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More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

Always joining a side, can't make its own side. I thought Vietnam was the leader of ASEAN ?
Putin know that a broke up relationship between VN n CN would weaken the pro Russia. Or China request a mute of Russia for their support to Russian movement. Putin ever denied such a support offer of China in Kuril dispute.
This case just a test for both sides.
The result only decide which side Vietnam should join.

Actually, China is pushing Russia to decrease the oil and gas price ... and weaken Russia

China know that Russian interests : 1. Oil in SCS ( by Rosneft ) , 2. Oversea base in Cam Ranh ( which Russian living so many there )

To force Russia muted as exchange for China's mute ( no protest for Ukraine conflict ), China plan to weaken both above interest. Muting for muting. LOL
Russia would time by time depend on China ...

But that is the scenario from China side ...
That's clearly the math for Putin to resolve. Let's wait to see what Putin could do
More difficult for Russian than Vietnam ...
Situation in Vietnam reportedly peaceful (update)
2014/05/18 17:00:36

Taipei, May 18 (CNA) The overall situation in Vietnam remains peaceful and calm on Sunday despite calls by the local people for a nationwide anti-Chinese protest, according to Taiwanese sources in Vietnam.

Kung Chung-chen, the chief of Taiwan's Bureau of Consular Affairs who arrived in Ho Chi Minh City in South Vietnam on Saturday morning telephonically informed a CNA reporter that the situation is quite peaceful on Sunday morning.

Kung stated that the Vietnamese authorities have been keeping a close eye on any public rallies and banned any parades. Any likely demonstrations will be restricted to specific locations.

However, Kung reiterated that the Taiwanese staff at its representative offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi are not taking any chances and have opened 13 shelters for the Taiwanese natives in the country, and each shelter is being manned by their staff members.

The situation in Hanoi is also reportedly peaceful on Sunday morning, thanks to a recent decree issued by Premier Nguyen Thi Doan ordering the police to take all necessary measures to ensure that law and order is maintained in the capital city.

A small group of people dressed in shirts bearing Vietnamese flags congregated near the Chinese embassy and were quickly dispersed by police, noted a CNA reporter covering the anti-Chinese protests in the area.

As the situation has normalized, the Vietnamese police began withdrawing their personnel from the streets around the Chinese embassy in Hanoi since noon.

Several Taiwan businessmen operating in other places in Vietnam also reported that the situation has returned to normal, according to the CNA reporter in Hanoi.

Hung Fu-yuan, the general manager of the Vietnamese subsidiary of Taiwan's Formosa Industries Corp. remarked in Taipei that nothing unusual has been reported at the company's plastic factory in Dong Nai, southeastern Vietnam.

On May 14, the factory, which was badly damaged and ransacked by some 300 protesters on motorcycles, is now being guarded by the Vietnamese riot police and its entrance is blockaded with containers, Hung added.

The company's steel mill in Ha Tinh, central Vietnam is also safe, Hung stated.

Tu Chung-cheng, a spokesman for Taiwan's Uni-President food group noted in Taipei that the group has beefed up security measures at its five factories in Vietnam on Sunday and all of them are safe.

The company's factory in Bing Duong province, which suspended production activities on May 13 due to anti-Chinese protests, has managed to resume partial operations since May 16, remarked Tu.

(By Wei Shu, Hsieh Chia-chen, Tony Fang, Han Ting-ting and Maubo Chang)
ENDITM\Suparna\ Suparna
Son of Dengxiao ping is US citizen, son of Boxi Lai is in USA, daughter of Xican Ping is in USA... "American dream" is future of all relatives of leadership of China too. :haha:
Studying in a foreign country does not make them a citizen of that country. Viet IQ is laughable.
Studying in a foreign country does not make them a citizen of that country. Viet IQ is laughable.

What is laughable when son of Leader Deng Xiaoping possessed USA citizenship, son of Bo Xilai never dare turn back China.

and other unknown, they bough properties luxury houses and luxury cars in USA and in Wests..

Yes, america dream of relatives of China leadership is laughable.
^ You diplomat defect to western countries calling Vietnam hell on earth...it's on a whole new level compared to just studying...
In an all-out war, we are willing to destroy the eastern side of China in exchange to sink Japan. So if I were Japanese, I wouldn't dare start a war with China. The history will bring Chinese fighting morale to a new height unforeseen by any power in history.

