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More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

I don't think you understand why China hate Japan, you really not.
you talk about Compensation, very ridiculous, Chinese want that from Japan, Chinese government has abondon that more than 50 years ago, we need it? you think we need material compensation from it?

What we need is Japanese and Japan government should introspect their atrocity, accept it and sincerely repent, is it too much? I don't know how deep Japan hurt you, maybe you can forgive them, but I can't, before, many countries hurt and invade us, why is Japan? We don't forgive Japanese and Japan, that's our Chinese fault? have you thought the reason?

You talk about we should forcus on their right wing( In fact, China government do the thing), rather normal Japanese, I have different opinion, many people think the mistake was made by personal or few "elite", take Japan as example, Invasion on China was made by Japanese right wing, shouldn't criticise normal Japanese, my question is where is these right wing from? why the right wing can exist? as a democratic country or country, why they can be in the power? If the country invade others, or do something to others, that's national act of state, if you success, the people of winner will benefit from it directly or in directly, if fail, all be attributed to small part of right wing?

Different race will cultivate the corresponding culture, different culture also will cultivate corresponding leader and elite, why hitler and Yamamoto Isoroku come from German and Japan, it is not only the individual behavior.

I can forgive Japanese, but the premise they can introspect their atrocity sincerely, not just talk, show their action, If not, I will not, and my view on Japan also very simple, If they invade China and kill my people again, rooting the japanese race out.

So it is more of Racial Hatred?

But after reading again your post, I become understand. Your government focus more on the ultra nationalist and right wing, while you, personally think that every Japanese must ask for forgiveness.

And how should they show "Introspect their atrocity sincerely" that you think that enough for you?

I think I can agree with they should stop with their revisionist history. And maybe bulldoze their controversial temple.
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Let me correct you distortions one by one.

Ethnicity is based on culture not bloodline or Vietnamese shouldn't even call themselves Vietnamese since they have a significant Tai Kadai,Cham/Khmer and Chinese admixture.

The only language that has a Tai Kadai substrate is Cantonese,Fujianese does not a have a foreign substrate.

"However, no trace of these Austronesian populations appears to remain linguistically; no substrate in Chinese dialects has
ever been identified."
http://www.rogerblench.info/Language/Austronesian/General/Blench Ross Festschrift paper revised.pdf

Linguists classify Southern Chinese languages as Sinitic and since you are not a linguist I'll take their words not mine.

Quote linguists who agree Min,Yue,Gan,Hakka,Wu and Xiang that states that they are of foreign origin.

Again how can an ethnicity be pure Baiyue after 2,000 years.

A couple examples of Chinese migration to Southern China.

Wu Taibo and his retinue to GouWu.

The Chu general Zhuang Qiao and troops to Dian.

Shu Pan and his troops to Luoyue.

Goujian's descendants to Minyue and Dongou

Zhao Tuo and Qin soldiers/convicts settled in Nanyue,as well as 15,000 Qin Chinese women.

Keep in mind this is before major migrations such as the fall of Western Jin and Northern Song.

I showed data from Zhonguorenkoushi and Zhonguorenkoutongshi that showed Baiyue were dwarfed by Han Chinese,I also quote Shiji were it stated that the Minyue population was moved North.

I already busted your claims over and over again and you have absolutely nothing to back yourself up.

As usual you refute nothing and slander Professor Taylor for no reason,do you have no sense of shame?

I'm not the one claiming that Chinese stole crossbows and Feng Shui from Vietnamese people:cheesy:

Y Chromosomes of 40% Chinese Are Descendants of Three Neolithic Super-grandfathers was written in 2013 while your paper was written in 1999.

I think there is wrong difinition for the ethnicity in China. Chinese misunderstood for Race, Ethnicity and Nationality.

The ethnic identity is based on 4 criteria, as flowing:

  1. shared descendant (ὅμαιμον -homaimon, "of the same blood")
  2. shared language (ὁμόγλωσσον -homoglōsson, "speaking the same language")
  3. shared sanctuaries and sacrifices (Greek: θεῶν ἱδρύματά τε κοινὰ καὶ θυσίαι -theōn hidrumata te koina kai thusiai)
  4. shared customs (Greek: ἤθεα ὁμότροπα -ēthea homotropa, "customs of like fashion").
When Han Chinese and Southern Chinese shared only common culture, which like fashion, there is not grantieren that you are in one ethnic group. because the fashion is changed time to time.

Negro American could shared same language and culture with white-man now in America, but in bloodline they don't shared a same bloodline with them. In ethnicity they are in separate ethnic group, like Mexicano in USA too.

