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More Israeli fear-mongering....

The fact that Israel has the Palestinians militarily contained and enwalled, and can even afford to build settlements and keep those safe (maybe as a lesson about how P's violent resistance is actually counterproductive for Ps), does not mean Hamas has let go of their original goals of removing Israel off the map. They may appear to have done so in english media, but they're certainly not crystal-clear about it, as evidenced by my previous post. And you still haven't answered why your arab neighbor countries (where many of P descent live as well) can't give up a piece of their territory for a P state.
As for the economic blockade of P by I, that's again to prevent Hamas and groups like 'm to stock up on weapons and try some kinda major offensive against Israel.

But since we're only calling eachother liars at the moment, I'll just accept the fact that you need maybe decades more of suffering by the P people before you see the fundamental flaws in your 'strategies'

Just don't expect me not to warn EU and North-American audiences about how evilly false that victim card is that you try to play over and over like a vynil record that's stuck.

Were you born Jewish or have Jewish relatives? Again, we don't have no zero criticism of Israel's occupation or settlement expansions which is the sole reason for this conflict. All we have is 'peacefans' imaginary war the Palestinians are declaring against Israel. When it's Israel exercising land confiscation every day and expansion in Palestinian lands through brutal force.

The more and more you speak the faster your credibility is about to be thrown out the window.

And don't worry, you don't represent the European audience, you're one person. For some reason you believe all Europeans belong to the Zionist confederation or something. When in fact every year Israel ranked among the least popular nations in European polls and most nations in the world supported the Palestinian UN bid.

The onus is on Israel to bring forward a genuine peace plan. They are the ruling power. It is not on the Palestinians.
I'd say those "islamic states" that extremist groups like Hamas want to set up, are among the worst kind of dictatorships.

Have you ever been to Gaza?
Dude, you're not on an Israeli forum, this may be a common discussion with your peers. But, when it comes down to all backgrounds, people outside of America aren't spoon fed this doublespeak and empty statements or propaganda.

I stated what is true about the charter and it's not longer relevant. Just as you israelis claim after the Likud took power their charter is no longer relevant but you want to have it both ways.

Btw, it's accepted by almost every scholar on history that Israel started the 67 war which wasn't to 'destroy' Israel and neither was any other war.

Don't you feel ashamed knowing that one day people will read a detailed account on this conflict and realize that you come up with so much ploys. You're losing supporters that way by repeating the same thing that's false.

You're completely delusional.

Wars by muslims against Israel were not to wipe Israel off the map... What did you wanna do then after going in guns blazing? Sit down for tea with the Israelis?

And so long as we have P commanders this year making that statement about how they'd use a nuke against Israel the moment they got one delivered to 'm, I'll say the ones calling the shots in too many P groups are in fact very much interested in any chance to wipe Israel off the map by any level of force they can get their hands on. Good thing they're so incompetent, i guess, or the bloodshed would amplify grealty.

I simply do not believe your claims about how peaceful and capable of restraint many of the P leaderships are. Events in the last 30 years tell the story as I've painted it here.
And you wonder why we of NATO are behind Israel when it comes to that nuclear weapons program of yours that you keep denying you run.
Nice nickname you chose by the way, "resurgentIran" we see clearly what morals and methods your country employs for that resurging (=gaining geo political power, i assume), in Syria.

No, I mean a resurgence of Iran as an independent power-center conducting independent foreign policy, instead of being a puppet or satellite state like during the Shah.
Nothing to do with what you are claiming.

And about Iran and its nuclear program, we have every right under the IAEA safeguards and non-proliferation treaty to develop a nuclear program, regardless of what you say and think.
But you are alluding that our nuclear program is a danger to the physical existence of the state of Israel. Didnt you just read what I said? Do you have comprehension problems?
No one is talking about the physical removal of the state. What we are talking about is the removal of an governing enitity. Israel in its current racist entity should cease to exist, just liked racist apartheid South Africa ceased to exist, and Soviet Union ceased to exist. Nuclear weapons has nothing to with it.
So this is how it works? I provide evidence and quotes from notable individuals and newspapers to show bias, but you just throw it all down the drain with a self righteous conviction?