I want to remind you again that it was Japan who changed the status quo by nationalization of a dispute island that both agreed to shield sovereignty and co-operate on development together. I also want to remind you that it was the Philippines who initialize the fight as historically fishermen from Chinese/Filipino were free to fish in the area. It was the unilateral arrest of Chinese fisherman by Filipino coast guard that kick start our retaliation. For you Vietnam, let me remind again that we drill just 17 miles off Paracel that we have de facto control 100% and 150 miles from your coast and 120 miles from your closest island on facing East. Are you forgetting that we only send jets and coastguard civilian ships after you sent your navy battleships to harass our rig? It is our right to defend our property in what is our continental shelf water extend to 24 miles off Paracel.
Why can't a single Vietnamese in here can reason with me. WHY?? Can Indian brother helps their Vietnamese counterpart to reason with me here?

You are not only greedy but stupid and shameless.
Paracels had been controlled by Vietnamese before your country robbed it from us by force in 1974. Paracel Islands belongs to Vietnam, China occupies it illegally.
Currently around of the chinese illegal oil rig in Vietnam's EEZ, Vietnam sends only to that of law enforcement vessels as Vietnam Coast Guard vessels and Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillance, while China sent hundreds of armed vessels, including warships; It is a blatant violation of UNCLOS, which China has signed.
You are not only greedy but stupid and shameless.
Paracels had been controlled by Vietnamese before your country robbed it from us by force in 1974. Paracel Islands belongs to Vietnam, China occupies it illegally.
Currently around of the chinese illegal oil rig in Vietnam's EEZ, Vietnam sends only to that of law enforcement vessels as Vietnam Coast Guard vessels and Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillance, while China sent hundreds of armed vessels, including warships; It is a blatant violation of UNCLOS, which China has signed.
It doesn't belong to you, whether we are speaking of morally, objectively, or legally. Take for instance, Woody Island, the largest island and most deem to have an EEZ was closer to Hainan than from any point of your coast. Woody Island had historically been a big component of Hainan extend family of islands and reefs. We already control it even prior to the fight for total control with the South VN regime. You have no jurisdiction as you are the current descendant of the North, Vietcong regime.
You are not only greedy but stupid and shameless.
Paracels had been controlled by Vietnamese before your country robbed it from us by force in 1974. Paracel Islands belongs to Vietnam, China occupies it illegally.
Currently around of the chinese illegal oil rig in Vietnam's EEZ, Vietnam sends only to that of law enforcement vessels as Vietnam Coast Guard vessels and Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillance, while China sent hundreds of armed vessels, including warships; It is a blatant violation of UNCLOS, which China has signed.
You are greedy and stupid and shameless.

Paracels was controlled by Chinese before Vietnam existed.
Look at this map, and tell us why historically Paracel island chain should belong to VN?


Use a stick to measure the distance closest to China's Hainan and Vietnam. The only reef that closer to VN is Triton Island.
You are greedy and stupid and shameless.

Paracels was controlled by Chinese before Vietnam existed.
can you tell how and when China controlled the Paracels? with what means, e.i. control post, warships, coastguard vessels, etc...? proof it!

as far as history can tell, your navy was crushed by the French and the Japanese.

and what the fck do you think why Vietnam did not exist at that time?

Always joining a side, can't make its own side. I thought Vietnam was the leader of ASEAN ?
you fool should know the bloc acts on consensus.
if we want to be a leader, we will establish a Vietnam friendship club where other nations are welcome to join :lol:
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can you tell how and when China controlled the Paracels? with what means, e.i. control post, warships, coastguard vessels, etc...? proof it!

as far as history can tell, your navy was crushed by the French and the Japanese.

and what the fck do you think why Vietnam did not exist at that time?
He uses dirty words to humiliate us ,I use dirty words to refute him .

And about the proof , Pham Van Dong was your prime minister ,right ?

He admitted all the claim of SCS which we made in 1958 sep by prime minister Zhou.

Is this enough ?
He uses dirty words to humiliate us ,I use dirty words to refute him .

And about the proof , Pham Van Dong was your prime minister ,right ?

He admitted all the claim of SCS which we made in 1958 sep by prime minister Zhou.

Is this enough ?

China and North Vietnam signed in to Geneva Accords 1954, recognized that southern Islands from 17 parallel belong to South Vietnam.

North Vietnam PM did not have right over Island of South Vietnam.

He said North VN authorities respect 12 mile coast line which related to North Vietnam only. China stop lie.
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