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MI 6 & RAW behind Karachi Situation by Zaheerul Hassan

MI-6 is protecting innoncent Altaf and RAW is supporting the people to carry out sabotage activities in Karachi and other parts of the country. Few says back many rocket launchers, gernades and sub Machine guns have been reovered from the smuglers in Karachi

and who were the smugglers genius ?
i am wondering when the mods will take cognizance of the fact this thread is without any source or link and is just BS .
The funniest threads on PDF end like this :"by Zaheerul Hassan"

To add something new he changed CIA to MI 6. :coffee:

Ironically, The thread is not even deleted. Strange. No Link, Nothing just Zaheerul Hassan which looks like e-mail address. anyone can make 100 such conspiracy theory. :lol:
CIA,RAW,MI 6 & Mossad are carrying out sabotage activities along Pakistani western frontiers and in Karachi .
Its utterly strange that such conspiracy theory threads are allowed to flourish in PDF whereas real facts like PNS Babur threads are promptly locked up by the mods. :tdown:
Why UK & India are interested in Karachi situation ? Raid on PN Babur has been done by trained RAW agents.
Why UK & India are interested in Karachi situation ? Raid on PN Babur has been done by trained RAW agents.

So was the attack on Srilankan team.

Almost every attack is an example of well established intelligence and support infrastructure.

How come TTP knew the international portfolio of col. Mushtaq Baig Shaheed ?

Dear Mr. Zaheer, why do you think what does Rehman Malik do with red handed captured terrorists?

There shall be no doubt that Rehman Malik is facilitating the terrorist in many ways.

We have never seen Zardari interested in any state affair but now suddenly he want to know every thing about the JFT. Allah khair karay.

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