You wouldn't mind then if a bunch of anti Islamist investigate and judge you on the rape and murder you committed yesterday (by the way they found you guilty). take responsibility for what you have committed! ;)

I am saying that if a cop walks through a neighborhood with murders and rapes on the streets and then arrests a guy for alleged jaywalking then there is something corrupted in the cop and we should not trust his judgment.

Leave your stupid analogies out of this, you're writing things that are meaningless and waste our time.

As for your 'evidence', you quoted a supposed times article without linking it. Provide us with the link. And even with the link, there's no actual evidence supporting his claims that a few employees may have a critical opinion against Israel's occupation. Doesn't equate to bias. That's just human instinct.

And it hardly means anything, what are you trying to take on every human rights organization in the world? You do realize Israeli organizations also take part in these investigations and don't live in this fantasy world where you think the world is against Israel and Israel can do no wrong.
You're completely delusional.

Wars by muslims against Israel were not to wipe Israel off the map... What did you wanna do then after going in guns blazing? Sit down for tea with the Israelis?

And so long as we have P commanders this year making that statement about how they'd use a nuke against Israel the moment they got one delivered to 'm, I'll say the ones calling the shots in too many P groups are in fact very much interested in any chance to wipe Israel off the map by any level of force they can get their hands on. Good thing they're so incompetent, i guess, or the bloodshed would amplify grealty.

I simply do not believe your claims about how peaceful and capable of restraint many of the P leaderships are. Events in the last 30 years tell the story as I've painted it here.

Still repeating that same nonsense? So you tell us so all knowing 'peacefan'.
Were you born Jewish or have Jewish relatives? Again, we don't have no zero criticism of Israel's occupation or settlement expansions which is the sole reason for this conflict. All we have is 'peacefans' imaginary war the Palestinians are declaring against Israel. When it's Israel exercising land confiscation every day and expansion in Palestinian lands through brutal force.

The more and more you speak the faster your credibility is about to be thrown out the window.

And don't worry, you don't represent the European audience, you're one person. For some reason you believe all Europeans belong to the Zionist confederation or something. When in fact every year Israel ranked among the least popular nations in European polls and most nations in the world supported the Palestinian UN bid.

The onus is on Israel to bring forward a genuine peace plan. They are the ruling power. It is not on the Palestinians.

The onus is on both the Israelis and the Palestinians. I've given you plenty of alternative ways to secure your wishes, but they wont yield much until you let go of violent resistance completely and for real and forever, coz the fruits will take about 10 to 20 years to grow.

And no, i'm not jewish nor have jew blood in my bloodline. I'm here to inform extremist muslims like you about how Allah is in fact the God of the Christians AND Jews as well, at least, and as such (combined with that UN vote that created Israel) you muslims should learn to respect what God(=Allah) ordained in the Holy Books of at least those religions, and the Jews happen to have a Holy Book that grants them the strip of land that is Israel today.

Islam means "submission [to Allah(=God)]", right? Then why do you allow a group of priests to make you a custom version of Islam and then force that upon others by extreme violence? You know you're fighting for a long line of corrupt priests, do you? I dare say this, because,
WHY would a God who is shared by many religions under different names, religions created by Him for different cultures in different ages and places, order those religions to fight eachother to the death, or to impose their own religious-social rules on other (sub-)cultures by anything from threat of violence to death by public torture?
Never trust a priest, newsoutlet or politician blindly. Be EXTRA careful when they tell you what you like to hear, ESPECIALLY if it increases hatred in you or your friends against cultures other than your own..
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The onus is on both the Israelis and the Palestinians.

What a load of horsesh*t. Look at the military apparatus of Israel, and then compare to Palestinians.
You have one side which is ockupying, and another side which constitutes the opressed ockupied (living in ethnic bantustans surrounded by walls). The balance is assymetrical.
So the onus is solely on Israel. Either it can give up ockupation, or it can not. Period
No, I mean a resurgence of Iran as an independent power-center conducting independent foreign policy, instead of being a puppet or satellite state like during the Shah.
Nothing to do with what you are claiming.

