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MQM holds biggest rally, beats IK's with ease

I come in Muhajir category(most commonly known as Urdu Speaking or Karachities) but i will choose to die rather than go to india windia, so please don't post BS.

MQM has had a questionable past, it still suffers from a bad reputation of getting pushy when somebody else (Pakhtuns; Jayalas) tries to play on their turf (Karachi & Hyderabad).

During previous govt., Musharraf gave all the control of Karachi & Hyderabad to MQM and they brought exemplary development in the cities + there was no violence during those days. I can recommend Syed Mustafa Kamal as the Prime Minister of Pakistan any day of the week.

But I also seriously hope that Altaf Hussain should now retire; the sooner MQM gets rid of him the greater are the chances that it will gain a nation-wide popularity. Think of the positive attention MQM gets if Syed Mustafa Kamal is the made the Chairman of MQM.
In Bahwalpur we beat and run the MQM'ers out of the city whenever they come. No offense to anyone.
I come in Muhajir category(most commonly known as Urdu Speaking or Karachities) but i will choose to die rather than go to india windia, so please don't post BS.

will choose to die but .......... :woot: whats up man? I guess, if you come in the position to die then better move anywhere :smokin:

and, I can see response of other Pakistani members for Muhajirs here, then here, why dont you or Mr A Hussein go to Pakistan and say, "we both would chose to die here but won't go anywhere."?????? ;)
sitting in either US or Uk and then talking high :azn:
=user1;2617951]MQM has had a questionable past, it still suffers from a bad reputation of getting pushy when somebody else (Pakhtuns; Jayalas) tries to play on their turf (Karachi & Hyderabad).

PTI just did a massive JALSA .. did you hear a thing ? ANP & PPP have presence they have been their for long ,even in MQM dominated areas .. All exist side by side .. point i am making is that scum bags (deep state or their strategic assets ) are playing divide and rule here by playing race card.

But I also seriously hope that Altaf Hussain should now retire; the sooner MQM gets rid of him the greater are the chances that it will gain a nation-wide popularity. Think of the positive attention MQM gets if Syed Mustafa Kamal is the made the Chairman of MQM.

Have a glimpse of history and you will notice that no party has survived all were split into several faction : for eg PPP have now BB group , shaheed bhutto , sherpao group etc etc .. PML have so many versions that i have lost the count now ... with AH keeps the party together , the decisions are jointly made by the leadership of rabita committee , Rest with time these people will fade away into history books. However whats important is the unity and if a party cant keep unity amongst its member than how the hell will they run a country

---------- Post added at 01:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 AM ----------

In Bahwalpur we beat and run the MQM'ers out of the city whenever they come. No offense to anyone.

Minority par sub ka nazla utarta hai .. ! suggest you a little Bahaduri test try this in US on their people or may be karachi
Minority par sub ka nazla utarta hai .. ! suggest you a little Bahaduri test try this in US on their people or may be karachi

I wouldn't be able to beat criminals at being criminals. :lol:
i see a contradiction you have no problem doing this at home town

Well I have never participated in violence against an MQM party member, however the local Punjabis are angered by them, for trying to create a Saraikistan province here.
Well I have never participated in violence against an MQM party member, however the local Punjabis are angered by them, for trying to create a Saraikistan province here.

you said :
In Bahwalpur we beat and run the MQM'ers out of the city whenever they come. No offense to anyone.
Original Post By RazPaK

so i thought may be you personally took part thus why questioned you !

yes some are angered what about the majority of seriakis this is going in for a long while MQM is only giving voice to their concerns ... not they are saints but in their opinion smaller administrative autonomous bodies are easier to manage ... unlike the takh te lahore dilema we have here .. they have been on the talk shows however no they faced no furious opposition or condemnation except for a handful of nationalists
you said :

so i thought may be you personally took part thus why questioned you !

yes some are angered what about the majority of seriakis this is going in for a long while MQM is only giving voice to their concerns ... not they are saints but in their opinion smaller administrative autonomous bodies are easier to manage ... unlike the takh te lahore dilema we have here .. they have been on the talk shows however no they faced no furious opposition or condemnation except for a handful of nationalists

But on the basis of of ethnicity is wrong.
‘Resolve the issue or lose Balochistan’: :confused:

AltafAzfar-ul-Ashfaque | Front Page | From the Newspaper13 hours ago
MQM chief Altaf Hussain.—File Photo
KARACHI: Altaf Hussain, the chief of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, has said that wrong policies and suppression of the voice of Baloch people have brought Balochistan to the verge of separation from the country.

