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Modified Stealth Helicopter in OBL raid

Hi, not to digress, but Pakistan has no sovereignty. Its past and present leaders have basically sold her out for loans and aid. If you read this article, the CIA had a safe house in Abbotabad, and had the latest gizmos tracking people. The Pakistan Army and ISI were either too ignorant to understand the level of technology available in the west or simply caught napping. The US probably knows every location of Pakistan's key assets. So much for sovereignty and being able to defend that country.

However, at the same time if one looks back the Russians also wreaked havoc with their spies. The old game of cat and mouse! Regardless, this will probably be an eye opener for the ISI and PA, and maybe get the PAF to improve their radar systems on both the eastern and western borders.

Lastly, while this raid violated Pakistan's sovereignty, the end result was beneficial.

CIA watched bin Laden from nearby safe house inside Pakistan - Yahoo! News
Pakistan Military Know which Helicopter is this!!
Hi, according to this article, the US also used gaps in the PAF radar coverage and did not jam the radars. Given the US supplies most of the PAFs radar equipment, they would have been more than familiar with its operational limits, and how to expose weaknesses in it. This combined with stealth helicopters, and nap of the earth flying, and voila you have the perfect surprise.

Regardless of their explanation, the PAF was caught napping. Maybe this will spur further modernization or better radar coverage. But, one has to keep in mind US technology is far superior than anything the PAF has. The PA and PAF should concentrate on eliminating the home grown threat and the foreign terrorists on its soil, it will be beneficial to all. I personally thing it is a disgrace to Pakistan that the most wanted terrorist was found there.

US military operation: Military moves to dispel doubts – The Express Tribune

The military and intelligence officials outlined the sequence of events and said the ingress of US helicopters into Pakistani airspace was not detected, because they (the US) know the location of our radars and have terrain maps. They can make permutations to avoid our radars by flying low and using the mountains. They used a passive technique,” an official said. “If they had jammed our radars, we would have noticed.”

The military sought to dispel domestic doubts and concerns after the American assault on Osama’s hideoutosa over the weekend, saying the military had no prior information at any stage about the impending assault.

The Pakistan Air Force scrambled its jets upon receiving information that a foreign helicopter had been downed in the area, but by the time the jets reached, the helicopters were already on their way back, military officials said.
After drone attacks here comes another story lol choppers came had a party and went away ,nobody was there to stop them wow .Salute to the people who taking care of Pakistan's sovereignty.Come whenever you want,do whatever you want have a great time and leave whenever you wish .What a friendship gesture ,this is what you call opening yourself to the world ,true friendship and sovereign state wow

and when you were not able to do something now after 3 days you are just saying bullshit ,we would have done this we would have done that

And i feel for poor chaps who still out of all ashes have found something for themselves to cheer about i.e oh stealth choppers woho we have find the tech now we with China will produce same tech blah blah
but my friend at what cost?

Bro! this is true Barking Dogs Seldom Bite...Our Army cant fight US thats for sure and will always butter them up ...to get their pay Checks...and lead a luxurious life...now they gotta pay bak something now ...They need to keep their big mouth shut in front of our awaam and confess that they cant do anything against US..for the sake of their lives....and they dont need to get so much money then in the budget ..cuz its the property of the 200 million poor pplz living within the country...The Armed forces shold go and serve their GORAZ Masterz in their countries and leave us alone ..we can take care of ourselves...That night all civilians were wide awake even at the start of the attack...just our PAF and Army was deep sleep after taking so much money within the budget...shame on it ...the whole Army shold go home and leave us alone...the international media saying they are incompetent ..yes realli they are....everything is exposed about them....:cheers:
It is bad if I dont praise the courage and professionalism of the US Navy Sealz..realli they did a great job in getting rid of the terrorist no.1 of the world/humanity....Got an "A+" for that....
" A wise enemy is alwayz better than a foolish friend"

I think the interesting thing that is going to happen is:

1. Pakistan give China access to that crashed helicopter.
2. Chinese study it, reverse engineer (yes, proudly) it.
3. Chinese start building stealth helicopter in few years and give Pakistan a couple dozen in return.

:) by that time, indians will still cry "oh, how dare you copy it? how dare you fire on us using such clone the weapon? you are only allowed to kill me using US weapons!"
:) by that time, indians will still cry "oh, how dare you copy it? how dare you fire on us using such clone the weapon? you are only allowed to kill me using US weapons!"