And about Iran and its nuclear program, we have every right under the IAEA safeguards and non-proliferation treaty to develop a nuclear program, regardless of what you say and think.
But you are alluding that our nuclear program is a danger to the physical existence of the state of Israel. Didnt you just read what I said? Do you have comprehension problems?
No one is talking about the physical removal of the state. What we are talking about is the removal of an governing enitity. Israel in its current racist entity should cease to exist, just liked racist apartheid South Africa ceased to exist, and Soviet Union ceased to exist. Nuclear weapons has nothing to with it.

I'm getting tired of these pokerfaced lies my Iranian brother, just got a ton of 'm from our P brother.

First of all, you clearly desire influence over other countries by force, your 'help' in Syria as evidence.

Second, your Rouhanni recently said "no unconditional inspections". That meas, you're building production facilities for nuke bombs, and will ofcourse try to play the same game the Israelis did; build nuke bombs secretly, and keep that fact secret for as long as you can. Meanwhile, *everyone* already knows what ur up to, and if u make nuke bombs, so will KSA and Egypt, at least. From there more countries in ur region will want the latest shiny weapon called nuke bomb.
That leads to those devices stored all over the middle east, which can be 'lost'(=handed over to an group like alQuada), maybe not even by the government (who want nukes as political leverage), but by some guard with 2 or more masters.
Now, I can think like my archenemy, and if I were an alQuada commander, I'd be saving nukes until I'd have about 10 of 'm, then nuke 8 cities in the US and 2 in Israel and declare it the greatest victory ever. Queue dancing extremist muslims.
Dude, you're not on an Israeli forum, this may be a common discussion with your peers. But, when it comes down to all backgrounds, people outside of America aren't spoon fed this doublespeak and empty statements or propaganda.

I stated what is true about the charter and it's not longer relevant. Just as you israelis claim after the Likud took power their charter is no longer relevant but you want to have it both ways.

Even if the charter is irreverent the videos of Hamas officials from recent years show that it's spirit is. Or are Hamas officials secretly employed by evil ZIONAZIS to say those things against Israel?

Btw, it's accepted by almost every scholar on history that Israel started the 67 war which wasn't to 'destroy' Israel and neither was any other war.

Don't you feel ashamed knowing that one day people will read a detailed account on this conflict and realize that you come up with so much ploys. You're losing supporters that way by repeating the same thing that's false.

not going to argue with you over who started the 6DW because it's irreverent to the thread. As I said it was Jordan who attacked Israel.

Must I educate you on history again?

Jordan was reluctant to enter the war. Nasser used the obscurity of the first hours of the conflict to convince King Hussein that he was victorious; he claimed as evidence a radar sighting of a squadron of Israeli aircraft returning from bombing raids in Egypt which he said was an Egyptian aircraft en route to attacking Israel.[125] One of the Jordanian brigades stationed in the West Bank was sent to the Hebron area in order to link with the Egyptians. Hussein decided to attack.

Intermittent machine-gun exchanges began taking place in Jerusalem at 9:30 am, and the fighting gradually escalated as the Jordanians introduced 3-inch mortars and 106mm recoilless rifles. Under the orders from General Narkis, the Israelis responded only with small-arms fire, firing in a flat trajectory to avoid hitting civilians, holy sites or the Old City. At 10:00 am on June 5, the Jordanian Army began shelling Israel. Two batteries of 155mm Long Tom cannons opened fire on the suburbs of Tel Aviv and Ramat David Airbase. The commanders of these batteries were instructed to lay a two-hour barrage against military and civilian settlements in central Israel. Some shells hit the outskirts of Tel Aviv.