Han chinese and southern chinese relation is like white man and mexicano.
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Finally, take out the mask. It's nice to take out the mask and put everything on the table, but unfortunately, China is Vietnam's neighbour, not other people. Everybody in the world knows the victim card is a shlt from this riot and conflict. If riot didnt happen, maybe Vietnam can continue being under mask. Just an advice whatever you can hear or not: Focus on your own daily life and think about how can improve the life level. Being strong and respectful doest depend on the stupid riot or some cheap Russian weapons.
If riot didnt happen, the world still think VN -China r communist friends (when in fact its NOT.) and refuse to support VN.

illegal Chinese came and took away our people's jobs, so for sure, the clash between VNese-Chinese for jobs soon happen. And it Did.

Unluckily one (or two) Chinese died, we r sorry for this, but no law in the wolrd protect illegal immigrant.They must know the risk when working illegally and next time, dont risk their lives again.
My Vietnamese comrades! I can understand reasons your dislike of China, but I ask you to think twice before you fall in to the anti-China hysteria !
Over the past few years, the West has completely destroyed Libya and Syria . West created unrest in Yemen , Tunisia, Egypt . West tries to ustart civil war in Ukraine.
Vietnam - another link in the chain . West will use any slogans that you want to hear to unleash war between Vietnam and China , or civil war in Vietnam .
Do not give in to provocations ! Western Empire weakens. And its main enemies - Russia and China . West will do everything to prevent Russia and China developing. West seek hegemony and total subjugation of all non-Western peoples , as it was before the days when communism help freed colonies and gave them independence.
Leave elucidation of relations with China to the future times. Starting the riots, you fight not for Vietnam, but for the United States because you follow their plan!
Chinese members say Chinese iq higher than viets.

I say that IQ of Chinese is fake, why ? Jew people is only 96, but Chinese 105. I think chinese did many trick on IQ servey in China.

My Vietnamese comrades! I can understand reasons your dislike of China, but I ask you to think twice before you fall in to the anti-China hysteria !
Over the past few years, the West has completely destroyed Libya and Syria . West created unrest in Yemen , Tunisia, Egypt . West tries to ustart civil war in Ukraine.
Vietnam - another link in the chain . West will use any slogans that you want to hear to unleash war between Vietnam and China , or civil war in Vietnam .
Do not give in to provocations ! Western Empire weakens. And its main enemies - Russia and China . West will do everything to prevent Russia and China developing. West seek hegemony and total subjugation of all non-Western peoples , as it was before the days when communism help freed colonies and gave them independence.
Leave elucidation of relations with China to the future times. Starting the riots, you fight not for Vietnam, but for the United States because you follow their plan!

China invaded in to our water and drill oil there. What Russian did recently ?, Russia Navy opened fire to warning such chinese ships invaded in Russia water and they ran away.

The riots in Vietnam is unforeseen. riot should happen every where in the world, in Russian and China.

RIP for one Chinese who is dead.
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My Vietnamese comrades! I can understand reasons your dislike of China, but I ask you to think twice before you fall in to the anti-China hysteria !
Over the past few years, the West has completely destroyed Libya and Syria . West created unrest in Yemen , Tunisia, Egypt . West tries to ustart civil war in Ukraine.
Vietnam - another link in the chain . West will use any slogans that you want to hear to unleash war between Vietnam and China , or civil war in Vietnam .
Do not give in to provocations ! Western Empire weakens. And its main enemies - Russia and China . West will do everything to prevent Russia and China developing. West seek hegemony and total subjugation of all non-Western peoples , as it was before the days when communism help freed colonies and gave them independence.
Leave elucidation of relations with China to the future times. Starting the riots, you fight not for Vietnam, but for the United States because you follow their plan!
China is Big, but not as strong as u think, we r China's neighbour and have conflict with them for thousand, we know clearly when we should teach those stupid Chinese a real hard lesson.

I think Russia should not put too much hope on China to counter the West. China economy is going down with its export tumbling badly now, its unemployment rate going up too. Its society also in chaos with terrorism attack every where. Base on our analyze: China is collapsing like former USSR.

Thats why, we decide to follow the West but of course we still stick tightly on Russia Bro .
So it is more of Racial Hatred?
Maybe can say it is Racial Hatred, but I don't think that, depend on how you understand Racial Hatred.
the hatred between Chinese and Japanese exist is not because of Chinese and Japanese always invading each other mutually, once, the relationship between China and Japan were good, we influence them very much, many japanese culture origin from China, but they also do well, develop them, have their own special characters.

