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Sep 12, 2008
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Written by www.daily.pk
Monday, 02 February 2009 16:05
The MQM as well as the Asif Zardari –PPP are playing poker with all their cards on the table. Their moves are not hard to anticipate and frustrate

Never in the history of any country, its government has so consistently acted against the national interest as the Zardari Administration. He presides over a coalition comprising political parties that oppose Pakistan. Under his leadership, the PPP has also become an anti-Pakistan Party that works for the Indian agenda

- more eagerly on points on which India and the USA agree. The break-up of Pakistan has been the agenda of India andAmerica during the Bush era. President Obama has yet to show his hand but it is unlikely that he would change that objective; he is more likely to use smart power to achieve his objective, which is the preferred method ofIndia any way. Besides India has experience of 1971 for breaking up Pakistan. In 1971, India had Soviet support for its plans, now it has US support. The Scheme has three parts:

1. The first part of the Indo-US scheme was to install a government in Pakistan that does not care about national interests. That has been successfully accomplished; all the ruling parties are anti-Pakistan. Their popularity rating has sunk to 12 per cent and they do know why? But they do not care; they still have long enough time – four years – to accomplish the break-up of Pakistan.

2. The second part is to make ‘provincial autonomy’ the focal point of politics. Since the experience of 1971 is fresh in the minds of the people, no province is ready to repeat the mistake. But India has other cards to play. It has a ‘Trojan Horse’ in the politics of Pakistan in the shape of the MQM representing refugees from India. They do know what happened to their counter-parts in East Pakistan (Bihari Muslims) after it seceded; they became stateless. The fate of Mohajir in Pakistan would be the same if politics in the provinces were organised on ethnic lines; they would become stateless. Yet, they have volunteered to front the political campaign for the break-up of Pakistan. Why? Because they have to obey those who fund and direct them. It was Sheikh Mujib who fronted the Indian campaign in 1971; it is Altaf Hussain in 2009.

3. The third part of Indo-US scheme is that the armed forces should be discredited and demonised. That is not difficult because the wounds inflicted by ‘General’ Musharraf on Pakistan are still raw. He is the one who acquiesced to Indo-US diktat on every issue of national importance. He deceived the people and acted dishonourably so frequently that it is hard for his successors to resurrect the image of the armed forces. The Army operations against the ‘Islamists’ in Swat and FATA are controversial both in objectives as well as conduct. The Army has been found to be unable to defend itself – physically and in public perception. The biggest success of the Indo-US strategy has been to set the Islamists – who had been the nemesis of the secular forces - on Pakistan instead.

There is confusion in Pakistan of the same kind as in 1971. It was public knowledge that Sheikh Mujib was an Indian agent and would act on India’s directions, but the political class looked at him with admiration for his ‘courage’ to establish contact with the ‘enemy’ and secure its support. Today Altaf Hussain is held in similar awe for having enlisted India and America in his support. His other anti-Pakistan coalition partners would give their eyeteeth for the spell he casts over his Shia-Muhajir constituents. The patriotic Pakistanis – despite being in overwhelming majority - are stricken by dumbness as they were in 1971. Thy do not even have the courage to criticise the MQM draft of constitutional amendment.

There are two important arguments that need to be articulated by the patriotic press and the politicians:

