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Military Deployment in Afghanistan is not in India’s National Interests

Iran's involvement is NOT suitable and may be not possible to some extend IF Indian Army is going to Afghanistan on demand of US/NATO.

Iran may also hestitate in protecting US war.

its funny equation of allied countries with same interests and enmities against own allies out of compulsion for own interests

There were suspicions that Iran along with India and Russia assisted the NA in the 80's, plus the chahbahar port and the rail and road link from chahbahar and Kabul is actively supported by Iran.

Interests of Iran, Russia, India and China are on the same plane - even the US. But then Iran, China and Russia's with the US will definitely cloud the issue - and as I said earlier this might present a golden opportunity for Pakistan to jump into the US's good books again.
Yes they do consider Moscow's opinion on matter than anybody. You are free to believe what you want

And in matter of fact US see Afgan better with India than with Pak. - former US sec of defence ;)
And what options do US has. It's either Russia, Pak or India . Take your pick ;)

We all know why we see this long war in the region.
If Bush would have identified Pak's nature in first place and bombed Pak( :rofl: it's my fav part ) then problem would have been solved by now ;)

They already have their plate full. Sending Indian troops in he area will actually help them.

Help whom?
That would be Pakistan's worst nightmare

:) then India should NOT waste a minute in sending its troops

And any guesses who's being the spoil sport from anything concrete happening for peace in the region?

All the players are spoilers when it comes about any harm to their interests.

Its a simple rule i wont protect your home by burning my own.

And in international politics there is NO concerte step or positive step but only moves which are appreciated by one player but objected by others based on interests of their own.
Salaam to all the Muslims,


I dare India to deploy a 100,000 troops in Afghanistan and try to survive there for at least 24 hours. In fact, I dare India to only try and transport a 100,000 troops to Afghanistan.

Pakistan helped its ally, the brotherly nation of Sri Lanka end the decades long Hindu Terrorism right under Indian noses and crushed the Hindu Terrorist organisation Tamil Tigers once and for all. India can try and stop Taliban in Pakistan's backyard and see what happens.

Go on Shoopa Pavar, just try it.

Salaam to all the Muslims.

Hahahaa people like you are the assets of Pakistan :no: :rofl: :rofl:
If India deploy 100000 troops in Afagnistan Pak will be the first country to cry to UN
:) then India should NOT waste a minute in sending its troops

Not right now - we have much bigger fish to fry right now - and we know how the whole situation will pan out in the near future.

All the players are spoilers when it comes about any harm to their interests.

Its a simple rule i wont protect your home by burning my own.

And in international politics there is NO concerte step or positive step but only moves which are appreciated by one player but objected by others based on interests of their own.

The Afghani's and the Americans are blaming just one entity - guess who? :D
There were suspicions that Iran along with India and Russia assisted the NA in the 80's, plus the chahbahar port and the rail and road link from chahbahar and Kabul is actively supported by Iran.

Interests of Iran, Russia, India and China are on the same plane - even the US. But then Iran, China and Russia's with the US will definitely cloud the issue - and as I said earlier this might present a golden opportunity for Pakistan to jump into the US's good books again.

1. till 80s there was NO NA. the current NA was also part of the Jehad against Soviet Union.

2. After defeat of Soviets the internal wrangling for power started among Jehadi groups in Afghanistan and thus seeds of NA were sown. India took side of farsiwans in that case.

In other words India-Pakistan-Russia were siding with groups who they consider will protect their interests.

currentlhy the same warlords from NA are with NATO/US but it did NOT Help US hence US war is coming to end and now US wants anyone else to carry it onn.

So if Iran-India-Russia again join hands with NA then do you think the Afghan situation will improve? IT WONT.

It will lead to another proxy war this time once again US will jump in.

for your last line as always and in this case well it will be US who will try to come to Pakistan's good books since in this region NOBODY supports and nobody can support US interests than Pakistan.
It will help PA.
as they can divert terrorist traffic to IA deployment by convincing those idiots that Indian army in Afansitan is attack on Islam :rofl:

A two front insurgency?? Pakistan is quite low on resources to maintain that - India can really tighten the screw if it wants by bringing in other players to the region - remember China and Russia thinking on the same lines - even the Iranians won't be far behind - but all this will depend on the US - nobody would want Afghanistan to become a hot spot of the cold war again.
:D but this desert has sharper sharks as compared to Minows

Unfortunatly most of these sharks don't hunt for hunger they hunt for money. So someone with money can direct these sharks to coordinate a attack with Money power. Sounds good ;)
1. till 80s there was NO NA. the current NA was also part of the Jehad against Soviet Union.

2. After defeat of Soviets the internal wrangling for power started among Jehadi groups in Afghanistan and thus seeds of NA were sown. India took side of farsiwans in that case.

In other words India-Pakistan-Russia were siding with groups who they consider will protect their interests.

currentlhy the same warlords from NA are with NATO/US but it did NOT Help US hence US war is coming to end and now US wants anyone else to carry it onn.

So if Iran-India-Russia again join hands with NA then do you think the Afghan situation will improve? IT WONT.

It will lead to another proxy war this time once again US will jump in.

for your last line as always and in this case well it will be US who will try to come to Pakistan's good books since in this region NOBODY supports and nobody can support US interests than Pakistan.

That's what -it will go back to the earlier situation - or the US can stay neutral and watch others take its job for the present moment. Afghanistan is proving to be a headache for everyone.
Ok guys we are waiting for Indian troops on ground in Afghanistan.

please do send . and till then dont waste much of our time :)

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