Why Chinese hate Japanese very much? not just because they had invaded China, but killing much more Chinese than other invaders cruelly, till now, they still deny、embellish and distort the history.

But after reading again your post, I become understand. Your government focus more on the ultra nationalist and right wing, while you, personally think that every Japanese must ask for forgiveness.
I just want to explain, war is national behavior and action, whole country and its people should be responsible for war.

If a man hurted another, many times, his parents also will apologize for his son's fault, Goverment like the son of the race, it is not demand, it is responsibility, and why their son be such cruel? all are their son's fault?

And how should they show "Introspect their atrocity sincerely" that you think that enough for you?
I don't know how deeply should they introspect will be encough for me, it is very hard to answer, it is feeling, if a man had hurted you, what's the most importance you focus on for its apology? we appreciate German apology to Jews, not just because her prime ministers kneel on the ground.
I think there is wrong difinition for the ethnicity in China. Chinese misunderstood for Race, Ethnicity and Nationality.

The ethnic identity is based on 4 criteria, as flowing:

  1. shared descendant (ὅμαιμον -homaimon, "of the same blood")
  2. shared language (ὁμόγλωσσον -homoglōsson, "speaking the same language")
  3. shared sanctuaries and sacrifices (Greek: θεῶν ἱδρύματά τε κοινὰ καὶ θυσίαι -theōn hidrumata te koina kai thusiai)
  4. shared customs (Greek: ἤθεα ὁμότροπα -ēthea homotropa, "customs of like fashion").
When Han Chinese and Southern Chinese shared only common culture, which like fashion, there is not grantieren that you are in one ethnic group. because the fashion is changed time to time.

Negro American could shared same language and culture with white-man now in America, but in bloodline they don't shared a same bloodline with them. In ethnicity they are in separate ethnic group, like Mexicano in USA too.

Han chinese and southern chinese relation is like white man and mexicano.
Ethnicty doesn't have to comply with wikipedia standards which you love to quote.

There are many definitions of ethnicity not just your cherry picked one.

1.Han Chinese whether from North or South share the same paternal ancestors.
2.Han Chinese speak Sinitic languages they are not in separate language families,Southerners do not speak Tai Kadai which you erroneously claimed,Southerners also know how to speak Mandarin in modern times so I don't know what you're smoking.
3.Huangdi,Yue Fei,Guan Yu,Cai Shen etc of course there are regional deities ie Mazu,are worshiped by both Northerners and Southerners
4.Northern and Southern Han share surnames,writing,government,holidays,literature,art etc.

Are you seriously comparing the relationships between Blacks and Whites to Northern and Southern Han?

Your delusions are quite unnatural.

You can make up as much fabrications as you want but by the end of the day Southern Han never claimed kinship with Vietnamese.
So there is no protest ? Viet feared Chinese sanctions ? :D

But the rig is still there !

Now its time to go back to work, like nothing happened, except some of you can't work now because you burnt their factories...smart move Vietnam !
So there is no protest ? Viet feared Chinese sanctions ? :D

But the rig is still there !

Now its time to go back to work, like nothing happened, except some of you can't work now because you burnt their factories...smart move Vietnam !
Enough protest, we just wanna show to the world that VN-China r not friend and people can trust and support VN in containing China.

Just keep the oil rig there, we need to get rich first :pop:
Ethnicty doesn't have to comply with wikipedia standards which you love to quote.

There are many definitions of ethnicity not just your cherry picked one.

1.Han Chinese whether from North or South share the same paternal ancestors.
2.Han Chinese speak Sinitic languages they are not in separate language families,Southerners do not speak Tai Kadai which you erroneously claimed,Southerners also know how to speak Mandarin in modern times so I don't know what you're smoking.
3.Huangdi,Yue Fei,Guan Yu,Cai Shen etc of course there are regional deities ie Mazu,are worshiped by both Northerners and Southerners
4.Northern and Southern Han share surnames,writing,government,holidays,literature,art etc.

Are you seriously comparing the relationships between Blacks and Whites to Northern and Southern Han?

Your delusions are quite unnatural.

You can make up as much fabrications as you want but by the end of the day Southern Han never claimed kinship with Vietnamese.

He actually reused his former post from 2013, I remember reading another similar post last year which is also about these "4 criterias".

