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In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the order that makes life and universe possible,[10][note 1] and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’’.[7] InBuddhismdharma means "cosmic law and order",[10] but is also applied to the teachings of the Buddha.[10] InBuddhist philosophy, dhamma/dharma is also the term for "phenomena".[11][note 2] In Jainismdharma refers to the teachings of the Jinas[10] and the body of doctrine pertaining to the purification and moral transformation of human beings. For Sikhs, the word dharm means the "path of righteousness".

Dharma in Hinduism, is an organizing principle that applies to human beings in solitude, in their interaction with human beings and nature, as well as between inanimate objects, to all of cosmos and its parts.

You are paring down Hinduism to a joke. Devoid of every philosophy, devoid of vedas, devoid of anything at all. Just some fancy term "dharma." Why the need to achieve Moksha? Why the need to perform Dharma? What are the philosophies governing them?

Reincarnation is an essential part of Hinduism. There is no ever lasting hell in Hinduism.

naraka (Sanskrit: "abode of darkness", literally "pertaining to man.") — an unhappy, mentally and emotionally congested, distressful area of consciousness in the lower worlds. Naraka is a state of mind that can be experienced on the physical plane or in the sub-astral plane after death of the sthula-sharira (physical body). It is accompanied by the tormented emotions of hatred, remorse, resentment, fear, jealousy and self-condemnation. Naraka is a congested, distressful area where demonic beings and young souls may sojourn until they resolve the darksome karmas they have created. Here beings suffer the consequences of their own misdeeds in previous lives. However, in the Hindu view, the hellish experience is not permanent, but a temporary condition of one's own making. See: asura, loka.

Of course reincarnation is essential part of almost all Hindu philosophies. Not ALL philosophies.

I am not stripping Hinduism of any philosophy. I am mentioning the common thread that runs across ALL Hindu philosophies. Which is Dharma.

One is free to follow any of the various paths. Each path has its own set of literature and gurus who explain them and their own practices.

The real question you should have asked is "what defines Dharma". That is where the various philosophies of Hinduism enlighten the seeker. After all one cannot define what is "right" and "righteous" and then go around claiming one is right in whatever one does.

Nastika philosophy does not recognize veda but does have Dharma as their guiding principle too.

BTW I only mentioned Naraka to indicate the presence of Heaven and Hell. Not all Hindu philosophy believe in Naraka either.
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Proud Atheist,.... look what bs they are discussing lolz
but why she couldn't even follow the basis of dharmic principles ahimsa???..she even says that killing for food is allowed,thus defending it too...this shows her hypocrisy...

LOL....if Hinduism spoke only of ahimsa then Mahabharata war would never have taken place. There is a book called the Bhagwat Gita where Lord Krishna talks about Himsa. You might want to read that.
but why she couldn't even follow the basis of dharmic principles ahimsa???..she even says that killing for food is allowed,thus defending it too...this shows her hypocrisy...


Proud Atheist,.... look what bs they are discussing lolz

Really man,,,according to this dharmic super troll its okay to kill a chicken but not cow:rofl:
Its even okay to kill a buffalo,bull,pig,,,practically anything u can think of but not cow:angel:
Of course reincarnation is essential part of almost all Hindu philosophies. Not ALL philosophies.

I am not stripping Hinduism of any philosophy. I am mentioning the common thread that runs across ALL Hindu philosophies. Which is Dharma.

One is free to follow any of the various paths. Each path has its own set of literature and gurus who explain them and their own practices.

The real question you should have asked is "what defines Dharma". That is where the various philosophies of Hinduism enlighten the seeker. After all one cannot define what is "right" and "righteous" and then go around claiming he is right in whatever he does.

Nastika philosophy does not recognize veda but does have Dharma as their guiding principle too.

BTW I only mentioned Naraka to indicate the presence of Heaven and Hell. Not all Hindu philosophy believe in Naraka either.

That is why I gave the broad definitions of dharma per all Dharmic religions. That which sustains life. The cosmic law governing the universe.

Dharma in Hinduism, is an organizing principle that applies to human beings in solitude, in their interaction with human beings and nature, as well as between inanimate objects, to all of cosmos and its parts.

Now where do you find anything similar in any Abrahamic religions. Are you attempting to incorporate Christianity into Dharmic faith?

Proud Fool,.... look what bs they are discussing lolz

Corrected for you.
LOL....if Hinduism spoke only of ahimsa then Mahabharata war would never have taken place. There is a book called the Bhagwat Gita where Lord Krishna talks about Himsa. You might want to read that.

Shows that when u wanna have victory badly even gods can cheat and change rules.
Remember the instance of lord krishna delaying the sunset and also killing of duryodhan!!

