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Most Afghans want US troops

Most Afghans want US troops

I dnt think its any how surprising they want to live peacefully and only NATO can save them with devil Taliban :tup:
For once i would agree with you on something, but you are telling only half of the story. We must be blamed, yes, but we shouldn’t be the only one to be blamed, our neighbours and superpowers are to be blamed big time too, as they invested trillions of dollars just to make Afghanistan miserable as it is now, do you think it was easy for a weak country like Afghanistan to counter mighty America and the Soviets? While they had already made their plans to beat each other in our soil and on our expenses? We didn’t have the weapons factory, where did it come from? We were poor people with no money, where did the groups get money from? Our neighbours along with the superpowers brought this on us, and off course we share the blame too. Secondly, Afghanistan never ever had the disease of extremism, thanks to Americans and Pakistan for their gift to us, but the thing is, both of those countries are now burning with the same fire that they lit in our home. And please don’t confuse people with different groups.

Dude you cannot blame foreigners if Hazara , pashtuns, Tajik and uzbek cannot coexist and cannot learn to live together in peace. Some of you did welcome communism by inviting soviets, some of you wanted Afghanistan to be Islamic and did welcome talibans and some of you want Afghanistan to be liberal and secular by killing all those who want Islamic sharia. I am not confusing peoples with groups but all these groups had their supporters in Aghanistan otherwise they could not exist and these all groups were lead by Afghans Leader not any foreigners..

you guys are supporting the invasion of US but harsh truth is that there will never be peace in Afghanistan while foreign troops are in their country. Only the Afghans can bring peace to Afghanistan and they cannot do this whilst other countries are trying to control the political agenda in their country.The first step in achieving peace is a complete withdrawal. Peace is never achieved through invasion. Any country that invades another even if it is welcomed at first is very quickly seen as an occupier and oppressor.
Dude you cannot blame foreigners if Hazara , pashtuns, Tajik and uzbek cannot coexist and cannot learn to live together in peace. Some of you did welcome communism by inviting soviets, some of you wanted Afghanistan to be Islamic and did welcome talibans and some of you want Afghanistan to be liberal and secular by killing all those who want Islamic sharia. I am not confusing peoples with groups but all these groups had their supporters in Aghanistan otherwise they could not exist and these all groups were lead by Afghans Leader not any foreigners..

you guys are supporting the invasion of US but harsh truth is that there will never be peace in Afghanistan while foreign troops are in their country. Only the Afghans can bring peace to Afghanistan and they cannot do this whilst other countries are trying to control the political agenda in their country.The first step in achieving peace is a complete withdrawal. Peace is never achieved through invasion. Any country that invades another even if it is welcomed at first is very quickly seen as an occupier and oppressor.

The problem with you is that you wash everybody's hand and put all the blame on us, while on the other hand i accept our parts of responsibity and remind you of the others wrong doing and wrong investements as well. If you dont think so, then why on earth do you blame cia, raw, mosad etc for what happens in your country? after all it is you guys who are paving way for their interferece, so there is no need to blame them, blame yourself. the sad thing is, you didnt even see wha i wrote.
The problem with you is that you wash everybody's hand and put all the blame on us, while on the other hand i accept our parts of responsibity and remind you of the others wrong doing and wrong investements as well. If you dont think so, then why on earth do you blame cia, raw, mosad etc for what happens in your country? after all it is you guys who are paving way for their interferece, so there is no need to blame them, blame yourself. the sad thing is, you didnt even see wha i wrote.

I blame my leaders more than anyone else because they let others interfere in our politics and give them chance to dictate us. Pakistan is in mess because of wrong decisions of our leaders who can not think independently without protecting the interests of USA. I was against this so called war on terror which was fought for USA and brought instability and suicide bombing in Pakistan. I also oppose to dictate other nations and to interfere in their ways of life.

If we are divide among ourselves then only it give chance to outsiders to support one group against others. All these groups in Afghanistan were fighting against each others thats why different countries supported different leaders against each others. I never claimed that Raw , Mosad, or cia invaded our country and sure they might be working in Pakistan for their interests or might be supporting those peoples here who are involved in anti-Pakistan activities. But if a Pakistani working for their goal then i should blame him more than those who are helping him to achieve their goals
Just like Afghans invited Soviets once ? :rofl: Ok let Americans remain but dont come crying to us next time to help you ... Its kinda becoming like a habit to invite foreign powers and then afterwards fight with them asking to leave lol
You mean to say that we can send some peoples with guns in India and they will take over india and will establish their rule there without any help/support of local peoples

Truth is some Afghanis(democratic republic of Afghanistan) did welcome Russia when they invaded

Truth is majority(mostly pashtuns) Afgahni supported taliban rule. Most Talibans were belonged to pashtun tribes of Afghanistan including their leader Mullah Omar. Mullah Omar and his fellow talibans were not foreigner but Afghani.

and Now some(majority non pashtun those who were fed up with talibaans) even support the invasion of US in their country

Afghans need to blame themselves before pointing fingers at others

Why not, British did rule India for 200 years.. do you think they ruled with the consent of the people .. its about perception... If the oppressors are powerful enough and the subjects are destitute, Authoritarianism can be established anywhere. In modern days the guise of dictatorial rule has changed. Do you really believe western version democracy fed to every kid in the modern world is the actual rule by the people, for the people.

Today's perceptions have demonized military rules no matter how progressive they are, and have inflated the status of namesake figureheads of democracy as sanctimonious, case and point karzai government.

