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Move to reduce foreigners, hire more locals in jobs

Do these two ballistic pieces of news prove anything? Please send these to the would-be employers all over BD and ask them to hire them. You are talking here 50 or 100 when the country needs Lakhs of people who can accomplish their assignment.

You guys really like self-flattering without upgrading qualities of education and improving an individual's managerial capability with hard work. You guys think just with a Bachelor's degree a BD person should be employed as a Manager in a company. The result is queuing for water spraying jobs in the ME.

If the authorities keep on pressing the employers, it will cause an increase of production costs and the export of garments will suffer.

Bangladeshis are becoming manager and holding top positions all over the world and you are taking about having managerial capacity in Bangladesh.

We are not talking about lakhs as creating employment for all is a different issue rather we are talking about reliance on foreigners that Bangladeshis can do by themselves.

Those Bangladeshis holding top positions of MNCs is an indication Bangladeshis have enough talent to run local companies without the need or Indian or Sri Lankan locals.
Both expat population & remittance data is available.

British Bangladeshis & Bangladeshi Americans have a higher incidence of poverty & lower incomes than other immigrant groups from the developing world. Check the data, please.

He is someone who lives in a ghetto who takes life pleasure by talking big on an anonymous forum. That is typical of their people. In reality he would be a 5 foot midget like most of their countrymen are.
If you think having a population of 1.3 billion and producing a couple CEOs is something to brag about

You think ''aspiring'' (daydreaming, to put it more correctly) to build a Ballistic missile, in a country that publishes fewer scientific papers than one institute in India, is something to brag about.

That world bank report about managerial practices and technology adoption in Bangladesh industries wasn't from India.

And Indians goto Arabia and call arabs 'daddy'

Indians in the ME are employed in higher-skilled positions than Bangladeshis, and you wouldn't see police there barging into a labour camp to thrash a bunch of Indians, in true lathi-charge style.

Indian American CEOs and their personal achievements in which India, the country, played no role.

I guess not having to mass import skilled personnel despite having far larger & more technology-intensive operations, is an Indian achievement.
Bangladeshis are becoming manager and holding top positions all over the world and you are taking about having managerial capacity in Bangladesh.

Personal anecdotes & cherry-picked data Vs analysis by a credible organization (World Bank)

''Nonetheless, technical and managerial expertise levels are low in most Bangladeshi firms. More than 75 percent of firms do not have any workers with a college degree in engineering or applied science. The mean percentage of the workforce with an MBA or master’s level degree is only 2.4 percent. More than 75 percent of firms have no dedicated R&D workers. Furthermore, 55 percent of firms are managed by a person without a college degree''

''Although robots, 3D printing and the Internet of Things (IoT) capture media headlines, most Bangladeshi firms still use basic or near-basic technologies. Around half the firms in Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector still use handwritten processes for business management; around one-third of firms do not monitor any key performance indicators (KPIs); and most firms still use fully manual or powered but manually operated basic machinery across production stages. Firms need to be enabled to climb the technology ladder''
He is someone who lives in a ghetto who takes life pleasure by talking big on an anonymous forum. That is typical of their people. In reality he would be a 5 foot midget like most of their countrymen are.

''We have enough skilled manpower''

WB & BD industry lobby groups say it does not.

''It's a perception issue, we rather export our skilled manpower to the west''

Immigrant Bangladeshis in the west are among the poorest there, so they certainly aren't of highly skilled variety.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good ''narrative''. :D
And Indians goto Arabia and call arabs 'daddy' as they watch arab master whoop their wife on the face.. You tell me.. instead of jerking off to Indian American CEOs and their personal achievements in which India, the country, played no role.

Indians love taking credit.

this discussion is going nowhere...

they dont have enough info thats why may be they are saying like this.. better dont reply..

now lets come to the main topic..
i think this is a good move, there are people living inside and outside of the country highly experienced and capable enough to run a company. i think govt. should also think aobut bringing expats back to the country to develop local industries.. and govt also should put emphasis on R&D
You think ''aspiring'' (daydreaming, to put it more correctly) to build a Ballistic missile, in a country that publishes fewer scientific papers than one institute in India, is something to brag about.

That world bank report about managerial practices and technology adoption in Bangladesh industries wasn't from India.