You could have easily made those very "points" without bringing India into it.
Bro! this is true Barking Dogs Seldom Bite...Our Army cant fight US thats for sure and will always butter them up ...to get their pay Checks...and lead a luxurious life...now they gotta pay bak something now ...They need to keep their big mouth shut in front of our awaam and confess that they cant do anything against US..for the sake of their lives....and they dont need to get so much money then in the budget ..cuz its the property of the 200 million poor pplz living within the country...The Armed forces shold go and serve their GORAZ Masterz in their countries and leave us alone ..we can take care of ourselves...That night all civilians were wide awake even at the start of the attack...just our PAF and Army was deep sleep after taking so much money within the budget...shame on it ...the whole Army shold go home and leave us alone...the international media saying they are incompetent ..yes realli they are....everything is exposed about them....:cheers:
It is bad if I dont praise the courage and professionalism of the US Navy Sealz..realli they did a great job in getting rid of the terrorist no.1 of the world/humanity....Got an "A+" for that....
" A wise enemy is alwayz better than a foolish friend"

I think we have not to blame PA & ISI, we have to put concentration how to secure territory with latest military inventions & stealth technology, attention should pay on getting more modern & anti-stealth radar which is need of our time. Otherwise no doubt next time India come with PAK-FA & you people again cry over military or ISI.

If you was on that post then you too were powerless to do something because you didn't have technology resources to react on time. In our country simply one can say remove who responsible but nobody want to think what is main problem and how to solve. Once you people looks proud that you have nukes this & that but to ensure its security when military required funds then you all come with you philosophy that defense budget should be decreased etc so GET RESULT FROM COMMON PEOPLE PHILOSOPHY.
The White house claimed that we first think to bomb the compound with B-52 stealth bomber which means that in future they can utilize that option as well.I suggest we should arm and train people with manpads so they cannot get any leverage by their sealth low flying helicopters the next time.
Apart from using stealth helis, this operation is a good example of Cyber war...The US forces jammed Pakistan's radar and get advantage of terrain as well...resulting in complete success.

PA never knew anything about this operation, only few people knew about this op in US.
Just what was the mystery US stealth-copter?

Details of the ‘stealth’ helicopter involved in the US operation to eliminate Osama bin Laden are beginning to be pieced together.

Jerry Gunner - 5-May-2011

UH-60 Black Hawk, similar to the S-70 airframe.May 6: The US military does not lack courage and audacity, and that coupled with superb technology frequently gives it the edge when it comes to offensive operations. The Americans do seem to be a bit unlucky though - it is only because of this bad luck that the world now knows about - or at least knows of the existence of - a secret ‘stealth’ helicopter that crashed during the course of Operation Geronimo to capture or kill bin Laden on May 2 in at his safe house in Bilal Town, Abbottabad, Pakistan..

First reports indicated that a military helicopter involved in the mission, reported as a Black Hawk, was destroyed by the Navy Seals involved after it suffered a technical malfunction. This seemed odd, because what’s so secret about an H-60, even one belonging to a special forces outfit like the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment?

Pakistan is of course a ‘friendly’ nation; surely the authorities there could be trusted with sensitive American technology? Then we saw the pictures - and we were none the wiser. All that remained in any way identifiable was what appeared to be the tail-rotor section of a helicopter - but not of any helicopter seen before. It appears that the ‘technical malfunction’ was caused when the helicopter was landed with its tail rotor protruding over the wall surrounding bin Laden’s villa, causing it to crash. Everything inside the compound had indeed been destroyed most efficiently.

In the images released so far there is nothing which even hints at the fact that it was a helicopter that was burned, but it would appear that the tail assembly had fallen over the other side of the wall and was spared the fiery destruction wrought on the rest of the airframe. What remained appears to be the rear horizontal forward-pointing stabilisers and a rotor hub assembly with fragments of what might be a fenestron-type tail. The stabilisers and vertical fin were painted in the high silver content paint effect used by certain F-16s and V-22s, which is said to be designed to reduce the infra-red signature, and there were no visible cracks between panels as they seemed to have been filled in with a putty type sealant.

These features might all have been designed to reduce the radar cross-section of the aircraft and make it harder to detect. One of the problems with making a helicopter stealthy is all the moving parts on the outside of the machine. Not just the rotors, but the aircraft skin itself is vibrating. These problems can to some degree be ameliorated, and in the now cancelled RAH-66 Comanche helicopter, many of them were. The wreckage photographed in Pakistan shows that the fenestron assembly of the crashed machine has a distinctive hub-cap type cover to its centre rotor boss, reminiscent of the Comanche, and there seemed to be at least five blades emanating from the hub. Adding blades to both main and tail rotors is one way of reducing noise and more powerful engines operating at lower power settings is another.

The Pentagon is unlikely to release images of the helicopter, so interested observers are obliged to make educated guesses. Given the size of the tail section, evident in Internet images, the most likely scenario would appear to be that an elite unit of the US military is operating a heavily modified Sikorsky S-70 airframe incorporating a completely re-designed tail-section, possibly using technology and construction techniques pioneered in the Comanche. Of course, if any of AFM’s readers can provide us with images of an intact example, we’d love to hear from you!

Filed Under Military Aviation News.
india have Stealth helicopters ? .....NO
india have capability to jam Radars ?..... NO
india have commandos trained like US seals ?.... NO
how thay can think of attacking Pakistan ..??
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