Is this the bus system of Metro like Mumbai Metro?
That's good. tell us more about this sensors.
Lahore authorities should install such sensors in Traffic prone areas in Lahore
Don't know much. Heard about it for One square. Don't know about rest. Observed iit closely and found that during rush hours, the system was effective.
In-pavement detectors
These detectors are buried in or under the roadway. Inductive Detector loops are the most common type. They are sensors buried in the road to detect the presence of traffic waiting at the light, and thus can reduce the time when a green signal is given to an empty road. A timer is frequently used as a default during times of very low traffic density and as a backup in case the sensors fail. The sensor loops typically work in the same fashion as metal detectors. Consequently small vehicles and bicycles or vehicles with low metal content may fail to be detected causing them to wait indefinitely unless there is also a default timer as part of the control system
Traffic light control and coordination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) is an indigenous solution for Indian Road Traffic, which optimizes traffic signal, covering a set of roads for an area in a city. It is an intelligent traffic signal control system that use data from vehicle detectors and optimize traffic signal settings in an area to reduce vehicle delays and stops.
The control system operates in real time with a capacity to calculate optimal cycle time, and feeds input to traffic signal controllers with a different set of stage timings. The timing plans of traffic controller change automatically to reduce stoppage time, which in turn reduces overall journey time.
The road traffic controllers can be connected to ATCS server through managed leased line network. Thus traffic monitoring over an area can be made possible from a central location. The system facilitates storing of traffic data for individual junctions over a period of days, including traffic pattern during peak hours, which enables traffic engineers to view and analyzing the same.
The original technology on ATCS was developed by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram), WML is manufacturing the same and have supplied more than 200 controllers in cities such as Pune, Jaipur, and Ahmedabad. The system supplied so far is working satisfactorily at different environmental condition and hence filed proven.
The function of the Vehicle Detector is to identify the presence or passage of vehicles and provide input for traffic actuated signal control systems. Different types of vehicle detectors are currently available, but among them, the most popular and economical one is the conventional inductive loop vehicle detectors.
The sensor loop is embedded on the pavement consisting of one or more turns of wire. Metallic parts of the vehicle resting or passing over the sensor loop will unbalance the tuned circuit (detector local oscillator) resulting in detection. The size, shape, and configuration of the loop vary considerably depending upon the specific application. The loop sensors, vehicle detectors together with control electronics sense the traffic load at the junction.
Urban Traffic Control System