Indians in the ME are employed in higher-skilled positions than Bangladeshis, and you wouldn't see police there barging into a labour camp to thrash a bunch of Indians, in true lathi-charge style.

I guess not having to mass import skilled personnel despite having far larger & more technology-intensive operations, is an Indian achievement.

Personal anecdotes & cherry-picked data Vs analysis by a credible organization (World Bank)

''Nonetheless, technical and managerial expertise levels are low in most Bangladeshi firms. More than 75 percent of firms do not have any workers with a college degree in engineering or applied science. The mean percentage of the workforce with an MBA or master’s level degree is only 2.4 percent. More than 75 percent of firms have no dedicated R&D workers. Furthermore, 55 percent of firms are managed by a person without a college degree''

''Although robots, 3D printing and the Internet of Things (IoT) capture media headlines, most Bangladeshi firms still use basic or near-basic technologies. Around half the firms in Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector still use handwritten processes for business management; around one-third of firms do not monitor any key performance indicators (KPIs); and most firms still use fully manual or powered but manually operated basic machinery across production stages. Firms need to be enabled to climb the technology ladder''

Lol desperate attempt to deflect from the main topic that Indians are staying illegally and taking away billions of usd through hundi without paying tax.

On topic if certain firm doesn’t improve processes what it has to do with skilled labor or workforce? Bangladesh produces enough workforce’s every year from universities to do their job. Back in 90s or in early 2000s situation was different though.
''We have enough skilled manpower''

WB & BD industry lobby groups say it does not.

''It's a perception issue, we rather export our skilled manpower to the west''

Immigrant Bangladeshis in the west are among the poorest there, so they certainly aren't of highly skilled variety.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good ''narrative''. :D

There are two groups of immigrants in the west. One went through programs like dv lottery and and Another through family reunification or through refugee or asylum seeking. First generation of those immigrants naturally can go through financial hardship. India was no different when it started to go to west couple of decades ago. But adaptation to the condition is the key. Second generation immigration are doing better.

However here we are talking about skilled migrants. In EU, USA, Canada they are doing really better. Plus recent trend of integration of all community members, helping each other to improve skill set or do better in doing business playing a big role as well for their improvement.

Just let the H1B scam that Indian it koolies are running stop, real picture of the condition of Indians will come forward despite they are settling in the west for decades.
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Lol desperate attempt to deflect from the main topic that Indians are staying illegally and taking away billions of usd through hundi without paying tax.

Main topic? Wasn't this mentioned in the very article you posted?

"We lack skilled and qualified manpower in many fields. If foreign experts do not come there, the sectors will not develop. We should see what other countries are doing," she said.

Foreign nationals are working in 32 sectors, including garment industries and buying companies, merchandising companies, NGOs, information and communication technology (ICT) sector, education, engineering institutes, consulting firms, multinational companies, private power plants, international contractors, hotel-restaurants, mobile phone companies, oil and gas companies among others. They usually are involved in mid-level management and higher positions.

Industry insiders say Bangladeshi workers have not yet become a substitute for foreigners in some jobs as they lack information technology and technical knowledge and foreigners are taking advantage of this.

On topic if certain firm doesn’t improve processes what it has to do with skilled labor or workforce?

That's the job of the management, you dummy. You don't even have enough professionals to handle low-tech industries such as textiles.

''Nonetheless, technical and managerial expertise levels are low in most Bangladeshi firms. More than 75 percent of firms do not have any workers with a college degree in engineering or applied science. The mean percentage of the workforce with an MBA or master’s level degree is only 2.4 percent. More than 75 percent of firms have no dedicated R&D workers. Furthermore, 55 percent of firms are managed by a person without a college degree''

You call this management? Still using handwritten processes? I thought your MBAs would know of this wonderful little device known as a ''computer''... :D

Around half the firms in Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector still use handwritten processes for business management; around one-third of firms do not monitor any key performance indicators (KPIs); and most firms still use fully manual or powered but manually operated basic machinery across production stages

However here we are talking about skilled migrants. In EU, USA, Canada they are doing really better.
Just let the H1B scam that Indian it koolies are running stop

Let's see how ''IT coolies compare'' with sweatshop coolies in the US...:sarcastic:

Median Household Income by detailed ancestry

1. Indian Americans $126,705

57. Bangladeshi Americans $67,944

Here is the new face of poverty in the US and it looks like many forumers here, lol.