Not that i believe in gods or anything but its mentioned clearly in mythology.
Really man,,,according to this dharmic super troll its okay to kill a chicken but not cow
Its even okay to kill a buffalo,bull,pig,,,practically anything u can think of but not cow

The day chicken ploughs your farm, pulls your cart, provides dung for manure and milk for food, is the day you can equate a chicken's worth to human life and a cow/bull's worth. Till then shoo.
Lol how people discuss all this nonsense while not giving a s*** about the real issues..... :rolleyes:
The day chicken ploughs your farm, pulls your cart, provides dung for manure and milk for food, is the day you can equate a chicken's worth to human life and a cow/bull's worth. Till then shoo.

Shows the level of ur stupidity...............also shows why we had such stupid caste systems in the past.
Stupid dharmic people like u :lol:

Dharmic people who won't kill a cow but have no problem killing a buffalo,,,,,even though buffalo milk is far better:sarcastic:
That is why I gave the broad definitions of dharma per all Dharmic religions. That which sustains life. The cosmic law governing the universe.

"That which sustains life" is too vague. If I kill and eat a human being then that too sustains life.

"cosmic law governing the universe" is a great definition but is too vague.

The rules of Dharma has to be clearly defined else it becomes a joke as you have pointed out.

Now where do you find anything similar in any Abrahamic religions. Are you attempting to incorporate Christianity into Dharmic faith?

I have never claimed there is anything similar in Abrahmic religion, only there is nothing that prevents them from practising Dharma. (as defined in hindu philosophy)
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Shows that when u wanna have victory badly even gods can cheat and change rules.
Remember the instance of lord krishna delaying the sunset and also killing of duryodhan!!
Not that i believe in gods or anything but its mentioned clearly in mythology.

Yes because that is how this world is designed. Balance. You cannot be too virtuous or too wicked without tilting the scale of the cosmos.

Energy/ matter
Particle/ wave
Cathode/ anode
Conscious/ subconscious
Aerobic bacteria/ anaerobic
Catablism/ anabolism
Potential energy/ kinetic energy
Attraction/ repulsion
Excitation/ inhibition
Birth/ decay
Static / dynamic
Organic / inorganic
Freezing/ melting
Vaporization/ condensation
Positive pole/ negative pole
North pole/ southpole magnetic
Ionization/ de-ionistaion
Clockwise vortex/ counterclockwise vortex
Absorption/ secretion
Contraction/ relaxation
Evaporation/ condensation
Conscious/ Subconscious
Left brain lobe/ Right brain lobe
Shows that when u wanna have victory badly even gods can cheat and change rules.
Remember the instance of lord krishna delaying the sunset and also killing of duryodhan!!

Not that i believe in gods or anything but its mentioned clearly in mythology.

1. Sunset cannot be delayed. Only an illusion of darkness was made. There is Nothing against creating illusion.

2. In a war to defend Dharma, a hindu need be ethical only as long as the enemy is ethical. If the enemy is unethical a hindu is free to respond in kind within limits and if required.
Shows the level of ur stupidity...............also shows why we had such stupid caste systems in the past.
Stupid dharmic people like u :lol:

Dharmic people who won't kill a cow but have no problem killing a buffalo,,,,,even though buffalo milk is far better:sarcastic:

No Dharmic people won't kill a buffalo either. Some people do, marginally. 50% are vegetarian. Another 50% are sparse meat eaters.
The day chicken ploughs your farm, pulls your cart, provides dung for manure and milk for food, is the day you can equate a chicken's worth to human life and a cow/bull's worth. Till then shoo.
but in this modern times,no one uses a bull for ploughing fields or pulling a cart..if you want maximum yield,i say use tractors..
milk..goat and buffalos also gives milk and both have high nutritional values than cows..
cow dung...chicken manure has high NPK value than cow dung..
"That which sustains life" is too vague. If I kill and eat a human being then that too sustains life.

"cosmic law governing the universe" is a great definition but is too vague.

The rules of Dharma has to be clearly defined else it becomes a joke as you have pointed out.

I have never claimed there is anything similar in Abrahmic religion, only there is nothing that prevents them from practising Dharma. (as defined in hindu philosophy)

No it does not. I am not talking about sustaining life in the sense of just a day or two, but in the sense of preservation of life till eternity.

You start eating humans, results in wars, distrust, destruction killing life on this planet. So it is adharma.

You start disrespecting and being cruel to your parents, folks stop having children. Life vanishes. So it is adharma.

Dharma is not a set thing. It varies per the context. That which is virtuous and life sustaining is dharma.

Abrahamic religion followers in general cannot follow dharma because they are not a duty based philosophy. They are a rights based philosophy. The question they ask is what can I get, not what I can do or give. That is the difference.
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