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Modi and the 2002 massacre

We have known all along that MODI is a no good MURDEROUS THUG. Now Indian Journalist are confirming what we have been saying all along.

Nothing new here. Narendra Modi is a Murderous Thug responsible for killing 3000+ innocent Indian Civilians.
We have known all along that MODI is a no good MURDEROUS THUG. Now Indian Journalist are confirming what we have been saying all along.

Nothing new here. Narendra Modi is a Murderous Thug responsible for killing 3000+ innocent Indian Civilians.

The guy who wrote this is actually a former judge
The guy who wrote this is actually a former judge
He is attention seeker. He also called 90% Indians as idiot. :D

We love to bash him. And its his personal views, not as a Judge.

We have known all along that MODI is a no good MURDEROUS THUG. Now Indian Journalist are confirming what we have been saying all along.Nothing new here. Narendra Modi is a Murderous Thug responsible for killing 3000+ innocent Indian Civilians.
Indian Journalist ? :omghaha:

And your proof to 3,000 deaths ?
He is attention seeker. He also called 90% Indians as idiot. :D

We love to bash him. And its his personal views, not as a Judge.

So that was him. I was wondering why his name sounded so familiar
So that was him. I was wondering why his name sounded so familiar
Haha....Yup. Then two students filed a case against him. He apologized saying that he didn't mean that. :lol:

He gave very long reply.
EVERYBODY, from folk dancers to pseudo-activists, and from Delhi Durbar pseudo-intellectuals to Bollywood celebs, is an expert on Modi and Gujarat 2002

Let us understand more about this "one man Khap panchayat" called Katju :P

First, some family background about Markandey Katju. The Katjus are a famous Allahabad-based Kashmiri Pandit family with close ties (through clan relationships) with the other, more famous, Kashmiri Pandit family from Allahabad -- the Nehrus.

When the latter family, led by Jawaharlal Nehru, usurped political power in post-independence India, through their absolute control over the Congress party, close associate Kailashnath Katju (Markandey Katju's grandfather) also became a Congress politician and Nehru loyalist-cum-crony. He was first made the Governor of Orissa and West Bengal. Then he became minister in Nehru's cabinet holding various top ministries like Law, Home and Defense. Subsequently, he was (twice) made CM of Madhya Pradesh. Meanwhile, as the Nehru dynasty (and now the Nehru-Maino dynasty) continued to remain India's political masters, the sons, nephews, grandsons and grandnephews of the loyal Katju family continued to receive patronage from the Durbar Establishment, and were serially rewarded with bureaucratic and civil service positions. Kailashnath Katju's son (Markandey Katju's father) Shivnath Katju was also appointed judge to the Allahabad HC, as also his brother Brahmanath Katju, and later Markandey Katju himself.

Cousin Vivek Katju was appointed ambassador to various countries like Burma, Afghanistan and Thailand, and retired as Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs.

You can see the credibility of such congress stooges by his family history. But you can also see the depth to which the tentacles of the Congress party and Nehru dynasty have entrenched themselves in all aspects of Indian society -- from politicians to civil servants and bureaucracy, from armed forces to intellectuals and intelligentsia, and from historians to journalists and mainstream media.

Now some more fun facts about stooge Katju..

...Anyway, the addiction of possessing a bungalow in New Delhi's famed and posh LBZ (Lutyens' Bungalow Zone, the holiest of holy postal address in Indian politics) has been known to be the moral downfall of a great many people, and so seems to be the case with the Katjus (who are co-opted as the loyal bureaucrat-cum-courtiers of the Nehru dynasty Durbar). Immediately after retirement (may be aided by his track record of judgments), Markandey Katju was awarded with a sine cure quasi-judicial position (that lets him retain all official privileges, bungalow, car, etc) as the Chairman of the Press Council of India. Sadly, Katju has been anything but successful in his stint at the PCI, and on his watch, the Indian print media has hit all-time lows on all fronts such as paid news, bias and prejudice, unethical journalism, and subservience to the govt. Katju, meanwhile, has been more of a pseudo-journalist and political commentator himself, instead of a watchdog over the media or the I&B ministry, as the PCI should ideally be.
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Silence. You guys are ruining everything. First @Bang Galore, @ashok321 and now you. :angry:

Let this thread grow. We will take revenge when time is ripe. :enjoy:

When time is right,pakistanis would evaporate from the thread like water evaporates from atacama.So i took the opportunity to show mirror to pakistanis.

