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MQM - Political Desk

لاہورمیں منہاج القرآن کے سیکریٹریٹ اورمختلف علاقوں میں موبائل فون بندکرنے پرایم کیوایم کااظہارتشویش

لاہورمیں منہاج القرآن کے سیکریٹریٹ اورمختلف علاقوں میں موبائل فون بندکرنے پرایم کیوایم کااظہارتشویش
موبائل فون سروس فی الفور بحال کی جائے۔ایم کیوایم رابطہ کمیٹی کاانتباہ

موبائل فون سروس فی الفور بحال کی جائے۔ایم کیوایم رابطہ کمیٹی کاانتباہ
متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کی رابطہ کمیٹی نے لاہورمیں تحریک منہاج القرآن کے سیکریٹریٹ ، اطراف کے علاقوں اورمختلف علاقوں میں موبائل فون بندکرنے پرتشویش کااظہارکرتے ہوئے حکومت سے مطالبہ کیاہے کہ موبائل فون سروس فی الفور بحال کی جائے۔اپنے بیان میں رابطہ کمیٹی نے کہاکہ موبائل فون سروس بندکرناشہریوں کے بنیادی حقوق کی خلاف ورذی ہے لہٰذا یہ عمل نہ کیاجائے اورشہریوں کے معمولات زندگی میں رکاوٹیں کھڑی نہ کی جائیں۔


Rasheed Godial (MQM) address on Youm-e-Shuhada

Only MQM Serves Humanity


QM Chief Altaf Hussain said MQM, since its inception, kept serving people despite their race, sect and ethnic differences.

Talking to members of Coordination Committee, parliamentarians and other office bearers of various departments, Altaf Hussain said people having feudal mentality kept propagating against MQM to defame it and it was MQM workers responsibilities to rectify party’s image through its philosophy, agenda and welfare works.

He said MQM introduced lower-middle class leadership in country’s parliaments and emerged the only hope of the poor and disadvantaged people. He said to spread MQM philosophy all over the country, it became Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) on 26th July 1997 to serve the entire countrymen and since then it raised voice for deprived souls.

Altaf Hussain said his party kept serving for humanity during natural disasters especially earthquake, flood and others incidents. He said MQM always came up front to fight for countrymen against any mishap or disaster. He said in every testing time MQM proved its presence for the nation.

He said despite all these efforts MQM was being accused of non-religious party, foreign agent, having ethnic prejudice and other false allegations which defamed its credibility and goodwill. He said MQM kept struggling to break status quo by introducing lower-middle class leaderships.

MQM Chief said if his party’s services were not recognized by national or international level than the cause would not only be people tyrant mentality but simultaneously MQM workers and authorities would be blamed. He said MQM also worked to maintain sectarian harmony especially Shia-Sunni relationship.

He said his party discipline should acknowledged because hundreds of thousands people on July 6th rally were given meal to break their fast without any chaos, in contrast, workers in other parties kept displaying mismanagement and ill-discipline in their programs.

Altaf Hussain also directed Coordination Committee to reinstate organizational evaluation tests for the workers. He also advised his workers to study his book Safre Zindagi to get aware of party’s early era. He then appreciated all the department and committees for their performance.

Only MQM serves humanity: Altaf Hussain

Altaf Hussain Extends Sympathies To Dr Tahirul Qadri On The Death Of A PAT Worker In Bhakkar

The Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain has expressed his grief and sorrow on the death of a worker of Pakistan Awami Tehreek allegedy by firing of police in Bhakkar. He said that use of force against peaceful processions coming from Bhakkar was beyond comprehension.
Mr Hussain urged on the government to desist from using repressive power of state at all cost. He said that it was the right of political parties in government as well opposition to carry out protest demonstrations but they should not harm public properties at any cost.
Mr Hussain extended sympathies to the PAT head Dr Tahirul Qadri on the death of a PAT political worker in Bhakkar and prayed Almighty Allah to bless the departed soul.
Altaf Hussain extends sympathies to Dr Tahirul Qadri on the death of a PAT worker in Bhakkar
any news why Rabita committee was restructured.
Government's undemocratic steps can bring MQM on streets: Altaf


KARACHI-Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain warned the government against taking any undemocratic steps saying it could lead to undemocratic consequences.