Oh and the EU, you mean the illegal boat people?

It takes a special kind of stupid to assume that people from less-papers-than-IIT-Madras country without required skilled workforce to handle even low tech RMG sector would do better than India in earning more overseas.
Why foreigners are awarded Bangladeshi jobs
Khawaza Main Uddin | Published: June 22, 2021 22:04:34 | Updated: June 24, 2021 21:50:59
That only one-fifth of the expatriates working in the country are believed to be registered with Bangladesh Investment Development Authority is contentious. The actual number of foreign employees would perhaps be half a million and the amount being drained out every year may exceed US$5.0 billion, as different estimates suggest.

There are grievances, as expressed in public domain, against hiring foreigners when millions of locals are jobless. That reaction is still nowhere near xenophobia seen in the so-called developed countries. Sadly, many Bangladeshi expatriates experience harassment and repression in a number of destinations.

Thanks to Bangladeshi hospitality, foreigners in this country rather enjoy freedom to work without permit in innumerable cases and are further entitled to undeclared exemption from taxes.

Such employment, employers claim, is because of the industry demand and of course skills not matched by locals. Others, especially jobseekers, term the recruitment process biased towards foreign workers, given the choice of recruiters and influence of some foreign consultants/professionals at the top.

Unfortunately, this issue has not been objectively assessed by any authority in Bangladesh.

The argument of 'missing middle' in the country's industrial management has come under question once Bangladeshi executives are capturing top positions of multinational companies. Why can't they lead local companies such as export-oriented garment units and textile mills?

It's natural at the initial level of the growth of the industries that foreigners would be hired for technical jobs, for hardly any Bangladeshi had had the required skills. That was not any discredit for the locals. Unless an industry is in operation, why should people take training in that particular skill?

The garment industry has come of age and the entrepreneurs should have built quality workers and managers.

The Bangladeshi youths, it's been proven over the decades, do not lack in their talent and skills if provided training. The engineers who graduated from the BUET (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) are efficiently working at reputed Western companies and universities. So do medical professionals abroad.

The country's status as one of the largest destinations of outsourced IT (information technology) services is the testament to at least a minimum level of skills required for the jobs. The technicians working in workshops, commercial establishments and at household level, demonstrate how fast the youngsters acquire the skills. Even Bangladeshi migrants who earn remittances by offering manual labour gain certain efficiency through their working experience.

For their reliance on foreigners, the Bangladeshi employers blame lack of employability of local professionals, particularly their level of excellence, language skills and sophistication.

So, it's not the issue of natural talent and adaptability that divides Bangladeshis and foreigners in filling up the vacancies of positions, especially in export-oriented sectors.

We all know what it is. Now, the country has no options other than focussing on education - for ensuring proper learning at schools and serious studies at universities. Institutions have to be told that they must ensure that a youth had the knowledge and capacity required after graduation.

Instead of criticising employment of foreigners in Bangladesh industries, students may rather be taught by high quality foreign teachers at the country's institutions to get them ready for both local and global competitions.

Recruitment of foreign teachers, workers or any professionals shouldn't be a matter of controversy in today's world. The Bangladeshis are not a parochial nation. Migration for education, jobs and business shouldn't be affected by ultra-nationalism witnessed in anti-foreigner rhetoric by a section of politicians worldwide. The Bangladesh youth can benefit most from free movement of labour, if allowed, under the World Trade Organisation regime.

However, this problem in Bangladesh shows a lack of transparency in hiring and also governance deficiency in regulating the employment sectors. Neither the respective companies acknowledge the number of foreign workers and professionals they bring in nor can the authorities concerned identify them and stop illegal transfer of money.

Time has come to list reasons for employing foreigners instead of making blanket criticism aimed at 'outsiders'. Authorities of a sovereign country must deal with the issue upfront to create a just employment regime both for foreigners and Bangladeshis.

For attracting foreign investment and enhancing the country's global exposure, expatriate professionals are expected to live and work in Bangladesh in peace with legal safety coverage. They, too, need to be duly brought under the national tax net.

