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Militants gouge out both eyes of Indian Army jawan in J&K

Where are Human right groups???

Where were they when u were killing thousands and raping thousands of women?

If you are capable of only personal attacks, I will not waste my time debating you. For now I am giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Do you understand 'out of context'? The poster I quoted dragged in India and IA's alleged crime in 1947 on a thread devoted to the barbaric eye gouging of an IA soldier. Is that not out of context? Did you tell him it was out of context?

I responded to that poster trying to give sensible advice; hate is a two edge sword.

As for you, if you can only rear up an shout about how in some alternate reality on innocent Muslims were attacked by vindictive Hindus and Sikhs, I can only shake my head. Carry on then.

But if you have something logical and reasonable to debate, come back at me.

Where did i use personal attacks? isnt it the truth how maharaja the fag systematically killied 2 lac + kashmiris in 1 go? burnt their houses and what not? do u deny that?
Where did i use personal attacks? isnt it the truth how maharaja the fag systematically killied 2 lac + kashmiris in 1 go? burnt their houses and what not? do u deny that?

You ascribed to me an alleged 'insecurity' out of the blue- that's getting needlessly personal.

"Maharaja the fag'? What kind of a debating style is that? You're only condemning your own argument.

As for his killing 2 lakh Kashmiris in one go, I have no idea. Please quote me some adequate original sources and I will be happy to explore and learn.

Nowhere do I deny that Hindus and Sikhs engaged in horrific and brutal massacres. But remember that your Pakistani Muslim forefathers were not saints either. They could equally be alleged to have done the exact same- murder, rape, pillage.
The Kashmiris are engaged in a resistance against the evil empire India.

With daily curfews and other forms of oppressive behavior, India is enemy number 1 in the eyes of the Kashmiri people.

That's why many hindus are trying desperately to create these phantom "Pandits" to over take the Muslims and change the entire demography of the region to one which will favor India.
Occupier's army is fair game. Good luck to the freedom fighters.
Army of fools and hypocrites. When their soldiers are beheaded they clap when AF bomb and gunships attack the tribal belt.

Now they are enjoying death of a soldier.

I just wish these people receive similar treatment when the person they respect, get this torture.

I will see how will be their reaction and rationality.

Nobody supported this inhumane act... maybe u check go and see a bloody shrink before barking.

You ascribed to me an alleged 'insecurity' out of the blue- that's getting needlessly personal.

"Maharaja the fag'? What kind of a debating style is that? You're only condemning your own argument.

As for his killing 2 lakh Kashmiris in one go, I have no idea. Please quote me some adequate original sources and I will be happy to explore and learn.

Nowhere do I deny that Hindus and Sikhs engaged in horrific and brutal massacres. But remember that your Pakistani Muslim forefathers were not saints either. They could equally be alleged to have done the exact same- murder, rape, pillage.

It has been posted on the previous page...
well according me, the point is Now the message what other side is giving is TORTURE the Indian soldiers, and Humiliate their Bodies. This is a symbol or tradition they are trying to create.
Nobody supported this inhumane act... maybe u check go and see a bloody shrink before barking. It has been posted on the previous page...
Who are barking is completely visible. Its just that its a Pakistani forum that's whaI have only posts to counter these pathetic posts.

I see your thanks on Hong Wu's post. Occupiers are fair game. It explains everything.
I haven't quoted you in full so I don't take more bandwidth than necessary but be assured I have read your entire post.

Thanks for at least taking the time to read the post.

What do you think, the massacres of 1947 were done only by the evil Hindus and Sikhs,

I was being kashmir specific and showing how the state was involved in the killings and it was not just spontaneous riots.

while your Muslim ancestors were pure as the driven snow? Have you bothered to read how Hindus and Sikhs were slaughtered in Pakistan and how some of them flooded the Jammu region trying to escape?

I am not blind that i dont not recognize that muslim also committed killings against hindus during the partition but the kashmir issue is slightly different......the partition killings where done by the mob and where overall not backed by the state which was not the case in kashmir.
The 1947 carnage left several Muslim majority populated villages in Jammu district alone totally Hindu or Sikh populated. In Jammu district alone, which is a part of the larger Jammu province, Muslims numbered 158,630 and comprised 37 per cent of the total population of 428,719 in the year 1941. In the year 1961, Muslims numbered only 51,693 and comprised only 10 per cent of the total population of 516,932. The decrease in the number of Muslims in Jammu district alone was over 100,000. That there was a design to change the demographics.

It's easy to create a narrative where the other guy is the portrait of kaffir evil, while you and yours are the guardians of some mythical Islamic virtue.

Where do i mention "kaffirs" or go on about "Islamic virtue"?

It is harder to acknowledge that both sides had their fair share of murders, robbers and rapists.

I for one have never said that muslims carried out no killings-rapes-robberies during the partition and it was just hindus.....am not delusional.
But thats not the point,the point is about kashmir and how most indians do not know anything about the killings carried out by the Dogra army and how the indian army crossed into kashmir before a single pak army-tribesman croosed into kashmir to help the kashmir forces near poonch.The "tribal invasion" story is all you guys know about and base everything from that point.
Its a bit like me not mentioning anything about OBL and 9-11 and starting the story from "US INVADES AFGHANISTAN"..........you guys love to leave out the back story and start from a point that makes you look like the good guys.

