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Mobile Ringing during a war operation !!!


in war, one of the essential ingridients of succssful opeartion is rapid passage of information from low to high echlons and back and forth.

If somebody, passes some information on a mobile, assuming all other military means of communication are either compromised, not worthy, and that passage of infirmation brings success, what else would a commander.

Anybody using mobile fone, must fully understand the repucussions involved, and if he can justify the use of mobile (infront of board of inquiry at the end of opeartion, which happens in military, usually), his rapid passing of information to thwart an enemy surprise attack on an unexpexted position may end up in enemy holding back the attack (considering mobile call is intrupted), or own commander may immediately position forces to check enemy advance.

Mobile phone are also can be used to delibrately fool the enemy, to create confusion, in enemy lines about a false attack, a false defence position etc.

a carefully orchestarted mobile fone call, will always draw enemy's some intention.an enemy will always commit somebody to check the authencity of the call. so enemy's attention is divided, and resources engaged, what so you want else from enemy to do.:cheesy:
Blackwater: You are living in TV lar lar land.

Mobile phones outside the wire are security risks FULL STOP.

Units that let members take their personal phone outside the wire are a security risk.

The only comms going out the wire is that which has been approved, ie military and hence secured network.
I never said that mobile carrying is a something which may be overlooked in war.
however, enemy intel agencies are always on a lookout for a leak of information. so why not creat confusion and chaos by delibrating inducing a false news.
Moreover, still i believe, that if all types of secure communication means are compromised, damaged, battery dead, lost, and a soldier has to transfer any information related directly to enemy action, he can borrow a fone and call the boss, no harm in it.
I never said that mobile carrying is a something which may be overlooked in war.
however, enemy intel agencies are always on a lookout for a leak of information. so why not creat confusion and chaos by delibrating inducing a false news.
Moreover, still i believe, that if all types of secure communication means are compromised, damaged, battery dead, lost, and a soldier has to transfer any information related directly to enemy action, he can borrow a fone and call the boss, no harm in it.

I suggest you go back to this post.

Your suggestions have security holes. As I said TV land.:hitwall:

I am not going into the details of the Ops comms net with you.
So, army is NOT allowed to have any mobile at all !!! :wave:
they use CB radio sets....

no way in hell are soldiers or para-military allowed to use mobile phones during combat missions.
they use CB radio sets....

no way in hell are soldiers or para-military allowed to use mobile phones during combat missions.

CB radios are commercial sets with no security. So are you sure they are CB sets or do you mean military standard hand held radios?

Are they FM or AM type includes SSB or not?
The Pakistani Army formations in the field as of late have been using AN/PRC-150 sets (among others) which have integrated encryption for official communications between teams in the field and upwards.

Cell phones are for nothing but personal or administrative (in some cases) use as far as I am aware.
Ever heard of 'frequency-hopping'!

Dig more deep friends:P
I think both sides in Swat/FATA are using Freq. hopping radios. While pretty much a standard for the PA, it makes the job a bit difficult to reign in the militants.

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