Main topic? Wasn't this mentioned in the very article you posted?

"We lack skilled and qualified manpower in many fields. If foreign experts do not come there, the sectors will not develop. We should see what other countries are doing," she said.

Foreign nationals are working in 32 sectors, including garment industries and buying companies, merchandising companies, NGOs, information and communication technology (ICT) sector, education, engineering institutes, consulting firms, multinational companies, private power plants, international contractors, hotel-restaurants, mobile phone companies, oil and gas companies among others. They usually are involved in mid-level management and higher positions.

Industry insiders say Bangladeshi workers have not yet become a substitute for foreigners in some jobs as they lack information technology and technical knowledge and foreigners are taking advantage of this.

That's the job of the management, you dummy. You don't even have enough professionals to handle low-tech industries such as textiles.

''Nonetheless, technical and managerial expertise levels are low in most Bangladeshi firms. More than 75 percent of firms do not have any workers with a college degree in engineering or applied science. The mean percentage of the workforce with an MBA or master’s level degree is only 2.4 percent. More than 75 percent of firms have no dedicated R&D workers. Furthermore, 55 percent of firms are managed by a person without a college degree''

You call this management? Still using handwritten processes? I thought your MBAs would know of this wonderful little device known as a ''computer''... :D

Around half the firms in Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector still use handwritten processes for business management; around one-third of firms do not monitor any key performance indicators (KPIs); and most firms still use fully manual or powered but manually operated basic machinery across production stages

Let's see how ''IT coolies compare'' with sweatshop coolies in the US...:sarcastic:

Median Household Income by detailed ancestry

1. Indian Americans $126,705

57. Bangladeshi Americans $67,944

Here is the new face of poverty in the US and it looks like many forumers here, lol.

View attachment 772045

Oh and the EU, you mean the illegal boat people?

It takes a special kind of stupid to assume that people from less-papers-than-IIT-Madras country without required skilled workforce to handle even low tech RMG sector would do better than India in earning more overseas.

Great so @Nilgiri you have opened this new id after being busted with same claim over and over in the past?

Indian’s household number is only high cause of H1B scam that they are running for decades. Soon it’s going to be ended and all Indians needs to pack their bag and go to the meri bharat nagar and that will show the real condition of the Indians.

We know it very what’s real condition of the Indians next door with below per capita gdp income than Bangladesh.

Lastly what’s the point of copy pasting same article again and again with outdated data like you used to do with your banned account @Nilgiri ?
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Great so @Nilgiri you have opened this new id after being busted with same claim over and over in the past?

Is that the only thing you could come up with?

This is from the same WB report. Don't blow your head gasket folks, it's not me but the WB. :lol:


How many foreign experts would Bangladesh need to hire to manage such a plant, if it is ever built in Bangladesh?

Think about it.
Foreign employees taking a bite out of Bangladesh economy


Jahidul Islam & Jasim Uddin

21 October, 2019, 05:25 pm
Last modified: 22 October, 2019, 11:05 am

In recent years, foreigners who were hired by factories in senior technical and managerial positions, then hired more foreigners citing unavailability of qualified local people.

Bangladesh's economy is at risk due to a staggering number of underemployed labour reaching as high as 66 lakh, but more than two lakh foreign employees are taking a bite out of the country's industrial sector.

Speaking at an event on Sunday, several experts revealed that foreigners employed in Bangladesh withdraw salary exceeding $6 billion annually and the inadequate skill of human resource in the country should be blamed for the issue.

The government has no reliable information regarding the exact figure of foreigners employed in Bangladesh and their net income.
According to Home Ministry sources, a total of 85,486 people are employed in Bangladesh from 44 countries, but the figure is 2.46 lakh according to the Special Branch of police.

However, other government sources claim the number of employed foreigners may exceed one million and their income could be higher than three to five times of the estimated $6 billion.

Addressing the opening session of the seminar titled "Formulating the National Action Plan for Skills Development," Salman F Rahman, private industry and investment advisor to the prime minister said, "The readymade garment industry is employing foreigners in mid-level positions even after three decades since the industry flourished.

"The human resource of Bangladesh must upgrade their skill to become employable in foreign and domestic industries."

