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Most Noticeable Special Forces from around the world

The South African Special Forces Brigade (popularly known as "Recces")




From a purely non military perspective, I think all of them look alike.
All are great.:tup:

Such a cute lady shouldn’t be in the military. I mean look at her hands, they’re not meant for doing any sort of arduous work – they’re made to be kissed. And the ugly gun triggers are just way too tempestuous to be pressed against those tender fingers! :-)
well but ladies are needed to be worked in armed forces because military is a institution of entire nation not just for males
I must say the South Africans have a mean anit material rifle of calibre 14.5mm or 20mm!

The Ntw-20 has also been produced by India for border patrol forces though it is an unlicenced version.
I am not posting pics on our own special forces because A LOT of them have already been posted to a thread dedicated to Indian Military. However, if I do find some unique stuff- make no mistake, I will post em. ;)

Yes....thats y i did collecting,y no Indian SF.... perhaps by now every old single pic is printed in mind......so luking forward for som gud new stuff bout our SF.
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Wasn't this the SEAL team who got trapped by the Taliban?

Actually 3 of them in the picture are. Matthew Axelson,29, Marcus Luttrell, Lone Survivor, Micheal Murphy, 29

Details of operation redwing

Navy SEALs - Operation Redwing

On June 28, 2005, a 4-man SEAL patrol was on a mission in the Kunar Province, Afghanistan to kill or capture a high ranking Taliban leader, thought to be close to Osama Bin Landen.

The SEAL's quarry was believed to be holed up in a village near Asadabad, close to the border with Pakistan, protected by over a hundred fanatical Taliban fighters. The SEALs planned to establish a observation post (OP) high up on the slopes of a mountain that overlooked the village. They would confirm the presence of their target, gather intelligence on the Taliban forces in and around the village. If they had the opportunity they would take out their target with a sniper shot.

Under the cover of night, the 4-man SEAL was inserted high up in the mountains by a MH-47 flown by the Army's elite 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. The team consisted of 3 petty officers, Matthew Axelson, Danny Dietz and Marcus Luttrell and was led by Lt. Michael P. Murphy. This recon team were from Alfa platoon, SDV Team 1, seconded to SEAL Team 10, who were operating out of Bagram airbase. The SEALs had been on a number of previous operations in the Hindu Kush mountains. Taliban and Al Qaeda forces regularly sought refuge in these almost impassible mountain ranges and the SEALs had been sent in to hunt them down.

On this mission the SEALs carried spotting scopes and cameras with telephoto lenses, secure communications gear, claymores, at least one cell phone and a couple of days worth of food and water. 2 of the SEALs carried the MK12 Sniper Rifle. They all carried plenty of ammunition.

Moving slowly over the difficult, barren terrain, the SEALs eventually found a spot that would give them a good view down onto the village. There was very little cover on the side of the mountain but the SEALs hid the best they could.

Sometime after sun up, the SEALs were discovered by a small group of goat herders who had walked right into the OP. The SEALs were now faced with a dilemma: do they execute the goat herders or let them go? In decision that would haunt the mission's sole survivor, the SEALs decided to let the goat herders go, knowing full well there was a good chance they would alert local Taliban forces to the SEAL's presence on the mountain.

In an attempt to stay ahead of the Taliban, the SEALs switched to an alternate OP and resumed their mission. A few hours later, they were approached by a large force of Taliban fighters. Surrounded left, right and forward, with a sheer drop down the mountainside behind them, the SEALs had no option but to try and fight their way out and so they opened fire.

A fierce and prolonged firefight ensued. The SEALs were unable to raise their HQ on their radio so were unable to call for backup. With more Taliban coming at them, the SEALs made a series of fighting withdrawals, moving down the dangerously steep mountain walls, pursued all the while by the relentless Taliban fighters.

All but one SEAL was unwounded by Taliban gunfire. Their situation was getting desperate. They still had no comms with their base and the Taliban kept on coming, no matter how many the SEALs felled. In a selfless act, the team leader, Lt. Michael P. Murphy, took out his cell phone and moved out into the open in order to get a connection to the HQ. Exposed, Murphy was gunned down by the Taliban but not before he was able to send out a brief distress call.

Forced to retreat further still, disaster again hit the SEALs as petty officers Matthew Axelson and Danny Dietz were both killed in action. The sole surviving SEAL, petty officer Marcus Luttrell fended off his pursuers while trying to get to safety.

Meanwhile, a rescue force of SEALs had loaded into a MH-47 Chinook helicopter at a QRF base established at Asadabad and were now flying into the area in a bid to rescue their brothers. Unfortunately the Taliban were ready for them and as the huge helicopter came into a hover over the SEAL's planned insertion point, a RPG was fired straight through the Chinook's open rear ramp. The rocket struck the internal fuel tanks and the helicopter exploded and crashed in a ball of flame. 8 SEALs and 8 Night Stalkers were killed. The only upside of this tragedy was that it had diverted many of the Taliban pursuing the original SEAL team away to engage it.

