meekly guy in a group.

Talking about Hindu caste system, I'm sure those Hindu Jamindars treated you far better than what the Arabs treat you lot know, might I post the youtube video involving a Bangladeshi, an Arab and kissing feet?
Yeah, post that video on youtube because that is very representative, but must I post again the pictures of India found in google of human flesh appearing almost everywhere? Truth is Bangladesh is a much better place and has always been the mighty India, where Hindus commit genocides against other minorities. Honestly, given, if racism is prevalent in the so called educated class like yourself, I wander how it is on the bottom half. Not very shocking when we hear news about hindus celebrating the torture of muslims. Matter of fact, I was told by a fellow Indian that they are highly discouraged to marry someone whose of a lower caste, and somehow we Bangladeshis are backwards? Now, once again I must point out, if you really want to know your roots, it belongs in Africa and your forefather were apes. And don't act like Indians are treated like first class citizens in the middle east. Also, you dumbass, there are more Indians in the middle east who are treated like **** than Bangladeshis.
Lastly, the majority of people who converted was not because they belong to the low caste. only a tiny fraction. Get out of your stone-age, racist mentality. Nazism is dead and so is Hitler and your forefather were apes and monkeys. get over it. Idiot
Then the question becomes where did Mukti Bahini receive it's supply or arsenal from? Obviously, RAW intelligence provided arms and possibly training to the Mukti Bahini.

In the past several years I have done some extensive reading on the 1971 War, and I don't think people realize how much the PA was crushing the Mukti Bahini. PA defeated Mukti Bahini in nearly every battle they fought with them, they even searched through cities and found the homes and families of the Mukti Bahini and dealt with them as well. MB alone could not have prevailed they were being slaughtered for the greater part of the war. It was only Indian military intervention which saved them and caused the tipping point in favor of the Bangladesh liberation.

Although had Pakistani military had better commanders at the time could have endure the war longer on the eastern front enough to get a cease fire called and held onto East Pakistan.

What I would like to learn about are the battles between MB and Razakar forces.

I see you believe in the Old Indian lie, there were never 90,000 army personnel or military personnel in East Pakistan. Approximately 55% of the 90,000 where military personnel and 45% where civilian personnel and employees of Pakistan.

Wars are to be won by the brave hearts, and not by those chicken **** fox-like PA troops who lost all the battles in our BD land once Muktis got trained and learned how to use .303 rifles during the next three months after March 26. We did not want any direct IA intervention. We wanted shelter, training and arms from India, and not direct interference.

However, the govt of Pakistan needed a scaepgoating. It wanted a showdown with India so that its troops are not to be annihilated by half-naked Muktis. So, PA attacked IA outposts in both east and west. IA was prepared, it intervened and PA troops did not lose its face by being crushed by the Muktis.

Pakistanis (readPunjabis) are dillusioned about their Muslim tradition, but there is no historical evidence that Muslim Punjabis have ever ruled a single village of the then Hindustan. We also know how the Muslim Punjabi men fled for shelter in Pakistan after leaving their wives and daughters at the mercy of Sikhs during partition in 1947.

Muslim Punjabis had always been the tails of the Sikhs both of whom joined British army to crush the independence of Hindustan under the Mughals in 1857. This self-proclaimed martial race Muslim Punjabis remain treacherous til today. These self-centered people have divided Pakistan in 1971. They will also divide the present Pakistan in the future.
Wars are to be won by the brave hearts, and not by those chicken **** fox-like PA troops who lost all the battles in our BD land once Muktis got trained and learned how to use .303 rifles during the next three months after March 26. We did not want any direct IA intervention. We wanted shelter, training and arms from India, and not direct interference.

However, the govt of Pakistan needed a scaepgoating. It wanted a showdown with India so that its troops are not to be annihilated by half-naked Muktis. So, PA attacked IA outposts in both east and west. IA was prepared, it intervened and PA troops did not lose its face by being crushed by the Muktis.

Pakistanis (readPunjabis) are dillusioned about their Muslim tradition, but there is no historical evidence that Muslim Punjabis have ever ruled a single village of the then Hindustan. We also know how the Muslim Punjabi men fled for shelter in Pakistan after leaving their wives and daughters at the mercy of Sikhs during partition in 1947.

