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Most Americans see Pakistan as enemy

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Yes, they were trained by Pakistan to fight them against the Soviets.

Why Pakistan chose to do it is immaterial now.

The fact that it chose to do what it did has subsequently led to the fact that it is now paying the price too.

Just a JV gone bad.

It happens all the time in the business-world. Ask any businessman. What's the big deal?
Who cares, seriously, what Americans think about us? We view them enemy as well. What's the big deal?
I dont really care how the Americans view us. Whats interesting is how the world views the Americans.
I believe a few of the words used recently to describe them have been - liars, animals, bankrupt, scumbags, lowlifes, zionists, two faced jaanwar. Of course not all of them can associate with these - just most of them.
After attacking our soldiers we dont see them as the enemy - they are the enemy - period!
Dont know about world, but in UK americans are considered simpletons but good hearted. America is considered a land of milk and honey in UK even now.
In India, america is increasingly seen positive(except the communists who dont like anything from west) from 1990 onwards(barring the sanction period)

When you said world, you meant pakistan I guess.
Ironic, as more than 90% Pakistanis believe Americans are terrorists.
Dont know about world, but in UK americans are considered simpletons but good hearted. America is considered a land of milk and honey in UK even now.
In India, america is increasingly seen positive(except the communists who dont like anything from west) from 1990 onwards(barring the sanction period)

When you said world, you meant pakistan I guess.

Don't confuse the American people with some of the policies of the American governments with which the people of Pakistan have a problem.

The easiest ruse was to use the slogan "they hate our freedoms!". This is the biggest lie ever told by the American politicians to Americans. And using it, we are in a situation where the United States has spent trillions for nought, got many thousands of its sons killed and wounded and this madness continues to impact others in many different parts of the World with the Muslim world bearing the brunt of the killing and excesses.

I would also add that most Americans also see Iranians, Pashtuns, Venezuelans, Syrians, Chinese and even Russians as enemies too. It just depends on what day of the week you ask them this question. So overall, Pakistan is in a pretty august company after this poll.
The article does not give a source, so I would not loose sleep over it. It is in the interest of Pakistan and US to improve relations. Talibaan are probably happy at this, but we need to be smarter than that. Talibaan can fire on Pakistani positions from Afghanistan and fire from Pakistan on NATO Positions in Afghanistan and create a situation again.
Well 99% of Pakistanis see America as enemy. What is your point?

We hate them .. they hate us..
But its ok for them to wear "made in Pakistan" garments and help our economy and for us to gorge on McDonalds and help theirs.
What better enemies could we be..??
The important point to note in the thread above is that “the relationship between the United States and Pakistan had been up and down over the past years”. Given the current circumstances, one could certainly understand the unfavorable results that are deriving from people’s reactions. With that said, let’s not forget that during the recent past, our cooperation has led to the capturing or killing of some of the top terrorist leaders, who posed a threat to both of our nations. The US military fully understands the importance of its relationship with the Pakistani military and has always signified Pakistan’s role in winning the WOT, while appreciating all of its efforts and sacrifices. This latest “tragic incident” has once again forced a crack in our relationship and deepened the doubt among many over the viability of our alliance. The current situation cautions us to take into account the complexities associated with this WOT and reminds us that past events have similarly made the US question our alliance in the heat of the moment. As the anger, understandably red-hot now, inevitably cools, the importance of eliminating the common threat for the sake of keeping our nations safer must prevail. We have had our share of ups and down in this WOT, but no two other nations could understand each other’s sacrifices better. At the moment, our spirits might be down and our emotions may be running high, but rest assured that our common enemies will not provide us with an opportunity to regroup, as evident by the ongoing suicidal attacks throughout Pakistan. We hope that our nations will once again place the safety of our nations above all and press on together with the mission of eliminating terrorism from the region.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Most rational well informed Americans and Pakistanis are not stupid to consider each other enemies, I can count on some as my dearest friends. And I was engaged to an American girl, so there.
The important point to note in the thread above is that “the relationship between the United States and Pakistan had been up and down over the past years”. Given the current circumstances, one could certainly understand the unfavorable results that are deriving from people’s reactions. With that said, let’s not forget that during the recent past, our cooperation has led to the capturing or killing of some of the top terrorist leaders, who posed a threat to both of our nations. The US military fully understands the importance of its relationship with the Pakistani military and has always signified Pakistan’s role in winning the WOT, while appreciating all of its efforts and sacrifices. This latest “tragic incident” has once again forced a crack in our relationship and deepened the doubt among many over the viability of our alliance. The current situation cautions us to take into account the complexities associated with this WOT and reminds us that past events have similarly made the US question our alliance in the heat of the moment. As the anger, understandably red-hot now, inevitably cools, the importance of eliminating the common threat for the sake of keeping our nations safer must prevail. We have had our share of ups and down in this WOT, but no two other nations could understand each other’s sacrifices better. At the moment, our spirits might be down and our emotions may be running high, but rest assured that our common enemies will not provide us with an opportunity to regroup, as evident by the ongoing suicidal attacks throughout Pakistan. We hope that our nations will once again place the safety of our nations above all and press on together with the mission of eliminating terrorism from the region.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

