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Regarding the accuracy improvement see the reports by PENTAGON.
Iran’s Ballistic Missiles Improving, Pentagon Finds - Bloomberg
Pentagon: Iran improving its missile capabilities – CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs

You think after so many years Iran can't improve her missiles accuracy.

Do you even know what a warhead with one ton warhead traveling very fast do to its impact area?

Sorry to burst your bubble even according to biased western sources(which by the way they claim that Iran has 6-12 Shahab TELs while recently we have seen 3 dozen of them delivered to IRGC) Iran has between 100-300 Shahab-3,Ghadr(which is an underestimate) , Iran has been building these missiles for more than a decade.
Chapter Five: Deployment, Use and Warhead Options | IISS
Michael Elleman: Behind Tehran's boasts, the facts on its missiles | IISS
Shahab 3 | Missile ThreatShihab 3, Shehob 3 | Missile Threat
Iran's Ballistic Missile Capabilities: A net assessment | IISS

Please make some research before embarrassing yourself, we are not brainwashed but it seems that you have your head up your ....
What I think is not important. What the akhoonds can't physically do without a G motha-fucking PS IS!

An F grade can be improved to a C+, but it's still shit. In that report you posted from Bloomberg, all I see is a quote from an analyst (Kenneth Katzman) that says Iran's missile accuracy has improved. We're back to square one again. How? With what GPS?

Again, even if you have 100 Shahab IRBMs, that's nothing. That's a 100 ton punch that can't even be directed anywhere specific. Ballistic Missiles are only useful to deliver nuclear warheads and that's what they were designed for. They're an amazingly idiotic way to deliver a 1 ton warhead. It's comical. A van filled with explosives is more useful.

Again, the Americans dropped hundreds of thousands of tons worth of smart bombs on Iraq in the early stages of the war. You're waiving your 1 ton stick of dynamite that can't even be directed anywhere specific like it's King Kong's junk.

What are you trying to prove? That you're able to defend yourself? If that's the case, why are the americans sitting in the Persian Gulf making you look like fools? What about the sanctions? They have broken Iran's back and you have to beg them to take it away.
What I think is not important. What the akhoonds can't physically do without a G motha-fucking PS IS!

An F grade can be improved to a C+, but it's still shit. In that report you posted from Bloomberg, all I see is a quote from an analyst (Kenneth Katzman) that says Iran's missile accuracy has improved. We're back to square one again. How? With what GPS?

Again, even if you have 100 Shahab IRBMs, that's nothing. That's a 100 ton punch that can't even be directed anywhere specific. Ballistic Missiles are only useful to deliver nuclear warheads and that's what they were designed for. They're an amazingly idiotic way to deliver a 1 ton warhead. It's comical. A van filled with explosives is more useful.

Again, the Americans dropped hundreds of thousands of tons worth of smart bombs on Iraq in the early stages of the war. You're waiving your 1 ton stick of dynamite that can't even be directed anywhere specific like it's King Kong's junk.

What are you trying to prove? That you're able to defend yourself? If that's the case, why are the americans sitting in the Persian Gulf making you look like fools? What about the sanctions? They have broken Iran's back and you have to beg them to take it away.
They all were not smart bomb. You missed that point iran is not iraq not having indigenous air-defence. iranian sayyad 2 and raad air missiles has ability to shot down all us planes.

You should read the history of vietnam war and see the weakness of US army.
dear Iranian, animation is now available for sale in the kosar3d.com website. it's 17min short animation and most of the scenes, you have already seen in the trailer, yet it's worth our support.

They all were not smart bomb. You missed that point iran is not iraq not having indigenous air-defence. iranian sayyad 2 and raad air missiles has ability to shot down all us planes.

You should read the history of vietnam war and see the weakness of US army.
Vietnam was heavily supported by Soviet Union and technology was not advanced back then as it is now.

Don't kid yourself. US is a ruthless power that could defeat the entire world in a matter of days. Perhaps there has never been a more powerful nation as USA in the history of mankind.

I agree with Abii. USA could be indirectly supporting Islamists in Iran. Mullahs are a good reason to sell US weapons to Arabs. Islamists are partly responsible for the reason why there is no counterbalance to Western hegemony from the east. Islamists stir up troubles wherever they go, create pointless issues, increase inequality and weaken nations from within.
What I think is not important. What the akhoonds can't physically do without a G motha-fucking PS IS!

An F grade can be improved to a C+, but it's still shit. In that report you posted from Bloomberg, all I see is a quote from an analyst (Kenneth Katzman) that says Iran's missile accuracy has improved. We're back to square one again. How? With what GPS?

Again, even if you have 100 Shahab IRBMs, that's nothing. That's a 100 ton punch that can't even be directed anywhere specific. Ballistic Missiles are only useful to deliver nuclear warheads and that's what they were designed for. They're an amazingly idiotic way to deliver a 1 ton warhead. It's comical. A van filled with explosives is more useful.