Israel assumed that the attacks were a symbolic gesture of solidarity with Egypt, and sent a message to King Hussein promising not to initiate any action against Jordan if it stayed out of the war. King Hussein replied that it was too late, "the die was cast".[129] At 11:15 am, Jordanian howitzers began a 6,000-shell barrage at Israeli Jerusalem. The Jordanians initially targeted kibbutz Ramat Rachel in the south and Mount Scopus in the north, then ranged into the city center and outlying neighborhoods. Military installations, the Prime Minister's Residence, and the Knesset compound were also targeted. Israeli civilian casualties totalled 20 dead and about 1,000 wounded. Some 900 buildings were damaged, including Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.[130]

At 11:50 am, sixteen Jordanian Hawker Hunters attacked Netanya, Kfar Sirkin and Kfar Saba, killing one civilian, wounding seven and destroying a transport plane. Three Iraqi Hawker Hunters strafed civilian settlements in the Jezreel Valley, and an Iraqi Tu-16 attacked Afula, and was shot down near the Megiddo airfield. The attack caused minimal material damage, hitting only a senior citizens' home and several chicken coops, but sixteen Israeli soldiers were killed, most of them when the Tupolev crashed.
What a load of horsesh*t. Look at the military apparatus of Israel, and then compare to Palestinians.
You have one side which is ockupying, and another side which constitutes the opressed ockupied (living in ethnic bantustans surrounded by walls). The balance is assymetrical.
So the onus is solely on Israel. Either it can give up ockupation, or it can not. Period

Absolutely. And I was going to do the same thing as you...quote that one sentence because the rest of his post was pure gibberish. Ha Ha Ha.
I'm getting tired of these pokerfaced lies my Iranian brother, just got a ton of 'm from our P brother.

First of all, you clearly desire influence over other countries by force, your 'help' in Syria as evidence.

Second, your Rouhanni recently said "no unconditional inspections". That meas, you're building production facilities for nuke bombs, and will ofcourse try to play the same game the Israelis did; build nuke bombs secretly, and keep that fact secret for as long as you can. Meanwhile, *everyone* already knows what ur up to, and if u make nuke bombs, so will KSA and Egypt, at least. From there more countries in ur region will want the latest shiny weapon called nuke bomb.
That leads to those devices stored all over the middle east, which can be 'lost'(=handed over to an group like alQuada), maybe not even by the government (who want nukes as political leverage), but by some guard with 2 or more masters.
Now, I can think like my archenemy, and if I were an alQuada commander, I'd be saving nukes until I'd have about 10 of 'm, then nuke 8 cities in the US and 2 in Israel and declare it the greatest victory ever. Queue dancing extremist muslims.

All Iranian nuclear facilities are monitored by IAEA cameras 24/7, and there is no evidence of Iran's nuclear program being anything but peaceful.
You are really just an indoctrinated zombie.
Even if the charter is irreverent the videos of Hamas officials from recent years show that it's spirit is. Or are Hamas officials secretly employed by evil ZIONAZIS to say those things against Israel?

not going to argue with you over who started the 6DW because it's irreverent to the thread. As I said it was Jordan who attacked Israel.

Must I educate you on history again?

No, the whole world knows Israel started the 67 war and your leaders say so to. Even though you're probably a Russian.
All Iranian nuclear facilities are monitored by IAEA cameras 24/7, and there is no evidence of Iran's nuclear program being anything but peaceful.
You are really just an indoctrinated zombie.

Don't you love how the guy lecturing us on world events and good causes is always an unemployed doofus. Ha Ha Ha.
All Iranian nuclear facilities are monitored by IAEA cameras 24/7, and there is no evidence of Iran's nuclear program being anything but peaceful.

If that program was peaceful, Rouhanni would allow unconditional inspections. He does not, and we both know you don't hide nuke bomb production facilities in your 'legit nuclear power facilities', but rather in some place that's not to be inspected.
Don't think we of nato are fools, or that Obama is a fool. That word 'unconditional' next to 'inspections' is the ONLY thing that'll prevent the eventual strikes against your nuke bombs and production facilities for nuke bomb parts. You can try to keep 'm hidden, but they will be found. And before you scream "IRAQ WMD BUSH LIES", people like me are going to see to it that we'll find the required evidence before the strikes start, in your case.

You are really just an indoctrinated zombie.

Well you're entitled to your opinion of course, but then I'll share that I think exactly the same about any muslim who wants to impose their religious/social rules on other (sub-)cultures or secretly desires domination of lands outside their borders.

And just because I'm not gullible, does not mean I'm a zombie, OR indoctrinated. I excercise the right to make up my own mind every day.
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