But not without reasons and just cause.
If someone stalks me, he does not do it without a reason and perhaps even in his mind a just cause. A would be rapist stalks a woman for what? A delightful conversation over coffee and pastries? A would be burglar stalks a target for what? How about to know the victim's daily travel pattern?
I said it before and will say it again: That we do not live our lives in an intellectual and moral vacuum and that everything we do, including biological responses, must have a reason/cause/motivation.
So would a convicted rapist who registered as a sex offender consent to his surveillance?
Like it or not, even though no one sane believes that all Muslims are terrorists, the same sane people have would have no problems placing a demographic under suspicion and what is the reason for Americans, particularly N'Yorkers, to be suspicious of mosques?
When the American government criticizes another government, we do not rally American citizens to a mob, burn that country's flag, calls out 'Death to...', and all the while other people in the background chants 'Jesus Is Great'.
Do not dare to tell US that somehow we, in N'York, is unique in this. Christians who were/are persecuted in Muslim countries are always under observation, overt and covert, by ordinary and regular Muslims and/or by the Muslim government, and that explains a lot on how many Christian houses burned, Christians assaulted or even worse.
Inshallah and Allahu Akbar.