I don't have a problem with officers---I have problem with those in command--.
The luxury cars and life style of the upper rank officers does not reflect on shortage of funds.
The 90's mirage deal did not have shortage of funds---the issue was the bribe---which would have accounted for 5 or 6 less aircraft---so instead of 40---they could have had 35 or 34 aircraft---.
Going back for the F16's was intentional---all friends told the Paf not to do so---sanctions would be coming---yet Paf lied to the pakistani public about it and kept on blaming the american---thus creating a hate for the americans---.
See---that is what the Paf needed---an american mindset Car salesman for the deal---.
Soldiers should never do deals---their principal stand---their character development---their stance of situational awareness in a deal is totally different---they are programmed to act in a totally different manner---and yet they go on a buying expedition---.
It would be just like asking me to go on an intercept mission---. I wouldn't even know how to get in & sit in the aircraft seat properly---.