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Missile test failure: huge embarrassment for the Indians


Jun 14, 2010
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Missile test failure: huge embarrassment for the Indians​

Thursday, 31 May 2012 09:47


BALASORE - Another failed project of the Indian defense forces has materialized in the shape of a failed test of Akash missile project yet again.

The ITR (Integrated Test Range) trial was conducted off the Odisha coast this past Monday. Reportedly, the missile flunked (fell down) immediately after launch causing billions of Rupees of loses and a huge embarrassment for DRDO. This was the third conducted trail of the six-trial series.

According to the local sources, the Indian Armed forces had planned a "twin trail" of the Akash missile with a one minute gap between each launch. The move was initiated to show Indian Armed forces' might and strategic dominance over the South Asian region, but due to the failed test has proved once again the massively corrupt failure in the Indian government and their defense capability. The test was to gauge the missile's effectiveness and killing efficiency.

The DRDO has further claimed that the Akash missile system consists of a passive phased array radar system called 'Rajendra' which has the capability of tracking up to 63 targets and controlling up to 12 missiles simultaneously. The Indian defense ministry can now put this project under the list of endless failures of total dud and moth eaten projects which never materialized as successful defense weapon systems which at this point seems like an impossible dream to achieve for the Indians.

Though a massive number of the Indian population still has no access to clean drinking water or to toilets, the warmongering Indian government still believes it can achieve a milestone by continuing its line of failures and false hopes of promises towards an Indian hegemony in the region.

Pak1stanFirst-Missile test failure: huge embarrassment for the Indians | Current Affairs
But I am sure the writer forgot to read he complete news piece in India news Websites or may be he just chose to ignore it.

Here is a complete news:

Akash missile fails a routine test flight
BANGALORE, India, May 31 (UPI) -- India's defense industry experts are investigating the failure of the surface-to-air missile Akash to lift off during a test in which it was to hit a target in flight.

The medium-range Akash was launched from the Integrated Test Range at Balasore in Orissa state to hit a target pulled by a pilot-less Lakshya aircraft flying over the Bay of Bengal, a report by The Hindu newspaper said.

However, the missile failed to launch from its mobile land launcher and immediately tumbled onto the ground, the news Web site IBN Live said.

Five minutes after the first missile's failure, a second missile was launched and hit its target, IBN said.:cheesy:

The flights of the Akash missiles were a routine post-induction test, The Hindu newspaper said, and more similar tests are planned for the missile that was developed for the army and air force by the government's Defense Research and Development Organization.

The Lakshya drone, which reportedly performed well, also is a DRDO development project that was first used in 1985 and is manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.

The recoverable drone is powered by a HAL PTAE-7 turbojet and has a crushable nosecone to absorb the impact of heavy landings that may occur during its two-stage parachute descent. It flies at just under 30,000 feet and has a maximum speed of around 530 miles per hour.

Around 3,000 of the 18-foot Akash missiles have been built by Bharat Dynamics and Bharat Electronics since production began n 2009. The missile is guided by a phased-array fire control radar called Rajendra -- named after India's first president Rajendra Prasad.

Defense experts have compared the Akash missile system to the MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile manufactured by Raytheon in the United States. Similar to the MIM-104, the Akash can neutralize aerial targets, including unmanned aerial vehicles, fighter jets, cruise missiles and air-to-surface missiles, the defense news Web site Defense Professionals said.

The development of Akash missile took place during 1990s under India's Integrated Guided Missile Development Program that ran from the early 1980s up to 2007 to set up a range of missile defense systems. The program was managed by the DRDO in conjunction with other Indian government labs and research centers.

Apart from the Akash, the program's systems include the short-range surface-to-surface Prithvi ballistic missile, intermediate range surface-to-surface Agni missile, short range low-level surface-to-air Trishul missile and the third-generation anti-tank Nag missile.

Read more: Akash missile fails a routine test flight - UPI.com
But I am sure the writer forgot to read he complete news piece in India news Websites or may be he just chose to ignore it.

Here is a complete news:
But this means that some missile works and some don't maybe 50-50 chance for their working.As seen from their test that one didn't work they launched the second one.....Anywayz congrats to our dear neighbor at least their 50% missiles are working......:coffee:

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