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Milgem's new Corvet - Made in Turkey

I was very intrested in ur MILGEM class, I think this class was nice and good designed one. PLA-N don't have the similar ship. But so far I only got one picture showing that the first ship launching. Do you guys have more pictures can be shared?

And I still don't know the name and construction schedule of this class, could you tell me more about MILGEM. Thanks!:toast_sign:

official Turkish Naval Command Video

Milgem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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milgem is the basis for future self designed and build turkish navy vassels

when the system will be succesfull the next step will be done the turkish TF 2000 AAW frigate.

After 2023 the 100th aniversary of the TURKISH REPUBLIK the vision is a fully self sufficiant turkish navy with self build vassels from little coast guard boats till carriers maybe and the capability to go next level to become a real BLUE NAVY.
Can everybody please stick to mature discussion of actual ships and technology?
why was SSMtr banned i mean should he not be warned first?

if you are listening buddy then i am very sorry and hope you come back with and fallow the rules.
Please do not criticise moderator decisions in open threads. It is against forum rules. On another note, we do know what we are doing.
Thank u guys for all information and pics u shared!

Waiting for more pics when the first ship starts its sea trial.
is pn serious about them to buy and what weapons does it has in its deck
is pn serious about them to buy and what weapons does it has in its deck

Brothers, Turkish authorities want to join a co-operation project about Naval guided missile for future indigenous naval platforms of Turkey such as TF-2000, TF-100, Milgem and National Assault Boat platforms... so SSM (Undersecretariat for Defence Industry) has started to meet related authorities of firms which have capable to produce Naval strike missiles.

According to Future Naval Platform Roadway of Turkey, There will be huge Naval strike missile need so Turkish authorities want to co-develop a missile with great offsets and technology transfer, instead of ordering great amount of foreign missile...

For that purpose, There are 3 major candidates for Turkish naval strike missile...

1st one is SAAB with RBS-15 Mk3...

SAAB is the first firm which has noticed the importance of this project. This group has opened an office in Turkey. Then, SAAB has officially offered a Naval strike missile development project to SSM based on their RBS-15Mk3 missile in Turkish institues. According to offer of SAAB, Many Components including propulsion, Guidance and warhead technology will be given to Roketsan with co-selling rights to 3th countries...


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2nd major candidate for Turkish Naval Strike missile is Norway, Kongsberg...

SSM Murat Bayar and his team has officially visited to Kongsber institues to take some important informations, search the cooperation posibilities or joing their "NSM project" that is carried between USA and Norway.


We can see many interesting signiture ceremonies in April, IDEF 2009 in Istanbul .... :)

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Pakistan Navy values the support and cooperation with Turkish Navy (deniz kuvetleri)

MRTP corvette with Stamp remote control machine gun is so impressive and very good for maritime patrolling.

Here are pictures of the Aselsan Stamp --which I took during IDEF 2009 in Istanbul

(and the last 2 pictures are the STOP weapons by Aselsan. The main difference between them is that STAMP also fires grenades)
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