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Message from the Mosque - What are the Imams saying

Maulana Mukhtar Hussain - Shi'ite - Chakwal

Talking about some Shia principles. I cannot summarize due to my lack of knowledge about these terms.

The great Shia scholar Syed Murtaza wrote his great book Ilm al-Huda and no less a person than Ali the Master of Universe gave him the honorific name of mujtahid. Syed Murtaza narrates in his book that once Qaisar the personal servant of Ali came to the door of Fatima Batool wife of Ali and knocked. Out came maid Fizza who was said to be the princess of Abyssinia but preferred serving Hazrat Fatima.

Qaisar asked about Ali but Fizza said Ali was busy visiting the sky and the signs of Zodiac. He asked why was Ali travelling the skies; and Fizza replied that he had gone there to distribute sustenance (rizq) to all living beings and had also gone to award vacations to the angels. Qaisar’s reaction was that Fizza had become Kafir and was given to exaggeration (ghulu) and was therefore to be reprimanded. He ran to Ali who was then busy doing labour at the orchard of a Jew.

Ands then he related the entire episode about Fizza’s claim about Ali visiting the Heavens. Hazrat Ali smiled and asked if he disbelieved what Fizza had said. Qaisar replied but you are here standing in front of me, how could you be in the skies? Ali asked him to come close. And he showed him a vision through his fingers. There were all the signs of the sky in front of him with Ali deciding matters of life and death, sending the angels on vacations, leading namaz and delivering khutba.

Qaisar fell to his knees on this and begged forgiveness. He said he did not know him as well as Ali did about himself or the maid Fizza. It is established in responsible sources that Hazrat Fizza was higher in status than all the men Companions put together.

But on one point even the scholars of Islam (ulema) are silent. And on who is deserving of the blessing of Allah more: Hazrat Fizza or Hazrat Sulaiman Farsi. Hazrat Salman has high status because once the Prophet PBUH said Salman you are from my family! Elsewhere he said Salman is higher in rank than Luqman and Salman is a Gate of Allah on earth. It is not Salman who wants to go to Paradise but Paradise that is keen to receive him.

Some Shias believe that earthly life if zahir (of appearance). Allah made first the 12 infallible imams and for their sake made the Universe later. Once Hazrat Hussain began to narrate the attributes of Ali to Salman and Ali felt it from afar and came quickly to Hussain and putting his hand on Hussain’s mouth said don’t describe all the attributes to Salman he does not have the capacity to bear their narration.

Once Salman and Fizza were talking together and Salman was trying to convince Fizza that his status was higher than hers. Fizza said yes you are the servant and I am the slave but on the Day of Judgement you will still be waiting in the Plain of Final Day while I will have entered Paradise before you. Salam said careful Fizza the Prophet PBUH has called me a member of his family. Fizza replied I will not deny that you will be in Paradise but the fact is that I will be there first. Salman retorted: even before Ali? Fizza replied yes even before the Prophet PBUH himself

Salman could not bear this and ran to where the Prophet PBUH was seated. He knew through ghaib (secretly) what had transpired and said let us go and talk to Fizza. When interrogated, Fizza most respectfully stated that the Prophet PBUH had told a gathering that the first entrant to Paradise would be his daughter Fatima who would be mounted on a she-camel made of Light whose lead-rope would be held by Fizza. Would not that make me the first entrant to Paradise?

I swear that the status that has fallen to the share of Fizza has not been given to any male Companion.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

lolzzz who cares and who knows them. and who knows what is Mashalbooks and why they are working on this project.
SG why you peddling your own biased view.

I give a damn to whatever they are saying.

What i know is that hardly few people listen to khutbas these days. The sermons are given on fridaydays and people only rush to mosques for Friday prayers at the last minute.

Anyway i feel its more for projection of this mashal whatever books project which we btw dont know anything about.

BTW i am all happy with our area mosques' imams who on Friday almost since all these years are talking about human values.
lolzzz who cares and who knows them. and who knows what is Mashalbooks and why they are working on this project.

Any rational academic with an interest in sociology of religion will be interested besides the average inquisitive mind is interested to know what's being taught to people in Khutbas. I've shared these with a number of people earlier, but thought it's time to share them with a larger group.

SG why you peddling your own biased view.

I am merely summarizing. Please tell me where I posted my biased views?

I give a damn to whatever they are saying.

