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Military strikes against Assad's Syria | Updates & Discussions.

A knife attack on a police station is a protest?

I support Kashmiris protesting 24/7 against Indian occupation. They will need alot of cleaning fluid to clean up the mess, we can ship it to them.

HUH? You are now speaking Chinese officially i.e. stupid is as stupid grain says... buh bye:omghaha:
First of all this is my own "analysis", if you hate it, no problem, just stay respectful... and on topic... any comment that has racism and stupidity I will not respond to it...

As the title says Syria and Iran will not directly retaliate... why I think that? well let me start with Kerry breaking the USA red line when he talked with the Syrian government couple of days ago... the US government have cut ALL RELATION with the Syrian government, which means no contact with the Syrian government no matter what the reason is for.... Kerry said he called the government to allow the UN inspector team in... what an excuse? you cut all relations with the Syrian government and you called them just to allow the UN team to site?? ( yes enemies do talk to each other sometimes, but the USA will not break its own rules just to say allow the UN team alone... think outside the box)

Then why did he call? I'm getting there...

Recently Russia said the Russian government will not intervene in the Syrian conflict... but does that mean Russia gave up everything? gave up its own credibility? gave up it's last ally in the region? and bowed down to the west? no, there is an agreement between Russia and USA... the United States gave a list of sites that USA will strike.. Russia had to agree to those sites... those sites that will be targeted are pretty much useless, however the media will make those sites IMPORTANT.. ( The Syrian government moved everything already) a possible strike would be in Todmr ( Palmyra ) desert where Syria supposedly have one of the chemical weapons depot in the desert.... other strikes might include abandoned airport such as Aldab'a airport in Homs, and other Airports in south of Damascus... of course the media will never mention that they are abandoned airports... again Syria secured all its important military assets... another possible strike would be in the coast of Syria ( less likely since Russia has its naval base there)..... USA presented about 50 sites that the strike would destroy.. Russia took that down to 8-16 sites... which therefore Russia made a statement regarding not intervening in the Syrian war ... (not for free)

now we return to Kerry call with the Syrian FM... probably a deal was set up... USA might have proposed something in return, if Syria does not retaliate at all... of course this way USA will flex its muscles and come out as a strong superpower that does whatever it wants...

now USA sent Oman's Sultan to Iran to share that deal with Iranian government... and so on.. of course USA will not give what it promised ( maybe less support to F$A terrorists) to Syria immediately, it will do that in future ( one year or so )

some will think that this something embarrassing for Syria and its allies, and yes it is( but it won't be for nothing ) if it will end the conflict then why not (as I stated above about USA ending their support for F$A terrorists)..... but let us not forget what is more embarrassing, which is F$A getting DIRECT help from the west ( they were already getting weapons and missiles from the west and their puppets and yet, losing badly), since they are losing this war badly, and the so called "Arabs" couldn't even do it, they have called their masters to do it, to help their F$A rats out, if F$A were winning, the west would not need to intervene at all... so comparing not retaliating and F$A getting help from their masters, of course F$A getting their @$$ saved by their master is more embarrassing, since the west will be attacking an already war torn country... so US is flexing its muscles on a war torn country.... and also Alqaeda finally has it own air force; the USAF

now lets be realistic, maybe everything I said about not retaliating would end up wrong, but this is just my "analysis", but this is something to think about, if anyone has anything to share go ahead... STAY RESPECTFUL AND ON TOPIC, this TOPIC IS ONLY ABOUT USA AGGRESSION AGAINST SYRIA...
The way you present it there is no aggression anywhere, more like a dress rehearsal. I know it seems far fetched but tomahawks will smash syrias defenses. You will still be able to mount your counter terror operation but with an even higher casualty. Your country fails to exist with or without terrorists. Get ready for a million more deaths never being labeled as a massacre. History is repeating itself at a much faster pace but noone seems to be pointing at it.
Syria should send its majority Fighter planes to Iran for time being.Live to fight another day.
no, there is an agreement between Russia and USA... the United States gave a list of sites that USA will strike.. Russia had to agree to those sites... those sites that will be targeted are pretty much useless, however the media will make those sites IMPORTANT..

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...iate-against-us-aggression.html#ixzz2dKceP7dr

Any source?...Is news of any such agreement supposed to be revealed to people?
I have been hearing this from some people something similar to what you are saying about attacking sites; that probably Syrian locations will be targeted with the tacit approval of Syrian Regime.

I don't know how much truth is there in it but looking at what Egypt went post Mubarak till now from US point of view I think it might be possible.

US probably wants to dish token punishment to Assad (as Obama himself has ruled out regime change), but if Assad's retaliate, USA may launch full scale strike for sake of it's pride.
UNITED NATIONS, August 28 (Itar-Tass) – The Russian and Chinese officials walked out of the U.N. Security Council meeting in New York on Wednesday, August 28, after U.S. Permanent Representative Samantha Power had called for an immediate action in Syria.
Western countries may, until the end of the day, submit to the Security Council a draft resolution that will give the green light to an armed operation in Syria.