In recent years, foreigners who were hired by factories in senior technical and managerial positions, then hired more foreigners citing unavailability of qualified local people.

Speaking to The Business Standard, Zahid Hussain, former lead economist of World Bank Bangladesh said, "Foreigners' employment would be justified if they work in sectors where Bangladesh has no skilled manpower.

"But we saw the practice of employing foreigners at sectors that have sufficiently skilled local manpower available. The government is losing revenue due to a lack of capacity for calculating how many foreigners are working in which sectors. This is not acceptable."

The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has plans to identify the number of foreigners working in Bangladesh in the next population census.

Jahidul Haque Sarder, director for Population and Housing Census 2021 of the bureau said, "The next census scheduled for 2021 will include Bangladeshi people working in other countries and foreigners working in Bangladesh.

"The bureau officials will collect information from households, offices, factories and hotels to collect data regarding foreigners who are working in Bangladesh for six months or more."

No accurate data

The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association has no accurate information on how many foreigners are working in the country's apparel industry.

According to a recent survey by the association, only 177 foreigners are working in the export-oriented apparel industry. However, the figure comes from only 52 out of 4,560 factories.

On April 29, the association issued a letter to its members asking them to provide information about their foreign workforce by May 10 this year, including their name, designation, age, job experience in foreign and Bangladeshi companies and monthly salaries.

Foreigners are working in the apparel industry mainly as merchandiser, technician, research and development, sample development, production level, quality control, maintenance, engineer and marketing.

Among them, around 48 percent comes from India, 25 percent comes from Sri Lanka, 13 percent comes from China, 8 percent comes from South Korea, 1.7 percent from turkey and 1 percent from Pakistan.

Sources involved with the industry said a foreigner working in a garment factory makes from $2,000 to $15,000 per month, depending on their skills and negotiation process.

Why foreign workers?

Managing Director of Ananta Apparel Ltd Sharif Zahir said, "We are producing some high-end products such as suit-blazers and lingerie. When setting up factories for such products, hiring foreigners is a must.

"Because, the local people do not have the know-how and the experience required for the production such items."

He further said, "For example, the chief operating officer position requires experience of at least 20 years. If a local employee manages to gain such level of experience, he/she prefers to turn into an entrepreneur instead of working in someone else's factory.

"We actually prefer local employees if they have the required experience, as it is easier to communicate with them. So, we appointed around 25 foreigners, as we have no alternative. We employ Around 28,000 local employees and staff."

He said the foreign workers of his company are drawing salaries up to Tk 3 lakh each every month.

On condition of anonymity, country head of an international apparel fashion brand said, "Foreigners mainly work in the merchandising sector in the country. Most employers prefer foreign staff believing they have a lower chance of getting involved in corruption.

"Most owners also lack sufficient understanding of the merchandising sector."

The brand representative suggested that if factory owners had appointed qualified foreigners in product development and efficiency development sectors, the production would become more efficient.

Its hard to stay virgin, when you have to bend so often. Aukat? Bangladeshi talking about Aukaat with Indian? Haha.

lmao, You Indians must be high on something as a whole.. Indians think they're hot shit until you get them 1 on 1 with nobody to help, then all the begging and whining starts.. pure bliss.. oh how many big mouths like you I've seen.. when reality strikes they turn into mice.
Indian’s household number is only high cause of H1B scam that they are running for decades. Soon it’s going to be ended and all Indians needs to pack their bag and go to the meri bharat nagar and that will show the real condition of the Indians.

At the very least, get your own managers to manage your low-tech industries & introduce basic computerization. And oh, publish at the least 10,000 papers. Then we can take your predictions seriously.

Last time I checked, Indian IT exports were growing by 8-9%. While low-tech RMG exports were stagnating.
Is that the only thing you could come up with?

This is from the same WB report. Don't blow your head gasket folks, it's not me but the WB. :lol:

View attachment 772051

How many foreign experts would Bangladesh need to hire to manage such a plant, if it is ever built in Bangladesh?

Think about it.

We don’t mind as the above article has suggested to hire foreigners or Indians where we lack skills such as Professor, researchers, scientists etc. But here we are talking about hiring people in places where we have enough talent.
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