Muslim Punjabis had always been the tails of the Sikhs both of whom joined British army to crush the independence of Hindustan under the Mughals in 1857. This self-proclaimed martial race Muslim Punjabis remain treacherous til today. These self-centered people have divided Pakistan in 1971. They will also divide the present Pakistan in the future.

you hit the bulls eye...I dont know from where muslim punjabis calls self as martial race.
Most of them are converted from hinduism under the tip of sword otherwise punjab have been famous for only sikh rulers who removed the mughal sultanate and even after 1857 rebellion,punjabis fought under guidance of british queen
It's certainly true that while even Bengalis have had their great empires over thousands of years, the muslim Punjabis haven't had a single empire worth noting, absolutely none throughout their history. It was always acting mercenaries to whoever was ruling them.
Wars are to be won by the brave hearts, and not by those chicken **** fox-like PA troops who lost all the battles in our BD land once Muktis got trained and learned how to use .303 rifles during the next three months after March 26. We did not want any direct IA intervention. We wanted shelter, training and arms from India, and not direct interference.

However, the govt of Pakistan needed a scaepgoating. It wanted a showdown with India so that its troops are not to be annihilated by half-naked Muktis. So, PA attacked IA outposts in both east and west. IA was prepared, it intervened and PA troops did not lose its face by being crushed by the Muktis.

Pakistanis (readPunjabis) are dillusioned about their Muslim tradition, but there is no historical evidence that Muslim Punjabis have ever ruled a single village of the then Hindustan. We also know how the Muslim Punjabi men fled for shelter in Pakistan after leaving their wives and daughters at the mercy of Sikhs during partition in 1947.

Muslim Punjabis had always been the tails of the Sikhs both of whom joined British army to crush the independence of Hindustan under the Mughals in 1857. This self-proclaimed martial race Muslim Punjabis remain treacherous til today. These self-centered people have divided Pakistan in 1971. They will also divide the present Pakistan in the future.

You are a racist and bigoted scum. Out of respect for decent Bengali brothers I will leave it at that

As for the Indians bashing punjabies, first stop your Punjabi girls from committing suicide after being raped, then talk about us.
Basically it is people of the land who fought and gained their independence ..india acted as catalyst ..we should not take credit for that ..finally it is for people of the land to feel proud and sustain their independence .. But here in pdf it seems majority bangladeshis are not proud of their struggle for motherland ..thats not a good sign for bangladesh as a country ..
Basically it is people of the land who fought and gained their independence ..india acted as catalyst..we should not take credit for that ..finally it is for people of the land to feel proud and sustain their independence .. But here in pdf it seems majority bangladeshis are not proud of their struggle for motherland ..thats not a good sign for bangladesh as a country ..

Separation of East Pakistan was inevitable even if India did not militarily intervene. The PA cannot replenish their supplies and support forever in East Pakistan given the environment (unless they were super soldiers! :lol:).

Having a state a thousand miles apart with a hostile nation surrounding it was not militarily and economically sustainable. And there was (and still is) the issue of Kashmir. Not sustainable at all.

Bengalis may have betrayed the West Pakistani leadership, and they were (and still are) far from perfect when it comes to ruling a nation. However, there were certainly huge loopholes in the West Pakistani leadership in regards to the political and security situation in East Pakistan. The hows and whys are unknown to this day.

Forming and supporting militias (a.k.a "Razakars") to do the PA's bidding? Big mistake. Huge mistake :no:

Many Pakistanis have a hard time accepting the error of their leadership's ways in regards to how the East was completely lost.

Suffice to say, the fight had little to do with religion. It was a fight between Punjabis and Bengalis. I still fail to understand how the likes of Jamaat still justify their choices on the basis of religion alone. They were far from reality, and still are.
Many Pakistanis have a hard time accepting the error of their leadership's ways in regards to how the East was completely lost.

I am not so confused. I fully understand East Pakistan was lost because the leadership was not mature to handle the situation.

But accepting our mistake does not mean intervention from across the border in terms of training and weapons for terrorists. If this is the accepted norm, then Pakistan has full right to arm and support freedom fighters in occupied territory of Kashmir which is a disputed land to begin with.

