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Modi and the 2002 massacre

Before 2002, why not first talk of this.

Thanks to @Black Widow

I told to people on FB. People didn't know about this story especially the so called Secular Politicians and Youth.
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@zaxcolix and @ashokdeiva please dont start an inter regional debate here. we are indians first.
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First caught in perjury,now in scams. ;)

2002 Gujarat riots: Gulbarg Society residents, Teesta Setalvad caught in a cash dispute- Gujarat- India-IBNLive

Ahmedabad: It's been 11 years since the Godhra riots, but apart from waiting for justice, victims' families are now facing what they call another injustice. At a function marking 11 years of the riots, at Ahmedabad's Gulbarg Society, activist Teesta Setalvad was missing from the memorial service. The human rights activist finds herself at the receiving end after a set of Gulbarg Society residents sent her a notice, asking her to distribute funds collected by her among the riot victims.

Sharif Shaikh, a Gulbarg Society resident, said, "This money has been collected over the dead bodies of those who died in this society. It's not your money." Another resident Firozkhan Pathan said, "Divide the money collected among riot victims. It has been taken in our name." Saeedkhan Pathan, another resident, added, "It amounts to cheating. We did not know a trust has been formed."
@zaxcolix and @ashokdeiva please dont start an inter regional debate here. we are indians first.

Friend i could see a lot of people made a protest over attack on Bangladeshi Hindus by Jammat there on PDF....................But when it comes to Tamils in Srilanka many of Indians(especially North) feel that its their internal matter.................
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Friend i could see a lot of people made a protest over attack on Bangladeshi Hindus by Jammat there on PDF....................But when it comes to Tamils in Srilanka many of Indians(especially North) feel that its their internal matter.................

Because attack on Hindus by Muslims on religious grounds has been recorded for 1500 years ......and naturally it finds more protests today than attack on Tamils by Srilanks on ethnic grounds.
and naturally it finds more protests today than attack on Tamils by Srilanks on ethnic grounds.

Ethnic and religious grounds.

Dozen of temples have been demolished in the Tamil areas and viharas and military camps built over them.
Because attack on Hindus by Muslims on religious grounds has been recorded for 1500 years ......and naturally it finds more protests today than attack on Tamils by Srilanks on ethnic grounds.

That your outlook as a north Indian but not mine....................For me both are condemnable ...................

Leadership of LTTE was Christian...

Thats real bullshit........................Why do you people look at everything with Religious lens...........
Leadership of LTTE was Christian...

Some of them were Christians and many were shaivite hindus.

The fighters by and large were Hindus

Why the leadership converted was to get funds from the west to keep fighting the war after we abandoned them.

Pre-90 very few of them were Christians.

Anyway that doesnt change the fact that the Sinhalas treated this is an ethnic and religious war.

Thats real bullshit........................Why do you people look at everything with Religious lens...........

He is right..some of them were indeed christians like anton balasingham , susai etc.
@KS i too know that but my point is the same does that lessen the atrocities & genocide commited by Sinhalese..............
Friend i could see a lot of people made a protest over attack on Bangladeshi Hindus by Jammat there on PDF....................But when it comes to Tamils in Srilanka many of Indians(especially North) feel that its their internal matter.................

True.it is a bit unfair. You see I the first case 1 billion hindus feel bad due to hindu killings.

Whereas in the second case, it is only the Tamils.so india can't do much.we would like to have diplomatic relations with them.

Also, even though we are majority hindus, we can only condemn the attacks, cant do much, unless it spills over our border.
That your outlook as a north Indian but not mine....................For me both are condemnable ...................

Thats real bullshit........................Why do you people look at everything with Religious lens...........

Christian he was! deny it if you have lil bit of IQ left.
Leadership of LTTE was Christian...
True.it is a bit unfair. You see I the first case 1 billion hindus feel bad due to hindu killings.

Whereas in the second case, it is only the Tamils.so india can't do much.we would like to have diplomatic relations with them.

Also, even though we are majority hindus, we can only condemn the attacks, cant do much, unless it spills over our border.

Man, that was the most stupidiest accusation that can be made on the face of the earth.
They fought as Tamils and died as Tamils, if you guys do not want Tamils, better give the Tamils their own state, I think we can manage our own bussiness better on our own or with the help of CHINA.

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