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Most embarassing moment of your life?

WTF??.... You people are taking this thread on a CLOSED near, please stick to embarassing things not start your war here again....................
WTF??.... You people are taking this thread on a CLOSED near, please stick to embarassing things not start your war here again....................

After sharing the story about getting a bj, haven't you had enough?
WTF??.... You people are taking this thread on a CLOSED near, please stick to embarassing things not start your war here again....................

what ?

You mean it is not embarrassing when people make fun of you with Indian Jokes because they thought you were an Indian ???
What is that, share it no problem.. Did you get bit by someone in your A55??

Most embarassing moment of my life was when i found out that india was apart of Pakistan before 1947. I was so embarassed, humilated and disgusted that I hid underneath my bed for weeks.

One person ruins the whole party
After sharing the story about getting a bj, haven't you had enough?

I meant you people should say regarding your most embarrasing moment, not to start Indo-Pak war here again. And then trolling, and the thread will get closed. Here in Kuwait, A person, Pakistani, Indian, Bengali.. whatever he is, always i called hindi. and nobody cares for that.
I meant you people should say regarding your most embarrasing moment, not to start Indo-Pak war here again. And then trolling, and the thread will get closed. Here in Kuwait, A person, Pakistani, Indian, Bengali.. whatever he is, always i called hindi. and nobody cares for that.

In Pakistan we call all Gulf country Arabs, Bedouins, or Budoos. There's no point in you having a country either. It should just be a federation.
In Pakistan we call all Gulf country Arabs, Bedouins, or Budoos. There's no point in you having a country either. It should just be a federation.

Mate, don't start comparing now who is called what, i gave that example to show that it's not only you people called here and now you are kinda trolling who is said what.. :disagree:
Morning friends:wave:!! I came back after long hours of studying semiconductor electronics.Its pretty boring.
But what i have found here isn't heartening at all:bad:.another friendly thread converted into india-pakistan clash and met the dead end.Please dont let the thread die so early.Ignore the defaulters and share the embarrassing incidents.
When i was in class 7,once our hindi teacher was teaching us a chapter-Laziz Daal.I had already read the story at my home so was getting bored and decided to play book cricket by flipping the pages with my friend who was also getting bored.Our game was going on nicely when one of the backbenchers told the teacher what we were doing.Our ma'am got very furious and asked us to come to her.I was very frightened,so was my friend.She didn't slap or nag us,but asked in a terrifying voice what she should do with us now.On hearing this my friend started crying.I was very angry at him on acting so childishly.Now she turned to me and saw no sign of shame on my face.she got infuriated and told me that i was a very shameless boy and deserved to be sent to the principal's office.At this i started to think what if i try to weep.she might forgive me.So i tried my level best to cry but couldn't and instead started giggling.She slapped me twice across my face and ordered me to get out of the classroom.ALL the students were laughing and i felt disgusted.She even told my parents and then i got a lot of prasad at home.From that day i never played book cricket in the school.
Me neither.

People, usually Asian, can spot the difference between a Indian and Pakistani in a snap.

Indians and Pakistanis alike are generally called "Hindi's" in middle-eastern countries. There really isn't any point in debating. The fact is well established and there is no need for any "anecdotes" to prove the contrary. Whatever you may or may not have been called holds little or no merit.
Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!
Again this india vs pakistan thing.Why dont you get over it.
This thread isn't meant for this.We are here to make friends in the members club.
Actually I feel embarrassed being labeled as an Indian. White people often make fun of me because they think I am Indian...they make all those Caste System joke, Turban Joke etc etc.....

He is ACTUALLY an Indian hiding behind a Canadian Flag.


For me, it was when in my entire 10th grade batch had gone for outside trip, while returning , one of the buses of a 10 A section broke down and all the students in that bus were stuffed into ours. Our bus capacity was 40 students , now we had an extra 40 or more crammed up.

I along with rest of the guys was in the back, and the girls were in the front totally standing and stuffed, blocking the bus exit in the front.

When my stop came, my friend opened the window and jumped off. I thought this would look very cheap. Hence made my way through the stuffed girls crowd in the front. Each time i said excuse me! all giggled.

The bus driver was getting impatient and kept yelling , are you gonna make us wait all day.

Each time i yelling back to the bus driver, the more the people giggled.

Finally when i was near the exit. the chicks in the front on purpose blocked the way and payed no heed to me asking them to move. they pretended they couldn't hear or so.

Cursing myself. i backtracked and thought of jumping off the window like my friend did.

All the while when backtracking i had to keep yelling to the bus driver who kept mocking me.

When i was about to jump to my horror, the bus driver started the bus, On reaching the ground i rolled, and all the people in the bus stand were staring at me with the look: what a retard.

Luckily only some guys in the back caught a glimpse of me roll.

If only i had simply followed my friend. :hitwall:
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