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Mughal, Nizam era treasure recovered in Hyderabad-India

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The poor souls dont even have any money to migrate thats why.

and please do not bring in who is better off because you wont have guts to see the truth.

Yeah I am sure Aziz Premji (whose net worth is more than your entire GDP of province of Sindh) is not migrating to Pakistan because he cant afford a railway ticket. Must also be the case with Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Amir Khan, Fardeen Khan, Omar Abdullah, etc.
Is that the reason why they did not migrate in 1947 to Pakistan after overwhelmingly voting for ML in 1945/46 Provincial and Central elections when ML stood on the plank of a separate Islamic country?

Poor then - poor now - So who should be blamed while other minority religions do well?

If that was the reason then what you have given them?

2. if that was NOT the case how you reciprocated their loyality to India? By calling "Go back to your Pakistan".

3. They themself should be blamed for wrong choices throughout. They have strong vote bank they should have ONE strong Political party get to Parliament as a Community and get their due rights.

4. Or wake up from their slumber and start revolution
:what: yeh we know that. They are living in bad conditions in India today.

Do you know who is the richest muslim industrialist in South Asia?? Who is the biggest muslim celebrity or Highest Paid muslim celebrity of South Asia?

We are NOT crying its YOU who are.

And my good wishes for more strength to Hindutva :cheers:

We appreciate your good wishes but Thanks God ... Extreme Mullahs and their followers are on other side of borders.

More strength to Hindutva NOT NEEDED.
Yeah I am sure Aziz Premji (whose net worth is more than your entire GDP of province of Sindh) is not migrating to Pakistan because he cant afford a railway ticket. Must also be the case with Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Amir Khan, Fardeen Khan, etc.

That is the most weakest argument since millions of poor Muslims living in bad conditions in India can not be represented by few filmstars neither everyone can be a filmstar to become famous and wealthy.

neither few Muslim traders can be representatives of those millions
Yeah I am sure Aziz Premji (whose net worth is more than your entire GDP of province of Sindh) is not migrating to Pakistan because he cant afford a railway ticket. Must also be the case with Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Amir Khan, Fardeen Khan, Omar Abdullah, etc.

Great Words
If that was the reason then what you have given them?

2. if that was NOT the case how you reciprocated their loyality to India? By calling "Go back to your Pakistan".

3. They themself should be blamed for wrong choices throughout. They have strong vote bank they should have ONE strong Political party get to Parliament as a Community and get their due rights.

4. Or wake up from their slumber and start revolution

Sorry - if they voted and did not move to Pakistan but still treated well here in India where they have their own civil laws(which was not touched to modernize them - mind it unlike what was done to other religious civil laws), then it is due to benevolent nature of majority Indians - not the other way around (pointing to you the loyalty stuff - what has Indians got to gain when retaining a population who voted for ML for a separate Islamic country). There are isolated incidents which people for their own convenience harp upon(Babri Masjid, Gujarat etc) but overall Muslims has been treated well in India. If they have not faired well economically it is their fault (read Sachar report - not the summarized version but the 425 page detailed one)

The "Go back to your Pakistan" is by some right wing elements or frustrated souls. Are we talking about some fringe elements making some sounds or what majority people represent?
If that was the reason then what you have given them?

Equal Right by Constititutions, Security from foreign drones, liberty and education to their women, freedom from mullahs and talibanis, kept them safe from shia-sunni wars.

2. if that was NOT the case how you reciprocated their loyality to India? By calling "Go back to your Pakistan".

There are IDIOTS allround the world, India has its share too.
But India is not driven by what any idiot shout or says to fellow muslim but it is driven by our CONSTITUTION which treats hindu or muslim equal in rights.

3. They themself should be blamed for wrong choices throughout. They have strong vote bank they should have ONE strong Political party get to Parliament as a Community and get their due rights.

Read Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad's thought on Pakistan and check yourself how TRUE he was in forseeing future of Pakistan.

4. Or wake up from their slumber and start revolution

Not possible. They learnt lot from our neighbours and owe thanks for that to you.
That is the most weakest argument since millions of poor Muslims living in bad conditions in India can not be represented by few filmstars neither everyone can be a filmstar to become famous and wealthy.

neither few Muslim traders can be representatives of those millions

Well so apparently examples of countless Indian Muslims I can provide from Bollywood, Business, arts, Ministers is not enough, but you who is not even an Indian Muslim can speak for them? Did you go and ask all 150 million odd Muslims of India what they want personally?

Lets be honest here, Indian Muslims wouldn't even fart in the direction of Pakistan, much less actually go to live in your so called country.
Well so apparently examples of countless Indian Muslims I can provide from Bollywood, Business, arts, Ministers is not enough, but you who is not even an Indian Muslim can speak for them? Did you go and ask all 150 million odd Muslims of India what they want personally?

