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Mob torches 16 cattle trucks, Delhi-Jaipur highway blocked

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News flash. They would still look at you as a brown skinned native. Does that make you feel let down? Used even?

Of course they do @doppelganger. A lot of them are nice. But still some of them make jokes about Indians being from slums and other jokes.

If someone gave me a choice to be born again, I would choose to be an Indian. I come from a culture that is thousands of years old, that gave humanity numerous advancements.

White people still hold stereotypes about India, and I challenge them on it. Just as India had caste system, white people had segregation.

I love Humanity. But I won't forget where have I come from. because Identity crisis is something immigrants deal with a lot. Why would I ditch my own heritage which makes me unique.

they can only make you feel let down and used if you have self-esteem issues.

To address my latter posts. I am an Atheist. Which I believe is not incompatible with Indian, Hindu culture. As there was a rationalist sect. The crux of my grievances is that Indian society should address clashes with mores and customs not through violence or judging other but through debate.

Indians have awesome food. We thrive and succeed wherever we go. And I enthrall my friends with stories from our puranas. Why should I be ashamed of that.

This is the important bit. I have acted petulantly, arrogantly and rudely for the last few posts. I should have calmly backed out and not wasted time.

I apologise. I hope you accept this apology

Edit: I am still sticking with my opposition to your ideology. But i should have been more magnanimous
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If u Stupids think u have right to Kill a Life for ur eating Habits ... We have Full Authority to Save one ...

The Answer to a Cow Butcher with Knife can only be a Hindu Nationalist with Knife to Defend her...

Its not a Asura Logic ... even Asuras didnt use to kill Cow ... This is a Mlechha Logic ... these are Mlechha Aka Converts or western Slaves

I agree, we should practice morality only with those who are moral in their behavior, morality is only between two moral people. When the enemy is immoral, we need to be immoral too.

BTW, Asuras are described by their practice of Asuri Vritti which are eating prohibited things, sleeping too much, jealousy, sex, hating gods/not believing in them, opposing Dharma, endless cravings and desires and attachments, and lastly not only ignorance but total delusion , lazy , indolence, mocking of scriptures.

Asuras are described as those who take pleasure in killing of cows.
I agree, we should practice morality only with those who are moral in their behavior, morality is only between two moral people. When the enemy is immoral, we need to be immoral too.

BTW, Asuras are described by their practice of Asuri Vritti which are eating prohibited things, sleeping too much, jealousy, sex, hating gods/not believing in them, opposing Dharma, endless cravings and desires and attachments, and lastly not only ignorance but total delusion , lazy , indolence, mocking of scriptures.

Asuras are described as those who take pleasure in killing of cows.


Edit: I am still sticking with my opposition to your ideology. But i should have been more magnanimous

That is your prerogative. I only objected to your ignorant portrayal of what I know first hand as anything but that your portray it as.

Your apology is accepted though not necessary. The RSS and its cadre have faced much worse, and are still the force they always were in the Indian social and political nationalistic fabric.

Nationalism is a dirty word in the West. Often lumped with fascism because of the unfortunate baggage Europe brings with it.

Not so here in India. If you were here you would increasingly find young Hindu men proud of being Indian and being Hindu. We believe we are special. And we are not apologetic about it.

We know our place in the world, and we are striding towards achieving it. Much of the social and political churn you see coming out of India is driven by that.
Normally I like it medium rare.......... hmm......... I may settle for well done this time around! :D
I agree, we should practice morality only with those who are moral in their behavior, morality is only between two moral people. When the enemy is immoral, we need to be immoral too.

BTW, Asuras are described by their practice of Asuri Vritti which are eating prohibited things, sleeping too much, jealousy, sex, hating gods/not believing in them, opposing Dharma, endless cravings and desires and attachments, and lastly not only ignorance but total delusion , lazy , indolence, mocking of scriptures.

Asuras are described as those who take pleasure in killing of cows.