Perhaps you wanted to say, "I don't give a damn".

What i know is that hardly few people listen to khutbas these days. The sermons are given on fridaydays and people only rush to mosques for Friday prayers at the last minute.

A large percentage listens to them and they are broadcasted over the entire neigbourhood on loud speakers. I feel bad to say this, but as a women you don't realize how large an effect Friday sermons have.

Denying the reality and the usual "show in negative light arguments" are for people living in utter denial of what's happening around us.

Anyway i feel its more for projection of this mashal whatever books project which we btw dont know anything about.

Mashal Books is an old venture. They translate books on science and other areas into Urdu.

:: MASHAL BOOKS :: Pakistan

Mashal Foundation also runs a number of schools (around a dozen maybe) in villages outside major cities.
The use of offensive terms by some Imams is unnecessary. A religious sermon should be pure and educational, as if the listeners are being taught a lesson.

Using profanities against leaders or opposers doesn't really come across well. Ayub Khan controlled Mullahs very well during his tenure and thus kept Pakistan safe from incited extremism.
Someone should control these "Imams", they are the cause of the poisoned mindset found in a substantial number of our populace.

The level of Jahalat shown by these hate mongorers is alarming but expected. These are the same people who wrecked Kashmir committee in the 30's, they opposed and cursed Pakistan before it's creation and today they are destroying it from within.

The day we get rid of these Jahils and actually get learned imams who preach a universal message, we will be much better off.

All these sermons you would hear would have one thing in common, hatred against someone and call for violence. No wonder there see so many people willing to become terrorists.

May Allah help us.

The local community should....

People living in a locality should have the oversight over the local school, mosque and medical facility. They should take responsibility over the standards maintained at these institutions. The management of each mosque should be given to the local union council (or any other suitable organizational unit).

Strict anti-hate speech and libel laws should be introduced.
Some people are profoundly influenced by these Khutbas, I have relatives who belong to various sects and they utter a lot of nonsense after listening to some Imam on a violent mission.

When people are easy to manipulate, you can tell them complete nonsense, it would akwats leave a mark on them, I am speaking from experience in my local area.
Any rational academic with an interest in sociology of religion will be interested besides the average inquisitive mind is interested to know what's being taught to people in Khutbas. I've shared these with a number of people earlier, but thought it's time to share them with a larger group.

I am merely summarizing. Please tell me where I posted my biased views?

Perhaps you wanted to say, "I don't give a damn".

A large percentage listens to them and they are broadcasted over the entire neigbourhood on loud speakers. I feel bad to say this, but as a women you don't realize how large an effect Friday sermons have.

Denying the reality and the usual "show in negative light arguments" are for people living in utter denial of what's happening around us.

Mashal Books is an old venture. They translate books on science and other areas into Urdu.

:: MASHAL BOOKS :: Pakistan

Mashal Foundation also runs a number of schools (around a dozen maybe) in villages outside major cities.

Thank you on info about Mashal seriously i dint know and dont want to go into details what they doing because who can benefit from scientific work translated into difficult urdu and with pure science/terms translated into strange words.

As far as the bold parts honestly atleast in my province most of the areas i know people hardly listen to these sermons.

Only one areas called Hazara division there is this trend of listening to these sermons and i must support T-Faz's comments here, and in the light of these comments what i have noticed that there these imams peddle political party lines which is unfortunate.

I stand by my words we here in KP hardly listen to these sermons and in the colony where i live its a such a large colony, here we dont listen to what they say even they are using loudspeakers
Hafiz Muhammad Binyamin Abid
- Ahl e Hadith - Khanewal

Morality, self control and zina (adultery/fornication), happening of the Day of Judgment and final days, other sins.

Allah says don’t even go near Zina (fornication) but that doesn’t mean that if someone is doing it you should not go near him. What is meant is that this curse of the Cable TV and other things that suggest Zina should be avoided. The Zina is in your home. Allah says He comes down to the First Heaven at tahajjud (dawn prayer) but that is the time when your Cable also starts its gandh (dirt) or suggestion of Zina.

Allah in His Heaven says come to me so that I may forgive you your sins, but you are at that time sitting and watching dance. Our Prophet PBUH said when my umma (nation) becomes shameless it will start suffering from weakness and diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, and cancer.

