There is no meaning of Masajeed aur Mandir beyond Haad wa Hadood !!! Sutoon and Stamb are part of Hindu Civilisation !!!! and this Sutoon and Stamb are linked with Salvation of Souls/Najatun Rohun/Atma Mukhti !!!!
Sutoon and Stamb can be established where there is Deen e Arya and Deen e Islam !!!!
Salah can be offered by being inside Homes beyond the Haad wa Hadood !!!! I think the Turkish Establishment will reconsider about the Islamic Centers beyond the Sutoon Established by the Pious Seljuk Turks!!!!
Let's not derail the thread with visigoths - my understanding of history has them as aggressive expansionists (as all tribes west of Rome were at that time) who didn't simply peacefully stumble into Iberia - but anyway, we will differ on that it seems.
Saxons did attacked the Thracians and Laters over ran the Greeks !!!! Greeks Hate for the Saxons resulted in the increasing of Janisaaris !!!! Seljuk Turks were a power during that time !!!!
Regarding Hagia Sophia, several important points here: it was purchased outright by the Mehmet sultanate in 1453. Also, Ataturk peaceably declared it a museum (he didn't revert it to a cathedral) precisely for "political nuance" (your words) and the present decision actually reverses this pointless political foreplay, lastly I don't believe any blood has been shed either with Ataturk's decision or Erdogan's decision. I see no problem here. Had the orthodox community not sold it in the first place, they'd have a much better case to argue now.
All this is linked with the Sutoon and Stamb of the Seljuk Turks !!!! Greek Pagans started to realize the basis tenets of the True Religion !!!! Wonderful History is there about Turkiye !!!!
Don't mind brother but Millions of Christian churches and cathedral were built on Pagan ruins. Even the Hagi Sophia was a Pagan temple in the beginning.
You know the true History but still you continue with that !!!! European Pagans use to have places which laters became Cathedral and Churches !!!! And all this was completely opposite from the Deen e Ibrahim Alai Salaam; Deen e Musa Alai Salaam; Deen e Davud Alai Salaam and Deen e Isa Alai Salaam.
Deen e Muhammed S.A.W.S is the Deen e Ibrahim Alai Salaam; Deen e Musa Alai Salaam; Deen e Davud Alai Salaam and Deen e Isa Alai Salaam.
Dont Forget what the Pagan Greeks done in Falastin by destroying the Sutoon constructed by Ibrahim Alai Salaam along with his Sons Ishmael Alai Salaam and Ishaqun Alai Salaam !!!!! And even dont Forget the Pagan Greeks came to destroy Kaaba and built a Catherdral on Kaaba !!!! The Year of Elephant; the Birth of Rasul e Allah Muhammed S.A.W.S and the Wrath of Allah Rabbul Alameen in shape of Ababil on the Pagan Greeks !!!!
That Sutoon was reestablished by Umar Bin Khattab R.A.A in Falastin !!!!
Christians suppressed Roman and Greek Pagans and wiped out Paganism from Scandinavia and Nordic states.
Or continued the Pagan Cult behind the name of Deen e Isa Alai Salaam.
Many Christian churches were built on Pagan monuments.
Greek Pagan Emperors has done which mischief in the Deen e Isa Ibne Maryam Alai Salaam is visible !!! Seed of Adom Alai Salaam are from Hindu Civilisation !!!! The Continue Chain of Prophethood is there in Hindu Civilisation !!!!