1. Provincial autonomy is neither a universal doctrine nor an Islamic one. It is rooted in the history of theBritish Empire in India that annexed different territories at different times on different terms. The essential feature of their ‘conquests’ – whether the territory was annexed or remained under ‘princely rule’ - was that the land remained under the ownership of the province or the state; it was the people who became the ‘subjects of the crown’. Even today, all the ‘state land’ is the property of the province. From that it followed that taxes on land and property and rules for the sale and transfer of land and property be made by the province/state. But the taxes on people (their income and their production) were the exclusive right of the federal government, which was responsible for every aspect of peoples’ life – their health, education, security and welfare. That division of rights and responsibilities is still sound in principle as well as practice. Provincial autonomy is fair and good if the land revenue and taxes on minerals – including oil and gas - are collected exclusively by the provincial governments and used for development of infrastructure, irrigation, and maintenance of law and order. The responsibility for health and education should be returned to the federal government as it is the one responsible for the security and welfare of the people and collects taxes on peoples’ income and production.
2. A powerful country is one where the society is cohesive and the people are free. Since 98% of Pakistanis are Muslims, the cohesion among the people is remarkable. The people are free to move inside the country and for work overseas. The Pakistanis are institutionally fee and Pakistan is a strong country. Imagine the situation if a Kashmiri or a Pathan required a work permit to work in the Punjab or Sindh. Would it serve the interest of any province? Balochistan is a province with Pashtun, the Baloch and non-Baloch in almost equal numbers. Should Balochistan be split into three provinces? What would be result of such a split? Mass migrations, more strife and even more poverty and destitution! There are more Pathans in Karachi than in Peshawar. There are more Baloch in Sindh and Punjab than in Balochistan. The people have benefited from such migration. Had that not been the case they would not have moved. To the extent that provincial autonomy places restrictions of freedom of people to move, it is regressive. Indirect restrictions like sale of state land only to locals are the best means by which fears of change in demographic balance are addressed. That is the case at present and this can continue.
That the provinces of Pakistan are not defined by or restricted to any ethnic group is the strength of Pakistan. It is only the enemies of Pakistan who want to define the provinces of Pakistan in ethnic terms. That is why it is the prime enemy of the state of Pakistan, whose leaders decried the Two Nation Theory and the Founder of Pakistan in Delhi - the MQM – who is the mouthpiece of the Indian agenda. The political class is not going to criticise the MQM and its nefarious activities. It is partly because of fear of being gunned down by this mafia and partly because the other political parties not yet organised fully as a mafia consider the MQM as a their model. The direction in which Asif Zardari is moving the PP supports that view. The PPP was a populist political party under the leadership of Late Prime Ministers Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto. It is now being transformed into a Zardari mafia. A mafia is an organisation in which strict obedience of the ‘boss’ is the only law. The way the AZ-PPP has switched from supporting the restoration of the judges sacked by General Musharraf to supporting the judges that took oath under Musharraf’s PCO on 3 November 2007, shows that it is now Zardari Mafia like the MQM is Altaf Mafia.

The people of Pakistan are wide-awake through the Indo-US sponsored slaughter in their country. The USsupport notwithstanding, the ANP has been wiped clean out of NWFP and Balochistan. The MQM is nervous. Its leaders sitting in London and holding ministerial office in Islamabad are meeting American officials offering them their services independently of Asif Zardari. The situation of AZ is really difficult. His coalition partners – the ANP and the MQM – have closer relations with India and the USA. They can start and sustain a civil war to break up Pakistan. All Asif Zardari can offer – if provide the tools - is to use his army to crush the militants in Swat and FATA who have in any case been unleashed on Pakistan under a clandestine Indo-US operation. But he India has a use for him. The third part of the Indo-US scheme for Pakistan requires the armed forces to be an object of derision rather than awe, of contempt rather than fear. That can only be accomplished by wanton use of air power in Swat and FATA as is being insisted upon by the USA, and by Asif Zardari with diligent support of his ‘tried and tested accomplices’ called advisors to the Prime Minister.

The people are wide-awake but they have little hope. The entire political class and the system on which they feed and thrive are ready to collapse. It may well be the Indo-US scheme to break up Pakistan that overcomes their disinclination to mass action. Musharraf ended the prospect of the armed forces acting as an institution to save the country from its political class. Zardari is putting the final nails into the coffin of the political class. The lawyers, the ex-servicemen and other segments of the civil society may yet unite to replace the political class but that does not appear likely. The challenge is too big and the self-imposed restrictions on their objectives and actions are a heavy constraint. May be the MQM draft of amendments to the constitution makes the institutions of the civil society take up the challenge that the PML(N) and other like minded parties are unable or unwilling to. It is hard to make predictions. But the MQM as well as the AZ –PPP are playing poker with all their cards on the table. Their moves are not hard to anticipate and frustrate. ++

The writer is retired Brigadier of the Pakistan Army who is Director of the London Institute of South Asia (LISA)

Only unanimously agreed document that we can refer to is 1973 Constitution. It is mentioned therein that Pakistan is a "Federation". Brigadier Sahib should look into the meaning of the word 'federation' first.

I quote below the rights of the provinces under 1973 Constitution.