When shamelessness prevails then Zina comes to the fore and when Zina becomes common the human body succumbs to disease. You commit sin and Allah has punished you for it.

The Prophet PUBUH says more: My umma will become dishonest in measures near the Last Day. People will give less but be paid for more. Goods will sell in various adulterated brands, numbering one and two and three. If you go the market you won’t get even poison in pure form.

The Prophet PBUH said that near Last Day people will have untold wealth and will not pay Zakat because a person who doesn’t know how much he has cannot pay Zakat. Then the rains will stop in the skies. There will be rain out of season. The Prophet PBUH also said that people will not obey either Allah or the Prophet PBUH. They will abandon the guidance of the Quran and the Hadith.

Those present here may be offended but please tell me if you obey the hadith of the Prophet PBUH. He said keep your beard but how many of you keep it? They say there is no need to keep the beard. The Prophet PBUH said don’t listen to songs and don’t see dances. Our answer is that if we don’t listen to songs we cannot survive. He said don’t drink wine and our answer is if we don’t drink wine the pain of our hearts doesn’t go away.

The Prophet PBUH said don’t do business with Riba (usury or bank interest) but here everyone big and small borrows money on interest. The big landlord and the small farmer all go to the bank and involve themselves with Riba. Think: are you following the Prophets of Allah?

The Prophet PBUH said doing business on the basis of Riba is tantamount to making war against Allah. And you say the country can’t run without interest. The Prophet PBUH said that working on the basis of Riba is like doing Zina with one’s mother. This is the hadith which we have abandoned.

The Prophet PBUH said near the Last Day people will know the Quran and Hadith but will not act on them. It is for such soiled people that the Day of Judgement will be inflicted. People who take the easy advice but ignore the divine laws are the soiled people and will be punished through the imposition of foreign masters.

The infliction of scourge will be on those whose sons are ignorant of the Quran and Sunna but know the dance of each Indian prostitute (kanjri). They know the name of each dirty film. It is on these that foreign masters will be imposed. The real scourge is that the house is yours but the literature lying inside is not yours. The law of your country is not Allah’s but that which the English gave you. It is a scourge from Allah that all your laws are American. Show me a single law that is yours. This is because you have abandoned Allah and his Prophet PBUH.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Hafiz Muhammad Binyamin Abid | Message from the Mosque
Maulana Ataur Rehman - Deobandi - Gujrat

Day of Judgment and final days, effects of greed, Governance and importance of Adl (justice).

The Prophet PBUH said that there are seven people whom Allah will take into the shaded shelter on the Day of Judgment. The earth will be like heated bronze, and the Sun so close it will look like it was descending on one’s house. Other prophets too use the same words of description. Everyone for himself!

There will be some who will sweat with embarrassment on having their sins revealed to them. But rest will come only to those who have performed the task of leading the people whether at home or outside, whether in the battle or in the city, etc. Such a person is called imam. What should be the qualities of an imam?

I will give you an example. A farmer bought a piece of land but when he ploughed it he discovered a buried treasure there. The farmer took the treasure and went to the man he had bought the land from. He said I had bought a piece of land from you but not this millions worth of gold, therefore, you must take this gold as it belongs to you. The seller said I sold the land and whatever was in it; therefore this gold too belongs to you.

After this argumentation could not end they approached the ruler of the area. Had the ruler been of our times he would have said leave the gold here and go home, after which he would transferred the gold to a bank account in Switzerland, meaning that you are not deserving of using this gold but the Swiss people are!

Those who lived in the times of General Ayub will recall that gold was discovered and laid in water but when gold was taken out of water it had turned to iron!

But going back to the dispute of two people which is mentioned in hadith, the just ruler told asked the two if they had offspring. One had a son and the other a daughter. The just ruler ordered they marry the two off and give the gold in dowry to both.

One a just imam became caliph and found that most land was unfairly grabbed by people, so he ordered that all land unfairly acquired should be confiscated. The people became unhappy and thought about getting rid of the just caliph. They soon found out that he listened only to his aunt and to no one else. They went to the aunt and said your nephew has confiscated all the lands that an earlier ruler had given us. Please tell him to return the lands given to us by his predecessor.

The aunt told the ruler to have mercy on his people ‘who have been pauperised by your confiscation’. The just ruler gave no answer but asked for a piece of meat and put a piece of iron into on fire. When the iron became red hot he put the piece of meat on it. It started sizzling and giving off smell. He then turned to his aunt and said do you want me to burn in Hell like this? The Aunt said no she would not want that.

