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Mona Remount Depot(The Horsemen Paradise)

The last time i sat on a horse i got chicken pox
What are the native breeds of horses in Pakistan? And I agree the Percherons are really cute haha
Elephant par nai bhathi? :o:

I have ridden for animals: Elephant, horses, ox cart (in some village) and camel
For other stuff: Helicopter, airplanes, Fokker jet, trains - electric and disel, tram, cars and bike, ferry, cruise liner, motor boat, gondola other types of small boats....hmm whats missing?? :unsure:

5th generation jets, submarines and frigates are missing :D
The last time i sat on a horse i got chicken pox

Well, look at the bright side of it, now you are immune to it..so you can ride as many horses as you want.
The Documentary Ribat-ul-Khail a brief audio visual description of Remount Depot, Mona from Pakistan Army has won the first prize in the International Film Festival “Eserciti-e-popoli” (Armies & People) held in Bracciano, Rome (Italy). Armed Forces Representatives from 38 countries participated in the contest where 150 documentaries were screened in different categories. Maintaining the tradition, Pakistan Army’s documentary “Ribat-ul-Khail” on Remount Depot Mona, in the category of “Institutional Promotion”, has won the first prize. Another special prize was awarded to Pakistan Armed Forces for best participation during the year 2008. The documentary covers the breeding, training and maintenance of all kinds of horses and mules. A beautiful botanical garden adorns Mona to commemorate this singular honor.

What a lovely thread brother!

I have a profound admiration and likeness for horses especially the Arabian horse but also many others. It is really encouraging to see that horse breeding is well and alive in Pakistan.

This thread was a pleasure to look at. I will return and read the articles and watch the videos more thoroughly.

@engineer saad
@engineer saad Sorry Bro, I'm really disappointed. Such an outstanding thread and not a single +ve rating. I would have given you at least 3, IF I could.
@engineer saad Sorry Bro, I'm really disappointed. Such an outstanding thread and not a single +ve rating. I would have given you at least 3, IF I could.
I don't use PDF for +ve ratings. :D
Your words ere enough for appreciation.
Thanks alot.
Very expensive army hobby but it has its role in mountain terrain
@Jonah Arthur Very good thread Sir!
@Jonah Arthur Very good thread Sir!
Thankyou :)
In UAE you have very high quality and popular Arabian Breed. I appreciate passion and preservance of arabian horses led by Al Nahyan family.
Sargodha & Shahpur areas were found suitable for breeding horses more than a century ago. Indulge me to inform young forum members a little history of the Sargodha area.

Lower Jhelum canal came into being in 1901 which opened up hundreds of thousands of acres of land for cultivation. This was before the motorised era and to encourage local landlords to breed good quality horses required for the British Army; a scheme termed ‘Ghori pal grant’ or’ Murbba dar ghori’ in local parlance was started in 1902. Under this scheme 40 acres of arable land per breeding mare were granted to influential landowning families in the Sargodha & Shahpur tehsils. The scheme was eventually terminated in 1940.

Since that time these areas have been famous for their top quality horses. By the way, I visited Mona Depot sometime in the late 1950’s as a teenager and was duly impressed.
Sargodha & Shahpur areas were found suitable for breeding horses more than a century ago. Indulge me to inform young forum members a little history of the Sargodha area.

Lower Jhelum canal came into being in 1901 which opened up hundreds of thousands of acres of land for cultivation. This was before the motorised era and to encourage local landlords to breed good quality horses required for the British Army; a scheme termed ‘Ghori pal grant’ or’ Murbba dar ghori’ in local parlance was started in 1902. Under this scheme 40 acres of arable land per breeding mare were granted to influential landowning families in the Sargodha & Shahpur tehsils. The scheme was eventually terminated in 1940.

Since that time these areas have been famous for their top quality horses. By the way, I visited Mona Depot sometime in the late 1950’s as a teenager and was duly impressed.
"Ghori paal Murabba" scheme was active in Pakistan Army up to 1990's. The trend had declined as an alternative option of "2 Murabba Agricultural land" was offered, which was preferred by retiring officers. Most of this land were sand dunes which required an initial investment but later transformed into a good investment with yield twice a year.
Mona Remount Depot(The Horsemen Paradise)


Remount Depot Mona is the biggest functional Remount Installation in the world. It is a prestigious setup with splendid landscaping of lush green fields, graceful trees and outstanding charges. This Horsemen Paradise is spread over 10,000 acres. It is living Museum and a renowned establishment of Pakistan Army. It offers stunning, captivating natural scenery, full of the best Horses (Equine) collection of the world. This is the only institution of its kind which is preserving the Equestrian culture and acting as a guardian of Horsemanship and Horse mastership in the country. Functioning at its utmost capacity, here horses are trained for use as rides, show Jumping and Polo Ponies, and Mules for use as pack and draught animals in difficult hilly terrain. Mona has a very rich Heritage and Century old Archives. This place has a unique Wildlife, natural Fauna and Flora of extra ordinary species. It is the nature’s window, through which the wonders have been magnified.

Till the end of 19th century Royal Indian Forces used to get their requirement of troop horses and pack animals from England, Australia, Middle East and other European countries. Visualizing the amount of expenditure and effort involved in procurement, the British Government of India decided to produce own horses and mules. A Royal Commission was set up in the year 1895 to find out ways and means of producing horses and mules for the Army. It was recommended by the commission that government should establish its own breeding areas and Remount Depot. Based on the recommendations Chenab Breeding Area (now Faisalabad) and Montgomery Breeding Area (now Sahiwal) were established. Remount Depots were established at Saharanpur and Ahmedabad for rearing and training of horses and mules received from breeding areas.

