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Same as Robocop 2014 this video made by bunch of idiots !!!

Its another tool to make propaganda . The same way they've done for years .

Look at their COD series . They have captured everywhere on the earth and now are planning to defeat martian terrorists .

To be honest , I was surprised to see such quality , I'm hoping they can bring that to video games .
Let me help you dig that grave. With what exactly are you going to destroy their bases with? Saddam's slightly improved scud missiles?
with thousands of ballistic missiles with 600kg warhead and 5m accuracy.
what you call "Saddam's slightly improved scud missiles" is what has frustrated Americans to the level that they keep begging us to discuss about them as part of the negotiation and of course Iran wont accept.
unlike other parts of our country, our military is 100% self sufficient, if they could use sanctions against our military and if our military is in a chain (as you claim) then what they want to discuss? your ***?
@gambit LOL did you see those A6-Growlers flying in close combat formation :D? Unbelievable stupid. Why would an Electronic warfare aircraft from the US Navy fly with USAF F-22s in an combat mission?
Actually, it is not unusual.

Being low radar observable, aka 'stealth', is not a license from being conscious of the radar threat. Being 'stealthy' is STILL about physically avoiding the radar beam as much as you can, but in the event that you are caught in the radar beam, your low radar observable features will increase your chances of success and time to get out of that radar beam. Tactically speaking, an EW distraction is ideal because it either create uncertainty or raise the level of it as to the probability of one being attacked by enemy 'stealth' fighters.
So Americans worried about scuds & call them ICBMs !?

Ignorance ...

& your rulers belong to the Zoo ! :)
They're not worried. That's why they've got an embargo on your country without any worries of repercussions. If they were worried they wouldn't stick sanctions on your country at every instance without a worry in the world. They've made Iran into Cuba because they know you guys aren't gonna do anything about it, and you haven't.
5m CEP with no GPS?

Mohsen, put down the teriyak.

You've got a bunch of improved scuds, not thousands, that have the same effect as remote controlled suicide vans filled with explosives. At best, you can direct them in the general direction of UAE and hope a few of them land on downtown Dubai in order to cause havoc.

As I said, you're a barking dog.

Americans are laughing at you, the world is laughing at you and all you an do is bark. If you are so capable, free yourself of the chains the American have got around your neck TODAY.
yes, 5m CEP and it's a technology which even Americans don't have it. teriyak is what they give you to keep supporting them. also talked about GPS, American or Israeli pilots have to find another way for navigation, cause in case of war, GPS is the very first thing they will miss.

if there is someone who is barking it's you and your American masters, this is what I call barking(begging):
Official: Iranian FM “Laughed and Ignored” U.S. Queries on Ballistic Missiles | The Tower

the only sanction which have worked is the Dollar embargo, so we have to find other trading methods and we will, at the end we will remove the dollar from all of out trades, the final looser is americans.
Dollar embargo was the last card of Americans and future will prove it was a very expensive card for them, if America became America it was the result of printing debased money, Now they want to remove it from trades themselves, good for them and good luck with their 16 trillion$ foreign debt.
Too much talking ... Let's wait for simorgh's first launch !

Then we can talk about the size of our ****s :)
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