My hatred for people like katju is more basic.I hate the whole class of people who feel entitled to bash everyone to cover their inferiority complex whether it is katju of a khap tau asserting that "humne dhoop me baal safed nahi kiyen hai".
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When i posted an article from Dawn on Pakistan hindus, it promptly got deleted with a comment from u that Indian members are not allowed to open threads on local issues of Pakistan and even got an infraction for that..I just want to know that are paksitanis allowed to open threads on local issues of India?
Curiously till now Katju has not exploded at the arrest of 111 people for posting Anti-congress remarks while he suffered great "anguish" when two girls were remanded for anti-Sena remarks.
.....I was flying from Delhi to Bhopal recently. Sitting beside me was a Gujarati businessman. I asked him his opinion of Modi. He was all praise for him. I interjected and asked him about the killings of over 2,000 Muslims in 2002 in Gujarat.

Oops khap panchayat katju....The actual death toll is 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus.

Katju claimed to have sympathy for the "thousands of Muslims" dead, yet he more than doubled the number of Muslim dead and conveniently ignored the Hindu dead altogether. Not once does he mention any "horrible crimes committed" against Hindus in Gujarat. There is nothing more reprehensible than shedding crocodile tears for victims of injustice and using their cause to score political points, as Katju has shamelessly done. People who care about riot victims do not fabricate or ignore suffering.

It is claimed by Modi’s supporters that what happened in Gujarat was only a ‘spontaneous’ reaction of Hindus to the killings of 59 Hindus in a train in Godhra.

Let me break up that figure to you .....that death toll included 25 women and 17 children that is a total of 42 women and children burnt alive for daring to got to Ayodhya.

I do not buy this story. Firstly, there is still mystery attached to what exactly happened in Godhra, and who was responsible for the killings.

Dirty ****** LIAR ....Special court (Judge PR Patel) that Tried the case accepted that the Godhra attack was a planned conspiracy and not a spontaneous riot. 31 people were found guilty on charges that ranged from criminal conspiracy to attempt to murder and sentenced.

Secondly, the persons who were responsible for the Godhra killings should certainly be identified and given harsh punishment, but how does this justify the attack on the entire Muslim community in Gujarat? Muslims are only nine per cent of the total population of Gujarat, the rest being mostly Hindus. In 2002, Muslims were massacred, their homes burnt and other horrible crimes committed against them.
To call the killings of Muslims as a spontaneous reaction reminds one of Kristallnacht in Germany in November 1938, when the entire Jewish community there was attacked, many killed, their synagogues burnt, shops vandalised, etc. after a German diplomat in Paris was shot by a Jewish youngster whose family had been persecuted by the Nazis. The Nazis claimed that this was a ‘spontaneous’ reaction, but, in fact, it was planned and executed by the authorities using fanatic mobs.

Comparisons between Hitler and Modi are slanderous and disingenuous to say the least, not to mention painfully ironic. It is in fact the Congress Party that suspended the Indian Constitution on spurious grounds, declared a state of emergency, banned political opposition and jailed political opponents, detained, tortured, and murdered political dissidents, forcibly sterilized people, and then tried to cover it up by destroying all copies of the damning Shah Commission Report.

Despite this, Katju sees Modi as culpable while actually accepting employment under the Congress government.

Katju's comparison between the Gujarat riots and Kristallnacht is simply ridiculous. The Jews did not invade Germany and rule over it, vandalize churches, rape women, loot anything, or massacre anyone. They have no history of rioting against non-Jewish Germans, and they did not partition Germany and exterminate the non-Jews of that new state, as Indian Muslims did.

If anyone in India is comparable to Germany's Jews, it is the Parsis, a peace-loving, well educated, and productive minority in India who, like the German Jews, fled to India fleeing religious persecution and contributed immensely to their new home. If anyone is comparable to the Nazis, it is the Muslim barbarians who attacked them in rioting in the 1800s.