So before you speak of 'real timelines' it is necessary to let go of prejudices and understand simply that it takes two hands to clap.

Am taking you probably didnt know about the dogra murders and the indian army crossing into kashmir before a single pakistan had crossed the border to help the kashmiris....the indian history books and media forget to mention them.
What is there to understand?......partition was based on muslim majority areas going to pakistan and hindu areas going to india and under that simple rule it is without a shadow of a doubt that kashmir should go to pakistan.
That was not enough so you invaded and then Nehru himself asked the UN to come in and sort the issue out with a promise to hold a vote under the UN where the people of kashmir would get there wishes.
So trying to equate this the "two hands clapping" theory while trying to chop my arm off and then ask the impossible will not work.
Its the indian prejudices that are the problem.
Could be the same fighter(s) who beheaded the other one some months back
Fighter(s) Good choice of words.

May be they got orders from those who beheaded the other one.

I mean possibilities are there, if we are playing guess game.

I was being kashmir specific and showing how the state was involved in the killings and it was not just spontaneous riots...............

Thanks for the explanation. Your analysis looks very interesting. May I respond tomorrow? It is late night where I am (presently India).
Fighter(s) Good choice of words.

May be they got orders from those who beheaded the other one.

I mean possibilities are there, if we are playing guess game.


But I think there's too much dissenting views and aspirations in occupied Kashmir for it to be overlooked
Lets not use the indian timeline of events which start from the "tribal invasion" but the real time line.

On November 5 and 6, 1947, more than 100 lories, loaded with women, children and old men were taken into the wilderness of Kuthua forests. Hindu extremists and armed gangs were let loose on these innocent people and an unparallel butchery was perpetrated,

British daily The London Times quoting its special correspondent in India stated that the Maharaja, under his own supervision, got assassinated 2,37,000 Muslims, using military forces in the Jammu area.

The editor of Statesman, Ian Stephen, in his book Horned Moon writes that till the end of autumn 1947, more than 200,000 Muslims were murdered in one go. Horace Alexander wrote in the Spectator (16 January 1948) that the killings had “the tacit consent of State authority” and put the figure at 2,00,000.

Times of London reported the events in Jammu with such a front page headlines: “Elimination of Muslims from Jammu”, and pointed out that Maharaja Hari Singh was “in person commanding all the forces” which were ethnically cleansing the Muslims.

Daily Telegraph of London dated 12 January 1948
The other aspect of the carnage was appropriation of properties of Muslims. The Muslim names were immediately erased to conform to new ownership. For instance Urdu Bazar became Rajinder Bazar and Islamia School became Hari Singh High School to conform to the new “ownership”. Almost 95 percent of left-over properties, which should have in the normal course been taken over by the State government were allowed appropriated by looters and rioters

So that gives you an idea of what was going on before any "tribal invasion".

Patiala State infantrymen stationed at Jammu and Patiala gunners positioned at Srinagar Airfield on 17th of October 1947 could not have gone unnoticed

So the excuse that the indian army only came in after the "tribal invasion" is false.

It was only after the mass killings that the Muslims soldiers from poonch-mirpur had a uprising against the Dogra regime for its connivance in the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in kashmir. They knew that the Dogra regime intended to accede to India and New Delhi had annexation design over the state.It was only after the full indian invasion of kashmir that the pak army-militias came to the aid of the kashmiris.
(Quoted by Rajendera Sareen in his book Pakistan: The India factor, New Delhi, 1948, p-221) Government of India in order to justify their invasion on State of Jammu Kashmir launched a propaganda that there was no Poonch rebellion but that 1,00,000 ferocious Tribesman had invaded Kashmir at the instigation of Pakistan Government who looted and killed everyone coming in their way; and that they had been imparted training and supplied transport facilities by Pakistan Army.

1.Dogra regime go on mass killing spree of muslim in jammu
2.Indian army assisted by Hindu and Sikh extremists —— both local and those imported from the East Punjab help dogra forces.
3.Uprising in kashmir with poonchis-mirpuris soldiers taking the lead
4.Full invasion by the indian army
5.Followed by pak army-militia help for kashmiris

The timeline you mentioned is utterly wrong. India was not involved until Pakistan reached the gates of Srinagar. Ad the instrument of accession legally says the land is ours, so Pakistan is the occupying force.

And the violence, there are many more examples of Sikhs, Hindus being slughtered in Pakistan. Both side massacred the other back then.
Nobody supported this inhumane act... maybe u check go and see a bloody shrink before barking.

No one supportd the act? Are you blind? There's at least four people who are actively trying to justify the act by brainfaring the "fact" that the IA supposedly rapes every other Kashmiri woman, and kills every other man.

Ok mods, please change the title alread. There's no way every person who sees the thread is gonna read all 12 pages, and when they condem the act which they think terrorirists have done, the trolls will try scoring points on that.
Fighter(s) Good choice of words.

May be they got orders from those who beheaded the other one.

I mean possibilities are there, if we are playing guess game.
They are smart. I see Indians are becoming afraid of Kashmir fighters and will have no choice but to let Kashmir go free!

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