He alleged that aid from the party was not being allowed to reach the Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) workers at the Minhajul Quran secretariat in Lahore's Model Town area. Hussain said MQM's future course of action would be announced if the government continued to block its aid to reach the Minhajul Quran secretariat.

Airing his anger at the government, Hussain questioned whether the Pakistan Muslim League - Nawaz (PML-N) wanted the MQM to take to the streets.

The MQM chief also advised the government to study Newton's laws of physics, asking it to "avoid its undemocratic attitude," which he said was unacceptable.

Government's undemocratic steps can bring MQM on streets: Altaf
Altaf Hussain Appeals Qadri Not To Enter In Red Zone

Posted on: 14/08/2014
The founder and leader of Muttahida Quami Movement, Mr. Altaf Hussain has appealed to Pakistan Awami Tehreek Chief Dr Tahirul Qadri to maintain the march peaceful and does not cross the Zero-Point and enter into the red zone.
In a statement issued from London Secretariat, he said that Governor Punjab, Governor Sindh and federal and provincial governments kept working on the resolution of the blockade issue and due to their efforts, the government allowed Dr Qadri to take out a peaceful long march. He said that the federal government showed maturity and wisdom to deal with the issue.
Now, it was the responsibility of PAT leaderships to revere those, who participated in the dialogue. He also appealed to the leadership and workers of PAT in the name of Allah and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to make the long march peaceful and should not try to enter into the red zone.
Meanwhile, the federal government allowed PAT to take out a peaceful march after the intervention of Mr. Altaf Hussain, Governor Sindh Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan and Governor Punjab Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar. It was observed yesterday that PAT was not allowed to take out a march and the blockades were erected in Model Town. Due to the reason, there was intense possibility of confrontation on the occasion of Independence Day.
MQM Chief contacted Governor Punjab and told him to do whatever to resolve the issue and asked the Punjab government to avoid possible confrontation. He suggested him to give PAT the permission to take out its march peacefully. He also contacted Governor Sindh and told him to play his role and convey his message to federal government and concerned authorities.
Later, Governor Punjab telephoned Mr Hussain and told him about the new developments regarding removal of blockade and approval for PAT march. He also appreciated MQM Chief for taking personal interest in the issue to resolve it with great wisdom and maturity.
Mr. Hussain thanked Governor Punjab for his efforts and said that the decision was really in the favour of the nation. He also appreciated Governor Sindh for his active role for defusing the issue and prayed for him to be rewarded by God.

I will quit from all 25 seats on NA for the betterment of Pakistan. MQM chief Altaf Hussain.



کالم: اگر یہ اعلان کوئی چھوٹے صوبے سے کرتا.... تحریر: عباس مہکری

Posted on: 8/25/2014
کالم: اگر یہ اعلان کوئی چھوٹے صوبے سے کرتا
تحریر: عباس مہکری
بشکریہ: جنگ

کالم: اگر یہ اعلان کوئی چھوٹے صوبے سے کرتا.... تحریر: عباس مہکری

Posted on: 8/25/2014
کالم: اگر یہ اعلان کوئی چھوٹے صوبے سے کرتا
تحریر: عباس مہکری
بشکریہ: جنگ

View attachment 45134
It's time for MQM to come out of BILLAWALHOUSE, & decide political fate themselves?
It's time for MQM to come out of BILLAWALHOUSE, & decide political fate themselves?
It's time for IK to make a visit of Nine Zero
May be things change:p:
Joke aside mqm doing balanced role in current crises, they clearly said if necessary NS should resign. Bhai ne tou 25 seats bhi razakarana offer kar di hain
It's time for IK to make a visit of Nine Zero
May be things change:p:
Joke aside mqm doing balanced role in current crises, they clearly said if necessary NS should resign. Bhai ne tou 25 seats bhi razakarana offer kar di hain
I think MQM should try something else cause KHAN is different person?
I guss, MQM has good intelligent leadership, they can workout , some kind of idea to kick start with, IK?
Resignation of noora, just forget about it, latoon ka bhoot hai?
But MQM needs to find its place, within the lines of real opposition on the streets, & it's getting the end game?
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