The just ruler said whatever I have done is according to the word of Allah. I have done justice. Whatever the Umayyads had looted I have confiscated for the state. This just ruler was Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz. The imam of this kind will be in the shaded shelter of Allah on the Day of Judgement when everything will burn. This Caliph wandered the streets of Madina to see that no one suffered under him.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-


PS : I have to say that when you want to teach morality - do not make up stories to do so - because that itself is a violation of moral standards about lying. I am of course referring to the reverse alchemy that supposedly happened in Ayub's time.
Thank you on info about Mashal seriously i dint know and dont want to go into details what they doing because who can benefit from scientific work translated into difficult urdu and with pure science/terms translated into strange words.

Actually, it's more like Carl Sagan and other popularizing science work that they have translated besides philosophy, political science and other humanities. English terms are used when Urdu terms are non-existent or not normally known.

As far as the bold parts honestly atleast in my province most of the areas i know people hardly listen to these sermons.

Only one areas called Hazara division there is this trend of listening to these sermons and i must support T-Faz's comments here, and in the light of these comments what i have noticed that there these imams peddle political party lines which is unfortunate.

I stand by my words we here in KP hardly listen to these sermons and in the colony where i live its a such a large colony, here we dont listen to what they say even they are using loudspeakers

I maintain that they have a large effect and they represent the thought of the religious community - not as in followers but preachers. You, of course, can maintain your views.
Maulana Zahid Mehmood Qasimi - Deobandi - Attock

Minister for Religious Affairs, Hamid Mehmood Kazmi called a mushrik after shouting unproven allegations (why was he attacked?) that can provoke attacks, violent outbursts against Qadianis and followed by - wait for it - spewing of poison against Barelvis. So much for communal harmony. Imam Sahib praises SSP leader Ludhianvi as well.

To listen to the audio or read the Urdu transcription, follow this link:-

Maulana Zahid Mehmood Qasimi | Message from the Mosque[/url

janab, what is the purpose of this thread ? I am from Attock and i Know People of Attock, They Are Very Polite and patient , i never heared such molvi in attock , just one Alim is very popular among people of Attock and his name Is Moulana Tariq JameeL.
Most people will just sideline all this work as made up with no proof. Anyone could have recorded those voices. These kind of Khutbahs do not happen in Pakistan or not where I go. The mosque where I went had a man taking donations for Taliban. Should I have asked him which Taliban's was he supporting?
janab, what is the purpose of this thread ? I am from Attock and i Know People of Attock, They Are Very Polite and patient , i never heared such molvi in attock , just one Alim is very popular among people of Attock and his name Is Moulana Tariq JameeL.

Purpose of the project is socio-religious research on an important issue. Purpose of thread is to share project recordings.

You of course do not know everything about Attock and cannot claim to do so. Nobody can claim knowledge of everything from his city. Your observations about the people are not necessarily wrong. Imam's sermon does not people of Attock embrace these values.

The recording is available on the link attached. Please follow and listen to it. The location of this recording is stated as Lalazar Stadium, Attock. The website provides name of imam, location, name of masjid (sometimes) and sect. If you think that it's a fake recording not from the place the project website states, you are more than welcome to contact them.

Moreover, considering your generalization, not everybody follows the Tableeghi Jamaat (Tariq Jamil) as well. There is a large opposition to the TJ from different sects as well. My point is that sweeping generalization are useless. Tariq Jamil is not the religious leader of Attock in entirety, no does this Imam represent Attock in entirety. I, or the project itself, does not suggest and it was never stated that a single imam is representative of the views of an entire city.

I seriously hope that widening of your intellectual horizon will make you see why generalizations are bad.

Most people will just sideline all this work as made up with no proof. Anyone could have recorded those voices. These kind of Khutbahs do not happen in Pakistan or not where I go. The mosque where I went had a man taking donations for Taliban. Should I have asked him which Taliban's was he supporting?

That is called living in denial and attacking the messenger instead of the message. The project provides all necessary details. I'm not sure why they have to prove the authenticity to some people living in denial - not that there is any legitimate reason to doubt the authenticity.
Informative thread. Maybe this can open up the minds and eyes of the followers to logic what they believe in.

Nice work SW!
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