Lets be honest here, Indian Muslims wouldn't even fart in the direction of Pakistan, much less actually go to live in your so called country.

They had already been forced to fart in India we dont need your badboo either lolzzz.
Sorry - if they voted and did not move to Pakistan but still treated well here in India where they have their own civil laws(which was not touched to modernize them - mind it unlike what was done to other religious civil laws), then it is due to benevolent nature of majority Indians - not the other way around (pointing to you the loyalty stuff - what has Indians got to gain when retaining a population who voted for ML for a separate Islamic country). There are isolated incidents which people for their own convenience harp upon(Babri Masjid, Gujarat etc) but overall Muslims has been treated well in India. If they have not faired well economically it is their fault (read Sachar report - not the summarized version but the 425 page detailed one)

The "Go back to your Pakistan" is by some right wing elements or frustrated souls. Are we talking about some fringe elements making some sounds or what majority people represent?

1. You can not mess with personal laws in case of Muslims otherwise you will see your country struggling a big mess which you dont want otherwise Sikhs are still demanding approval of Sikh marriage act.

2. Not right wingers, they are called Hindu extremists and belong to quiet powerful group of extremists in India who are perdicted to be in govt in future.

3. sachar report also said many other things which all point towards discrimination
How exactly if you may explain

Just inducing the living styles and other aspects of life in the name of religion. It all started by Zia after 1971 defeat, Pakistanis should be brainwashed and turned anti India so that two nation theory will not be lost.

In the process Pakistanis were told first they were decedents of mughals, then Arabs completely ignoring their culture.
1. You can not mess with personal laws in case of Muslims otherwise you will see your country struggling a big mess which you dont want otherwise Sikhs are still demanding approval of Sikh marriage act.

2. Not right wingers, they are called Hindu extremists and belong to quiet powerful group of extremists in India who are perdicted to be in govt in future.

3. sachar report also said many other things which all point towards discrimination

The iron was hot post 1947s but stupid Nehru got rid of his father's vision for his rival's vision (Nehru report was more secular prepared in 1928 - Simon Commission report prepared in 1928 as an alternative to Nehru report was adopted in 1935 Government of India act which Nehru followed in 1947 and had different religious laws aspect which was used by British to divide and rule India).

But I do agree touching the muslim personal law today will result in a huge mess which India does not want.

The reason why right wingers are gaining ground is due to the soft Islamic parties like Congress and Samajwadi party - it is nothing but action and reaction aspect.

And I knew you would talk about discrimination quoted in Sachar report - that is why I asked you to read the 425 page report - whereever he has used discrimination, he has used "alleged" as his methodology in preparing the report is taking information from various reports from departments of GOI and interviews done with people from muslim community. So you see - the discrimination quoted here is from the people of muslim community and no scientific basis behind it and maybe more subjective and that is why Sachar himself played it safe in his report.
Just inducing the living styles and other aspects of life in the name of religion. It all started by Zia after 1971 defeat, Pakistanis should be brainwashed and turned anti India so that two nation theory will not be lost.

if you name few?

In the process Pakistanis were told first they were decedents of mughals, then Arabs completely ignoring their culture.

This is the most ignorant misconception some people have spread including Indiand and pro-Indian converts.

nothing of the sort is there.
The iron was hot post 1947s but stupid Nehru got rid of his father's vision for his rival's vision (Nehru report was more secular prepared in 1928 - Simon Commission report prepared in 1928 as an alternative to Nehru report was adopted in 1935 Government of India act which Nehru followed in 1947 and had different religious laws aspect which was used by British to divide and rule India).

But I do agree touching the muslim personal law today will result in a huge mess which India does not want.

The reason why right wingers are gaining ground is due to the soft Islamic parties like Congress and Samajwadi party - it is nothing but action and reaction aspect.

And I knew you would talk about discrimination quoted in Sachar report - that is why I asked you to read the 425 page report - whereever he has used discrimination, he has used "alleged" as his methodology in preparing the report is taking information from various reports from departments of GOI and interviews done with people from muslim community. So you see - when the discrimination quoted here is from the people of muslim community and no scientific basis behind it.

Nehru had more broad vision for Indian Muslims i dont know why you guys had let your extremists to create the hate and division.

if anything today is threatening the Indians its the same communal threat which unfortunatley had always been stired by Hardline Hindu groups even before partition.

Those who showed loyality to India had been made scapgoats for partion.
if you name few?

This is the most ignorant misconception some people have spread including Indiand and pro-Indian converts.

nothing of the sort is there.

go through this movement



Does saying ‘Ramadan’ over ‘Ramazan’ make you a better Muslim? – The Express Tribune Blog

When Gen. Zia imposed Arabic

Pakistan is paying the price for Arabization - The Globe and Mail

And the present Taliban culture of denying women rights, and women education are direct result of Wahhabi culture of SA.
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