BREAKING: Russia and China Walk Out of UN Security Council meeting on Syria – ITS ON! | InvestmentWatch

one has to wonder what was told at this meeting....
Aug 29, 2013

Syrians in the UAE fear for their homeland

Syrian expatriates are watching closely - some with new hope, others with fear and dread - as the world considers its role in the fate of their war-racked nation.

For ON, a Dubai resident from Aleppo who like so many others did not want to be identified, international military intervention would be a long overdue chance to even up the odds for the Free Syrian Army.

"Assad used chemical weapons, what will he use later?" he asked. "At the start of the conflict we would hear 10 to 20 people died, then 60 to 100, now in the thousands.

"I did not want the US to intervene in my country but if it will help us defeat him, then so be it.

"The strikes will hit his weapons supply and extremists on the ground. The FSA will then have a chance to finish the job, similar to what happened in Libya."

"Dania", who lives in Abu Dhabi, feared the human cost would be heavy and that the regime would use civilians as human shields.
"Either way, Bashar Al Assad will guarantee that innocent Syrian civilians will be killed," she said. "It took more than 120,000 Syrian deaths for the West to finally find their moral compass. Assad will never find his.

"For the past two years, Russia and Iran have been supporting Assad with monetary aid and arms. It has not been a fair fight between Assad's military and the Syrian rebels.

"I am from Homs and Assad has destroyed my entire city, leaving two neighbourhoods standing. There is nothing left to destroy that Bashar Al Assad hasn't destroyed. Our homes, plantations, mosques, churches and Unesco-protected historical sites."
The outlook for "Nagham", a mother, was also bleak.

"A US strike would not differentiate between anti-Assad or pro-Assad people on the ground," she said. "It will hurt all Syrians, whether they support or are against the regime."

Nagham feared the Syrian civil war had been an excuse for a US strike on her country.

"This is a repeat of the Libyan and Iraq scenarios," she said. "Look at Iraq now. The problem will keep growing after the strike and become even bigger."

Khalid Sameer, 30, a creative director from Damascus who lives in Abu Dhabi, said: "We expect the worst from this planned attack.

"I am not happy that such a thing is being planned because the effect of such an attack will make the people's condition worse in Syria.

"I have family in Syria and some are here. My worry is not only for them because this will affect everyone. It's not a joke - this will be a disaster and it will become a much larger war, I expect."

"Elias" said he faced a quandary over foreign intervention.

"All I can really say is that I am angry at myself for not being angry about seeing my country bombed by a foreign power," he said.

"This is what Assad has done to us. He's made us beg and pray for the world to bomb our nation, if only to stop his forces from killing our family, friends and neighbours."

Razan Tayyar, who is from Latakia but lives in Dubai, said she was against the strikes "100 per cent", even though she was against the regime.

"War is not a solution, it is a death sentence on Syria," she said. "What happened in Iraq could happen in Syria, the scenario repeating itself. We all want change but it must be real change, change from inside.

"People in power see death only as numbers and infrastructure destroyed as future investment opportunities."

Syrians in the UAE fear for their homeland - The National
August 28, 2013

Syrians in UAE worry for families

Only option is to adjust to chaos as travel difficulties hinder chance to flee

From the start of the Syrian crisis, people have been concerned for their relatives living in the war-torn country.

With the quickly deteriorating situation and growing possibility of a US-led attack, the level of worry among Syrians has multiplied manifold. Gulf News spoke to UAE-based Syrians, who said they want nothing more than their families’ safety.

Zekrayat Mustafa wants her family to be safe but they are not ready to leave Halab, Syria - the only home they’ve known.

In a recent phone call to her sister, Zekrayat was upset to hear about the dangerous situation the family was facing just to purchase food.

Zekrayat said: “My sister told me she insisted on buying cucumbers and tomatoes even though there was gunfire in front of her. People were being shot at right beside her but she wanted to buy food for the family.

“I’m more nervous and worried than they are whenever I speak to them. They are living life normally in Halab because they’ve adjusted to the chaos around them. I want them to leave but they are determined to stay.”

Diab Rahmeh is another Syrian expatriate who is hoping that his family will join him in the UAE. His mother is refusing to leave her home near Homs and his sister, who is seven months away from her university graduation, doesn’t want to leave her mother behind.

Rahmeh said: “Eventually I want to bring them both here because their safety is more important to me than anything. People in Syria are scared of the chaos that may ensue if the recent news of US involvement is true. I know many people who want to leave, but they can’t. Others are not interested in leaving.”

Bassel Nadim, who has the majority of his family and relatives in Damascus, Syria, would like them to relocate to a safer location, but complications such as obtaining visas and transport obstacles make the decision difficult.

He said: “Before the recent developments, my family was not planning to leave Syria. Now they are a little more concerned and constantly worried. Even if people want to leave, there are limited options. Also, some people there are still driven by the hope that things will calm down and get back to normal.”

Ala’a Mohammad had a similar view. He would like to ensure his family’s safety but getting visas for them to leave Syria is next to impossible. Additionally, his family is reluctant to leave their home.

