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MI 6 & RAW behind Karachi Situation by Zaheerul Hassan

I agree. Infact Jinnahpur conspiracy was hatched by RAW too to destabilise Pakistan. Of course they operate under a different name in Pakistan and command lots of respect mainly from Punjabis.
@Zaheerul Hassan

I like the way you are uing PDF to promote your own blog.
Ah! RAW, the favorite whipping boy of the Pakistanis!! A convenient scapegoat for the failure of the Pakistani Establishment to control the situation - the proverbial external hand!! So what's new?


Don't bother, these accusations routinely come from people who still doubt Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani.

Its not exactly a rational situation here. Assuming otherwise will deprive you of the fun without earning you any new knowledge.
mmm... mysterious and confusing times we live in :confused:

But yes, some foreign elements are involved behind the instability in Pakistan.
Training in South Africa ????????? :D

That country is known as "strike land of Africa". Anybody who gets training in SA will be taught firstly how to go on strike for better wages before performing your job :D If these people were being trained in South Africa then the better chances would be that they would have laid down their weapons, called in their politicial masters, demanded a higher payment for their work, sick leave benefits to be increased, counselling for any trauma they may suffer at the costs of their handlers, a better pension and injury on duty package etc. Thereafter when settlement is reached they would start negotiating better tea time and rest benefits etc. They would only have commenced their work in 20 years time and by then they would claim that they are close to retirement age and would take their pension payments without doing any real work. Karachi would have been minus the violence it is seeing. South Africa is one of the few countries in the world where the army went on strike to demand better wages and pay benefits. They had to call in the police to control the army. When the government got word that the police were also considering joining the army for a better pay, the government gave in to the pay raise demands :D
foreign and rival agenceis are always meant to stire the situation in concerned countries of their interests nothing new in that neither of any offense but saying Karachi's situation is entirely to be blamed on them is little too much.

we have our own internal elements some are known sitting in govt who are responsible for it so kindly look within and do NOT give undue credit to RAW as its as raw as anything
It is the matter of concern that just in this month over 400 individuals have been killed in Karachi . The economic capital of the country has become the centre of Land Mafia, target killers, criminal elements and foreign sponsored terrorists. The political parties failed to establish peace & security in the city. in fact main electronic & print Media is not trying to expose those hands which are involve in killing, abduction and other criminal elements. Security agencies are fully operative now to eliminate the terrorists but off course masses have to cooperate with them. Reportedly the bases of target killers are located in UK, South Africa and across the border. Reportedly, MI-6 & RAW has been found in creating unrest in the country. PPPP, MQM & ANP are the major stack holders of the city. They have to cooperate with each other for elimination of terrorism.
The writer can bee approached through zameer36@gmail.com

i am happy for one fact here.......-Pakistani's now admit--RAW is too good and the ISI sucks
One think I don't really understand; Pakistanis are always the first to belittle anything and everything Indian:

- Cars
- Defence equipment
- Bollywood (not a fan myself but still...)
- Music

etc. etc

But when it comes to RA&W, they are thought of very highly (much more than Indians themselves think of it). Goes against the norm doesn't it?
To be frank, I was thinking that the RAW is a White Elephent counsuming tax payers money, when I see all these speculations that our Enemy is really frightened of RAW, I now will place my bet on RAW.
baffling how a topic like this "Pakistan Border Area Team (BAT) Behead Indian Soldiers In Kupwara's 19 Div " - gets deleted as " Propaganda ,unsubstantiated ( mabe rightfully so) But topic like this one continues...
baffling how a topic like this "Pakistan Border Area Team (BAT) Behead Indian Soldiers In Kupwara's 19 Div " - gets deleted as " Propaganda ,unsubstantiated ( mabe rightfully so) But topic like this one continues...

Yeah, this one breaks two rules:

- It's BS!
- And it's self advertisement

But hey if Riaz Haq and MBI Munshi are allowed to do it, why not this guy.
I thought Karachi ethnic violence was between MQM and PPP? and their supporters?

But then again if India can send chemical clouds which caused floods [natural disaster] in Pakistan, we can do anything. loool :P :D

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