Again, the Americans dropped hundreds of thousands of tons worth of smart bombs on Iraq in the early stages of the war. You're waiving your 1 ton stick of dynamite that can't even be directed anywhere specific like it's King Kong's junk.

What are you trying to prove? That you're able to defend yourself? If that's the case, why are the americans sitting in the Persian Gulf making you look like fools? What about the sanctions? They have broken Iran's back and you have to beg them to take it away.

What I think is not important. What the akhoonds can't physically do without a G motha-fucking PS IS!

An F grade can be improved to a C+, but it's still shit. In that report you posted from Bloomberg, all I see is a quote from an analyst (Kenneth Katzman) that says Iran's missile accuracy has improved. We're back to square one again. How? With what GPS?

Again, even if you have 100 Shahab IRBMs, that's nothing. That's a 100 ton punch that can't even be directed anywhere specific. Ballistic Missiles are only useful to deliver nuclear warheads and that's what they were designed for. They're an amazingly idiotic way to deliver a 1 ton warhead. It's comical. A van filled with explosives is more useful.

Again, the Americans dropped hundreds of thousands of tons worth of smart bombs on Iraq in the early stages of the war. You're waiving your 1 ton stick of dynamite that can't even be directed anywhere specific like it's King Kong's junk.

What are you trying to prove? That you're able to defend yourself? If that's the case, why are the americans sitting in the Persian Gulf making you look like fools? What about the sanctions? They have broken Iran's back and you have to beg them to take it away.
Oh god lord, the trailer is cracking me up. F-5s and Phantoms against F-22 squadrons with ARAAM Air-to-Air and F-15E Strike fighters and they are getting an even chance? In real life, SSNBs and Aegis Destroyers from the Arabian Seas will the first deployment system to attack Iranian Installations in an event of an war. Joint Air-Naval systems (Developed for the Pacific) will be the new mainstay of the US Armed Forces Combined Strike force Plan. Aviation units will only be deployed after US Navy strikes Iran with Tomahawk Cruise missiles from Virginia Class Subs in the vicinity outside the Persian Gulf area (like A.Sea) and Burke Class DDGs in the green water regions like Qatar and 5th fleet stations in Bahrain. US Sea-hawks will make short work of Iranian midget Subs and clear of mines in-case an naval relation from Mullahistan Iran. And If Iranian Frigates and speedboats/Missile-Boats dare challenge the US Navy then Harpoon Block II will make short work of what's left of those Frigates and fast attack boats along with Phalanx Gun barrels firing tungsten shells and other CIWS (e.g. Lasers). And When the US Air force does Arrive in the Scene, IRG, IN units and Army installation would be nothing but heaps. Those shiny missiles will hunted down by F-35s will Electro-optic sensors and F-15E will be hunting them with Air-to-ground missiles like the new SLAM-ER which is like an thousand time better than mavericks used in Iraq war. US stagetic bombers will destroy Iranian Air Bases with JDAMS and Cluster monitions will wipe out Iranian Tank units in battle Station without Air cover. Any Iranian Aircraft that is still standing that dares to challenge american rule of the skies would be decimated by BVR combat aided by US AWACS and Eagle Eyes.
@gambit LOL did you see those A6-Growlers flying in close combat formation :D? Unbelievable stupid. Why would an Electronic warfare aircraft from the US Navy fly with USAF F-22s in an combat mission?
Oh god lord, the trailer is cracking me up. F-5s and Phantoms against F-22 squadrons with ARAAM Air-to-Air and F-15E Strike fighters and they are getting an even chance? In real life, SSNBs and Aegis Destroyers from the Arabian Seas will the first deployment system to attack Iranian Installations in an event of an war. Joint Air-Naval systems (Developed for the Pacific) will be the new mainstay of the US Armed Forces Combined Strike force Plan. Aviation units will only be deployed after US Navy strikes Iran with Tomahawk Cruise missiles from Virginia Class Subs in the vicinity outside the Persian Gulf area (like A.Sea) and Burke Class DDGs in the green water regions like Qatar and 5th fleet stations in Bahrain. US Sea-hawks will make short work of Iranian midget Subs and clear of mines in-case an naval relation from Mullahistan Iran. And If Iranian Frigates and speedboats/Missile-Boats dare challenge the US Navy then Harpoon Block II will make short work of what's left of those Frigates and fast attack boats along with Phalanx Gun barrels firing tungsten shells and other CIWS (e.g. Lasers). And When the US Air force does Arrive in the Scene, IRG, IN units and Army installation would be nothing but heaps. Those shiny missiles will hunted down by F-35s will Electro-optic sensors and F-15E will be hunting them with Air-to-ground missiles like the new SLAM-ER which is like an thousand time better than mavericks used in Iraq war. US stagetic bombers will destroy Iranian Air Bases with JDAMS and Cluster monitions will wipe out Iranian Tank units in battle Station without Air cover. Any Iranian Aircraft that is still standing that dares to challenge american rule of the skies would be decimated by BVR combat aided by US AWACS and Eagle Eyes.
@gambit LOL did you see those A6-Growlers flying in close combat formation :D? Unbelievable stupid. Why would an Electronic warfare aircraft from the US Navy fly with USAF F-22s in an combat mission?