He said: “No one likes to stay in danger, but my parents have a very strong connection to Syria.”

Mohammad added that regardless of what his family wants, in the end he will make sure they are safe.

Syrians in UAE worry for families | GulfNews.com
French Navy Air Defense Destroyer Chevalier Paul (D621) deploys to the Syrian coasts

The French Navy is deploying one of its two Horizon class Air Defense Destroyers to the Eastern Mediterranean according to French weekly Le Point. The Chevalier Paul (D621) will join the four US Navy Guided Missile Destroyers and an undisclosed number of US and UK submarines already in the area. The role of the French Destroyer would be to provide air defense for the fleet, as well as air cover for coalition warplanes should they get involved in an air assault.


Horizon class Destroyers are advanced warships dedicated to air defense missions. They usually deploy with 32 Aster 30 missiles for long range interception and 16 Aster 15 missiles for medium range interception. The vessels are also fitted with 8 MM 40 Exocet Block III, the latest version of MBDA's anti-ship missile.


To guide the missiles, Chevalier Paul is fitted with a powerful tri-dimensional radar capable of detecting targets more than 200 kilometers away. The main mission of this class of ship is the protection of aircraft carriers, capital ships or littoral infrastructures from threats coming from the air.


It is worth noting that during the campaign in Libya, Chevalier Paul conducted several coastal fire support missions with its two Oto Melara 76mm guns. This type of mission however is unlikely in Syria given the current context and because of the presence of advanced Russian made supersonic anti-ship missiles in the Syrian arsenal (P-800 Oniks).

French Navy Air Defense Destroyer Chevalier Paul (D621) deploys to the Syrian coasts

New ships to join Russian naval group in Mediterranean Sea

The composition of the Russian Navy’s group of ships in the Mediterranean Sea will be changed within the next few days, a …

United States continues to increase striking power to the coasts of Syria


In the area of the Gulf carriers are already dislotsiani "Harry Truman" and "Nimitz". This was announced to journalists representatives of the U.S. administration. Meanwhile, President Barack Obama said he has not yet made ​​a decision on the start of the military operation against Syria. According to him, the very possibility of invasion could be a signal to Assad.

According to representatives of the U.S. administration, arrived in the Arabian Sea, "Harry Truman" had to change "Nimiz," which was scheduled to return to base . But his command has received an order to remain in place. For how long, it says. Currently, the aircraft carrier is located in the Indian Ocean. Administration officials described the decision as reasonable in understanding that this does not mean that the "Nimitz" will be activated on the possible military operation against Syria. Sixth Fleet Command earlier decided to leave in region cruisers "Go," whose duty has been completed and should be back on track in its base in Norfolk. Thus currently in the Mediterranean are four American warships equipped with cruise missiles - cruisers "Get", "Gravely", "berry" and "Reymidzh."

On 18 August in the Arabian Sea arrived group of vessels in the composition of the USS "Harry Truman" missile cruiser "Gettysburg" and "San Jacinto" destroyers "Balkan" and "Mason." Besides them, the area is "Nimitz" and supportive group it ships. On Tuesday, the Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel said that U.S. forces are ready to strike on Syria at any time if a corresponding command from the Obama. U.S. President, however, has not yet made ​​a decision on the start of the military operation against Syria. This he said in an interview with PBS.

According to the president share power can not solve all the problems in the Arab countries, but the readiness of Western nations to war by itself should be a warning to the Syrian regime. Obama also stressed that the possible power operation against Syria will lead to multi-campaign, as happened in Iraq. "If we use restrained optimal approach, we will be involved in protracted conflict. We will not repeat the Iraq campaign, as many people fear, "said Barack Obama. Obama stressed that official Washington is ready together with other countries, including Russia, to continue efforts towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

Today the White House administration should acquaint Congress with possible action on Syria. Earlier in the headquarters of the United Nations held a closed meeting of the Security Council. There was discussed a draft resolution on Syria, drafted by Britain. London offers a military intervention to be authorized in the guise of protecting the civilian population in Syria. Ukraine refused to endorse the document. It is not excluded from NATO countries begin military operation without UN support. According to estimates of experts, shot in Syria can be applied within 48 hours. use of chemical weapons is a violation of international norms and practices and responsible must be held accountable. That said NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen following the meeting of ambassadors of the member states devoted to the situation in Syria. He added that according to NATO allies chemical attack in Damascus is a threat to regional and international peace and security. external committee of the European Parliament discussed the issue of Syria camera comes without a position "for" or "against" a possible blow to the regime of President Bashar Assad. However, MEPs demanded access to the evidence for a chemical orzhie in Syria.

Yesterday Assad's regime tried to take the initiative in their own hands. Representative of Syria said the chemicals were used by insurgents against government forces, having received those resembling Zarin, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. However, complicating the situation, the official spokesman for the Syrian Foreign Ministry, said that soon in Europe are possible terrorist attacks with the use of the same substance. Syrian authorities also asked the UN Secretary General to immediately investigate three new chemical attacks committed as they claim by the rebels near Damascus on 22, 24 and 25 August.
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