Part V
Relations Between Federation and Provinces


141. Extent of Federal and Provincial laws.
Subject to the Constitution, [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] may make laws (including laws having extra-territorial operation ) for the whole or any part of Pakistan, and a Provincial Assembly may make laws for the Province or any part thereof.

142. Subject-matter of Federal and Provincial laws.
Subject to the Constitution-
(a) [144] [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall have exclusive power to make laws with respect to any matter in the Federal Legislative List;

(b) [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)], and a Provincial Assembly also, shall have power to make laws with respect to any matter in the Concurrent Legislative List;

(c)A Provincial Assembly shall, and [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall not, have power to make laws with respect to any matter not enumerated in either the Federal Legislative List or the Concurrent Legislative List; and

(d) [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall have exclusive power to make laws with respect to matters not enumerated in either of the Lists for such areas in the Federation as are not included in any Province.

143.Inconsistency between Federal and Provincial laws.
If any provision of an Act of a Provincial Assembly is repugnant to any provision of an Act of [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] which [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] is competent to enact, or to any provision of any existing law with respect to any of the matters enumerated in the Concurrent Legislative List, then the Act of [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)], whether passed before or after the Act of the Provincial Assembly, or, as the case may be, the existing law, shall prevail and the Act of the Provincial Assembly shall, to the extent of the repugnancy, be void.

144.Power of [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] to legislate for two or more Provinces by consent.
(1) If two or more Provincial Assemblies pass resolutions to the effect that [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] may by law regulate any matter not enumerated in either List in the Fourth Schedule, it shall be lawful for [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] to pass an Act for regulating that matter accordingly, but any act so passed may, as respects any Province to which it applies, be amended or repealed by Act of the Assembly of that Province.


If we are sincere about democracy, it has to start at grass roots level. Villages, Tehsils and Towns to have their own elected councils making decisions on the local issues. Provinces to have their assemblies as the next tier of legislature followed by the National Parliament to legislate about national, inter-provincial and international matters. How will this cause a break up?

The article is written to propagate a very biased agenda. It is a misconception that giving more power to the provinces will cause Pakistan to break up. There are more chances of Pakistan breaking up if the Federal unit’s grievances are left unresolved as happened in East Pakistan
The article is written to propagate a very biased agenda. It is a misconception that giving more power to the provinces will cause Pakistan to break up. There are more chances of Pakistan breaking up if the Federal unit’s grievances are left unresolved as happened in East Pakistan
So true. Provisional autonomy is the key for Pakistan survival. Its unfortunate that our Federation get endangered even if some province wants to change its name.
So true. Provisional autonomy is the key for Pakistan survival. Its unfortunate that our Federation get endangered even if some province wants to change its name.

I guess theres way too many conspiracy theories out there and Pakistanis dont know what to believe.
Although I dont know how a simple name change can affect a province, I guess its upto the people of the province to decide what they want to call their province.
I guess theres way too many conspiracy theories out there and Pakistanis dont know what to believe.
Although I dont know how a simple name change can affect a province, I guess its upto the people of the province to decide what they want to call their province.

Well its the best way to rule a country without democracy i.e. by creating scare
though i dont like MQM but i will speak in favour of provincial autonomy. it will strengthen the country and not weaken it. main problem in pakistan is that each province is busy blaming the other one. eg: if balochistan is given autnomy, they will have no reason to blame pakistan for their misiries. they will be able to exploit their resources in a way they want. then investors can also directly deal with the provincial gov and will therefore make the process easier. its about strengthenin the federation. and is also there in our constitution which still needs to be implemented
The Federal government has no business aside from National defence and Foreign policy. The rest should be handled by the provinces with some oversight from the Fed Govt.
I completely Agree on Provincial Autonomy ...........
If we are sincere about democracy, it has to start at grass roots level. Villages, Tehsils and Towns to have their own elected councils making decisions on the local issues. Provinces to have their assemblies as the next tier of legislature followed by the National Parliament to legislate about national, inter-provincial and international matters. How will this cause a break up?