“If we fail to find a solution we may lose Balochistan,” he said while addressing on phone a large gathering of women at the Bagh-i-Quaid on Sunday.

Mr Hussain mainly focused on issues of women and said the country could not be strengthened without empowering them.

About Balochistan, he said he had always raised the sensitive issue but no-one paid heed to it.

Referring to a recent move in the US Congress, he said the situation had worsened to an extent that resolutions were being tabled in parliaments of other countries for granting the right of self-determination to the Baloch people.

He said he had repeatedly asked the rulers to convene a conference on Balochistan, but “it appears to be already late because Baloch leaders have lost trust in the rulers of Pakistan”.

He urged the authorities concerned to give the people of Balochistan all their “legitimate rights”. “If no solution is found then,
God forbid, Balochistan may be lost,” he said.

The MQM chief said a new chapter had been written in the country’s political history with the women’s meeting.

Referring to recent rallies held at Bagh-i-Jinnah, he said that although other parties had made tall claims about massive shows of strength, the MQM had shown that only its women could face the opponents’ challenge.

He claimed that the gathering was the largest of its kind held anywhere in the world and ‘over a million’ women filled the Bagh-i-Jinnah, adjoining roads and the premises of the Mazar-i-Quaid.

He said the event itself was “a revolution” and claimed that all other parties would not be able to organise such a huge gathering even if they joined together to do so.

Mr Hussain said the MQM had brought women in the mainstream of national politics and had organised its first women’s meeting in 1988 and another in the Nishtar Park in 2005.

He said the MQM always raised its voice against injustices against women. The party forcefully raised its voice in favour of Shaista Almani, Dr Shazia and Dr Aafia Siddiqui .

The MQM chief demanded Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s release on humanitarian grounds.

He said there were areas in the country where women did not have the right to vote or contest elections.

He condemned customs like karo-kari, honour killing, vani and marriage with the Holy Quran and said incidents of gang rape, throwing acid on women, shaving their heads and cutting off their limbs were extremely shameful.

He said the MQM was against all evil customs, cruelties and injustices and wanted to emancipate women and restore their dignity.

He said the Women Protection Bill had been passed by parliament because of MQM’s efforts. The MQM also introduced legislations in the Sindh Assembly about honour killing and domestic violence.

Mr Hussain said that women should be given an equal share in every sphere of life.

He said the MQM’s manifesto was based on the last address of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) which clearly stated that all people were equal.

He called for abolition of feudal system and said educated people from the poor and middle classes should also be given the right to take part in politics.

He said the MQM wanted to end gender discrimination and give equal opportunities to women.

He also called for the recovery of all ‘missing’ persons, including 28 workers of the MQM.

The speech was followed by a fireworks display.

MQM’s decision to hold the women’s gathering at the place where the Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (Fazl) and Difa-i-Pakistan Council had recently held their public meetings appeared to be aimed at showing that the party still had a firm
grip on the city’s politics.
Firstly there is alot of propaganda against MQM spread by ganja leaguers & jayalas that's why it is unpopular in many parts of Pakistan but recently it's sucessful rally in Sukker says it is gaining popularity all over Sindh, not to mention about MQM popularity in Gilgit-Baltistan Province.

Gilgit and hanza are mainly influenced by Prince kareem agha khan as he himself is from Hunza.
Agh khanis are big business owners in karachi...including the ultra expensive Agha khan hospital and medcal college..
so their benifits are vested in karacho and they have to take sides with MQM..or the Agha khanis will lose in their finanvial hub karachi...
so if you say MQM is famous in gilgit baltistan its due to these reasons.
If Mr Immi Khan held a rally for women then he would be called a modernist, a great man and his party would be applauded but since MQM did this you can understand a lot of @sses are on fire right now. This is the hypocrisy of IK's fanboys.

i thought on ppp and pmln was jealous of PTI, now i know that mqm's *** is on fire too.
wrong they have mandate in gilgit baltistan and kashmir
..., not to mention about MQM popularity in Gilgit-Baltistan Province.

MQM did not win, but "GIVEN" seats there ... :) Remember reports of 25Kg of fake lists ... !!! Proven rigged elections,,, did u forget all whining by MQM & them throwing tantrums to Govt. coz they were NOT being "GIVEN" enough seats ... !!! :) Break-up>rejoin>Break-up>rejoin>Break-up>rejoin> hahahaha

Did u forget presiding officers telling on camera that they did NOT receive any lists from election-commission, rather lists provided by PPP's candidate & those too without any ID card #s...
& those who use the word "Mohajir",,, Half of IK's family & mine too migrated from india,,, but never use this word "Mohajir" for themselves to blame our shortcomings onto others.
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