Remount Depot Karnal in India, sub branch of Sharanpur Remount Depot was shifted to Sargodha, at a place Baikrakh due to outbreak of a disease. In 1902, the whole set up was relocated to its present location Mona. The name Mona was given due to the Village of Mona Syedan which is located towards North of the depot.

World Arabian Horse Organization

The World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO) is the world organization for the preservation, improvement and preservation of Arabian horses. WAHO grants membership to nations after examination of national breeding stud books, and review of regulations for each country.

Arab horse:

'A pure-bred Arabian horse is one which appears in any pure-bred Arabian Stud Book or Register listed by WAHO as acceptable.'World Arabian Horse Organization was estb in 1972 with one of the most important objective to “maintain the purity of Arabian Breed blood of horses throughout the world. WAHO since its inception has been working with an organized executive committee, with its head office in London (United Kingdom). Till today 70 countries are permanent members of the organization.




  • Rearing of Young Horses and Mules.
  • Training of Horses and Mules.
  • Provision of Animals to the Army.
  • Training of Riders for the Corps.
  • Imparting Training in Riding to Officers/Junior Commissioned Officers/Non Commissioned Officers of the Army.
  • Breeding of Rams and provision to Breeding Areas.
  • Breeding of Horse and Donkey Stallions and provision to Breeding Areas.
  • Production of fodder and grain for the Depot Animals.
Functions as a Base Remount Depot.

  • Designed to maintain upto 4000 young stock/mature animals.
  • Capable to train 200 horses in a year.
  • Capable to train 600 Mules in a year.
Army Veterinary School Sargodha

Army Veterinary School (AVS) is located in the heart of “The City of Eagles” - Sargodha. It is remarkable place for those who are intellectually curious and demanding of themselves. Academic and professional excellence and the development of leaders who understand the value of service have been the hall marks of education at AVS since 1862. Widely regarded as one of the Premier Army Veterinary Institutes in the sub-continent; AVS has distinguished itself through its remarkable contribution towards Military Veterinary Services and achievements of its faculty. It has built a reputation for providing outstanding education and training with innovation and pioneering work in its curriculum, career building of officers , soldiers and the rigor of its academic programs.

School’s lush green campus offers a safe, quiet environment for students at all levels. With its upgraded projects, students are getting benefit from the latest technology as incorporated in to the curriculum.

Brief History:

Marvelous history of AVS dates back to 1862 when it was established at Poona (India). The School functioned there till 1929 before moved to Ambala. After independence, a rump of the School was brought to Rawalpindi and remained till 1950. In 1950, it was brought to Sargodha and made part of Remount Depot. In 1982, the School was shifted to new building at present location as an independent instructional installation. In 2002, Military Farms Instructional Centre Okara was shifted to Army Veterinary School.


In Peace. To impart trg to RV&FC Offrs / JCOs / Sldrs / Civil Supervisory Staff, all arms, Civil Arm Forces personnel and students from allied ctys in the fds of Rem, Vet & Farms.

In War.AVS will be closed down and R&D cell will continue to work for diagnosis of diseases occurring in Army animals.


  • To run 22 x spec to arm and all arms courses for trg of 17 x Offrs/ 250 Sldrs incl Mil Farm staff and Civil Arm Forces personnel.
  • To diagnose / investigate diseases amongst Army and Farm animals.
  • To analyse samples of milk and dairy products, diff feed ingredients and semen samples of stallions and bulls of breeding areas / Mil Farms.
  • To run prom cadre and tech trade tests of different category of JCOs / sldrs of RV&FC.
  • Research, development and trial of new tech in animal husbandry, nutrition, dairy and agriculture.
  • To conduct trial of drugs and make recommendations for their induction.
  • Technical advise regarding problems confronted by Rem, Vet and Farm outfits.
  • Write articles and reviews on professional matters.
  • Production of Sera and Vaccines.
  • To carry out research and eval of diff diseases in collaboration with University of Agriculture Faisalabad.
  • Revision of GSPs and other professional material.
Addl Asgs:

  • Meat insp SSD Sgd
  • VO Mil Farm Sgd
  • VO Dog Pl PAF Base Sgd
  • RV&FC Offrs retention exam
  • Conduct CO/OC Conf

Horse Breeding Stud:

Arab Breed

Horse Breed : Arabian

Alternative Names : Arab Horses

From the ancient deserts of the Middle East evolved the oldest known breed of riding horse, the Arabian. Now one of the most popular breeds in America, the Arabians' incredible energy, intelligence and gentle disposition allow riders to excel in most equine sports and activities. Today, Arabian horses spend as much time on the trail as they do at horse shows and other competitive events.




@Horus @Slav Defence @Zarvan @waz @Akheilos @DESERT FIGHTER @fakhre mirpur @Ifrit @Muhammad Omar @Imran Khan @Bratva @WAJsal @Shamain @django @Max Pain @haviZsultan @Ghazwa e Hind @Indus Falcon @Side-Winder @Abu Zolfiqar @Armstrong @Icarus
This is one of my current interest as part of doing horseback archery. In the long run I want to invest some money in buying a ranch and hosting some horses. Good thing is that my daughter is learning how to ride so that gets me the opportunity to manage my time better :)
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