The article is written to propagate a very biased agenda. It is a misconception that giving more power to the provinces will cause Pakistan to break up. There are more chances of Pakistan breaking up if the Federal unit’s grievances are left unresolved as happened in East Pakistan

looks like just another conspiracy theory.
Democratic governments in Pakistan have often been ridiculed by armed forces personnel and others for being soft on issues like autonomy and foreign affairs. They try to project cautiousness of governments as their inability.
Look at how many people have been accused of being foreign assets...
Qazi sees conspiracy of dividing Pakistan on basis of nationalities

Karachi: Ameer of Jamat-e-Islami, Pakistan Qazi Hussain Ahmed says conspiracies are being hatched to divide the country on the basis of nationalities.
“The nation has already been divided due to class-based educational system, and it requires a unified educational system to become one nation,” he said while addressing the 56th All Pakistan Annual Gathering of Islami Jamiat Talaba at Government College of Technology, Karachi on Monday.
Qazi Hussain contended that the country has lost its national language because Urdu has been neglected at national level.
According to him Islamic educational system was the need of hour.
JI chief said that the government has failed in achieving any result despite use of force in tribal areas and added that the only way to restore peace is end to its alliance with USA.
JI Karachi chief Muhammad Hussain Mahnati, IJT leader Attique Rehman and others were present.
IJT chief presented a cheque of Rs.01 million to Qazi Hussain Ahmed for JI fund.—PPI

Welcome to Daily Regional Times Online Newspaper
Qazi sees conspiracy of dividing Pakistan on basis of nationalities

Karachi: Ameer of Jamat-e-Islami, Pakistan Qazi Hussain Ahmed says conspiracies are being hatched to divide the country on the basis of nationalities.
“The nation has already been divided due to class-based educational system, and it requires a unified educational system to become one nation,” he said while addressing the 56th All Pakistan Annual Gathering of Islami Jamiat Talaba at Government College of Technology, Karachi on Monday.
Qazi Hussain contended that the country has lost its national language because Urdu has been neglected at national level.
According to him Islamic educational system was the need of hour.
JI chief said that the government has failed in achieving any result despite use of force in tribal areas and added that the only way to restore peace is end to its alliance with USA.
JI Karachi chief Muhammad Hussain Mahnati, IJT leader Attique Rehman and others were present.
IJT chief presented a cheque of Rs.01 million to Qazi Hussain Ahmed for JI fund.—PPI

Welcome to Daily Regional Times Online Newspaper

This duplicitious So and So! His word has no meaning or weight. Is not the nation divided on the basis of ethnicity and regionalism in any case? Are not various parties bread and butter dependant on inciting hatred against one or the other segment of the community? The fact remains thart we are Sindhis, Punjabis , Pushtoons, Baluch and Mohajir first and Pakistani second. We have no sense of national cohesion and our leaders are involved in petty politics rather than looking at the problems that the poor masses are facing, thus driving the populace more and more along the lines of ethnic divide. Islam could be a source of cohesion, but we have forgotten how to be decent human beings much less good Muslims.
NOW! my ranting aside, the only other formula that I see working for this country is one of provincial autonomy and control over the running of the province and a strong and relatively less corrupt judiciary as a safeguard against transgression. Is it going to happpen. Unlikely in my life time!!!!
So true. Provisional autonomy is the key for Pakistan survival. Its unfortunate that our Federation get endangered even if some province wants to change its name.
The Federal government has no business aside from National defence and Foreign policy. The rest should be handled by the provinces with some oversight from the Fed Govt.

This would have even averted break away of Bangladesh. I guess the federation of Pakistan is not ready for this.
So true. Provisional autonomy is the key for Pakistan survival. Its unfortunate that our Federation get endangered even if some province wants to change its name.

why do you have to change names of the provinces when you already have got the identity of PakisTan in 1947 .. ?? .:azn:

"maouj darya se hai , bayroon -e- darya kuchh nahi ":bounce:
MQM is the twin of AL experiment successfully executed in East-Pakistan now Bangladesh.

In East-Pakistan mukti bahini terrorist harassed and terrorized the Bengali intellectuals until they submit. This help create the fake uprising by a pro-communist puppet leader.

In Pakistan MQM has harassed and assassinated migrant intellectuals until they submit. MQM single handedly killed more migrants than any terrorist attack in a campaign proclaimed to fight for rights of migrants. How hypocritical.

It should be disbanded as soon as possible.
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