Same as Robocop 2014 this video made by bunch of idiots !!!
I only feel sorry for the Iranian people for all this. They are ruled by Clerics who belong to religious areas.
Oh god lord, the trailer is cracking me up. F-5s and Phantoms against F-22 squadrons with ARAAM Air-to-Air and F-15E Strike fighters and they are getting an even chance? In real life, SSNBs and Aegis Destroyers from the Arabian Seas will the first deployment system to attack Iranian Installations in an event of an war. Joint Air-Naval systems (Developed for the Pacific) will be the new mainstay of the US Armed Forces Combined Strike force Plan. Aviation units will only be deployed after US Navy strikes Iran with Tomahawk Cruise missiles from Virginia Class Subs in the vicinity outside the Persian Gulf area (like A.Sea) and Burke Class DDGs in the green water regions like Qatar and 5th fleet stations in Bahrain. US Sea-hawks will make short work of Iranian midget Subs and clear of mines in-case an naval relation from Mullahistan Iran. And If Iranian Frigates and speedboats/Missile-Boats dare challenge the US Navy then Harpoon Block II will make short work of what's left of those Frigates and fast attack boats along with Phalanx Gun barrels firing tungsten shells and other CIWS (e.g. Lasers). And When the US Air force does Arrive in the Scene, IRG, IN units and Army installation would be nothing but heaps. Those shiny missiles will hunted down by F-35s will Electro-optic sensors and F-15E will be hunting them with Air-to-ground missiles like the new SLAM-ER which is like an thousand time better than mavericks used in Iraq war. US stagetic bombers will destroy Iranian Air Bases with JDAMS and Cluster monitions will wipe out Iranian Tank units in battle Station without Air cover. Any Iranian Aircraft that is still standing that dares to challenge american rule of the skies would be decimated by BVR combat aided by US AWACS and Eagle Eyes.
@gambit LOL did you see those A6-Growlers flying in close combat formation :D? Unbelievable stupid. Why would an Electronic warfare aircraft from the US Navy fly with USAF F-22s in an combat mission?

You've fell for the Israeli trap of regarding Iran as an enemy. Iran and the US are conducting direct negotiations and may be future partners. Don't let Israeli rhetoric get in the way of that. Americans don't need to boast about their capabilities or regard enemies of Israel as enemies of America. If it's that easy to get you to fall into the trap then this nation will always be at the service of Israel. Israel will fight it's enemies to the last American.
we feel sorry for Americans too, you better continuing your delusions and star wars with other planets and in reality beg Taliban to free your soldier in Afghanistan.
obviously the video isn't based on reality, cause in reality American's ships and bases within 2000km range will be destroyed in the first minutes of the war, your planes wont even have the chance to take off.
we feel sorry for Americans too, you better continuing your delusions and star wars with other planets and in reality beg Taliban to free your soldier in Afghanistan.
obviously the video isn't based on reality, cause in reality American's ships and bases within 2000km range will be destroyed in the first minutes of the war, your planes wont even have the chance to take off.

You shouldn't over do it either. :D

Reality is such an attack could take place but nobody knows how it will play out.
we feel sorry for Americans too, you better continuing your delusions and star wars with other planets and in reality beg Taliban to free your soldier in Afghanistan.
obviously the video isn't based on reality, cause in reality American's ships and bases within 2000km range will be destroyed in the first minutes of the war, your planes wont even have the chance to take off.
LOL, @Abii What's your opinion? :lol:
You shouldn't over do it either. :D

Reality is such an attack could take place but nobody knows how it will play out.
well, you can think whatever way you like, but when RQ-170 was captured, our missile bases were ready to launch such a scenario, it's not like we let their planes get into sky and then see what would happen.
some of them will manage to take off, some of them will be shot down, and for the rest which manage to escape, there would be no home. specially if it's a carrier.
we feel sorry for Americans too, you better continuing your delusions and star wars with other planets and in reality beg Taliban to free your soldier in Afghanistan.
obviously the video isn't based on reality, cause in reality American's ships and bases within 2000km range will be destroyed in the first minutes of the war, your planes wont even have the chance to take off.
Let me help you dig that grave. With what exactly are you going to destroy their bases with? Saddam's slightly improved scud missiles?

You're a barking dog Mohsen. A barking dog under chains that have been put on you by the Americans themselves. They have the ability to tighten it at will, loosen it or even choke you whenever they please. The sanctions, the embargoes, the international isolation, the demonization of your country, the crippled military... these are all the effects of that chain which you say you can break.

Break that chain today if you can.
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