Western powers were responsible for death of peoples revolutions in Latin america, true grass roots leaders were replaced by dictators to serve their purposes. Taliban was widely accepted by US as a better alternative as they helped driving out the soviets irrespective of them being a big black blot on the fabric of human spirit.

Afghans were unfortunate that they never had the resources to manage to build any military might... if they did their fate would have been different than facing aggression of mule riding mullahs with Ak's and RPG's
If Americans leave Afganistan,The Taliban and ISI will occupy Afghans the NEXT day.
My impression about the events:

-There is nothing called love for nation or friends for ever. So friends do ride on a platform that Pakistan supported Afgan refugee for their love to Afghan brothers...
- Some how or the other I agree with @Raja that if Afghan people start fighting among themselves then no body in the earth can save them...They have to get united first...They have to think that do they need USA/PAK/RUSSIA/CHINA to get involved? Now the question is for the country like Afgan, it does not matter who has created mess previously,rather they should think what can be done in immediate mode to establish a system of nationhood in their country...
- Again unfortunate part is that there is no scope of any choice in front of Afghan people,to decide whether they need outsider or not? If USA will leave USA, then next day Pakistan,Iran/SA will start being involved in the country in some way of the other...Then India will enter into Afghanistan to build up psychological pressure on Pakistan. Of course every nation will build its own interest..So now the point is Afghan has to see where they are getting benefited in absolute term?
- If USA stays and invest its tax payer money in Afghanistan then what is wrong with it?
- If Pakistan want to make its own backyard by providing investment and facilitating economic and political stability, then it is not bad.
- If India invests with an eye on its own interest and with a positive impact on Afghanistan and then that s not bad either...So the same goes for China and all..

So I feel that Afghanistan has the chance to make a choice and decide what is their immediate need to build up a successful future...May be you have to sit with your enemy today so that you can stand up against him in the future...who knows....:undecided:
The uprising of the Taliban in last 3 years shows US it self wants to make Afghans say this so! but we have no other choice but to accept this and I want them to stay for at least 10 years more, not alot of them but around 1000-3000 trainers, advisers and air force members. I believe if any pact on their stay for another decade is signed you will see a massive decrease in Taliban attacks and control but only ISI supported Taliban will not leave fighting though they might increase their attacks!

It would take far more then 3k troops to maintain security.

The Government needs more support from the people to effectivly stand agianst the Taliban. most people don't like the Taliban. But the culture of corruption that pervades the Government pushes people towards the Taliban. There have been many times that the U.S. has sponsered public works projects and aid projects through the Afghan Government. And the U.S. Army ended up having to step in and fund building projects directly. becuase of Afghan Governemnt red tape and corruption.
Why not, British did rule India for 200 years.. do you think they ruled with the consent of the people .. its about perception.

Yes they did..Britian faced some resistance from some freedom fighters but mostly Raja , mahraja of differnt states were working for Mughals, for English etc. Most of them got the benefits, ranks from british government for their loyalty and services. Even they fought and oppressed their own peoples for them. Who was serving in British Indian army? local peoples. Who fought for Britain in world wars..local Hindustan janta
a lot of this is ignorant stuff. afghanistan's war is an ethnic war. tajiks versus hazara versus pashtuns. but because the pashtuns are too big, the tajiks and hazara have combined and sided with any foreign force to suppress the pashtuns.

it is utterly pointless. i can only think the tajik and hazara elite are utterly stupid. they keep doing the same thing. first it was the soviets. of course we read how brave masood and dostum were in defeating the soviets with the french wanting to offer him the nobel peace prize :cheesy:

then the truth emerges that dostum sided with the russians and masood also sided with the russians (when the price was right).

a distinction probably should be made. pashtuns do not want foreign troops. tajiks do want foreign troops. that is the faultline in afghanistan. it is for afghans to sort this faultline out.
a lot of this is ignorant stuff. afghanistan's war is an ethnic war. tajiks versus hazara versus pashtuns. but because the pashtuns are too big, the tajiks and hazara have combined and sided with any foreign force to suppress the pashtuns.

it is utterly pointless. i can only think the tajik and hazara elite are utterly stupid. they keep doing the same thing. first it was the soviets. of course we read how brave masood and dostum were in defeating the soviets with the french wanting to offer him the nobel peace prize :cheesy:

then the truth emerges that dostum sided with the russians and masood also sided with the russians (when the price was right).

a distinction probably should be made. pashtuns do not want foreign troops. tajiks do want foreign troops. that is the faultline in afghanistan. it is for afghans to sort this faultline out.

there has been plenty of instances of Pashtuns helping the ISAF agianst the Taliban. Most Afghans are tired of war. They want peace, stability, Jobs, and an end to the corruption.
there has been plenty of instances of Pashtuns helping the ISAF agianst the Taliban. Most Afghans are tired of war. They want peace, stability, Jobs, and an end to the corruption.

what's that old saying "you can rent an afghan, but you cant buy one". (should be pashtun)

most pashtuns proberbly want any regime that will give them (pashtuns) peace and stability, jobs etc. it doesnt have to be a pashtun regime but one that treats them fairly, or they believe will do. that is the current problem in afghanistan. noone believes the other ethnic group will and for good reason.

this is an ethnic war.
there has been plenty of instances of Pashtuns helping the ISAF agianst the Taliban. Most Afghans are tired of war. They want peace, stability, Jobs, and an end to the corruption.

yes you are right but i guess american peoples is also tired of america to be playing the role of world police man and to interfere in business of other nations. American invasion brought great stability and peace in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghan region. Thank you sir for invading directly in Afghanistan and Iraq and indirectly in Pakistan :)
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