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Mughal policy of marrying enemy daughters

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That was different thing. Mughals on the other hand demanded daughters from their allies and enemies alike. Basically forced alliance.

This was a forced alliance too after he defeated the greeks. During wars between Nanda and Mauryan empire, such demands were proposed. When Khushans rose to power in Gandhara(Afghanistan) by defeating the Indo greek alliance then again alliance were forced to made by marrying the greek princess of demetrius
Aur kuch Indians aesey hain, jin ko apni zaat ka bi nai pata. !!!
Yahan sab indians ki zaat Indian hai :D
Anyway back on topic of begharat alliance. Akbar the great forced himself on daughter of Rajasthani Rajput named Joda Akbar. Also Babur forcefully married daughter of pashtun tribe king after defeating them.

Thats just 2, there most be others as well.
This does not excuse begharti of Mughal allies.

Mughals are history now so other empires.
Mughals are history now so other empires.

Sir thats why we are in history section instead of current events.
Sir thats why we are in history section instead of current events.

but why baigairat? In war it happens.
but why baigairat? In war it happens.

It happens but giving away daughter after losing war to make alliance is sign of begharity in South Asian culture. This topic is about beghairat allies of Mughals.
It happens but giving away daughter after losing away to make alliance is sign of begharity in South Asian culture.

then which culture should we follow?
then which culture should we follow?

The one in which kings don't give away daughters to make alliance with enemy.
The one in which kings don't give away daughters to make alliance with enemy.

give example
give example

Maratha empire for exemple, they could have made alliance with Mughals :-) similar deal :rolleyes:
Maratha empire for exemple, they could have made alliance with Mughals :-) similar deal :rolleyes:

The Marathas over threw Mughals, they were not interested in any alliance at all.
The Marathas over threw Mughals, they were not interested in any alliance at all.

Ghairatmand people :pleasantry:
Ghairatmand people :pleasantry:

Alliance forming is not related to gairathmand or beighairat. Some times you have to form Alliance to overthrow a kingdom with whom Alliance is formed by giving daughter or by giving money, etc. Honey Trap-

The way britishers made Allaince with Moghuls to suppress Sikhs and later when Sikhs and Moghuls were weak after a war, Britishers took over. Who knows, who married whose daughter to whom.
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Alliance forming is not related to gairathmand or beighairat. Some times you have to form Alliance to overthrow a kingdom with whom Alliance is formed by giving daughter or by giving money, etc. Honey Trap-

The way britishers made Allaince with Moghuls to suppress Sikhs and later when Sikhs and Moghuls were weak after a war, Britishers took over. Who knows, who married whose daughter to whom.

Sir here we are talking about beghairat allies of Mughal empire. Sikhs didn't gave away their daughters to make alliance did they?
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