What happened in East Pakistan was terrorism, pure and simple. There is no reason not to accept it otherwise. At the same time, it does not take the blame away from our leadership of handling the situation immaturely.
I am not so confused. I fully understand East Pakistan was lost because the leadership was not mature to handle the situation.

But accepting our mistake does not mean intervention from across the border in terms of training and weapons for terrorists. If this is the accepted norm, then Pakistan has full right to arm and support freedom fighters in occupied territory of Kashmir which is a disputed land to begin with.

What happened in East Pakistan was terrorism, pure and simple. There is no reason not to accept it otherwise. At the same time, it does not take the blame away from our leadership of handling the situation immaturely.

When the majority disagrees with you, it not terrorism but democracy ;)
and "Gen" Jacob and the war criminals sponsored by India need to be tried and punished......
Mukti Bahini does not need any indian or gen jacob recommendation to have their recognition or credit, Mukti Bahi holds the sole credit for Bangladesh independence, period. Now when this jacob fool comes around and try to insinuate that indians has some sort authority to decide who should be credited and who should not is reflection of typican indian mentality of hijacking someone else success and install themself as bully. Just indians tries to hijack success of SriLankan army against LTTE terrorists.
What happened in East Pakistan was terrorism, pure and simple. There is no reason not to accept it otherwise. At the same time, it does not take the blame away from our leadership of handling the situation immaturely.

Yes, it was a terrorism sponsored by the racist government of Pakistan whose administration was dominated by the Indian Muhajir and Punjabi bureaucrats, and its military dominated by the Punjabis. Bangalis were not allowed to represent their Province and had no real place in those areas. An election was won whereby a Bangali would have been the PM. It was contested by the military bullets. Do not blame India for 1971 interference because IA was called by no other than the Govt of Bangladesh. Our future is bright and I feel Bangladesh deserves a sovereign status. We are marching forward without the poison of Talibanism.
Mukti Bahini does not need any indian or gen jacob recommendation to have their recognition or credit, Mukti Bahi holds the sole credit for Bangladesh independence, period. Now when this jacob fool comes around and try to insinuate that indians has some sort authority to decide who should be credited and who should not is reflection of typican indian mentality of hijacking someone else success and install themself as bully. Just indians tries to hijack success of SriLankan army against LTTE terrorists.

Yes and also it must be mukthi bahini who must have signed the papers of surrender according to u.

What else are other revelations,by the way.


Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw of the Indian army addresses troops with helmets, during Liberation War. Bangladesh. 1971.



Mukti Bahini pilots and engineers with their Indian counterparts on the eastern front.


While the organization of the rebels and volunteers had commenced in April, their proper training by the Indian Army began in May. A total strength of 70,000 Bengali dissidents excluding the police, was available to the Indians. Out of this force, it did not take them long to organize eight equipped and fully trained Mukti Bahini battalions. Six training centres were established in India, each commanded by an Indian brigadier. The six sectors, as they were called, were:-

These training sectors provided all the weapons and military equipment needed for training and equipping the Mukti Bahini. Each sector had a number of training camps under it. Over 83 training camps were established (according to some, there were 150 training camps) on Indian soil all along East Pakistan, barely a few kilometers from the border. First two days were spent in documentation followed by three weeks of intense training.
Yes and also it must be mukthi bahini who must have signed the papers of surrender according to u.

Indians deceived and tricked PA and then Awami subservient leadership from signing the paper to General Osmani, Mukti bahini commander.

Besides, gen jacob and indian commanders were first to start looting from Bangladesh. All PA armaments, industrial machineary, even copper wires were looted out of newly independent Bangladesh by indian troops and indians; all under watch of gen jacob and indian looting force. That indian looting habit in Bangladesh still going on today in different form - using transit, tax evasion, non payment etc.
Indians deceived and tricked PA and then Awami subservient leadership from signing the paper to General Osmani, Mukti bahini commander.

Besides, gen jacob and indian commanders were first to start looting from Bangladesh. All PA armaments, industrial machineary, even copper wires were looted out of newly independent Bangladesh by indian troops and indians; all under watch of gen jacob and indian looting force. That indian looting habit in Bangladesh still going on today in different form - using transit, tax evasion, non payment etc.

Cool story, Bro.:tup:
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