so how many terrorists has india helped you catch? yet your geo strategic aim is a grand alliance with india that weakens pakistan and strengthens our enemy. Get us our pound of flesh get indians to give up kashmir-no thats not the game is it. afghanistan is nothing or only a small part of your game to contain china you want indian assistance for that you want all indian troops/fodder facing china. To enable that to happen you need a compliant and week pakistan with no army isi etc you want to hold china down. Thats why you move troops to australia. In history no empires have exchanged battons without war and blood shed. Had it not beeen for germans you and brits would have a war too.

How America planned to destroy BRITAIN in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons | Mail Online
So go smell the coffee we pakistanis are not stupid we know how army our isi and our people and we aalso know afghanis better than you and indians so when thetime comes we will see what happens to you and india
Don't bother.

I doubt if he knows the meaning of "Joint venture" even.

Don't worry, I know exactly what a JV is.

And isn't that what I said ?

So since it was a JV, the blame can't go alone to the Yankees. Pakistan is also to blame. read what people write, understand it & then start the denial.

I never said Pakistan isn't to blame. I am saying they did not create the Mujahideen, they only trained them. The creation was done by US money & Saudi Madrassahs. So yes, it was a joint venture. At the time, it was the popular sentiment in the world, & almost all the important countries in the world backed the Mujahideen. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
The important point to note in the thread above is that “the relationship between the United States and Pakistan had been up and down over the past years”. Given the current circumstances, one could certainly understand the unfavorable results that are deriving from people’s reactions. With that said, let’s not forget that during the recent past, our cooperation has led to the capturing or killing of some of the top terrorist leaders, who posed a threat to both of our nations. The US military fully understands the importance of its relationship with the Pakistani military and has always signified Pakistan’s role in winning the WOT, while appreciating all of its efforts and sacrifices. This latest “tragic incident” has once again forced a crack in our relationship and deepened the doubt among many over the viability of our alliance. The current situation cautions us to take into account the complexities associated with this WOT and reminds us that past events have similarly made the US question our alliance in the heat of the moment. As the anger, understandably red-hot now, inevitably cools, the importance of eliminating the common threat for the sake of keeping our nations safer must prevail. We have had our share of ups and down in this WOT, but no two other nations could understand each other’s sacrifices better. At the moment, our spirits might be down and our emotions may be running high, but rest assured that our common enemies will not provide us with an opportunity to regroup, as evident by the ongoing suicidal attacks throughout Pakistan. We hope that our nations will once again place the safety of our nations above all and press on together with the mission of eliminating terrorism from the region.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command




@Vcheng.. u look better in pink.
Most rational well informed Americans and Pakistanis are not stupid to consider each other enemies, I can count on some as my dearest friends. And I was engaged to an American girl, so there.

I agree with you 100% on this :tup:
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