Also I remember I have already told him to try to actually read what he quotes by himself:

Herodotus (8.144.2) gave a famous account of what defined Greek (Hellenic) ethnic identity in his day, enumerating
  1. shared descent (ὅμαιμον - homaimon, "of the same blood"[8])
  2. shared language (ὁμόγλωσσον - homoglōsson, "speaking the same language"[9])
  3. shared sanctuaries and sacrifices (Greek: θεῶν ἱδρύματά τε κοινὰ καὶ θυσίαι - theōn hidrumata te koina kai thusiai)[10]
  4. shared customs (Greek: ἤθεα ὁμότροπα - ēthea homotropa, "customs of like fashion").[11][12][13]

--from Wikipedia

Seriously, he is really a mindless, broken radio.
Your leadership is pro-china. They encouraged protest because your economy is bad and you need to get angry at something. Now they said stop, shut up and go to work, we need the money to build casinos and defect to Switzerland. :D
I want to remind our World friends about Japanese here. Historically when Japan were strong, they seek to invade and cause atrocity. No other than Korean who understand this hidden mind of Japanese militarism. This "peaceful" image is due to several reasons. To avoid retaliation. To keep the US continuing protection. Because they are no longer have the advantage in arm since we have woken up and modernization brings our parity to match the West technological prowess, Japan are very afraid of us. They should be. Who wouldn't be afraid of powerful China revenge? But don't be afraid. We will not actively seeking revenge. It is not our style. We are peaceful loving people. However don't mistake "peaceful" with "paper tiger" mindset. We will resolutely defend our territorial integrity. If there is one country that ever try invading and has the ambition to take our territory again, it will be Japan. Thus I am afraid a war with Japan is not impossible. It takes a few Japanese right-wing politicians to shift their constitution and war is inevitable. Once we taste or smell the blood of war, there is no guarantee we will stop because historical nightmare will bring our instinct back. A complete extermination of Japanese is not out of possibility.
You want to become as powerful as China? You don't have a 10 million km^2 territory and over a billion of population as the manpower. And right now China has surpassed the US as the most powerful industrial nation.

To become as powerful as China is simply too much for your country.
stop smoking the grass. that is not good for your health.

read my post again. I never said what you claimed.

I want to remind our World friends about Japanese here. Historically when Japan were strong, they seek to invade and cause atrocity. No other than Korean who understand this hidden mind of Japanese militarism. This "peaceful" image is due to several reasons. To avoid retaliation. To keep the US continuing protection. Because they are no longer have the advantage in arm since we have woken up and modernization brings our parity to match the West technological prowess, Japan are very afraid of us. They should be. Who wouldn't be afraid of powerful China revenge? But don't be afraid. We will not actively seeking revenge. It is not our style. We are peaceful loving people. However don't mistake "peaceful" with "paper tiger" mindset. We will resolutely defend our territorial integrity. If there is one country that ever try invading and has the ambition to take our territory again, it will be Japan. Thus I am afraid a war with Japan is not impossible. It takes a few Japanese right-wing politicians to shift their constitution and war is inevitable. Once we taste or smell the blood of war, there is no guarantee we will stop because historical nightmare will bring our instinct back. A complete extermination of Japanese is not out of possibility.
extermination of Japanese race?
you run amok. the Japanese have the means to retaliate. don´t make mistake and gamble too high.

you start to change the status quo with Japan and Philippines. and now Vietnam.
you send warships and jets into our water.

that is your way to peace.

My Vietnamese comrades! I can understand reasons your dislike of China, but I ask you to think twice before you fall in to the anti-China hysteria !
Over the past few years, the West has completely destroyed Libya and Syria . West created unrest in Yemen , Tunisia, Egypt . West tries to ustart civil war in Ukraine.
Vietnam - another link in the chain . West will use any slogans that you want to hear to unleash war between Vietnam and China , or civil war in Vietnam .
Do not give in to provocations ! Western Empire weakens. And its main enemies - Russia and China . West will do everything to prevent Russia and China developing. West seek hegemony and total subjugation of all non-Western peoples , as it was before the days when communism help freed colonies and gave them independence.
Leave elucidation of relations with China to the future times. Starting the riots, you fight not for Vietnam, but for the United States because you follow their plan!
China has been Vietnam´s arch-enemy since more 1,000 years.
that is not new. the conflict is deeply rooted, and has nothing to do with the West.

Chinese raged endless wars against Vietnam. they supported our enemies, they sabotaged our economics development. they are not willing to accept Vietnam as independent state. Without them, we would be better off today.

by the way, I haven´t heared anything from Putin. Do you know the stance of Russia on this Sino-Vietnam escalated tension?
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by the way, I haven´t heared anything from Putin. Do you know the stance of Russia on this Sino-Vietnam escalated tension?
Putin has not even said anything about the events in the east of former Ukraine.
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