What about the buffalo? If cow is mom then buffalo should be step-mom or something :undecided:. If you have a beef with beef then dont eat it and keep it to yourself, no need to impose your ideology on others
if you eat beef or slaughter a cow, you can get killed in "Geeta belt"(a bad copy of Bible belt of USA) of India namingly Gujarat,Rajasthan and many northern states as well as parts of Karnataka. these extremist Hindus must be educated to be liberal,rational and above all tolerant. if they considered Vegetarianism as great, fine. but, learn to taste meat and become free from the enslavement of minds by religion even if slowly. I lived among Hindus in a predominantly Hindu society where meat eating is considered normal. people enjoy Beef,pork etc. until, I stepped outside Kerala in the teens, that I learned these kind of persisting vegetarianism forced to their people. I strongly believe the Naradham followers(Sanghi brigade) in the net are also mostly these kind of orthodox genocide mongers.
@Hyperion Lets see

1) Eat beef- check

2) Not believe in gods- check

3) Most definitely far too enamored with the carnal- check

Well now I know, I am an "Asura". Now If only I can find a way to make it sound cool.:chilli:
@doppelganger Beta tereko bithake kisi din properly khaana khilana padega, ulti ganga bahegi phir.:omghaha:
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All this talk about beef is making me hungry now, maybe later today I will have a "moo's your daddy" thats a name of a huge as burger with 400gms of beef patty with lods of cheese and bacon and pickled cucumber served with fries and coleslaw :D yum!!....

At people who are supporting the villagers, well up yours.
What about the buffalo? If cow is mom then buffalo should be step-mom or something :undecided:. If you have a beef with beef then dont eat it and keep it to yourself, no need to impose your ideology on others

Nope. @Manvantaratruti is fighting against the Asura horde! :lol:
@Armstrong shall we unleash the Buttsy on poor manvu? Imagine his horror when he comes face to face with the behemoth.:omghaha:
@Hyperion Or or...we can get him deal with alphee's kitten, that thing most definitely is demonic/asuraic or whatever.

All this talk about beef is making me hungry now, maybe later today I will have a "moo's your daddy" thats a name of a huge as burger with 400gms of beef patty with lods of cheese and bacon and pickled cucumber served with fries and coleslaw :D yum!!....

At people who are supporting the villagers, well up yours.

Where you cursed fool, WHERE?:angry:
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Nope. @Manvantaratruti is fighting against the Asura horde! :lol:
@Armstrong shall we unleash the Buttsy on poor manvu? Imagine his horror when he comes face to face with the behemoth.:omghaha:
@Hyperion Or or...we can get him deal with alphee's kitten, that thing most definitely is demonic/asuraic or whatever.

Where you cursed fool, WHERE?:angry:

So we beef eaters are Asuras? Damn cool :D.

Anyone watch this anime called asura?

Nope. @Manvantaratruti is fighting against the Asura horde! :lol:
@Armstrong shall we unleash the Buttsy on poor manvu? Imagine his horror when he comes face to face with the behemoth.:omghaha:
@Hyperion Or or...we can get him deal with alphee's kitten, that thing most definitely is demonic/asuraic or whatever.

Where you cursed fool, WHERE?:angry:

Blore brother, there is this restaurant called "Thulp" :D one of the best burgers in town.
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What about the buffalo? If cow is mom then buffalo should be step-mom or something :undecided:. If you have a beef with beef then dont eat it and keep it to yourself, no need to impose your ideology on others

Since buffalo gives milk and that is consumed by hindus they too are to be protected.

Hinduims asks Hindus to protect cows so I do plan to prevent cow slaughter anywhere I see them. Especially in India.

The same way I plan to protest and prevent, murder, rape, theft, incest etc.

You want to practice incest, find a different nation. Same goes to cow slaughter too.

If you cannot respect the wishes of others, do not expect the to respect you or your wishes either.
Nope. @Manvantaratruti is fighting against the Asura horde! :lol:
@Armstrong shall we unleash the Buttsy on poor manvu? Imagine his horror when he comes face to face with the behemoth.:omghaha:
@Hyperion Or or...we can get him deal with alphee's kitten, that thing most definitely is demonic/asuraic or whatever.

Sadly that is quite true.

Hinduism clearly defines the characteristics of Asura and one of them is taking pleasure in cow slaughter & eating food that is forbidden.

Now since you do not adhere to dharma as defined by Hinduism and you do not have the burden of being a Hindu or of any Dharmic faith.

You can now form your own religion or not, and enjoy the life of Asuravithu. Morality is no more a burden for you.
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All this talk about beef is making me hungry now, maybe later today I will have a "moo's your daddy" thats a name of a huge as burger with 400gms of beef patty with lods of cheese and bacon and pickled cucumber served with fries and coleslaw :D yum!!....

At people who are supporting the villagers, well up yours.

As mentioned earlier you do not have to share your lust for you mother and other sick fantasies with us. They are your personal choice.

If you cannot respect the faith of others do not expect others to offer that respect to you either.

But propriety and shame are not for the Asuras. Immorality, impropriety and crudeness is their mark.
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