I have written in my article, “What is India?” (my blog justicekatju.blogspot.in, as well as on the video on the website kgfindia.com) that India is broadly a country of immigrants (like North America) and consequently, is a land of tremendous diversity. Hence, the only policy, which can hold it together and take it on the path of progress, is secularism and equal respect and treatment to all communities and sects. This was the policy of Emperor Akbar, which was followed by our founding fathers (Jawaharlal Nehru and his colleagues), who gave us a secular Constitution. Unless we follow this policy, India will not be able to survive because it has so much diversity, so many religions, castes, languages, ethnic groups, etc.

According to the Ain i Akbari of Abdul Fazal Allami, the vizier of Akbar "the Great", this "tolerant" king actually forced Hindus to wear patches to identify themselves as second class citizens, much as the Christians did with Jews, especially in Nazi Germany. Yet it is Modi, not Akbar that Katju compares with Hitler!

This "great" king also made towers of skulls of the heads of his dead Hindu enemies after the Second Battle of Panipat, and desecrated the body of his opponent, King Hemuchandra Vikramaditya, another convenient aspect of Islamic history that Katju whitewashes as part of his attempt to "prove" a British conspiracy to make Hindus and Muslims enemies.

Nehru, whitewashed Islamic history in India himself, going so far as to deny the jihadist motivations behind Mahmuhd of Ghazni's invasion and looting in India, despite the latter's own admission of it, and actually "praising" Islamic vandalism in India as restoring "vitality" to "decadent and morbid" Hindu architecture.

Nehru began the minority-appeasement policies that masquerade as "secularism" in India today, whether it was his maligning Rajendra Prasad for attending the Somnath Temple restoration while hypocritically using state funds to restore Delhi mosques, or presiding over a "secular" country with religious personal laws, or praising Muslim League secessionists and murderers as "patriots" and allowing them to stay in post-partition India.

Let me give just one example. Ehsan Jafri was a respected, elderly former member of parliament living in the Chamanpura locality of Ahmedabad. His house was in the Gulbarga Housing Society, where mostly Muslims lived. According to the recorded version of his elderly wife Zakia, on February 28, 2002, a mob of fanatics blew up the security wall of the housing society using gas cylinders, dragged Jafri out of his house, stripped him, chopped off his limbs with swords, etc. and burnt him alive. Many other Muslims were also killed and their houses burnt. Chamanpura is barely a kilometre from the nearby police station and less than two kilometres from the Ahmedabad Police Commissioner’s office. Is it conceivable that the chief minister did not know what was going on? Since then, Zakia has been running from pillar to post to get justice for her husband who was so brutally murdered. Her criminal case against Modi was thrown out by the district court (since the Special Investigation Team appointed by the Supreme Court found no evidence against Modi), and it is only now after a gap of over 10 years since the incident that the Supreme Court set aside the order of the trial court and directed that her protest petition be considered. I am not going into this matter any further since it is still sub judice.

Ehsan Jafri was killed by a mob lead by a congress Corporator. :rolleyes: ........

.....should the malnourished children of Gujarat eat the roads, electricity and factories, which Modi has created? I appeal to Indians to consider all this if they are really concerned about the nation’s future; otherwise, they may make the same mistake that the Germans made in 1933.

Katju lips are too close to Itlaian @ss to see that the parents of these hungry children work on and help build these roads and factories, to earn money so that their children can have something to eat. Unlike his counterparts in other states, Modi does not hand poor people free food in exchange for votes, but provides them with jobs and infrastructure so that they truly become self reliant.
Curiously till now Katju has not exploded at the arrest of 111 people for posting Anti-congress remarks while he suffered great "anguish" when two girls were remanded for anti-Sena remarks.
He also forgot UP, Assam and 21st Feb,2013 West Bengal riots.
The guy who wrote this is actually a former judge

and we know what a good 'judge' he is,going by his recent statements.

We have known all along that MODI is a no good MURDEROUS THUG. Now Indian Journalist are confirming what we have been saying all along.

Nothing new here. Narendra Modi is a Murderous Thug responsible for killing 3000+ innocent Indian Civilians.

it was around 1000.

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