As both other US helicopters and the Taliban searched for him, Luttrell, himself now wounded, moved slowly down the mountain. Having lost his backpack, which included his water, in the initial contact, Luttrell was dangerously dehydrated. He eventually eluded his hunters after taking out a Taliban sniper and spotter team. Luttrell had traveled over 7 miles away from the site of the initial contact when he was discovered by locals from a nearby Pashtun village. After some deliberation, the village elders decided to give Luttrell shelter, hiding him from the Taliban, a move that put everyone in the village at great risk of reprisal.

Over the coming days, Luttrell was given food and medical aid by the villagers. He was eventually able to make contact with a force of Green Berets and Rangers who had been looking for him, who called in choppers to take them all home. The bodies of Luttrell's team mates were also recovered.

Luttrell was eventually awarded the Navy Cross for his courageous actions during Operation Redwing. His fallen brothers in arms were also honored. Matthew Axelson and Danny Dietz were posthumously awarded the Navy Cross whilst Lt. Michael P. Murphy was awarded the Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government, for his selfless act on that mountainside.
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well we dont even know what their bodies have to go through in immense trainning they put them in to the limits or sometimes more than limits
What does the "most noticeable" in the thread title actually mean-- those most active, most intriguing operational history, those whose information is most readily available, those who have the largest Online picture base, mentioned most in news or what?
What does the "most noticeable" in the thread title actually mean-- those most active, most intriguing operational history, those whose information is most readily available, those who have the largest Online picture base, mentioned most in news or what?

I think it means all of these..:what:

The special forces are like the HERO of the film, and the rest are the support group.:partay:

Could we have the special equipment of these Heros, this would really educate us ordinary civilians also.
Sometime after sun up, the SEALs were discovered by a small group of goat herders who had walked right into the OP. The SEALs were now faced with a dilemma: do they execute the goat herders or let them go? In decision that would haunt the mission's sole survivor, the SEALs decided to let the goat herders go, knowing full well there was a good chance they would alert local Taliban forces to the SEAL's presence on the mountain.

Oh yeah I remember reading about this. I would have zip cuffed them hand and foot + gagged them and moved on with the mission. It's effectively shooting them given the harsh conditions but it provides deniability later if the events ever leaked.

But hell we don't even know if this is the true sequence of events. The good ole US military has been known to dress facts up and make sure all AAR's match the official line.
well which special force has most dangerous and chalanging trainning program of them all can u let me know seems like spatsnaz has most physical torture trainning programme what i think and you missed English SAS and French Giggans
That does not make them any more better than groups that do not have such brutalities in their ranks. What it does is produce sadists. These groups demands exceptional men to start there is no need to introduce physical abuse to them. Nature will burn or freeze or deprive you of sustenance or drown you but Nature does not punch or kick you. So the more exposure you have to the elements while loaded down with your weight in gear the tougher you will be without unnecessary dehumanization.

On a side note, most have not heard of the USAF Spec Ops. US Navy SEALs do not like to admit it but the Air Force's water survival training program for the PJs, Combat Controllers and Combat Weather is just as tough as the SEALs'. A bunch of Air Force guys that can swim and dive with the best of the SEALs. Imagine that.
That does not make them any more better than groups that do not have such brutalities in their ranks. What it does is produce sadists. These groups demands exceptional men to start there is no need to introduce physical abuse to them. Nature will burn or freeze or deprive you of sustenance or drown you but Nature does not punch or kick you. So the more exposure you have to the elements while loaded down with your weight in gear the tougher you will be without unnecessary dehumanization.

I suspect the beatings does the samething hell week of BUD does for SEALs, just with a russian flavour (ie violent). Separates wheat from chaff and save tax-payer money on training scrubs. Clearly there's no actual training in either case.
I suspect the beatings does the samething hell week of BUD does for SEALs, just with a russian flavour (ie violent). Separates wheat from chaff and save tax-payer money on training scrubs. Clearly there's no actual training in either case.
It is called 'Hell Week' because of the physical stresses put on the recruits but there is a great difference between 'Hell Week' in BUD/S and hazing actions designed purely to physically abuse and humiliate. So you are wrong, it is not the same thing. On the other hand, as far as abuse goes, all special ops from all services attend SERE...

Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SERE is a United States military acronym for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape, a program that provides military personnel, Department of Defense civilians and private military contractors with training in evading capture, survival skills and the military code of conduct. Established by the United States Air Force at the end of the Korean War (1950–53), it was extended during the Vietnam War (1959–75) to the Army, Navy and Marines. Most higher level SERE students are all military aircrew and special operations personnel considered to be at high risk of capture.
This is basic training 10x with emphasis on the prisoner-of-war (POW) experience. Not only special ops but some military members that because of some special skills require them to have SERE training. I am a SERE graduate. Civilians such as diplomats can also request SERE training.
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